El enigmatico regreso -
Chapter 131-140
Capítulo 131 Un viaje salvaje
Capítulo 131
Fuera de la habitación.
Preocupado por la situación de Jean, Lan hizo guardia en
la puerta y nunca se fue.
Cuando escuchó el sonido de la puerta abriéndose,
inmediatamente se dio la vuelta y vio a Neera salir corriendo
, toda mojada y luciendo bastante asombrada.
“EM. García, ¿qué pasa? ¿Qué pasó?” preguntó Ian
, perplejo.
Neera levantó las manos, se bloqueó y
pareció nerviosa y soltó: “No es nada”.
Luego, como una ráfaga de viento, corrió escaleras abajo,
Capítulo 131 Un viaje salvaje
casi tropezando varias veces debido a su prisa,
Ian tenía un gran signo de interrogación en su mente, entrando
a la habitación para comprobar el estado de Jean,
allí vio a Jean. también, todo mojado, saliendo de la
bañera con la ropa todavía puesta…
Lan estaba completamente desconcertado. Aún más signos de interrogación
aparecieron en su mente y sus pensamientos comenzaron a
correr como caballos salvajes.
¡De ninguna manera! ¿Esto es en serio? ¿Las cosas progresan demasiado
rápido entre estos dos?
¿Se conocen hace poco y ahora
se bañan juntos?
10:56 miércoles, 23 de agosto
Capítulo 131 Un viaje salvaje
¡Esto es demasiado salvaje!
¡De hecho, es el Sr. Beauvort, sin duda!
Ya sea por trabajo o por amor, siempre actúa a
la velocidad del rayo.
Jean, sin darse cuenta de cuánto estaba
imaginando su asistente, tenía una expresión severa en su rostro, sus
ojos oscuros como la noche.
En ese momento, parecía frío y distante, pero
había más, una profundidad de significado debajo de eso.
No podía comprender del todo por qué sentía eso
por esa mujer, y tampoco era la primera vez
té helado
10:38 miércoles 23 de agosto GA
Ella parecía una sorpresa en su
vida por lo demás estable, una presencia que nunca había anticipado,
rompiendo gradualmente las barreras de su
comportamiento frío y despiadado….
En la casa de al lado, después de que Neera regresó a casa, el calor de
su rostro no se disipó durante mucho tiempo.
Se miró las manos y murmuró: “¡Eres tú otra vez!
¿Por qué sigues tocándote… e incluso tocaste
Se sintió avergonzada y nerviosa, casi
con ganas de golpearse la cabeza contra la pared.
Temía no poder
volver a enfrentarse directamente a Jean.
el té helado
Además, no sabía qué expresión usar.
al enfrentarlo.
¡Neera estaba aún más inclinada a morir!
Después de permanecer en el mismo lugar, sintiéndose frustrada por
un tiempo, finalmente regresó a su habitación para
darse una ducha y cambiarse de ropa.
Sin embargo, mientras dormía, tomó una
crema muy peculiar.
El sueño le resultaba familiar. En una habitación a oscuras
donde no podía ver nada, estaba
íntimamente enredada con un hombre…
Al principio, no podía distinguir el rostro del hombre.
10:57 Por qué &
Pero a medida que pasó el tiempo, de repente, el rostro del hombre
se volvió claro en el sueño.
16/6 El hombre tenía rasgos exquisitos como si fuera la creación más perfecta
de Dios .
Sus ojos profundos eran un poco
encantadores y el sudor goteaba por su suave
frente… Exudaba un
aura sensual cargada de hormonas.
¡Esta persona… no era otra que Jean!
Neera se despertó instantáneamente conmocionada, sentándose
abruptamente, su corazón latía con fuerza y su rostro
lleno de asombro.
¿Qué diablos fue esto?
¡¡Era comprensible no poder ver su
¿¿Cara de té helado
la última vez, pero ahora, estaba mirando su
sueño de verdad?
¡¡¡Cómo pudo tener un sueño así!!!
A la mañana siguiente, cuando Neera se despertó, había
un atisbo de cansancio en sus ojos.
Los trillizos se dieron cuenta de inmediato y expresaron
preocupación: “Mami, ¿qué pasa? ¿Se siente
mal o no descansó lo suficiente?
Neera tomó un sorbo de leche y negó con la cabeza: “No es
nada, simplemente no dormí bien”.
Al escuchar esto, los trillizos dijeron rápidamente: “Entonces, después del desayuno
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, descansen, ¿de acuerdo?”
“No, esta bien. Tengo que ir a la empresa esta
mañana, pero me aseguraré de acostarme temprano
esta noche”.
Neera sonrió y acomodó suavemente sus caritas para
Después del desayuno, primero llevó a los trillizos a
la guardería y luego se dirigió a Startales con el
contrato aprobado del Mundo Beauvort.
Levi se sorprendió al verla conseguir el contrato de entrada tan rápido y no pudo evitar
“Parece que eres increíble, Neera. Incluso en una tarea tan desafiante como
Capítulo 131 Un viaje salvaje
, ¡la manejaste tan rápida y
Neera nunca fue alguien que recibiera elogios de
otros, y ella tranquilamente se puso manos a la obra y
dijo: “Es necesario organizar rápidamente la
ubicación del mostrador y comenzar a organizar la
colocación del producto”.
Levi asintió con la cabeza y discutió
asuntos comerciales con ella por un tiempo. Luego,
eligió cuidadosamente sus palabras mientras extendía una invitación: “Por
cierto, la empresa está organizando una cena
con todos los altos ejecutivos. Al fin y al cabo, presidirás
la filial. Sería genial si
pudieras unirte y conocer a todos, ¿de acuerdo?
10:57 miércoles, 23 de agosto
Capítulo 131 Un viaje salvaje
Neera no tuvo ninguna objeción al escuchar esto.
En el futuro, necesitaría la cooperación de
estas personas en muchos aspectos, por lo que era apropiado
invitarlos a cenar.
