Explore The Recently Updated Novels
The Blood of the Everlasting
29 Chapters -
The Unexpected Princess
17 Chapters -
The Illyrian Series: The Oracle Of Rosedale
31 Chapters -
32 Chapters -
12 Chapters -
Dragon’s Breath
42 Chapters -
Envious Desire
65 Chapters -
Blade of Erogrund
45 Chapters -
Savage Kingdom
39 Chapters -
The Green Grass Fox
46 Chapters -
44 Chapters -
The Faerie Slayer
41 Chapters -
13 Chapters -
Six of Ruin (Heirs of Irenwell #1)
55 Chapters -
The Wolf Queen
29 Chapters -
The Bridge Between Worlds
25 Chapters -
The Sin's Virtue
40 Chapters -
Queen of Death
38 Chapters -
One of a Kind Dragon
15 Chapters -
Her Witch, Her Demon [WxW]
21 Chapters -
And her name is…
72 Chapters -
Legends of Nahvra: The Koldryth Beast
10 Chapters -
The Primordials: Death's Fury (Book One)
54 Chapters -
Apprentice of Death
21 Chapters