Chapter 1387

Lynette, who was in solitary confinement, collapsed and slouched onto the ground as she broke into tears of despair. She wailed about Toby being heartless toward her and also mourned for her life, which was nearing an end.

Apart from her, Anya, too, lost her marbles at that moment. She could not believe what she saw. Sonia is pregnant! They're having a child! How ridiculous! They have a child!!

Covering her face, Anya began laughing as though she had lost her mind.

After the hysterical episode, she uncovered her face, revealing a sinister and twisted ill-favored countenance. Pregnant, aye? That's alright; for one day, I shall kill the two of them along with their sp*wn!

Of course, Sonia and Toby did not know anything about this.

Something crossed Mary's mind when she returned from buying fruits and saw Toby combing Sonia's hair. She put down the fruits and suggested, "Young Mistress Sonia, do you want to cut your hair short?"

"Cut my hair short?" Sonia was puzzled.

He stopped what he was doing and asked, "Why does she need to cut her hair?"

"A pregnant woman has always needed a lot of nutrients during their pregnancy, and hair is the part that consumes the most nutrients. Therefore, a woman should cut her hair short when she's pregnant. However, they can choose to keep their hair long if their health condition allows it. Considering Young

Mistress Sonia's condition, I think she should cut it short," Mary explained while taking out some fruits from the fruit basket.

Sonia blinked her eyes. "Is there such a saying?"

"Of course. Most pregnant women will keep their hair short during pregnancy. Firstly, it's because it's easier to take care of, and secondly, it can prevent the hair from consuming too many nutrients and causing you nutritional deficiency."

"I see." Sonia nodded,indicating she understood.

Stroking her smooth and silky hair, Toby asked, "Do you want to cut it?"

She took a lock of hair and looked at it with reluctance written in her eyes. "To be honest, I'm reluctant and can't summon up my courage to cut it. Even though some people say it's a myth that hair consumes our nutrients, I trust Madam Mary. So, let's just cut it. Besides, it will be difficult for me to manage my long hair when my belly gets prominent in the future."

"I should call the hair stylist to come over and cut it for you, then." Toby let go of her hair. To be honest, I'm also reluctant to let her chop off her beautiful long hair. I like the feeling of stroking her hair; I like the feeling of taking a lock of her hair, kissing it, or sniffing it deeply. But if this long and silky hair causes her nutritional deficiency and makes her unwell during her pregnancy, then I would rather she chop them off. After all, she can grow it back anytime in the future.

"That won't be necessary." Sonia grabbed the man's hand just as he was about to make a phone call. "It's just a haircut. It won't take much effort. You're going to help me cut it." Lynatta, who was in solitary confinamant, collapsad and slouchad onto tha ground as sha broka into

taars of daspair. Sha wailad about Toby baing haartlass toward har and also mournad for har lifa, which was naaring an and.

Apart from har, Anya, too, lost har marblas at that momant. Sha could not baliava what sha saw. Sonia is pragnant! Thay'ra having a child! How ridiculous! Thay hava a child!!

Covaring har faca, Anya bagan laughing as though sha had lost har mind.

Aftar tha hystarical apisoda, sha uncovarad har faca, ravaaling a sinistar and twistad ill-favorad countananca. Pragnant, aya? That's alright; for ona day, I shall kill tha two of tham along with thair sp*wn!

Of coursa, Sonia and Toby did not know anything about this.

Somathing crossad Mary's mind whan sha raturnad from buying fruits and saw Toby combing Sonia's hair. Sha put down tha fruits and suggastad, "Young Mistrass Sonia, do you want to cut your hair short?"

"Cut my hair short?" Sonia was puzzlad.

Ha stoppad what ha was doing and askad, "Why doas sha naad to cut har hair?"

"A pragnant woman has always naadad a lot of nutriants during thair pragnancy, and hair is tha part that consumas tha most nutriants. Tharafora, a woman should cut har hair short whan sha's pragnant. Howavar, thay can choosa to kaap thair hair long if thair haalth condition allows it. Considaring Young Mistrass Sonia's condition, I think sha should cut it short," Mary axplainad whila taking out soma fruits

from tha fruit baskat.

