Forgotten Guardians -
Chapter 16
They were at least a day’s walk from the temple and still surrounded by rock. They talked about the prophecy to Miranda, She remembered everything. She said it was as if someone pushed her out of her body and she viewed it as if standing in front of herself. Josan asked what she thought the prophecy meant. Miranda said she really didn’t know, but during the experience she saw images of a horrific battle, scorched earth and thousands of dead. She tried to shake the images from her mind, but could not. Frathe brushed it off as elf nonsense and Uuger didn’t know what to think about the idea, but Wolf seemed to know more then he let on. It was a feeling Josan got from his old friend. Josan couldn’t explain it but to him it seemed Wolf walked with more purpose and resovle. Josan decided not to discuss the issue any farther. They weren’t heroes, just travelers. Also, Josan already had his quest; finding Vander.
During The rest of the journey they did not encounter any other creatures, though they did hear a blood curtly roar coming from behind them. Instead of standing and fighting, they ran. From the sound the creature made it was huge and neither man nor beast would survive a battle with it. So they walked and walked, still taking short breaks and rotating guard duty. Their rations were all but gone and water was rationed to a survival point. On the third day from the temple they rounded a bend in the tunnel and say dim light ahead. They hurried toward the growing light and in a few minutes they were basking in the warm glow of sunlight. They slumped against the cave entrance and breathed a sigh of relief. After a few moments they remembered how hungry and thirsty they were and started down a nearby mountain trail.
They were in a valley between the mountains. Patches of grass sprang up through the snowy blanket fighting back the winter’s frost. The sun was high in the sky and no clouds were in sight. It was a beautiful day. Everyone had a smile one their face as the group headed towards the sound of a nearby stream. Even gruff Frathe, though he denied it, had a hard time keeping a smile from his lips. Miranda swirled and pranced through the air as if she had just been freed from being held captive for a century. All their aches and pains seemed to vanish for the time being. They found the small stream and drank eagerly. Miranda washed her hands and face and desperately wanted a bath. A memory of the last time she had bathed in a stream came to her mind. She looked over at Josan and let out a small girlish giggle. Josan just stared back having had no idea what she was giggling about. They sat next to the small stream for a moment, studying the layout of the landscape. Wolfs ears stood up and he started to silently edge toward a clearing nearby. Josan looked at his furry friend in confusion until he spotted one. A large plump sheep appeared from a thicket of trees in the distance. Josan’s stomach rumbled, he looked back to see his companions had also seen the sheep and had the same idea he had.
Josan started for the thicket as Wolf laid in wait for ihe perfect opportunity to attack. Frathe crept behind Josan with his double crossbow ready. Miranda scurried up, grabbed Josan’s arm spinning him around.
“What are you doing? We can’t kill a sheep, it probably belongs to someone,” Miranda said in a whisper.
“We will find the farmer and pay him handsomely for the sheep, or would you rather starve?” Josan said a harsh tone. He looked back to Frathe, who nodded his approval; even Uuger licked his lips in anticipation for the roasted meal. Miranda sighed and nodded. She still didn’t think it was right, but they needed to eat. Slowly and silently, they reached the thicket and took up positions. They had to be quiet for one thing about sheep was they spooked easily. Miranda studied the sheep and was amazed at how well they were fed and groomed. She had never seen such thick and shiny wool. Frathe raised his crossbow and Josan pulled out one of his throwing knives. Josan nodded to Frathe and he took aim.
Suddenly a thunderous roar ripped through the thicket, the ground shook and the wind rippled through the air. Then a shout cut through the air, “Thieves!” Group clutched their weapons tighter as a nine foot tall mountain giant came barreling through the trees into the clearing. He stopped in the middle of the clearing as the sheep bolted in all directions. The giant sniffed Ihe air with his gray pug nose and stuck out his tongue from his protruding jaw, as if lasting the wind. His huge muscles, the size of a cart wheels, tightened around his axe. His granite-like skin was taunt around his muscual build as he peered around the clearing looking for his prey.