Ella asintió con la cabeza: “Claro, invitaré a todos esta noche”.
Levi se sintió un poco encantado al escuchar esto, pensando
que esta noche podría tener la oportunidad de ser el
conductor y llevarla a casa…
En Beauvort Group.
Después de la reunión, Jean notó varias llamadas perdidas
de Wrenn.
10:57 miércoles, 23 de agosto
Capítulo 131 Un viaje salvaje
Él le devolvió la llamada inmediatamente.
Wrenn contestó apresuradamente y lo instó: “¿Terminaste
con la reunión? Date prisa, tu
tío abuelo ya entró al quirófano
Jean respondió con un simple “Hmm” antes de colgar
el teléfono.
Lan preparó rápidamente el coche y lo llevó al
El hospital era una filial del
Grupo Beauvort
. Mientras entraba, muchos miembros del personal
lo saludaron respetuosamente.
Capítulo 191 Un amigo salvaje
Haciendo caso omiso de los saludos, Jean fue directamente al
En el pasillo
esperaban tanto Wrenn como los familiares de su tío abuelo.
Cuando vieron a Jean, el hijo de su tío abuelo, y
también su primo, lo saludaron calurosamente.
“Jean, estás aquí. Estás muy ocupado, pero viniste hasta
aquí. Estás pensativo”.
Jean sacudió la cabeza y dijo con calma: “Es lo menos que puedo
Preguntó sobre la situación.
Wrenn explicó: “La cirugía aún está en curso.
10:57 Miércoles, 23 de agosto 2
Capítulo 131 Un viaje salvaje
Joanna está operando. La condición de tu tío abuelo es
crítico y el hospital no tiene un especialista en
esta área, así que tuvimos que llamar a Joanna. El
equipo de expertos aprobó su capacidad y, considerando su
participación, la tasa de éxito es significativamente
Al escuchar esto, Jean frunció el ceño, “¿Joanna?
¿Cómo terminó aquí?
“El estado de su tío abuelo es muy precario
y el hospital no contaba con un médico especializado en
este campo. No tuvimos más remedio que traer a Joanna.
El equipo de expertos reconoce sus habilidades y,
después de su evaluación, hacer que ella realice la
cirugía aumenta significativamente las posibilidades de
té helado
Capítulo 131 Un viaje salvaje
Dado que los expertos apoyaron esta decisión, Jean
no dijo nada más.
Dos horas después, finalmente concluyó la cirugía.
Joanna salió, se quitó la mascarilla y primero
tranquilizó a los miembros de la familia: “Tengan la seguridad de que la
cirugía fue un gran éxito. Observaremos al
paciente durante un rato y luego lo trasladaremos de nuevo a la
Los aliviados familiares expresaron su
Wrenn también dio un paso adelante para felicitarlo:
“Eso es genial. Finalmente podemos sentirnos a gusto ahora”.
10:57 miércoles, 23 de agosto Como
Capítulo 131 Un viaje salvaje
@K 78%
Luego, miró a Joanna con gratitud: ”
Muchas gracias por ayudarnos de una
manera tan significativa hoy”.
Joanna sacudió la cabeza, tratando de parecer modesta:
“Es usted muy amable, señora. Además, soy médico,
tratar y salvar vidas es mi deber”.
Mientras hablaba, sus ojos no pudieron evitar desviarse
hacia Jean, pero él respondió con un
gesto frío y distante.
Joanna sintió una punzada de incomodidad por su
comportamiento indiferente.
Frunció los labios, bajó la mirada y le dijo a
Wrenn: “Señora, iré a cambiarme de ropa”.
el té helado
Capítulo 131 Un viaje salvaje
Después de dar algunas instrucciones posteriores a la operación, se
dio vuelta y se fue.
En ese momento, todos los familiares del tío abuelo
se habían ido a la sala, dejando solo a Wrenn y
Jean en el pasillo.
“Jean, Joanna es una excelente doctora. La
tasa de éxito de esta cirugía fue sólo del treinta por ciento, pero
debido a su intervención, se elevó al sesenta por ciento.
por ciento”, habló Wrenn de repente.
Jean levantó ligeramente los párpados y le preguntó directamente:
“¿Qué estás tratando de decir?”
“I think you should know what I mean. Joanna has been very concerned and
responsible for your condition for the past two years. Even though someone
else is treating you now, you shouldn’t burn bridges and completely shut
Joanna out of your medical care. It’s too heartless of you to just kick her aside
like that; she still has value to offer.”
Jean squinted his eyes slightly, a hint of displeasure in his gaze.
“So, she went to you to plead on her behalf, asking you to intervene?”
Wrenn shook her head, “I knew you’d think that way, but Joanna is not that
kind of person. She didn’t say a single bad word about Ms. Garcia in front of
me. She even praised her a few times. She simply informed me about your
condition when she was doing a routine check for me.”
Jean wasn’t sure whether to believe it or not, but his demeanor grew even
Chapter 13 2 Green with Envy
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with replacing a doctor who hasn’t made.
any progress in two years.”
“Words may say that, but Joanna has put in effort too. It’s just that your
condition is extremely complicated. Keeping her on the team is a
precautionary measure, for there will be times when you’ll need her expertise,
As Wrenn continued, her tone became increasingly firm, clearly intending to
stand up for him.
“So, I won’t agree to remove her from the team. You must reinstate Joanna in
her position if you want me and your father to feel at ease.”
Listening to her words, leaving no room for disagreement, Jean’s gaze
dimmed. In the end, he didn’t agree or reject outright.
Later that evening, after visiting his great-uncle, he returned to the company.
Chapter 122 Green with Enery
Shortly after, Wrenn told Joanna about the conversation.
Joanna took Jean’s silence as consent and was overjoyed, profusely
thanking Wrenn, speaking as sweetly as honey.
She told Wrenn exactly what she wanted to hear…
After leaving the hospital, Jean went directly back to the company.
Busy throughout the day, he had an unexpected social engagement in the
evening and didn’t return home, heading straight to meet with the client.