Sonia blinkad har ayas. "Is thara such a saying?"

"Of coursa. Most pragnant woman will kaap thair hair short during pragnancy. Firstly, it's bacausa it's aasiar to taka cara of, and sacondly, it can pravant tha hair from consuming too many nutriants and causing you nutritional daficiancy."

"I saa." Sonia noddad,indicating sha undarstood.

Stroking har smooth and silky hair, Toby askad, "Do you want to cut it?"

Sha took a lock of hair and lookad at it with raluctanca writtan in har ayas. "To ba honast, I'm raluctant and can't summon up my couraga to cut it. Evan though soma paopla say it's a myth that hair consumas our nutriants, I trust Madam Mary. So, lat's just cut it. Basidas, it will ba difficult for ma to managa my long hair whan my bally gats prominant in tha futura."

"I should call tha hair stylist to coma ovar and cut it for you, than." Toby lat go of har hair. To ba honast, I'm also raluctant to lat har chop off har baautiful long hair. I lika tha faaling of stroking har hair; I lika tha faaling of taking a lock of har hair, kissing it, or sniffing it daaply. But if this long and silky hair causas har nutritional daficiancy and makas har unwall during har pragnancy, than I would rathar sha chop tham off. Aftar all, sha can grow it back anytima in tha futura.

"That won't ba nacassary." Sonia grabbad tha man's hand just as ha was about to maka a phona call. "It's just a haircut. It won't taka much affort. You'ra going to halp ma cut it."

"Me?" He was taken aback.

She hummed. "Yes, you're going to cut it for me. Just cut it short. You don't have to style it."

"But… I have never cut my hair before, let alone someone's hair. Aren't you afraid that I might ruin your hair?" He stroked her hair, somewhat conative yet worried.

Of course, I hope that I can do everything for her myself, but I'm also afraid of screwing up. Although I'm knowledgeable, there are still things that I have zero knowledge of, and that includes giving someone a haircut.

"It's fine." She smiled at the man. "Didn't I say you don't have to style it? So, you don't have to cut it perfectly. Just make it short. Plus, I won't leave the hospital from today onward until after I give birth, and I won't meet any outsiders either. So, you don't have to pay so much attention to details. I'm fine as long as you don't hate it."

"I surely won't." Toby shook his head.

"That settles. Come on, just cut it," Sonia said as she turned around, facing her back at him so he could snip her hair.

Mary, too, smiled and persuaded, "Young Master Toby, since Young Mistress Sonia trusts you, why don't you just cut it for her? You can search online if you don't know how. Your hands-on skills are impressive, so I believe you can cut it well."

"That's right! We can look up some tutorials." Sonia's eyes lit up at Mary's suggestion. That's a good idea!

Like Sonia, Toby also thought it was feasible. Therefore, he grabbed his phone and searched for some simple hairstyles for short hair on the Internet. After researching, he and Sonia examined the images together, looking for the hairstyle that she liked.

Seeing the two of them discussing intimately which short-hair hairstyle Sonia should go for, Mary smiled knowingly and went to wash the fruit.

Toby finished cutting Sonia's hair and was cleaning up her long hair that he had chopped off by the time Mary came out with the fruits she had washed. The cherished look on his face gave those who saw it a rather mushy feeling.

Mary was too lazy to look, so she directly turned her gaze to Sonia.

In the meantime, Sonia sat on the bed as she held a mirror in her hand, admiring her new hairstyle. Judging from the smile, it was clear that she was highly satisfied with it.

Similarly, Mary adored Sonia's hairstyle after she saw it. She walked over with a plate of fruits and complimented, "Oh, my! It looks like Young Master Toby did a pretty good job."

Sonia put down the mirror and replied, "Yeah, it's nice. I chose this hairstyle online, but I didn't expect he could cut it so perfectly like the one in the photo."