“Come out thieves, I know you’re out there,” the giant roared as he swung a huge battle axe back and forth. The weapon was strange. Most giants prefered clubs or boulders, but strange also because the metal of the axe seemed to shift, as if it wasn’t completely solidified.
A twig snapped somewhere in the distance and the giant rushed over to the origin of the sound and with one mighty swipe of his ax, a whole row of young saplings collapsed on the ground. A fox burst through the underbrush and took off in a rush. Mountain giants have keen senses which let them feel vibrations in the ground and what he sensed was no fox. He spun around and scanned the clearing, but saw nothing.
Josan and Miranda sat flat against a huge maple tree trying not breathe. Miranda was almost frozen in fear. She had never seen a giant, but heard many stories of them as a child. They were the meanest of the mean and would kill for the sheer pleasure of doing so. She looked to Josan and could see that he was trying to figure a way out of this. When dealing with a enraged giant, tactics and caution usually won over sheer strength. Josan looked over at Frathe, who was huddled under a dead log; Josan could see that Frathe still had his deadly crossbow, armed and ready. Josan made a few curt gestures and Frathe nodded that he understood. Josan looked back at Miranda and put his hands on his sword hilts.
Then the giant let out a high pitched whistle and stood silently in the middle of the clearing, scanning the thicket with a weary eye. Amazingly the sheep wandered back and clustered around the giant’s leg. Suddenly Miranda felt very wrong about this. They were the trespassers, and they were going to kill one of the giant’s sheep.
Miranda tugged at Josan arm, “We can’t fight it. It has done us no wrong,” she whispered. Josan just looked back at her as if she was crazy. “They are his sheep, he has every right to protect them,” she proclaimed softly.
“It’s a giant, or haven’t you noticed? That thing would rather tear you in two than spit on you.” Josan said accursedly. He turned away and nodded again to Frathe, who nodded back and began to slowly rise, bringing his crossbow to bare. Miranda’s mind whirled. The only clear thought she had was this was wrong. Without thinking she jumped up and dashed out of the thicket just as Frathe had his sights set. Miranda stood at the edge of the thicket, with her arms spread wide and slowly approached the giant. The giant immediately saw her, at first; he brought his weapon up for a swing, then as if seeing the figure clearly he slowly folded his arms across his chest.
“Please forgive us, noble giant, we meant no harm,” Miranda bellowed as she raised her arms to show no threat. Josan crepted out of his concealment and made his way behind Miranda with one hand on his sword hilt, the other ready to grab Miranda and run. Frathe never took his aim off as he slowly made his way toward the other two. Uuger stayed concealed in the bushes and no one knew where Wolf was.
The giant looked down at her with a scowl then raised his head and let out a laugh straight from his belly. Josan clutched his hilt even tighter as he studied the giant. This was a odd looking giant. Most giants wore loose fitting furs or rags, but this one wore a finely cut blue vest with silver trim, fitted black trousers and a silver inlaid belt. He even had fine fitted leather boots, polished to a high shine. There was something else which seemed odd about this giant, the way he held himself, like a noble man, with an air of dignity.
“Where did you come from, little lass?” the giant said with a great baritone voice. Josan’s was amazed. No giant spoke human tongue, especially so properly.
“Please forgive us, we did not know that these were your sheep, but we would pay you for one. We have had a long journey and we are very hungry,” she spoke as she tried to curtsy.
“Where did you folks come from?” the gaint said more firmly, as if he just noticed Josan and Frathe.
“The Dark caves,” she said.
A scowl reappeared on his face, “Do not jest,” he said even firmer, looking back at Miranda.
“I don’t, we just came out of there today, and it’s a place we do not wish to return to anytime soon,” she said plainly.
The giant seemed to study them for a moment. Finally content with whatever he saw. “My name is Grimmly. I wouldn’t be a gentlemen if I didn’t invite you three for dinner. You look as if you all could use a fire and a fine hot bath,” he said with a courtly manner as he lowered his huge battle axe. Amazingly the metal of the axe warped and swirled into a small thick rod of metal, which he placed in a loop on his belt.