On Neera’s side, she also made a phone call to Zuniga.
Thave a social engagement tonight, so I won’t be coming home for dinner.
Can you pick up the kids and make sure they eat well without waiting for
10:58 Wed, 23 Aug A
Chapter 13 2 Green with Envy
Zuniga naturally agreed.
Later, she went to the restaurant with Levi.
The restaurant was carefully chosen by Levi, with a vintage decor that
created a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere.
Neera looked around at the decorations and ambiance inside the private
room and remarked, “This place is nice.”
Levi pulled out the chair for her, smiling warmly. “I knew you’d like it. The food
here is also great, so we can savor it later.”
He was attentive, which made Neera feel a bit uncomfortable, but she kept a
composed expression, nodding in thanks as she took her seat.
Soon, the other executives arrived, and the atmosphere became lively.
Levi took responsibility to introduce several high-level executives to Neera.
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Chapter 137 Green with Emery
“This is Haider Xavier, the manager of the finance department, and this is
from the business department… Finally, the vice president, Scarlet Swain.”
He introduced them in sequence, pointing to the lady sitting on his other side.
Neera looked over and found that she was quite beautiful, a typical savvy
and capable urban elite woman, exuding an alluring aura.
She smiled at her and politoly grooted, “Hollo.”
Scarlet also smiled in return, but her approach wasn’t as enthusiastic as the
others, “I’ve heard of Ms. Garcia’s name from Mr. Wilkes. Today, I finally get the
chance to meet you.”
She raised her wine glass and continued, “Nice to meet you. Please take care
of me.”
Noera, upon hearing her words, glimpsed a glint of curiosity in her clear eyes.
Scarlet seemed polite with her words, but her attitude gave off a sense of
Chapter 13 2 Green with Envy
Even… Neera could sense a hint of hostility emanating from her.
Initially, Neera was somewhat puzzled.
They were meeting for the first time, and she hadn’t done anything to
provoke Scarlet, so why did she suddenly hold some animosity toward her?
But it didn’t take long for her to figure out the reason.
During the meal, Scarlet occasionally glanced at Levi, engaging in
conversation with him, her eyes expressing more than just a casual interest.
And Levi’s care and attention towards her were somewhat apparent….
Neera guessed that Scarlet probably had feelings for Levi, and that’s why she
saw Neera as a potential rival!
Neera couldn’t help but find it a little amusing.
10:58 Wed, 23 Aug A
Chapter 13 2 Green with Envy
This was truly an unfounded disaster!
However, Scarlet didn’t think that way…
She had worked hard for so long, finally securing her position, and she
belloved it was due to her abilities that she reached such heights.
Therefore, she looked down on Neera, who seemed to have been given her
position through connections.
Even more, she disliked Levi’s warm attitude toward Neera…
After all, he was quite aloof when he was with her.
Neera didn’t expect all this, nor did she pay much attention to Scarlet’s
hostility. Instead, she enjoyed the meal wholeheartedly.
Her down-to-earth demeanor made the senior
impression of her.
executives have a favorable
10:58 Wed, 23 Aug
Chapter 13 2 Green with Envy
After dinner, the group suggested moving to another venue.
Neera wanted to go home, but she didn’t want to spoil the mood of the first
gathering, so she went along with them to the club.
After all, she was the one treating everyone, so it was only natural to treat
them until the end.
At the new venue, the group ordered plenty of drinks and engaged in relaxed
conversation while having fun.
Levi remained seated next to Neera, actively pouring her drinks and taking
care of her.
However, Neera didn’t drink much.
She didn’t particularly enjoy this type of place, even though it was the
highest-end club in Kingsview, with a calm and sophisticated environment
and well-mannered guests. Still, she couldn’t warm up to it.
Chapter 1 32 Green with Envy
During the time everyone was drinking and enjoying themselves, she took out
her phone and sent a message to the triplets, asking what they were up to.
Seeing that Neera wasn’t actively participating, Levi tried to strike up a
conversation with her, trying to make the
of this opportunity for more
Meanwhile, upstairs in the VIP private room,
Jean was there too.
His position had an excellent view, and with just a slight glance, he could
oversee the entire scene.
At this moment, he noticed the situation downstairs and frowned…
Chapter 133
Jean rarely frequented such places in his daily life. However, just after
concluding a business meeting with a client, he happened to spot Neera
entering the venue with a group of people.
At first, he tried not to pay attention to her presence, telling himself that their
relationship was merely a fake marriage and didn’t concern him. Yet, for
some inexplicable reason, his eyes kept drifting toward her. He couldn’t help
but notice how Levi was being attentive to her, which stirred an unfamiliar
feeling of discomfort and annoyance within him.
Jean couldn’t pinpoint the source of his unease-perhaps it was the effects.
of the alcohol or the peculiar dynamics of their contractual marriage.
Regardless, he blamed it on the other man’s “overbearing” appearance,
unwilling to delve deeper into his emotions.
Downstairs, Neera was unaware that someone had set their eyes on her.
After exchanging a few words with the triplets, she decided to put her phone
away. However, Levi’s incessant chatter was starting to grate on her nerves.
Suppressing her annoyance, Neera endured Levi’s incessant chatter until her
patience wore thin. She found an excuse to leave, stating that the place felt
stuffy and she needed some fresh air.
think it’s a bit stuffy in here. I’ll go outside for some fresh air.”
Levi nodded, knowing better than to stop her.
As Neera left the private room, her ears finally found some peace and quiet.
She went to the restroom to freshen up and took a brief moment in the
hallway to catch her breath. After some time, she decided it was about time
to return.
However, just as she turned around, she came face to face with Zachary!
Zachary had come out tonight to have some fun. Earlier, he had discovered
that his condition hadn’t improved despite the medication’s effects wearing
off, leaving him unable to perform. No matter how much Roxanne tried to
tempt him, he felt no desire whatsoever.
