EarthBorn: First Days
A Taste of Man

Third Day 1st Quarter

Earth Thane with his two knights close by hurry across the glens towards grey camp and the forest edge , the slope but a short horizon behind it will be easy to spot the Rock Stacks once they spill over, Wayke holds the others up short of entering the morning lit wood , he steps as close as he can to the forest and freezes to listen to it’s whispers...

“ I hope you haven’t brought us here for nothing”... impatiently remarks Rune...”Just wait!”...Wayke says abruptly ...

..”SNAP”... A branch snaps high, Not seeing the perpetrator it startles Rune and Legion who draw weapons...

“Wayke what is this!”...Rune growls...

“Wait...Do Nothing!”...more and more branches begin to crackle from inside the wood but it is hard to see with so many, they look high up into the tree canopy six eyes picking out the silhouettes that distort the natural pattern of the still leaves and rigid sticks then, right before Wayke unheard unseen it reveals itself, dropping down feet away it looks timid, their meeting yesterday where king of the troop was felled still strong in their animalistic minds they yield but, not to Wayke, he steps aside, now One Legion now the apple of the apes eye, standing backlit by the rising sun divine to the creature it steps forward to Legion submissively bowing his head and extending his hand palm open, it is seeking acceptance from it’s new dominant bull, Legion looks to Rune bewildered, Thane nods him to be gracious and take the humble hand offered to him...”We need all the help we can get right now!”... Reluctantly Legion puts his left foot forward extends his huge hand equal to that of the formidable ape and rubs palm with the creature proclaiming himself the new King of the troop, witnessed in battle first hand they have unyielding loyalty to their king, to the death!...

The rest of the troop now comforted descend to the ground, all adults twenty six strong stand before the knights ready to die for One Legion, their newly crowned king, Rune looks to Earth heart in admiration...

“ Well it seems even on different worlds your genius does not falter does it great deceiver”... Wayke smirks but does not reply...“THERE THEY ARE!! TEAR THEM APART!”...the knights come about finding the forward chasers cresting the slope and steaming over the glens, The Knights tattoos begin to ripple pulsating in sub conscious uncontrollable waves , when all the dozens of Rock Stacks bare down unto them, the new ape troop flanks either side in defence of the knights and begin to get the adrenaline flowing with furious fist pounds and eager screams for blood, still outnumbered the Knights and their wild troop do not back away, the three of them slam their helmets down and the eyes charge to their neon excellence, One Legion at the front Raises his mighty weapon high and brings it to life, he unleashes a battle cry so loud and wounding Maidon and the army can hear it clearly now not far away still hastening through the forest...”WE MUST HURRY CAPTAIN GORE!”...

The knights with only a short sprint to engage they charge furiously troop too into their pursuers with all on the line heavily outnumbered, no mans land is quickly closed down and the winged sent soaring away with the ring and bash of the knights blades against the thick bone and strong parry’s of the cave men, they peak any of the cries of pain or bloodlust that quickly followed, the armour of the enemy superior to the rags of the berserkers before them it holds strong to anything but thrusts and Legions Warhammer, vulnerable points exploited at every opportunity rapid stabs in and out between the armours connections bring them down quickly. ..

Legion tears through the middle to the rear of the pack dragging any who try to hold on to him along the ground, his wild one handed swings come down breaking limbs, a whirlwind of blunt force trauma begins to work back to front ensuring every foe takes a crippling if not deadly strike, his newly found troop take small loses on the clash, the Rock stack pikes are not sticks or stones but well- crafted instruments of war, the successes few for the creatures but their primitive attacks leaving a dozen mortally wounded and many dazed and confused, brave animals doing all they can in defence of their king Legion.

For the first time Wayke holds nothing back, activating his gauntlet and drawing his axe he takes to the right flank unleashing both on the enemy in double shots of crushing punches followed by executioner style axe blows aiming only for the head and throat, his movements swift, constantly skating enemy to enemy as if he’s wings upon his boots.

Rune puts all into every swing and thrust, all his weight, using two hands his flawless strokes full in effort makes easy work puncturing armour and splintering pike shafts, he doesn’t wait for the enemy to approach him, working in a spiral motion moving faster then any can strike at him twice, deadlocks broken with his flawless blows using forehead and elbows , the front runners wearing out from a long chase and unrelenting opponents their number begins to fall rapid, the knights experience twinned with the savage mess of the apes onslaught distracts and proves successful, the last few retreating only to find Legions ton hammer awaiting them at the rear, finishing the last off ignites mass vocals from the slopes, one voice followed by the many...

“AHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO”...”ONE RACE!”.... The knights come about face to face with the enemy that mass up whilst they skirmish , six thousand at least they pour in over the slope as if rising from the ground undead, a tiny portion of what they witnessed at Caedes keep but still enough to make the coming battle crucially decisive for the Sapiens... “WE PULL BACK TO GREY CAMP”...Rune orders at the top of his voice, The knights back off following orders but not taking their eyes off the Neanderthal ranks across from them, they are drawing the enemy down the to where Maidon is to rendezvous...

Keeping the distance short enough to keep the enemy hungry but far enough as not to promote and early charge they must be smart, the Rock stacks taunt and hollow out insult following the lone three across the rolling glen , eager premature charges halted by the General out front who holds the cave men’s front line in tact, The horde grinds to a halt and fall silent, immediately Drums can be heard filling the air as broken sound waves, confusing the rabble they look around up in the sky and in all directions looking for the cause then, from the shadow of the canopy comes a lone rider wielding a flame he waves it in a circle, it is captain Gore atop his mammal steed...

“FORM UP”!... The men leave the cover of the wood behind the three Knight who stand alone, only torches that every third man carries show their numbers they each toss them down to extinguish, ranking back behind their saviours ready for battle, Rock stack troops watch as the entirety of the Sapien force fills the void between the knights up front and the wall of trees at their backs, Gore with Maidon join the front along side Rune Legion and Wayke...

“ Come to join us Captain Gore? “...

“ well I must admit, I was pretty sure I’d never see you again but, here you are and you’ve brought the entertainment back with you! so here’s my men ready rested and fed at your what?” ...Gore asks ...

“ Take the riders to the left flank with Maidon and await my signal, Anuk take your warriors to the right flank Legion will be with you, Myself and Wayke will hold the centre ready timing will need to be perfect”...

‘’ Il see you at the end strangers, or on the inner plains! YAH’’... he powers off on his steed to position taking his men with him, Rune stops Maidon before she tails Gore to the flanks...

’’Clear your mind Maidon, we are relying on you to hold that flank, it will get heavy for them over there for a short time!”...She nods, determined to make it up for earlier insubordinations she leaves him focused, Anuk joins his warriors at the right Flank Painted for battle, their dark skin only visible by the sun now high in the sky, hair fashioned in elaborate thorns and patterned feathers, Legion standing at the head with Anuk neither say a word, the only communication through competitive resenting stare, Earth Thane steps forward at the enemy looking up and down the ranks before him, he turns to the men behind and looks them too up and down , no speeches ,no words of encouragement, he only draws his blade and thrusts the sky...

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”...The entirety of the force joins the bloodcurdling Cries a people fed up, fed up of oppression a cry of release and anguish dominates the plain heard for leagues in all directions, bewildered the enemy general ramps up efforts to match their quarry for thirst in which they succeed in drowning out, frustrated he unleashes the horde into charging the Sapiens and slay them all Rune and Wayke, they continue to keep the cries going as they lead the force from the front running to meet the enemy head on, The two forces close the distance swiftly , the loud roars of either side grow more intense, the last gasp sucks all the air from the plain a moment of dead quiet takes over...the pollen of foot whipped grass fills the air, all insects flee from vibrational shock taking flight any way they can some men brace for the impact, some men quicken their pace and tighten their grip but most just release their hatred ,the timeless bubble bursts...

“CRASH”.... most in the front lines die at first impact on both sides, the force of thousands grinds blades and bones like two tectonic plates , men sent through the air over their opponents some fall to ground only to be trampled into it, the pikes of the Rock stacks skewer the sapiens even through their armour while their spears deflect off only wounding with lucky scrapes, the enemy utilise all at their disposal powerful, jaws bite down on any stray limbs or throats that expose themselves their superior strength shows immediately, they cut and hack into the Sapien lines, the hooked tips of the cave man pikes fall down on any and all who enter their field of effectiveness, skulls split open like fruit, waves of static shimmers hide the grassland it cannot be seen between all involved , it is cast aside replacing it with the matter of the living and almost dead, Rune and Wayke carve a crescent area into the Rock Stack line front and centre to the chaos, they fight back to back killing relentlessly any who leave the safety of the horde to try their luck, they fell many some left to retreat fatally wounded or limbless but, the lines cannot hold themselves even with the Knights bravery, lacking the physical and mental capacity for battle the natives fall too fast for taking so little enemy with them....

“THANE WE CANNOT WAIT THEY ARE FALLING TO FAST”...Wayke shouts aloud unable to face Rune himself...


The pair split up taking a side each, systematically working across the line cutting down enemies from the side and behind in high numbers gifting the troops some relief and opportunity if only slight, with the centre open the rock stacks fold into the void completing the manoeuvre... Rune beheads his current opponent, gaining him a second of space he throws his illuminated sword above the battle as a signal to Maidon and Legion to close the circle....

