She tried to grab me again but someone came out of the room across the hall which was actually the bathroom. I ran inside and locked the door behind me. I leaned against the door and let out a rush of breath. I did some breathing exercises to calm myself before I killed someone. I have never been treated so poorly in my entire life. Once I was done with my last deep breath I stood up and walked to the toilet. I lifted the cover and was about to undo my pants but I have this burning sensation in the back of my throat. I pull the toilet seat up and got down on my knees. My stomach let go the instant my knees hit the floor. Thank the gods and goddesses I got here in time. I let my stomach empty til it could no more. I then wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet. I then got up and relieved myself. After I was done I washed my hands, face, and then rinsed my mouth out.

I listened at the door to see if anyone was there. I couldn’t hear anyone so I slowly opened the door. I checked both ways and no was there. I slowly walked out of the bathroom and went back to the gathering. I showed up just as the Alpha started to make his speech. He saw me enter the room and grinned at me. It sent cold chills down my spine.

“Good morning everyone. I have you gathered here because some of you will be having your transformations tonight or tomorrow and some of you are coming close to it. I also gathered our unmated females because I invited some unmated Alpha’s and Beta’s to see if any of your are their mates. I know this is unconventional but we will be doing our swearing in of the newly transformed and about to be transformed. We will be beginning in a couple minutes after everything is set up. Thank you.”

There were a few gasps and a few people actually fainted. But What amazed me was the evil gleam in all the parents eyes. I do not think the other Alpha’s and Beta’s knew about the early swearing in because they looked perturbed. The invited Alpha’s and Beta’s all looked like they were all in deep thought and my Alpha went over to them. They all seemed to put a mask on before my Alpha realized their stress. All of a sudden the Alpha’s and Beta’s followed my Alpha to the front. Some heated words were exchanged, you could tell by their posture and facial expressions. Just as my Alpha was about to say something there was a knock on the front door.

Knock, Knock, Knock….

Alpha Sean was staring at the entrance like it grew six heads and it was going to bite if he touched it. Knock, Knock, Knock…. Alpha Sean sighed and went to open the door. As the door swung open there were a bunch of shocks and growls. There in all of his glory was the King. The King grabbed Alpha Sean by the throat and walked inside while kicking the door shut.

“I am here because a little birdie let me know someone was trying to go against the swearing in laws. I have it on full investigation and good authority that everyone in this room that has been sworn into this pack will be sentenced to death. You are all corrupted and power hungry, you all know what will happen if these untransformed are sworn in before their wolves are revealed. Guards arrest them all. Leave the Alpha’s and Beta’s from the others packs to me,” The King announced.

The King looked over in my direction and smiled softly. He then handed my old Alpha over to the guards once he was cuffed and bound in wolfsbane infused chains. Once rid of the Alpha the King walked over to me.

“Halo a dhuine bhig. Tha do phàrantan air an t-slighe. Na gabh dragh gum bi thu sàbhailte a dh’aithghearr. Thèid a h-uile càil fhoillseachadh nuair a bhios sinn aig caisteal mt. Tapadh leibh airson innse dhomh dè bha a’ dol.” said the King

(Hello little one. Your parents are on their way. Do not worry you will be safe soon. All will be revealed once we are at my castle. Thank you for imforming me what was going on.)

“Tapadh leibh mo Rìgh airson a thighinn gus ar cuideachadh leis an t-suidheachadh seo. Is urrainn dhomh innse dhut nach eil mi a’ creidsinn gu robh fios aig Alpha’s agus Beta mu dheidhinn seo. Dìreach bhon t-sealladh air an aghaidhean nuair a chaidh ainmeachadh cha robh dad aca mu dheidhinn seo. Bha iad a’ smaoineachadh gu robh iad an seo a choimhead airson am fear anns a’ phasgan againn.” I replied.

(Thank you my King for coming to help us with this situation. I can tell you that I do not believe the Alpha’s and Beta’s knew about this. Just from the looks on their faces when it was announced they knew nothing about this. They thought they were here to look for their mate in our pack.)

