I Fall In Love In Another Dimension -
Chapter 13
At last the weapons were ready, beautiful mortal instruments, which brushes would serve as scissors to cut the threads of many lives, that gave them time for Dr. Yací to take Estiben for a walk to his parents' house, who lived in the same blue house in the same When they arrived at his house, Yací's mother, Mrs. Helen, the same as Estiben's mother, greeted them very affectionately and Estiben let himself be carried away by the moment, hugging her and telling her:
neighborhood where the scientist grew up, clarifying the doubts that the two colleagues were dimensional pairs.
-Hi mommy, how are you?
Everyone blushed, although they took it as a form of greeting from their dimension, another very different situation was when he saw his late father greeting, although with more wrinkles, but with the same illuminated smile, he could not stand throwing himself to hug him, crying he took him with kisses and said:
-Daddy, I love you, you have missed me so much.
Before the questioning gaze of those present, he could not overcome the emotion that overwhelmed him, he always believed that it would never be possible to see his father again, he understood why his counterpart was more successful.
At last he calmed down, Yací took him to his room, beautiful, spacious and above all very neat, nothing like any of his rooms, where on an occasion like this he would have had to go ahead and put all the mess under the bed. She tried to console him with these words:
-calm down I didn't think it would affect you so much, I just wanted to check if you were really my dimensional pair, now I have no doubts you and I are the same but vibrating in different frequencies, although we have had different events very different that skewed our lives very different, it is quantum physics, a person can have a very different life just by choosing whether to go to the right or to the left, whether to take the subway or not, whether to be able to propose something or to let shyness win, other times they are consequences of other people's events like the butterfly effect, undoubtedly the death of your father affected you a lot. I don't know what else made us different, it must be something that made you so complacent and such a loser, I even overcame asthma, you let them tell you what you could do, you self-limited yourself, you pitied yourself, that's what I think because it happened to me too, but I refused to accept my limitations, I discovered that I am the protagonist and writer of my story, I am the center of my universe, I am the God of my monotheistic religion.
Estiben was astonished, he supposed that Yací did not know that he was her double, but that he was the one who did not know that the doctor was the one who postulated the theory of the dimensional pairs. His astonishment did not stop, he felt great anxiety to go out to see his parents again, also who knows what else would surprise him and indeed it did, the two brothers of the doctor arrived, perhaps called by his parents, who arrived with their respective families, he always wanted a male brother, since he could never get along well with his older sisters, who were overprotective or cruel warts, but the doctor induced him to stay in the room to meditate while she tried to explain the situation to his family.
At last the weapons were ready, beautiful mortal instruments, which brushes would serve as scissors to cut the threads of many lives, that gave them time for Dr. Yací to take Estiben for a walk to his parents' house, who lived in the same blue house in the same neighborhood where the scientist grew up, clarifying the doubts that the two colleagues were dimensional pairs.
He stayed in his room was surprisingly the same as his own, in itself had a feminine taste for decoration not all pink either, but if the posters of pop girl singers, his same furniture, he also had no diplomas just like him, he should have them stored in the closet, he was tempted to look for them, When he examined the drawers he realized that he had everything organized in almost the same way, with few clothes because of how complicated it was to choose what to buy, so it was easy to find his study certificates, which was frustrating in a way, since he had nothing surprising, only some short courses next to his high school diploma, so how was it that they called her doctor?, She put them away again, but made a clumsy movement that knocked over a jar of a Cologne that broke into a thousand pieces against the floor, to top it off, when she bent down, her bag got tangled in a drawer and in her eagerness to get out of it, she pulled it very hard, pulling the drawer out and emptying the contents into the air, it was the underwear that flew through the air. At that moment everyone went upstairs due to the sound of the broken glass, entering all in a herd, to be all stunned, even one of his brothers said:
-well, at least he is just as depraved as our little sister Yací.
After laughter from side to side, the brothers introduced themselves the eldest named Orion a massive man with a sculpted body product of years of hard training reminded him of his sister Yésica who had been attending the gym for 20 years, although he did his sit-ups backwards, since while his buttocks flattened his abdomen bulged, the second brother David, who was covered in jewelry, expensive clothes, well groomed, resembled his sister Yésica who had been attending the gym for 20 years, although he did his sit-ups backwards, since while his buttocks flattened his abdomen bulged, He resembled his sister, the second Bella, whose obsession for luxury had led her to leave the country with a drug dealer to end up in prison abroad for 8 years, some small differences such as the kitten of the house that here was docile, nothing to do with her old cantankerous cat, perhaps because she gave away all her offspring, since they wanted to keep so many kittens.