“Well, five,” Miranda said a little humbled. At that moment Uuger fell out of the thicket and wrestling with some roots tangled in his legs, before he ran to Miranda’s side. The sheep bawled and shifted around uneasily as Wolf made his appearance on the far side of the thicket.
Grimmly inspected the newcomers with a weary eye, especially Wolf. “Five it is then, but please keep your wolf at a distance. He spooks my sheep,” he said with a casual tone, though his eyes never lost their weary look.
Miranda nodded and started to follow the huge giant when she noticed that the rest of them hadn’t moved from their spots. Josan and Frathe still stood frozen in their positions as if a spell held them. Miranda spun around “What’s wrong with you two?” she demanded. Josan looked to Frathe who only shrugged, then looked to Wolf. Wolf seemed to be at ease and not paying much attention to the unusual giant. Josan shook his head in disbelief and started after Miranda, but his coat was kept clear of his hilts just incase, likewise Frathe put his crossbow away but kept it loaded and cranked. The group followed Grimmly and his sheep through the clearing and up a small mountain pass. Josan and Frathe brought up the rear and Wolf disappeared into the underbrush. No one except Miranda spoke as they walked.
“Those sheep are the finest I think I have ever seen,” Miranda said honestly, as she stroked one nearby.
“Why, thank you, little lady. I’m taking them into Eagle’s Eye tomorrow for the festival. You and your friends should come along, it’s quite the spectacle,” Grimmly said as he walked on with his sheep in tow.
“What’s Eagle’s Eye? What festival?” Miranda asked curiously.
“Well, Eagle’s Eye is a village farther down the valley and tomorrow is the ‘Last Harvest Festival,’ There’s dancing, music, games, storytellers, magic and a grand feast,” Grimmly proclaimed.
“Wizards?” Miranda asked and Uuger danced on the balls of his feet.
“Oh yes,” Grimmly said as if he just realized that they were not from around the area, “there are quite a few wizards there, though they liked to be called, ‘watchers.’ Tomorrow I will introduce you to a few when we get there, that is, if you want to come along,” Grimmly added happily as they walked along. Miranda turned around and looked at Josan, who only shrugged his shoulders.
“We would be delighted to come along,” Miranda said with a smile.
They turned the bend in the path and came upon a large outcropping on the mountain side. To one side stood a pen, made from poles and boards. To the right in the side of the outcropping a well fashioned door leading into the mountain. Grimmly walked over to the pen, herded his sheep into it and tightly fastened it shut. Then he walked to the huge door and swung it open. With a bow and a hand movement he ushered Miranda and the others into his home. The cave interior nearly made all of them swoon; plush rugs lay on the floor, there was a large fire place, delicately carved out of the cave wall. Plump furniture was arranged throughout the rooms, the fine craftsmanship evident in them all. A large wooden table with intricate designs stood by the far wall with six carefully carved chairs surrounding it. The cave walls had been worked to a smooth shine, and detailed scrollwork bordered the tops and bottoms.
Grimmly escorted them in and asked them to sit by the fire and warm themselves. Miranda felt awkward sitting on the fine furniture with her dirty cloths, but once she sat down she thought she would never get up again. Josan took a seat across from her and Frathe stood next to the fire, leaning on the wall, while Uuger sat at Miranda’s feet running his hands over the plush carpet. Grimmly disappeared into a side room, Miranda could see Josan still had his hand near his hilt and Frathe fingered his crossbow. Grimmly returned a moment later with a kettle and placed it above the fire; he seemed to notice the tension in the room. He pulled a large leather stuffed chair up and sat in it. Miranda thought he looked like a noble man with his back straight and arms resting on the huge chair.
“You are the most peculiar group of travelers I have ever come across. A goblin, a man who does not show his face, a beautiful woman, a wolf, and oh?” Grimmly trailed off as he looked at Uuger.