“That’s us....LETS GO!”... Captain Gore unsheathes his sword and swings it above his head...“NOW IS OUR TIME....CHHHHHHHAAAARRRGE!”...the riders with Maidon Gore and lieutenant Charge make their move, they ride at the head beginning their C shaped run into the left flank of the soon to be cut off enemy. Legion instantaneously takes flight with Anuk millisecond after, high pitched short battle cries the Hillsiders follow their Chieftain and Legion with all they have, like an apache raiding party the cries carry over the entirety of the battlefield and deep into the souls of all those who stand upon it, the plan in motion all Rune and Wayke can do is continue to police the front lines and slay as many as possible until death or victory, the Native troops still taking heavy loses hold brave the bulk of the enemy inspired to carry on by the prowess of the brave two knights that gift second chances to many... The riders veer to the left and begin the final head on approach, all in full gallop spears down steeds equally eager as the rider, they carry themselves fast, intelligent herbivores powerful with the agility of felines they rival Maidon at full speed greeting the enemy fast...

The sapiens Calvary splinter on impact, steeds send foes down savaging them with defensive instinct Maidon swings wildly, shield bashing she cuts into the ranks deep powered with need for forgiveness and redemption a different woman altogether, her movements showing emotional possession they are out of control, the screams that accompany each kill are like those of a woman stripped of her children wreaking revenge, the Calvary start to lose momentum turning the left flank into a melee of cave man and beast, dismounted rider’s dispatched the steeds take several strikes to go down taking many with them before they do fall, completing the task of breaking the left any mannerisms leave the field for they continue the attack to the bitter end.

One Legion and the Hillsiders ram the right flank penetrating three men deep, the Tribesman brutal using intimidation and close quarter as their primary offensives they take trophies without slowing and when the chance arises, the harrowing cries twinned with the knights devastation in the fray causes more panic among the Rock stacks then it does unifying, hard stone clubs dent and shatter enemy bodies axes chop deep into the flesh with acute accuracy , One legion powers through killing and moving about the field wherever he can, strike blindly is his bearing , through the chaos he can see too many for a single warrior surrounding Anuk getting the better of him, he has minor scratches yet holds his own, bulldozing through anyone between the pair Legion blocks a pike aimed for Anuks back and buries the coward attacker into the dirt with a downward blow, they fight back to back double teaming all with parry’s and thrusts, a single devastating force with four arms two minds and one goal. All sides chop and hack relentlessly the enemy structure crippled it becomes a task of annihilation, they will fight their best now they are cut off and cornered with no way out, their general stands strong as ever in the centre of the battle taking down any who come close , no native can match him, felling beasts with one blow and two men with a single swing a cut above the rest, Rune steps forward moving aside two natives preparing to attack the General, challenging him and taking all his attention to the twos great relief...

The Rock stack General steps up to accept the unspoken duel request, Earth Thane waves his sword and walks a crescent path back and forth in front of his Foe waiting for his first move...

“A true warriors measure is not by how many he slays, but who he slay!”...the general grunts with grin standing straight and tall , his armour distinguishable from his troops by the trophies that deface it the weapon he bears primitive but yet perfect for dancing with death, specially made by his own hand Rune takes the initiative attacking first , the two engage in exchanges both fast and powerful sparks shower from Runes blade setting the garments and furs of the dead ablaze around them, two opposing ideologies and physicality’s swing parry and pivot around the space made for them in the middle of the battle the general lands a kick sending Rune back, he runs fast towards Thane and takes flight bringing down all his might with twin hands on Runes cross guard , the force breaks the defence only enough to scratch his left cheek, seeing his own blood drawn in front of his men sends him into the fury he is famed for, rising from his low position with great speed and power he sends the general back several paces and immediately re-engages in a flurry of kata blade swipes, he swiftly overwhelms the generals senses delivering one crippling blow the general drops to his knees, blood slowly escapes him forming a pool that reaches Thanes boot toe, the defeated general rolls his head back losing consciousness only looking into Runes eyes before his last breathe...

“ Your no different to us!”...Rune sets about finishing the general as warning to any others, continuing to thrust and hack six more times in blistering speed the end of which results in the general falling dismembered to the ground, his head fall to the blood dampened glen last, gaining his breathe he looks around the field to see the last enemies remaining retreating desperately through the mass of swinging blades that harass them, like all the winged bear down dagger beaked and angry.

Constantly attacked the whole way Runes bloodied brow raises up, his eyes follow the fleeing savages all the way until they appear to vanish back into the ground being the slopes drop out of sight, a silhouette dominates the view, a sun backed shadow cast long and far towards the Sapien men it stops Rune in his stride, a Rock stack rider atop a colossal troll Beast lay just ahead with unknown reinforcements at his back, Rune runs the width of his pursuing line to rally them back before it is too late....