Estiben could not take his eyes off his father, who, noticing him, approached him and said:
-hello son, you know when I saw you, I felt a connection, it must be because you look a lot like my mother, I understand that you are I lay in another dimension, where your father who was a me, who died early or something like that, I want you to know that you can count on me as long as you stay here.
Crying, Estiben hugged him saying:
-my beautiful old man, you have missed me so much, why did you have to leave us alone, I love you so much, there is not a day that I do not remember you, I have cried missing you, why did you want to die, you would have met your grandchildren, we would have shared more time together.
The father, don Gratináis, I believe that is his name, answered very tenderly:
-I don't know the cause of his death, what I do know is that he loved them as much as I love my children and maybe you would have visited me more often, ha-ha-ha.
That sentence fell like a stone, because he spent months without even calling his mommy, he probably would have done the same with his father, he simply missed him, because he no longer had him, but if he had him alive maybe he would not even have greeted him by hugging him, This gave him a revelation, perhaps that was what caused his debacle, having concentrated on the loss of his father, which although very painful, he did not have to relive it in his head a thousand times to fill himself with sadness and self-pity, just like when he separated from his failed marriages, which he spent a long time immersed in depression trying to self-destruct. This finally made him calm down, he shook his hands then rubbed his face to wipe his tears and finally asked for a thousand pardons for the dramatic scene, that is why Yací had triumphed more than him, she was seen to be less sentimental, more centered without a doubt she also had many tragedies, only that she overcame them, she did not keep turning them over, you can not resurrect with crying, the deceased will not return from his grave if you feel miserable, life goes on and you should not let go of the store, maybe Estiben liked to be compared, like many people is always good some attention, obviously what should be done is to seek attention of the good that is for admiration and not poor.
He stayed in his room was surprisingly the same as his own, he had a feminine taste for the decoration not all pink either, but if the posters of pop girl singers, the same furniture, he didn't have diplomas like him either, he should have them stored in the closet, he was tempted to look for them, When he examined the drawers he realized that he had everything organized almost in the same way, with few clothes because of how complicated it was to choose what to buy, so it was easy to find his certificates of study, which was frustrating in a way, since he had nothing surprising, only some short courses next to his high school diploma, so how was it that they called her doctor?, She put them away again, but made a clumsy movement that knocked over a jar of a Cologne that broke into a thousand pieces against the floor, to top it off, when she bent down, her bag got tangled in a drawer and in her eagerness to get out of it, she pulled it very hard, pulling the drawer out and emptying the contents into the air, it was the underwear that flew through the air. At that moment everyone went upstairs due to the sound of the broken glass, entering all in a herd, to be all stunned, even one of his brothers said:
It turns out that they were gathered for dinner, because it was rumored that a powerful army was approaching the capital, so they decided to gather the whole family, everyone was very cool, except the sisters-in-law, just like in his world his brothers-in-law were detestable misogynistic beings and when he thought he was not going to get crazier, some mariachis sounded in the street, when he looked out it was a group brought by a fat chubby chubby with camorrero mustache, who was the first husband of Yací. A mean, drunken guy who gave her a very bad life, now he was there begging her because of his opportunism, since he looked very tempting to be the husband of the most famous doctor in the country; the fool thought he was very beautiful, he believed he would always have her at his feet although he did not know that she had not felt anything for him for a long time, it is true she was obsessed because of her inexperience, he was one of her first boyfriends, he was a swarm of bad manners combined with bad hygiene, maybe as Estiben said, she was with him because she got pregnant and did not want to leave her child adrift or without a father because of the example of her parents, she holding her mouth not to try to laugh said:
-that imbecile believes that coming here, I am going to return with him, he believes because I have been separated for a long time, I am fragile, also affordable, he was a lout and even very bad for the bed, it was my worst mistake of youth, thank goodness I had the strength to leave him if not I would be a failed woman married to a damn ill-mannered drunkard, family as a scientist I propose that we investigate what happens if we throw buckets of water at him! Let's see what happens.
They had a very pleasant family moment throwing water and other things at that wimp, who shouted that he loved her until he ran away because he could no longer resist the mocking laughter of the onlookers, the musicians marched behind to try to collect their services.
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