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Chapter 133 No Leaving Tonight
Growing increasingly frustrated, he confronted the doctor again, demanding
answers as to why he still couldn’t function. The doctor could only reassure
him and advise him to wait a little longer.
Having lost his patience, Zachary decided to find another woman to test
himself with, thinking that maybe he had lost interest in Roxanne and just
needed a change.
With this in mind, he came to this top-notch club and flirted with an alluring
woman on the dance floor. He was eager to take her to the room and try his
luck, but to his dismay, he failed again!
Abandoning the woman in the room, he stormed out, his face filled with fury
and a desire to lash out.
Unbeknownst to him, he would run into Neera here!
The moment he laid eyes on her, his face turned dark, and his eyes burned.
with anger. He seethed with resentment as he approached her.
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grar 133 No Leaving Tonight
“Of all people, Neera Garcia! I never expected to run into you here!”
Neera’s expression turned cold upon seeing him, and she cursed inwardly:
“What rotten luck to encounter this sc um tonight!”
She showed no restraint and coldly retorted, “A good dog knows its place,
now get lost!”
Zachary’s face turned even darker, his anger growing. “Who are you calling a
Neera sneered, “Whoever stands in my way is a dog, do I need to spell it out?
You’re even dumber than a dog!”
“You-” Zachary was seething with rage, humiliated by her words. “I warn you,
Neera Garcia, watch your mouth! And hand over the antidote, or you won’t be
leaving here tonight!”
Chapter 134 Letting People Have Their Way With You
Chapter 134
Neera couldn’t help but burst into laughter at Zachary’s words. “What’s the
matter? Weren’t you capable just now? Breaking into someone else’s room in
the middle of the night, and now you’re scared?”
Her gaze was filled with disdain, which only fueled Zachary’s anger, making
his blood rush to his head.
“You wench, spare me your nonsense! Hand over the antidote now, or I’ll
make you regret it!” he shouted, his face turning red with rage.
Neera’s stunning face looked even colder, and she regarded him with
contempt. “Looks like you lack self-awareness. When asking for help, you
should be more humble. If you want the antidote, you better get down on
your knees and bow three times to show some sincerity.”
“You !!”
With a mocking smile, Neera replied, “Too bad, I don’t have the antidote. Even
10:59 Wed, 23 Aug
Chapter 134 Letting People Have Their Way With You
if you begged on your knees until they bled, I wouldn’t be able to help.”
Saying that, she turned to leave.
Zachary was fuming, his face flushed with anger and his eyes filled with rage.
“Dare to play games with me, Neera Garcia? You’re asking for trouble!”
Through clenched teeth, he reached out to grab her.
Neera swiftly slapped away his hand, her expression turning fierce. “Don’t
touch me!”
Her look of disgust only fueled Zachary’s anger, and he lost all restraint, his
tone becoming menacing.
“You lowlife, pretending to be innocent? You were played by everyone years
ago and now you’re acting all pure and naive. Do you think I’m a fool? Let me
tell you, if you don’t hand over the antidote today, you won’t take a single
step out of here!”
Chapter 134 Letting People Have Their Way With You
His eyes were horrifyingly intense, bloodshot veins visible in the corners,
making him look terrifying.
“You dares to lay a hand on me, then I’ll make sure you regret it!”
After his outburst, he didn’t hesitate to grab Neera’s wrist and dragged her
forcefully toward the end of the corridor.
Not only that, but he also called his assistant, his voice filled with anger.
a few guys up here right now! I’m in the mood to have some fun!”
The future events were easy to predict.
Neera felt both angry and disgusted, struggling with all her might, but her
efforts were futile against Zachary’s strength. She warned him sternly, her
voice unwavering.
“Zachary Fain, if you want to keep your hand, let go now!”
Zachary’s rage clouded his judgment, and he sneered continuously.
ice tea
10:59 Wed, 23 Aug A
Chapter 134 Letting People Have Their Way With You
“What? Are you planning to use your powder on me? Go ahead then! Scared?
I’d love to see what tricks you, a wench like you, can come up with this time!”
Seeing Zachary act like a mad dog, Neera’s face darkened, and her teeth
clenched tightly.
Indeed, she still had some powder on her, but it would be useless against
Zachary’s cri ppled body.
As Zachary tried to pull her into the elevator, Neera’s heart sank, and her eyes
showed a fierce determination.
Just as she was about to make her move, a sudden force pulled her other
hand, dragging her in the opposite direction.
She turned her head in surprise and found Jean standing there.
Jean’s gaze was cold and sharp, his eyes fixed on Zachary like blades…
He had originally intended to go back, but as he stepped outside, he noticed
Ice tea
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Chapter 134 Letting People Have Their Way With You
the commotion in the corridor.
The figure was all too familiar, and upon a closer look, he realized that Neera
was being harassed.
Considering their current relationship, he couldn’t just stand by, so he rushed
Seeing Neera’s relief at his arrival, she called out to him, “You’re here! Help
me, please!”
Zachary also felt the strong resistance, and upon seeing Jean, he felt a hint
of recognition. Wasn’t this the little nobody he encountered at the hospital?
An insignificant person without status or background dared to play a hero in
front of me?
What a joke!
Zachary didn’t take Jean seriously at all. His anger flared even higher, and he
Chapter 134 Letting People Have Their Way With You
arrogantly shouted, “Where did this blind fool come from? How dare he
meddle in my affairs? If you don’t want trouble, get the hell out of here!”
Chapter 13 5 Who Do You Think You Are, Trying to St
Chapter 13 5
Jean had never encountered someone speaking to him in such a manner,
and his eyes turned even colder.
It had been a long time since he met someone so Ignorant, daring to tell him
to scram?!
Behind him, lan wore an expression that seemed to say he was looking at a
dead person, both speechless and indifferent.
This kind of trash dared to act so brazenly in front of Sire? Did he not care
about living anymore?
lan shook his head, averting his gaze, and looked at Neera with a serious
expression. “Ms. Garcia, did this idiot crawl out from some rat hole? Is he
naturally brainless?”
