Big City Darkened Nights -
#13 - clerics
Seeing too many ghosts of the past King Halford gets his mind off them, “Anyway Carr, what I was getting to. I know full well if Captain Avilo and his men hadn’t come along,” winking once while leaning forward, “you would’ve tried take the whole treasure. Wouldn’t you?”
Being stared through Carr hesitates answering, only nodding slightly.
“Of course,” King Halford grins, “I would too. So, knowing who raised you, I figured your morals would either be the same or opposite.”
The rogue wonders where he’s going, “My morals? Are you telling me you knew? Elija, right?”
Making Carr aware Halford starts to fill them in, “I was told a band of thugs were hanging out in my city. Elija sends word they’re in his place. I already knew and was on my way there with a couple dozen men. Some were inside when you entered, to keep an eye on the wanderers. The rest were outside lurking around, while I chatted with Elija. A page runs over telling me that a young, known male entered the city as well. Elija knew it was you from the armor and title. He told me the basics about you.”
Considering Sandra as more than a face he can’t place Carr’s curious, “Did you two have the barmaid suggest an ambush to me?”
With a pat on Carr’s shoulder Gaylord finishes, “Thanks for making them simple ones.” He turns to the King and bows, “Good night your majesty.”
Watching Gaylord walk away Halford smiles, knowing the cleric doesn’t have to address him that way, “Fun guy, that Gaylord. I didn’t tell anybody about an ambush. Not my way. Maybe Elija paid her. Didn’t know he had a barmaid? Thought his wife was too cheap for that.”
“Me too. She’s pretty as well. Elija said his wife told him to hire her,” Carr sighs, “I can’t believe I was set up.”
Feeling bad for him Junior says, “I didn’t know.”
“None of them did.” King Halford advises, “Working alone you know the less told to others makes for better results when scheming. I didn’t know how it was going to work out. I even sent a group of mercenaries down the coast. Making sure if they were taking the treasure to the sea, they could be intercepted.” Halford laughs, “I think they are still searching.”
Discouraged with the gate-keeper Carr mutters, “And I paid the keeper for good information when I entered the city.”
Halford glances at Avilo, “Do the men still do that?”
The Captain doesn’t approve but they’re not his men, “I’ve heard that sir.”
Shaking his head Halford notifies them, “Well Ralston, don’t be paying them. So, you know, whatever a man can show he was bribed. I will pay twice to get their information.”
The saddled horse starts to make sense to Carr, “Did you send word to have a horse ready?”
Halford nods pointing out, “The man arrived to find the stablemaster already saddling the horse.” The King leans forward with a knowing grin, “So how does Bolt handle? My children were so disappointed that they didn’t get to see your first ride.”
Carr attempts to amuse the King, “Well clear the main road and I’ll try it again for them.” Seeing the King not smile he answers, “But that horse is certainly faster than any other I’ve ridden.”
Not seeing it either Junior has to ask, “What happened?”
“Well,” Carr rubs his backside, “that horse just raced out from under me.”
Junior prefers seeing it happen to others.
Avilo has been there, “I’ve had some fast animals.”
Halford also. “I got Bolt in jest, for Elija. Sent men scouring the countryside for the fastest horse.”
Avilo clears his throat indicating himself as one.
Continuing Halford states, “When the ale gets dry Elija takes a horse and cart south. People would complain to him at how long it took for him to return. His reply, get me a faster horse.”
Bolt a fast horse isn’t the biggest, making Carr wonder how well Bolt could’ve pulled a cartload of kegs.
“Well,” Halford finishes, “we hooked the empty cart up. And that horse refused to move it. I too have tried to ride the animal, not well. Elija is scared to ride him. So, Willie seems to be the only one willing to take the horse out to the grasslands for a run.”
Carr inquires about the raid on the King’s vaults, “If you knew Lord Kapigorn and his boys were going to break in how did they? What happened to the other two, the Minotaur and the Ogre?”
Pausing to consider Carr’s questions Halford gives him the basics, “The Ogre was a mage and teleported the group in but only had enough power to teleport the five men and the treasures out. Being an Ogre, he fought to the death. The Minotaur, final rite of passage, must have been purely for a defensive block while the others made their getaway. Gladly none of my men died. Many of them wounded, I think Gaylord’s young apprentices are finally getting some experience with healing.”
“That’s good.” Avilo mentions, “I need a real medic. Clive can barely keep the banner in the air. I’ll tend to my own wounds; it’ll be less painful.”
Junior and Carr nod simultaneously. Noticing that they smile at each other.
“Yes Avilo. I’ll make sure we find you a suitable medic. For your cook?” Halford looks at Carr, “Ever think about joining up under me Carr?”
“Think?” Carr realizes something, “If I have too, you are the kinda King I’d have respect for. But if you’re telling me I’m not going to imprisoned.”
“Imprisoned?” Halford chuckles, “For returning part of the royal treasure. No, besides you were weaved into the scenario.”