“Dè tha thu a’ ciallachadh fear beag?” Asked the King.

(What do you mean little one?)

“Thuirt na seallaidhean air an aghaidhean a h-uile càil. Bha iad a’ coimhead troimhe-chèile mu dheidhinn agus gu math troimh-chèile. Nuair a thàinig Alpha Sean a-null gus an toirt chun àrd-ùrlar bha iad uile ag ionnsachadh na feartan aca gus nach leig iad air mar a bha iad a’ faireachdainn. An uairsin nuair a nochd thu bha iad a’ coimhead faochadh.” I explained.

(The looks on their faces said it all. They looked perturbed about it and very upset. When Alpha Sean came over to bring them to the stage they all schooled their features to not let on how they felt. Then when you showed up they looked relieved.)

“Mhothaich mi an aon rud nuair a thàinig mi a-steach. Bha iad a ‘coimhead gu math faochadh agus cha robh iad a’ gàireachdainn no a ’fàs nuair a nochd mi. Tha thu gu math mothachail air na tha timcheall ort.” Said the King.

(I noticed the same thing when I came in. They looked very relieved and did not gasp or growl when I showed up. You are very aware of your surroundings.)

“Tha uiread de dh’olc an seo. Chan urrainn dhomh a chreidsinn nach robh mi a’ faireachdainn a h-uile càil chun a’ mhìos a dh’ fhalbh. Ged a bha mi an-còmhnaidh a’ faighinn droch fhaireachdainn bho Alpha Sean. Ach mise nuair a choinnich mi ri Alpha Jameson an-diugh fhuair mi droch fhaireachdainn bhuaithe ach eadar-dhealaichte bhon uairsin san t-seòmar seo a-nis. A bheil thu a’ tuigsinn na tha mi a’ feuchainn ri ràdh?” I explained.

(There is so much evil here. I can not believe I did not feel all of it til this past month. Though I always got a bad feeling from Alpha Sean. Today when meeting Alpha Jameson I got an evil feeling from him, different then in this room now. Do you understand what I am trying to say?)

The King didn’t respond with words but he glanced around the room and spotted the Alpha’s and Beta’s talking quietly. He then looked back to me and nodded before saying, “Dè am fear?” (Which one) So quietly I almost did not hear him.

“Am fear a tha gam choimhead mar sheabhag. Mus iarr thu Chan e chan e mo charaid e. Nuair a bhean mi air a ghàirdean na bu thràithe bha e mar nathair a’ coilionadh nam stamag.” I said just as quietly.

(The one watching me like a hawk. Before you ask No he is not my mate. When I touched his arm earlier it was like a snake coiling in my stomach.)

With a slight nod the King left me to ponder our conversation and how the hell I understood what he was saying or even how I could respond. I wondered the same thing earlier when I read the second note but I was so caught up with trying to stay alive I didn’t give it a second thought. What language was that anyways? I am so caught up in my thoughts I jump when someone touches my arm. I look up to see who it was that touched my arm. It is Alpha Jameson. Ugh what does he want now?

“Can I help you with something?” I ask

“You looked very chummy with the King. Do you know each other?” He replied snidely.

“No, this is the first time I have met him. He was just wondering how I was and if the ceremony had started before he showed up.” I reply flippantly.

I do not know where this boldness is coming from. I have always been quiet and never questioned anything. But something is just rubbing me the wrong way with this guy, but I just can not put my finger on it.

“Oh, well that was kind of him. But I still wonder why he came and who informed him of what was going on. I mean I was surprised and so were the other Alpha’s and Beta’s when we found out what was going on. But we were not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.” He said.

“I am not sure who told him but I am glad he came regardless.” I said as I turned to walk away.

“Listen here you little Bitch, I do not know why you keep acting like your better then us but I am an Alpha and you have to give me respect,” He yelled as he yanked me by my arm back to him.

“What is going on here? Take your hands off her at once Alpha Jameson.” Stated the King.

“My King, but she disrespected me,” Alpha Jameson stated still squeezing my arm.