In this perilous moment, Neera’s heart settled as Jean came to her rescue.
23 Aug
Chapter 13 5 Who Do You Think You Are, Trying to St
Hearing lan’s question, she couldn’t help but smile and nodded, giving a
sincere reply. “This guy is not just brainless; he’s utterly disgusting. Perhaps
he’s been living in a rat hole for too long, becoming no different from a rat
crossing the street.”
Zachary was seething with anger at being mocked by these two, and his
face turned extremely unpleasant.
His cheeks twitched, and his eyes became bloodshot with rage, resembling a
mad dog as he roared, “Neera Garcia, I see you’re asking for death! Do you
think finding some gigolo will protect you? Let me tell you, not even the
heavens themselves can save you today! I’ll make you beg for your life and
wish for death!”
As he spoke, he exerted more force, dragging Neera ruthlessly.
However, at that moment, Jean’s eyes turned as cold as black iron. He raised
his leg and delivered a fierce kick to Zachary’s abdomen.
Simultaneously, he used his strength to pull Neera into his embrace.
35 Wod Old You Think You Are Trying to St.
Neera, with no balance at the moment, accidentally bumped into the man’s
solid chest, and her nose stung a little, causing her to frown.
Yet, she immediately felt the familiar aura enveloping her, a sense of
inexplicable comfort that made her relax involuntarily in his arms.
Jean held her waist, asserting his dominance with a powerful aura, and
looked down at Zachary with a chilly gaze, coldly throwing out a challenge,
You? Dare to steal from me?”
Initially, this statement seemed somewhat ambiguous, but Neera quickly
realized that she was his doctor and, in name, his wife, so she could be
considered his “property.”
Zachary, still reeling from the kick that left him sitting on the ground, his
abdomen in pain, couldn’t believe that this insignificant nobody dared to
challenge him.
“You dare to hit me?!”
To av ved 23 Aug
Chapter 13 wha Ba Veu Think You Are, Trying to st
In an instant, he looked at Neera with a bitter and malicious expression, as if
he wanted to devour her alive.
“Well, well! I thought you were so virtuous, but it turns out you got married and
immediately started messing around with another gigolo! Neera Garcia,
you’re nothing but a fickle woman, no wonder a few years ago…”
His words were filthy and disgusting, causing Neera’s face to turn cold, even if
she pretended not to care.
At that moment, she suddenly broke free from Jean’s embrace, taking a few
steps forward. With a swift motion, she slapped Zachary’s face multiple
times, putting all her strength into each blow.
“Zachary Fain, who’s the one acting fickle here? It was you who broke off our
engagement, and then you came crawling back like a dog, begging for
attention! Did I ever pay any attention to you? You have no shame, unable to
control your desires, so don’t blame me for rendering you useless! That way,
you won’t harm anyone else! Do you want the antidote? Let me tell you…
there’s no way you’re getting it! You’ll spend the rest of your life impotent and
10:59 Wed, 23 Aug A
Chapter 13 5 Who Do You Think You Are, Trying to St
Zachary was dumbfounded, experiencing an unprecedented sense of
humiliation that made him want to explode with rage.
If he had a knife in his hand right now, he would undoubtedly slash this
woman’s face without hesitation, savoring each cut as he tortured her!
Coincidentally, at that moment, his assistant, Francis Layton, arrived with his
Seeing them, Zachary’s spirits lifted, and he immediately shouted, “You all, kill
Chapter 13 6
Francis didn’t dare to delay and turned to the bodyguards behind him, giving
them a signal with his eyes.
In no time, seven or eight strong men surrounded Jean, Neera, and lan.
They cracked their knuckles and gave hostile glares.
Jean remained composed, not even batting an eye or raising an eyebrow in
response to their presence.
Neera, seeing the situation, immediately retreated silently to stand beside
It wasn’t that she was timid, but the people Zachary had brought were not
easy to deal with. As for herself, she had no fighting skills, and Jean was
recovering from an illness, so she doubted he could fight either.
And lan…
Looking at his refined appearance, it didn’t seem like he could fight either!
Just as Neera thought this, lan suddenly stepped forward, casually moving
his neck and speaking with a disdainful tone.
Is this all you’ve got? Anyone else wants to join, so I won’t have to waste my
effort twice.”
Francis coldly snorted, “Quite bold, but soon you won’t even have the chance
to beg for mercy! The few of us are enough to take care of you!”
lan raised an eyebrow, smirking with a hint of roguishness, “Hey, do you know
that disrespecting someone comes with consequences?!”
With that, he didn’t waste any more words and went straight into action.
In less than five minutes, all the seven or eight people Zachary had called
were lying on the ground defeated.
When Francis was dumped in front of Zachary like a worn-out rag, the latter
Chapter 13 6 Stay Useless Forever
was completely dumbfounded.
How… were these his elite bodyguards? How did they lose so easily?
Neera was also surprised, her eyes wide in disbelief.
lan, who usually appeared weak and gentle, turned out to be a skilled fighter!
He was truly a master!
Ignoring the situation, she clapped her hands cheerfully, “I didn’t expect it!
Your assistant is full of surprises!”
Hearing her light-hearted voice, Jean glanced at her, feeling somewhat
This woman had quite a bold heart! She still found time to applaud at a
moment like this.
But now that the matter was resolved, there was no need to linger here.
1127 Thu 22
Chapter 13 6 Stay Useless Forever
Jean shifted his gaze away, turned around, and said, “Let’s go
Neera didn’t even spare Zachary another glance as she hurriedly followed
Jean, saying, “Wait for me!”
lan clapped his hands and caught up too, asking curiously, “Ms, Gardia, how
did you get involved with that idiot?”
Neera rolled her eyes, denying, “It wasn’t me who got involved; it was that guy
who shamelessly came to me.”
Jean, who was walking ahead, heard their conversation and casually asked,
“He’s cri ppled below the waist, what does that mean? And what was he trying
to do?”
