Explore The Recently Updated Fantasy Novels (Completed)
The Second Coming
18 Chapters -
10 Chapters -
TFS: Burnt Earth
53 Chapters -
The Spade Chronicles Book 0: Eagles Rising
26 Chapters -
Three Days in Heaven
11 Chapters -
Kingdom Tales Book 2: Balance
22 Chapters -
Blood for Honor
12 Chapters -
The Dreamwalker's Path
31 Chapters -
Champions of Serenity: Destiny Fulfilled
36 Chapters -
Shadows in Light
27 Chapters -
The Dying Light (Bloodwitch #1)
27 Chapters -
The Templar Chronicles: Freedom's Price
14 Chapters -
The Forbidden Compass Trilogy: Book One- Caged
21 Chapters -
Something Else
15 Chapters -
The Boudreaux Sisters
20 Chapters -
Contagion - Plans of Deception - Book One.
18 Chapters -
Seekers of the Stone Maker
49 Chapters -
Julia Lelieveld and the battle with the underworld
28 Chapters -
Empress of the Gods
56 Chapters -
Fate's Path
22 Chapters -
The Knight Who Sought a Crone
11 Chapters -
Darx Circle
45 Chapters -
The Brat's Final Gambit
45 Chapters -
At the end where Destiny awaits: Book 6 of the Kinstone series
52 Chapters