Relieved to still be free Carr boldly comments, “Thank you for the invitation to join your ranks. I was glad it was you King Halford that I got the treasure, inadvertently, back for. Does this mean there’s a reward too?”
Junior and the sentries’ mouths drop at the query. The only one offended is Avilo, believing the act of returning is the greatest reward.
Laughing loudly Halford states, “Yeah he’s just like his father.” Pointing to Carr’s prior wounds, “That was first. Can’t have you bleeding on the floors. A formal dinner is underway. They’ll send someone when it’ ready.”
Even though the healing was appreciated Carr is hoping for something else, “Thank you sir that is most generous of you.”
The King knows from Carr’s eyes he’s still thinking of something more valuable. Wondering what it would take to buy his services, if there is a need, “Elija says you originally came to my city for supplies and a new suit of armor. Is that right?”
“Yes, your Majesty it is,” Carr respectfully states.
“So, for that I have men making a list of everything someone would need over a winter. I also have agreed to pay the remainder of the armorist’s fee. You must’ve really wanted it for the price you were paying.”
A bit surprised to hear these things Avilo is internally pleased for giving Carr the benefit of doubt, “You really did just happen into all of this?”
Shrugging Carr replies, “Yup, I heard the chance for gold and went for it. If I had known a Lord was involved, I would have stayed out of it.”
Avilo queries. “Respect for a family name?”
“Not so much the family name.” Carr expresses a little wisdom, “If two royals are scheming against each other it’s best to stay out of it.” Turning to The King, “No offense is wished your Majesty but that’s why I’d rather not be in someone’s army.”
Certainly not offended Halford points out, “It’s why I did the things I did in my youth.” The King explains events of the recent past leading to the heist.
Kapigorn’s mines have been running out of ore for years. Their treasure houses were depleting. Without ore to trade, food was becoming scarce. It’s said Orc’s are the only living things left in their territory.
Informing the group Avilo says that he didn’t even see a fly or mosquito. Crossing past dead warriors, it was noted no maggots were ever seen or carrion birds.
King Kapigorn became desperate and sent warriors to raid neighboring territories. The Orcs only hit Halford’s territory and happened across a collections brigade. Halford wasn’t concerned about losing the royal tax collections, it was the killing of all the men Halford wanted revenge for.
Kapigorn had broken two longstanding treaties with Halford’s family and the Dwarven territory Vlaikid west of Kapigorn.
Dwarves were easily rallied into a long battle with the Orcs. At first the Dwarves were merely defending their territory but soon wanted to rid the Jliaxet mountain range of any Orc settlement including Kapigorn’s castle.
Scouts returned to Halford with news of the war going on. Halford knew now was the best time to strike out. The King points out at first it was only five hundred men that were being readied to go. But as word spread out men and mercenaries from across the territory came to volunteer their lives to the cause.
Pausing the story Halford says. “I didn’t really want to exterminate the Kapigorn’s clans. The people of these lands surely did and the King likes his people to be happy.”
A plan was created between the Vlaikid Dwarves and Halford’s army. Vlaikid made the first attack against the Castle Kapigorn. Drawing the full attention of its dwindling numbers. The Dwarves purposely over shot many catapults launches to knock down a section of the rear wall. Allowing Halfords army to gain entrance into the castle, before the Orcs could redirect their defenses.
Being there Avilo points to Kapigorn’s major downfall as not enough archers. Halford says the Orcs are usually the ones trying to get past walls, so equipping and training archers isn’t a priority.
The Kapigorn clan was one of the few to escape the siege. While the Dwarves took care of remaining Orcs, Halford’s actual army, were taking care of the remains in the Kapigorn vaults.
King Halford tells Carr, “My mage is looking into your hag problem. When he can tell us something I’ll see what I can do for you. Alright?”
Ever so thankful Carr says, “That would be greatly appreciated your majesty.” Still wanting for something else he bravely asks, “King Halford your hospitality and understanding is the best reward. You’ve allowed me so much. Some rulers would have me killed to tie up the loose ends.” Pausing to think if that will be his fate.
Knowing he’s after more the King folds his arms making a precarious statement, “I see there’s something else you’ve seen. You’re willing to trade a request for.”
Carr hears the words correctly, “Yes, your majesty. The thieves had at least nine of these, bags.”
Tilting his head Halford thinks about the request, “A bag, you’re asking for a bag? And in a group of familiars calling me sir is preferred.”
“Okay sir,” Carr explains figuring Halford might not have seen the treasure yet. “There’s a bunch of magical bags. I just would like one. They would be handy for someone in my profession.”
Unaware Halford does know the kind of bags he speaks of, “Oh, they were carrying bottomless bags? I’m sure that could be easily arranged. The bag will be empty of course and I would like it if I could call upon your services one day.”
If only Carr could go back to this moment in time. He answers without thinking of all the future possibilities, “I would gladly be willing to hear a further request sir.”
Just the answer Halford always wanted to hear from Carr’s father, “I’m glad to hear that. But I have nothing for you right now maybe some year.”
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