Unaware that he would ask, Neera hesitated for a moment but decided not
to hide anything and briefly explained the grudge between her and Zachary,
including the night of her wedding when Zachary invaded her room and
attempted to take advantage of her, only to be tricked into taking an
impotence drug.
Chapter 13 6 Stay Useless Forever
Initially, Jean continued walking as usual, but when he heard the last part, his
expression froze, and he stopped in his tracks, glancing at her with a strange
look in his eyes.
lan was even more shocked, and he immediately hit the brakes, looking
“So… that Zachary won’t be able to stand up anymore?”
Initially, it was nothing serious, but being stared at by these two individuals,
Neera inexplicably felt a bit awkward. She raised her hand and touched her
nose, responding in a mu ffled voice, “Um…”
lan’s pupils trembled, and he subconsciously clenched his legs.
“Ms… Ms. Garcia, let’s make a deal! If I accidentally offend you in the future,
please let me know, and I’ll apologize and kowtow to you, whatever it takes.
Just… please don’t sprinkle any strange powders on me!”
The thought of not being able to stand up also made him shudder. He
As he heard himself altering in terra
She deliberately tegeed him who
lan felt speechless
Was Ms. Garcia this Gunning?
He couldn’t afford to provers het
Jean, on the other hand, dar pay much CNGERON to the GAS/
eyes, however, were filed with a chatting intent/
So, he was dragging you santier for whet pepeser
Heera raised her head and met his gaze, pausing for a moment belgis
honestly replying, “We wanted to find someone to do something to me?
Chapter 13 6 Stay Useless Forever
She didn’t say the rest of the sentence, but Jean could guess what she
In an instant, a fierce hostility emerged between his noble brows, and his
facial lines became exceptionally sharp.
He didn’t say anything, just glanced at lan.
But at that moment, lan suddenly felt a chill run down his spine, realizing that
Jean… seemed to be angry!!!
Chapter 137 to Firting with Others
Chapter 137
lan’s response was swift as he spoke with a quick wit, “Sire, Ms. Garcia, I left
my phone in the private room. You both go ahead and wait in the cor fill go
back and get it; I’ll be right there.”
As his words trailed off, Jean’s expression remained indifferent as he looked
at Neera,
“Should we go now, or do you want to wait here?”
Without any doubt, Neera shook her head, “No, just the thought of being in the
same space as that guy feels so unlucky, Let’s go wait in the car.”
Jean nodded and turned to leave.
As they descended the stairs, Neera could sense a low-pressure aura
emanating from the man, accompanied by a subtle chill. She felt a bit
Why did this man seem somewhat angry…?
But then again, shouldn’t he be angry with her?
Besides, lan had already taken care of the guy, so why was he still upset?
As lan turned back, he caught Zachary propping himself against the wall and
angrily kicking the unconscious Francis on the ground.
“You useless piece of trash! Can’t even handle such a simple task! What
good are you?!”
Thinking about how he was humiliated by Neera and that insignificant pretty
boy, Zachary seethed with rage, gritting his teeth.
“Dare to lay a hand on me! They have no idea what’s coming next time I see
them, I’ll make them…”
1127 Thu 24 Aug
Chapter 137 No Flirting with Others
“What will you do?”
Just as Zachary vented his frustration, lan suddenly appeared, picking up
where Zachary left off.
He was startled, almost losing his footing and almost falling to the ground.
Hastily, he steadied himself against the wall and angrily demanded, “Why are
you back? What do you want?!”
lan leisurely approached, a mocking smile on his face as he spoke, “My Sire
isn’t pleased, so….”
He extended his hand with a seemingly friendly expression and cut Zachary
off, “I’ll shake your hand.”
Before Zachary could react, lan grabbed his hand without any hesitation and
continued, “…and give you a firm handshake.”
With that, he applied force to Zachary’s hand.
In the next second, a loud “cr ack echoed through the entire floor as
Zachary’s right forearm snapped
His agonizing scream reverberated through the entire building Zachary was
in excruciating pain, his face turning pale, and he was barely conscious as
large beads of sweat rolled down his face like a torrential downpour.
Seeing him in this pitiful state, lan clapped his hands in satisfaction before
leaving with an air of arrogance, having settled the score
Back in the car, Neera and Jean waited for a while before lan returned.
Soon, the car started, leaving the club behind
On the way back, Neera sent a message to Levi
“Sorry, I’m not feeling well, so I’m heading back first. Let everyone know they
don’t need to wait for me and can enjoy the rest of the night. Put all the bills
Chapter 137 No Flirting with Others
tonight under my name.”
In the private room, Levi saw the message and felt a bit regretful for missing
the chance to send her home.
However, he quickly perked up again.
After all, Neera was back in the country now and happened to be in charge of
this branch office. They would have plenty of time to spend together in the
Meanwhile, Neera let out a sigh of relief after explaining. She turned to Jean
and thanked him, “Thank you for tonight. I appreciate it.”
Jean responded calmly, “No need to thank me. After all, you are my ‘wife’ in
name, and if something were to happen to you, it wouldn’t be a good thing
for me either…”
1127 Thu, 24 buo
Chapter 137 No Flirting with Others
As he spoke, a hint of darkness flickered in his jet-black eyes, and he
squinted slightly.
“Furthermore, I hope you understand that even though our marriage is a
contract, it appears real to the outside world. So, you still need to be mindful
of your behavior and actions in public. At the very least… no more flirting with
other men openly. It’s for the benefit of both of us.”
Hearing this, Neera furrowed her brows in confusion, “When did I flirt with
other men openly?”
Jean didn’t mince his words, “Tonight, you were together with a man in the
private room at the club, weren’t you?”
Neera was taken aback and then realized whom he was referring to Levi.
She couldn’t help but find it hilarious.
What was he thinking? How did her actions with Levi become flirting?