“HOLD DO NOT GIVE CHASE, PULL BACK!”... The men slow to a halt, a few eager with adrenaline stop later then the most, the Sapiens stop the chase pulling back towards the main battle ground to begin the clean up , captain Gore and Wayke stand still aside Rune in the reddened glen looking over to the slope where enemies flee and the silhouette spawns from...

“Domino’s! “ ... Rune remains fixed on the figure...

“Dominos?”... Maidon asks, Gore answers, he knows too well the wrath of this monstrous General of the Rock stack Rider’s.

“We have met on the field once before, he will test you that you can be sure of stranger! he is the tamer of all beast, he and only he rides the last of the trolls”... Rune breaks his glare as Dominos turns and vanishes behind the suns gaze back to his master...

Returning to the devastation where any living cave men are being finished off and any wounded sapiens are being tended too , they join Legion Maidon lieutenant Charge and Anuk who are standing in a midst the field of agony, they all greet each other with handshakes and smiles, the bond of blood sealed between them with their first shared victory and steps towards freedom...

“our first victory, how many men have we lost?” ...Rune asks...

“Too many infantry that for certain, at lest four hundred wounded and unfit for battle, three hundred riders gone including beasts, Hillsiders, we are still searching the dead” ...Captain Gore hearing charges count up turns toRube...

“A costly victory it is, that’s half our force for only a small cut of theirs, how many did you see at the keep?”...Wayke answers regretfully ...

“Too many to count...” Gore insists and hassles...

“How many?...”

“ All Men and Arms minus the ones defeated here today, twenty five to thirty thousand strong at leas, what they can muster for their next assault from that is unclear!” ... The unsettling revelation doesn’t go down well..

“ Well that’s bloody marvellous, we lose half our entire force to six thousand and now your telling me there is unaccountable times that amount of them just over that slope face?! “...Rune turns, soured by Gores tone, the captain is panicked and disrespectful ,bold of him...

“ Well maybe captain Gore, maybe you should be asking your precious Godly shepherds why your current situation is so fucking bad!”...Rune bring everyone to silence all look upon them both...“How dare you!”...Gore growls...

“No How dare you! , how dare you lead these men blindly, guiding them when your eyes are no more open ”.. .Rift joins the edge of the circle after overhearing the elevated exchange”... Your precious shepherds convene with your tormentors in Cades keep, I SAW WITH MY OWN EYES GORE! The sorcery they wield swirled within Mortem , they plan to wipe you away at the next star change”...Gore draws his blade, Runes face immediately drops readying himself for the captain, he stands in warning...

“Gore you’ve got to the count of two, rest your blade”...

Rift breaks the circle and gets between the two foreseeing the pointless death to come...

“I TOO SAW IT ! We was in the enemy keep a gaze at Mortem himself...a hooded figure bearing the mists of Gaia stood beside Their demonic king as he declared OUR annihilation THEY ARE NOT DEMONS AS WE WERE LED TO BELIEVE BROTHERS, THEY ARE BUT CORRUPT ROCKSTACKS! TWISTED BY A SHEPHERD!”... The army hears the whole exchange, they become disarrayed and start talking amongst themselves some shouting out aloud in anger ...

“everything’s a lie”... “we are doomed” ... Rune quells as Gored automated attempts to stop the hysteria fall dead, his hands wave high and voice is drowned out...

“SAPIENS CALM!”...the men with Thanes word begin to slowly silence...”CALM YOURSELVES... DO NOT FALTER BECAUSE OF A TRUTH... NO!...WE MUST USE IT, USE IT TO FLAME THE BURNING DESIRE DEEP INSIDE YOU, TRUTH IS THE ONLY THING THAT HAS THE POWER TO FUEL OUR ACENSION FROM THIS CANNIBAL HELL , WE WILL CONFRONT THIS TRUTH HEAD ON AND WE CONFRONT IT NOW!” ... Earth Thane parts the men closest to him and heads to the keep ,The Knights rally behind and they march, the men who start to fold in behind bring confidence to the rest, a few leading the many, Gore left standing he watches his men leave him the captain is forced to follow suit...

They march furiously, battered wounded carrying those who cant make it alone ,through the forest they crash , the harrowing mob sending all and any in proximity fleeing away for predators will keep their distance this day, this day despite the blood of the wounded filling the air they will ignore their instincts in favour of life, trampling through all remaining Sapiens crush saplings fell branches the sound of rage incarnate, their feet pound the soil leaving it too hard for any of the smaller scarce plants to root, killing any of those rarities who managed to make a start on the sunless forest floor, any and all edible fruits and gifts destroyed with the boots of anger they will be wasted and all perished only good for the single celled from the world of decay, they March...

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