Explore The Most Popular Adventure Novels (Completed)
The Dreamwalker's Path
31 Chapters -
Aliens Moved My Cheese
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Death's Apprentice
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If I Could Tell It
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The Illyrian Series: The Oracle Of Rosedale
31 Chapters -
Rocalla's Saga: Arrival
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Eclipse: the Beginning
31 Chapters -
The Thorian Sagas. 1. The Trader.
26 Chapters -
The Defiant
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Through The Storm
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Mitchell's Revenge
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The eye of the lion
53 Chapters -
23 Chapters -
A Tale That Could Not Be
36 Chapters -
Enchanted High Book I
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Truth: A Valkyrie Saga Book 3
29 Chapters -
Gabriel Elder book II of the Warlock Series
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Tegus: and the Shards of Solaster
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Humans Bite Back
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25 Chapters -
Primitive Instinct: The Journey Home
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Heed My Warnings and Survive (Second Draft)
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A Summer Of Missing Princesses
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The Scalian Legacy
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