Chapter 13 8 Mind Your Married Status
Chapter 13 8
Neera found it amusing and immediately explained, “That man is Levi Wilkes,
the head of my aunt’s department at the Kingsview branch. There’s no
reason for me to flirt with him. Besides, I wasn’t alone with him today, we
were all out together with the company’s executives, just getting acquainted.
Where did you get that idea?”
Upon hearing her explanation, Jean realized that the man was her
For some inexplicable reason, he seemed less displeased than before, and
the dark cloud hanging over him seemed to silently drift away.
Nevertheless, he maintained his composed demeanor, nodding to show that
he understood. He added with a hint of a subtle reminder, “Just remember
your ‘married’ status and always be mindful of boundaries.”
Neera felt speechless.
1177 Thu, 7A B
Chapter 13 8 Mind Your Marned Status
Why did this man seem a bit strange?
She rolled her eyes in response, saying, “Of course, I know my boundaries. I
don’t need you to remind me.”
Jean seemed oblivious to her annoyance and calmly replied, “That’s good
Now, Neera felt a bit frustrated.
She didn’t understand her feelings, suddenly feeling irked, but she also felt it
wasn’t necessary to say much about it, so she chose not to say anything
Twenty minutes later, the car arrived at Imperial Gardens.
Neera bid farewell with little emotion and quickly returned home.
On the other side, at the hospital.
Chapter 13 8 Mind Your Marned Status
Zachary was rushed to the emergency room overnight, where doctors set
and cast his broken right forearm. After the ordeal, he was moved to a VIP
Word reached the Fain family and Roxanne, and they hurriedly rushed to the
Upon seeing their beloved son injured in such a miserable state, his mother,
Qaylah Levin, couldn’t help but feel distressed. She kept asking if he felt any
discomfort, fearing that his condition might worsen.
His father, Harley, on the other hand, was seething with anger. He stood in the
hospital room with a dark and stormy expression.
“Who dares to lay hands on you?!”
Zachary’s right arm was wrapped in a bulky cast, making him look clumsy
and comical as he sat leaning against the bed, his face clouded with a deep
1123 Thu, 24 Aug
Chapter 13 8 Mind Your Married Status
“Who else could it be? Of course, it’s Neera! That bit ch!”
He gritted his teeth as he responded, his tone fiercely hostile when he
mentioned Neera’s name.
It was as if he wanted to skin her alive and drink her blood.
Roxanne, sensitive to the situation, saw his expression change suddenly, and
she immediately pressed for answers.
“Zach, how is this related to Neera? How did you end up meeting her?”
Fuming, Zachary spoke as if he had eaten gunpowder, his tone filled with
“It was a coincidence of course! Do you think I’d purposely go and meet her?
That bi tch had her sugar daddy attack me, causing me to end up like this!”
Hearing this, Qaylah was furious, and she immediately scolded with a stern
Chapter 13 8 Mind Your Married Status
“That Neera was always restless and a shameless woman! I never thought
that after all these years, she’d still be so shameless and dare to bully you.
This is simply outrageous!”
Harley was also infuriated, emitting a strong aura of anger.
Zachary was their Fain family’s pride and joy, and he had never raised his
hand in anger at him in his entire life!
And that Neera was so ruthless that she directly broke his son’s bones!
There was no way the Fain family could let this slide!
He said firmly, “Zach, you rest here and focus on recovering. Don’t worry, I
won’t let them get away with this. I’ll go to the club right now, have them
check the surveillance, and find out who was involved! None of them will
Upon hearing this, Zachary finally managed to suppress his anger.
Chapter 13 8 Mind Your Mamed Status
Qaylah also tried to persuade him, “That’s right, Zach. You focus on healing
and leave the rest to your father. With him handling it, you can be sure that
that bi tch and her lover will pay the price!”
At this point, Roxanne nodded in agreement and took the opportunity to
show her support, “Auntie Qaylah is right, Zach. I’ll stay here to take care of
you and keep you company.”
Upon hearing this, Harley and Qaylah both looked at her with appreciation,
“Roxanne is indeed sensible, unlike that Neera…”
Chapter 199 Obsession Runs Deep
Chapter 139
On the other side, at the hospital, Roxanne tenderly spoke, “Zach is my fiancé,
it’s only natural for me to take care of him. Uncle Harley, Auntie Qaylah,
please calm down. This whole incident is entirely my sister’s fault, and you
both shouldn’t let it affect your health…”
Roxanne’s sweet words endeared her even more to the Fain couple, further
fueling their dislike for Neera.
That night, Roxanne stayed by Zachary’s side, never leaving the hospital
Harley immediately dispatched men to the club to investigate the
surveillance footage.
However, to their surprise, the next day, the security team reported that they
found nothing.
“How is that possible?” Harley slammed the table, his expression grim, “Such a
Chapter 139 Obsession Runs Deep
big club should have surveillance. They must be hiding something!”
The security team nervously explained, “Mr. Fain, the club is being
uncooperative. They refuse to show us the surveillance footage and won’t
reveal the identity of the assailant, even when we mentioned the Fain
family’s name.”
Hearing this, Harley’s face turned darker. It seemed that Neera’s patron had a
formidable background, or else the club wouldn’t dare to be so
uncooperative, even when facing the Fain family.
In deep thought, he coldly said, “This Neera isn’t just keeping a toy boy; she
has h ooked up with a big shot. I wonder how influential that person must be!”
Zachary, boiling with anger, gritted his teeth and cursed, “That despicable
Roxanne couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, she didn’t
want Neera to have a good life. Hearing that Neera had found a wealthy
backer and was living a luxurious life filled her with disdain and jealousy. On
1128 Thu, 2A AU Ở T
Chapter 139 Obsession Runs Deep
the other hand, she didn’t want Zachary to have any further involvement with
Neera, no matter the reason…
After weighing the pros and cons, she advised, “Zach, don’t get too angry for
now. The most important thing is to focus on healing your body. Let’s not
pursue this matter right away. Once you’re better, we can settle the score
Zachary glared at her, “What do you know? How can I just let it go?!”