“How pray tell did I disrespect you? You came over here questioning me about my conversation with the King. Trying to accuse me of involving the King with this situation. But when you did not like my response and I tried to leave this conversation I get grabbed and yelled at, and your hurting my arm.” I stated fiercely.

“See disrespectful,” Alpha Jameson said with glee.

“I will not tell you again Alpha Jameson, remove your hands from Christiana now,” the King demanded. “I heard your conversation and I have to say I am impressed that Christiana did not walk away prior to when she did. Who are you to question someone what was stated in a private conversation with your King?”

“I meant no disrespect my King. I merely thought it was odd seeing how you have not talked with anyone else here.” Alpha Jameson stated.

The King raising his voice asks, “Who here have I spoken with since I have arrived? Please raise your hand.”

All of a sudden about 20 people raised there hand in response to the Kings question. The King then turns and stares at Alpha Jameson. Daring him to question him again.

“So, what are you really after with Christiana? If you were so intent on knowing why I was talking with her you would have also paid attention to all of the others I spoke with as well. Are you going to question them as well? Why are you paying Christiana such attention? When if she was your mate she would not be trying to get away from you or be uncomfortable around you.” The King queried.

“How would she truly know if I am or am not her mate when she has not transformed yet? It is impossible for her to know. As for why I was paying attention to her I find her intriguing. She could very well be my mate. She suits everything I am looking for in a mate.” Replied Alpha Jameson.

“Ah, but you forget a person will know if they have found their mate or not on their 21st birthday regardless if they have transformed. Today is Christiana’s 21st birthday. So, I suggest you look else where for your mate. She neither wants you near her nor does she look like she is enjoying your company. Now I will be here for all the transformations in the next few weeks because there is no Alpha here anymore. If I see you in this pack or near the pack property or any pack Christiana has a mate in, I will have you arrested. You have five minutes to see if any of the unmated females are your mate then you will be escorted from this pack property. AM I CLEAR?” Explained the King.

“Y Y Y Yes y y y your m m m Majesty.” Alpha Jameson stuttered.

Alpha Jameson then speed walked off and mingled with the women and then all of a sudden he looked over at me with a wicked gleam in his eyes. He then wiped his head back around and finished speaking to the women he was talking with. The guards went over and grabbed him and started hauling him out of the house til he started screaming, “This is not over Christiana. Mark my words I will have you….” after that we did not hear anything else because one of the guards knocked him out. I am shocked beyond words on what just happened. I look at the King and he barely shakes his head. Then I hear a voice in my head that’s not mine.

“Tonight all will be revealed.”

“Bu chòir dhut falbh. Ach rachaibh gu àite far a bheil fios agad gum bi thu sàbhailte, àite air nach eil fios aig duine sam bith eile.”(You should go. But go to a place where you know you will be safe, a place no one else knows about.) The King said.

“Dìreach ceann suas thuirt Alpha Jameson gun do chuir e iongnadh orra agus nach robh fios aca dè bha a’ tachairt an-diugh ach nach robh iad a’ dol a choimhead each tiodhlac nam beul. Mar sin tha mi a’ gabhail ris gun robh iad uile a’ dol a chuideachadh agus a’ faighinn na buannachdan.” I informed the King.

(Just a heads up Alpha Jameson said they were surprised and not aware of what was happening today but they were not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. So I take it they were all going to help and reap the rewards.)

“Thig, bheir mi an aire dha. Tapadh leat a dhuine bhig.” The King said softly.

(Go, I will take care of it. Thank you little one.)

I nodded and left. I walked to my home being wary of my surroundings and making sure no one was watching me. When I got home I slowly entered making sure to pay attention to any noise. Once

I shut the door I locked it. I slowly walked through my home and searched every nook and cranny making sure no one was there. I made sure the back door was locked. I then went upstairs and checked thoroughly up there as well. After I confirmed no one was hiding in my house, I entered my “Parents” room. I looked through everything trying to figure out who they were and what they were up to. But I could not find a thing. So I decided to go get changed and go to my hiding spot before anyone decided to show up.

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