“Uuger, me Uuger,” Uuger proclaimed as he hopped up, pointing to his chest with a clawed finger.
“Yes, an Uuger. And you say you have traveled through the Dark caves,” Grimmly pointed out.
“Some could say the same of you,” Josan final spoke up with a cool tone, which earned him an angry scowl from Miranda.
Grimmly raised his hand gently toward Miranda to show he took no offense. “I suppose I am unique as well. Not every day you meet a mountain giant who is a sheep herder.”
He took a deep breath as he began his slory: “I was born in these mountains just like any giant. I did my fair share of killing and chasing travelers. When I was young, myself and a group of other mountain giants went on a raid toward Eagle’s Eye. The wizards defeated us with little effort. Most of my kin were killed but I was taken captive. The wizards made me work to pay off what my kin and I had damaged. I didn’t like it at the time but I was young and stupid then. After some time, I grew to like living among the wizards and farmers. The wizards taught me their language and many more and used spells to raise my intelligence, they showed me a better life. So here I am today,” he finished, raising his arms in the air as if circling his home.
“A good life, most sheep herders don’t live this good,” Frame snorted from the side of the fire.
Grimmly let a hardy laugh, “Well, I did come to enjoy the finer things in life as well. So what is your story?”
“Well, my name is Miranda and this is Uuger. The dark one is Josan and the one with a quick tongue is Frathe, the wolf’s name is Wolf.”
As if on cue, they heard the sheep begin to bleat and rustle around outside. A moment later the door slid open and Wolf padded in and sat next to the fire. Miranda paused as Grimmly nodded to everyone. She took a moment, before starting their story; She told him about how she and Josan met and how they met Uuger and Weldon, how they got trapped in the cave with Frathe due to the blizzard and the temple they found and the prophecy they heard. She included every detail. Grimmly sat there nodding and taking everything in. After she was finished he sat quite for a moment thinking of everything he just heard. Then he looked up.
“I think you should see the ‘Head Watcher’ Veil. He might be able to tell you more about this prophecy. I’ll lake you to see him tomorrow, but for now you all could use a bath and a hot meal after an adventure like that. There is some natural hot springs down the in tunnels, in which you can wash away any troubles you have. I shall make dinner,” he said as he stood up. He pointed them in the direction of the springs and handed them each a candle holder. The group walked down the hall to a fork, Josan, Frathe, and Wolf took the left tunnel and Miranda headed down the right, to which Grimmly had pointed out as the ‘finished’ bathroom. Uuger followed Miranda in tow and declared that he would stand watch until she was done. She smiled and kissed his forehead declaring him her guard then walked down the tunnel. When she reached the springs, she found an elaborate bathroom. A large rectangular pool the size of a small pond stood in the middle, and detailed trim encircled the pool with steps leading down into the steaming water. The pool was only three or four feet deep with the natural hot spring bubbling up the middle. Steam filled the room. Miranda walked around the perimeier of the finely made pool and lit the torches hanging on the walls. She slowly undressed, and as she did she felt every ache and pain in her body. She gently eased herself into the steaming pool and sat back lo let the warm water sooth her muscles. Grimmly was right. Every trouble she had seemed to melt away.
Uuger paced back and forth with his enchanted mace slung over his shoulder. He perked up when he heard the echoing foot steps of Grimmly coming down the tunnel. Uuger spread his feet and held his arms wide as Grimmly rounded the bend, holding towels in his arms.
“Oh, what do we have here?” Grimmly said.
“No pass, pretty lady bathing,” Uuger said firmly, not moving and keeping his arms wide as if he could stop the giant if need be.
Grimmly smiled and bowed low extending his arms which were piled with towels, “I wouldn’t think of intruding, sir knight, I merely thought M’Lady might want some warm towels.
Uuger smiled from ear to ear at proclamation of being a knight. “Uuger, take towels to pretty lady,” he hurried over and scooped up the towels with both hands. He started to run down tunnel then stopped and looked back at where he was standing. He told Miranda that he would stand guard, but she needed towels. Suddenly Uuger found himself in a very tight position from his view point.