The broken arm was one thing, but what bothered him more was that Neera
hadn’t given him the antidote, and he still hadn’t recovered in that aspect.
According to Neera, without the antidote, it might never heal. This directly
challenged his manhood and self-esteem. How could he possibly swallow
his pride?
However, he couldn’t bring himself to speak about these sensitive matters, so
he maintained an angry expression, making it clear that he wouldn’t give up.
Seeing his reaction, Roxanne concealed her frustration but couldn’t help
11 28 Thu, 24 AU Ở T
Chapter 139 Obsession Runs Deep
feeling irritated. She didn’t understand why Zachary was so deeply fixated on
that despicable woman!
For her, it was a significant threat!
Unaware of the complexities in the hearts of others, Neera had a bit of
alcohol the previous night and went to bed early after taking a shower.
The next day was the weekend, so she didn’t have to send the triplets to
school. She decided to treat herself to a lazy morning, enjoying a nice lie-in.
When she finally got up, she went downstairs to get some water and noticed
that the triplets were nowhere to be found. Puzzled, she asked Zuniga, “Where
are the kids? Did they go out to play?”
Zuniga took the empty water glass from Neera’s hand and smiled, “The three
little rascals said they were very bored and went next door.”
1128 Thu, 24 Aug ý
Chapter 139 Obsession Runs Deep
Neera felt a little helpless but was concerned that the triplets might be
bothering Jean, so she hurried over to check on them.
As she entered the living room, she saw Harvey sitting beside Jean,
discussing the stock market situation with a seriousness beyond his years….
The little guy was speaking confidently and with great insight.
“For this stock, it may not seem impressive now, but it has tremendous
potential over the next three years and could become a high-quality stock.
It’s a good idea to invest in it now. As for EK Era, although it may appear to
have room for growth, it’s just an empty shell with nothing substantial inside.
It’s not worth buying…”
Chapter 140 Baby Genius
Chapter 140
As Jean listened attentively, his gaze filled with astonishment. The triplets
had come over while he was focusing on the stock market. At first, he didn’t
pay much attention to their presence and greeted them warmly before
asking Richard to fetch them some snacks.
However, to his surprise, little Harvey had silently joined him by the computer
and started speaking about the stock market with confidence and insight.
What amazed Jean, even more, was that Harvey was talking about the very
stock he was considering investing in!
For a five-year-old to discuss the stock market so knowledgeably was
already astonishing. But what made it even more unbelievable was that the
stock Harvey recommended aligned perfectly with Jean’s thoughts.
Unable to contain his doubts, Jean inquired, “Do you understand stocks? How
do you know so much?”
With a humble smile, Harvey replied, showing remarkable poise, “Yes, I’m
El Banco Nacional de Mexico
Thu, 24 Aug 7
Chapter 140 Baby Genius
<9258 92%日
interested in investing in the stock market and have done some research. I
manage Mommy’s money.”
Jean raised an eyebrow, “Did your Mommy teach you?”
“No, Mommy doesn’t know anything about this. It’s precisely because she
doesn’t understand that she lets me handle the finances.”
Harvey shook his head, explaining further, “It was my Aunt who taught me a
lot about it when we were abroad. I also read some books on the subject.”
lan, who was listening nearby, found it difficult to believe. This couldn’t be
possible! A five-year-old child discussing stocks with such knowledge and
It was as if they could see through his skepticism, and the doublets, Sammy
and Penny, eagerly supported their brother’s claims.
Sammy exclaimed, “Harvey is telling the truth! He’s amazing! Aunt noticed his
talent before and specially allowed him to invest in several companies, all of
Chapter 140 Baby Genius
which became successful and are now listed on the stock market!”
Penny added, “Absolutely! Uncle Jean, you must have heard of SJ Group and
ELA Corporate, right? They are well-known overseas companies that have
risen to fame in the last couple of years, and Harvey invested in them! He’s
Seeing how they idolized him, Harvey seemed a bit embarrassed but couldn’t
hide his pride. He sheepishly curved his lips and looked at Jean with sparkling
“Tío Jean, si quieres saber sobre empresas extranjeras, ¡puedes preguntarme!
Los he investigado a fondo todos para mis inversiones. Por ejemplo, el
conocido grupo CL es…”
El pequeño prodigio explicó a continuación la situación actual y las perspectivas de
varias empresas extranjeras destacadas.
Lan se quedó estupefacto e incluso a Jean le resultó difícil de creer. Después de todo, ¡
era sólo un niño de cinco años!
Capítulo 140 Bebé genio
El mercado de valores y las inversiones eran campos que requerían un intelecto y una experiencia excepcionales
. Era prácticamente imposible que un niño que ni siquiera había
comenzado la escuela primaria sobresaliera en estas áreas. Muchos adultos habían fracasado en
este ámbito, y mucho menos un niño.
A pesar de sus dudas, Jean giró la computadora hacia Harvey y señaló
algunas acciones en el mercado, tratando de poner a prueba al pequeño genio.
Para su asombro, Harvey tenía respuestas perspicaces para cada una. Stock Jean
Al final, por increíble que pareciera, ¡Jean tuvo que admitir que
este niño entendía el mercado de valores!
Aunque no tiene la experiencia de un adulto y ocasionalmente muestra un
lado infantil, el conocimiento y la comprensión de Harvey fueron más que impresionantes. ¡ Era
evidente que era un indiscutible prodigio de las inversiones!
¡Casi todas las acciones que consideraba alineadas con las elecciones de Harvey!
Jueves, 24 de agosto
Capítulo 140 Bebé genio
Incluso alguien tan sereno como Jean no pudo evitar respirar profundamente.
No podía entender cómo Neera había logrado criar un
prodigio tan extraordinario.
La sala se llenó de un silencio inquietante y Jean no pudo encontrar las
palabras para expresar su asombro.
Fue sólo cuando Neera entró y se aclaró la garganta que la
escena anormalmente tranquila se rompió…
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