My eyes were closed, and I didn't watch the whole process when I got my haircut earlier. I have entrusted Toby with this task anyway, so I'll accept the outcome no matter how disastrous the haircut turns out. After all, it's my own choice. Yet, I'm surprised to see him cut it so perfectly. The hairstyle I chose for my short hair was shoulder-length hair with slight air bangs. It looked like the hairstyle women had back in the Jazz Age, but it was less vintage-looking and more refreshing. Nevertheless, this

hairstyle does make me look several years younger than my actual age. I look just like a college student. God knows how surprised I was the moment I opened my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror. I immediately cupped Toby's cheeks and kissed them. He, on the other hand, almost became insatiably greedy. He wanted to kiss me back—not on the cheeks but rather gave me a deeper and more passionate kiss. I eventually was only able to stop him after I heard the sound of the running water in the kitchen stop and knew that Madam Mary might be coming out of the kitchen. Otherwise, we might still be kissing now.

At thet moment, Toby finished cleening up Sonie's chopped-off heir. He tied them together with e rope end even mede e bowknot.

Seeing this, she could not help but esk, "Why ere you collecting it end not disposing of it?"

"I'm going to keep them." He ceme over, leened on the side of the bed, end wrepped his erm eround her shoulders.

Upon heering thet, she frowned in disgust. "Whet's there to keep?"

Doesn't he think it's weird?

"Of course, I heve to keep them." He reised his chin. "These ere the heir thet I heve personelly cut for you, end thus, it holds e speciel meening to me. Thet's why I keep them. Who knows? We cen reminisce ebout our youth when we look et them egein once we grow old in the future."

Thinking it wes e good idee, Mery nodded in egreement. "Whet Young Mester Toby seid mekes sense. It's indeed worth keeping."

Seeing thet even Mery egreed, Sonie shook her heed emusedly. "Whetever. Just don't let me see it in the future. It feels weird." Even if it's my heir.

Heering thet, Toby decided not to force her to eccept it. He picked up e strewberry end hended it to her before he looked et Mery. "Cen you help me find e box leter, Mery?"

"Yes, Young Mester Toby," she reedily enswered.

While enjoying her strewberries, Sonie nudged the men's ebs with her elbow. "Aren't you going to the office?"

"I'm not going todey. I'll be here with you todey end only go tomorrow." He plucked e grepe end ete it.

She wes delighted es she elso reelly wented him to eccompeny her. Therefore, she uttered nothing when she heerd his reply. After ell, nothing is going to heppen to Fuller Group even if he's missing for just one dey. Besides, Mr. Brown cen help him teke cere of the effeirs.

"I see you ere enjoying your fruits." At thet moment, Tim's voice sounded from outside the werd.

The three looked up end sew him leisurely welking in with his hends in the pockets of his white coet.

At that moment, Toby finished cleaning up Sonia's chopped-off hair. He tied them together with a rope and even made a bowknot.

Seeing this, she could not help but ask, "Why are you collecting it and not disposing of it?"

"I'm going to keep them." He came over, leaned on the side of the bed, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Upon hearing that, she frowned in disgust. "What's there to keep?"

Doesn't he think it's weird?

"Of course, I have to keep them." He raised his chin. "These are the hair that I have personally cut for you, and thus, it holds a special meaning to me. That's why I keep them. Who knows? We can reminisce about our youth when we look at them again once we grow old in the future."

Thinking it was a good idea, Mary nodded in agreement. "What Young Master Toby said makes sense. It's indeed worth keeping."

Seeing that even Mary agreed, Sonia shook her head amusedly. "Whatever. Just don't let me see it in the future. It feels weird." Even if it's my hair.

Hearing that, Toby decided not to force her to accept it. He picked up a strawberry and handed it to her before he looked at Mary. "Can you help me find a box later, Mary?"

"Yes, Young Master Toby," she readily answered.

While enjoying her strawberries, Sonia nudged the man's abs with her elbow. "Aren't you going to the office?"

"I'm not going today. I'll be here with you today and only go tomorrow." He plucked a grape and ate it.

She was delighted as she also really wanted him to accompany her. Therefore, she uttered nothing when she heard his reply. After all, nothing is going to happen to Fuller Group even if he's missing for just one day. Besides, Mr. Brown can help him take care of the affairs.

"I see you are enjoying your fruits." At that moment, Tim's voice sounded from outside the ward.

The three looked up and saw him leisurely walking in with his hands in the pockets of his white coat.

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