As if reading his mind, Grimmly spoke up, “I will stand guard until you return. Neither dragon nor king shall pass me,” Grimmly said with another bow.
Uuger nodded and rushed down the tunnel to the bathroom.
Miranda laid in the pool as thoughts swirled through her head, the words of the prophecy circled her mind. Then she saw a movement from the entrance and jumped as Uuger walked in with a towel over his head and several others in his arms. He carefully walked toward the spring, trying not to fall.
“Is that you, my noble guard?” she cooed as he approached.
“Uuger bring towels for you, Grimmly stand watch,” he said from under the towel.
“Thank you so much, you can leave them right there.”
Uuger’s grin was apparent even through the towel. He dropped the load and turned and started trotted toward the exit. Half way back his foot slipped on the damp floor and he flopped on the floor. Miranda jumped half out of the water and braced herself on the edge, “Uuger, are you alright?”
“Uuger, okay,” he said as stood back up with the towel still over his head and rubbing his scraped knee. He slowly walked out with one hand reached out through the haze for guidance. He walked back into the tunnel and disappeared. Miranda laid back and let herself slip into her thoughts again.
Josan and Frathe sat in the natural formed pool and let the warm water cleanse them of week’s worth of grime. Wolf lay on the side and licked his fur as the others bathed. Josan and Frathe exchanged small talk, but fell silent when they heard Grimmly approach. He came into the natural cavern with an arm full of towels and gently laid them down. Then without a word he sat down at the edge of the pool. Tension was thicker then the steam as the four sat in silence. Josan hid himself behind the steam as Grimmly looked about. Then Josan noticed that Grimmly still wore his shape changing rod.
“That is a very unique weapon,” Josan said casually.
Grimmly looked down and pulled the quicksilver rod from the loop on his belt, “It was a gift from the Watchers when I left.”
“Can it change into anything?” Frathe asked, trying to sound interested.
“Almost anything, as long it is a bladed weapon,” Grimmly said as he shoved the rod back into its loop. Grimmly looked up and caught a glimpse of silver through the mist. He looked again but saw nothing but Josan’s silhouette in the steam. A puzzled look crossed his face. He looked to Frathe, who only met his glaze with an expressionless stare. Grimmly turned back to meet Josan’s silver eyes. His muscles tensed and his hand shifted to the rod handle. Josan sat not making a move as Grimmly’s came to the reality of the situation.
“So, now I understand the whole dark figure appearance,” Grimmly finally said with a slight chuckle. Grimmly visibly relaxed and leaned back against a stalagmite. The trio sat and talked for some time about nothing in perticuler before they left the natural spring. Josan felt more comfortable than he had in a long time.
After Miranda had finished her bath she called Uuger in and let him bathe. He played more in the water than cleaned himself. After they both finished they gathered their things and headed back up the tunnel. She braided her hair and tried to brush off her clothes, as Uuger carried her things. When she turned the last bend in the tunnel a swarm of aromas engulfed her. She stood still for a moment and inhaled the sweet smells of a kitchen. She walked into the main room to find a table set as if for a banquet. Grimmly sat at the head of the table in a big plush arm chair, Josan and Fralhe sat on either side of him. Wolf was curled up in front of the fire, taking in the warmth. A sound of something that she hadn’t heard in some time filled the room. Laughter. The three sat there laughing and joking as they where old friends. A smile crept to her lips as she walked across the room with Uuger at her side.
The group sat and ate conversing throughout the meal. For some reason Josan felt entirely comfortable. He felt whole. He looked around and didn’t see road-beaten faces, but faces full of laughter and good nature. It was a moment of peace for all of them.
After me meal Grimmly let Miranda and Uuger take his bedroom as the others slept in the living room. It only took Miranda a second to fall asleep in the soft warm bed. Uuger curled up next to her as usual as the others slept soundly in the next room. For once, everything was right and calm, even if just for a fleeting moment.
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