I Fall In Love In Another Dimension -
Chapter 15
On the way to the palace, the streets were deserted in contrast to the crowded churches, which were very luxurious buildings, demonstrating that in this reality people were either very pious or were desperately trying to seek divine help, everywhere there are many people looking for God only when they are in trouble, Estiben was very surprised and could not resist asking them, "It seems that here you are very religious, right?
-It seems that here they are very religious, right? On the other hand, in my dimension, people were losing faith, not in God, but in those who called themselves his messengers, there were many abuses by the leaders, in addition to the proliferation of so many creeds that resulted in different truths that it was impossible to know which was the truth, also the situation was aggravated by seeing how the monarchs gave themselves lives of excess while their followers lived in misery. David, the factious brother, wrinkled his brow and clenched his fists shaking vertically, angrily replied:
-Your world is very bad, very bad, it is doomed to destruction, it is not for nothing that we see them as monsters and they do not resist our pure touches.
Who would have thought that a being full of jewels from head to toe would be a religious fanatic, Estiben was forced to answer, he did not want to, since he already knew the wear and tear of talking to someone who believed his opinion was sacred and that those who disagreed were stupid, that if they could not convince them of his ideas they would deserve the purifying death, so very calmly he said to him:
-no, well the truth is that our worlds have evolved in a different way, the important thing is that people behave well, I knew faithful people who were cheaters as well as very helpful atheists, it is that people have to mature, they do not need someone to tell them what is right, one has to treat their neighbor as one would like to be treated, it is also very bad that someone mortal forgives their sins, I can imagine how many times a murderer would go to a priest to seek atonement, who in the end would say so many prayers, he would do even more, and then continue committing misdeeds that according to him would be forgiven either by the clergyman or at the time of his death through repentance, maybe even share paradise with some of his victims. The brawny brother, Orion, put in his spoonful, with these words:
-although it's not so much about the sins either, but for the hope of a better life after death, to me the truth I'm afraid to die so that my beautiful body, after all the effort I made to have it like this, finally withers, and I came to the end or worse that in the other world I will be a weak skinny weakling.
Then Yací jumped up and down in his chair and smilingly answered:
-that is something hypothetical, no one has returned after death to say that there is there, in the end it may be something completely different from what those religions say, so far the only one who has come from another world is here present.
He smiled wanting to speak, but feared getting tangled up having to repeat himself several times, then roughly David took the vocals:
-there is painted the black sheep of the family, who is not sacramentalized, who lived amancebada and who hid not to go to church.
The older brother raised his voice as a gift and shaking his right fist, furious said:
-you are very stupid, you know that she was forced to make communions in the ladies' prison.
Estiben, surprised, asked the obvious:
-were you in jail?
A very uncomfortable silence invaded the wagon that transported them, Yací lowered her head and began to cry, covering her face with her hands. Finally, sobbing, he said:
-it's ok, maybe I missed some details of my last separation, I thought you were going to judge me by the fact that the most important doctor still lives in her parents' house and why you didn't see any of my children, the truth is a very complicated story, full of pain and a lot of suffering.
I stretch my arms around her, kissing her forehead, and whisper to her:
-be calm, you don't have to tell me everything about your life, maybe we will have time later, still don't be ashamed, we are not totally to blame for what happens to us in life, sometimes we are like a ship that we have control of the rudder and the sails but not of the tides or the weather.
Yací wiped her tears with her right hand and with her left hand, she hit a wall of the wagon, giving a little scream:
-now that's the most complicated thing, we don't have much time, one of the two worlds will collapse the other and your stay here unbalances even more the equation of realities, as if that wasn't enough there is another thing, that I know you also know, but you pretend not to know, maybe so no one will feel sorry for you or to give yourself as important with Pollux, is that we don't have a little bit of idea how you can return to your monstrous dimension and much less how to avoid the apocalyptic catastrophe! The hooves of the steeds clapped on the cobblestone street, inside the wagon a bitter silence invaded it, everyone watched as the wagon driver guided the beasts, suddenly in the blink of an eye a bright light exploded his head as when a watermelon falls to the ground, Yací along with David screamed disconsolate, these caused the horses to run out of control, While a rain of lightning turned the buildings around them into dust, Orion had to use his great brute strength to get back on his feet, he got rid of what was left of the driver, throwing him the side of the road and tried vainly to control the animals, because a rain of lightning left him alone with a few smoking reins and not even the mane of the animals was left.
The cruel war had arrived much sooner than expected, a question came to the scientist's mind, could it be that Altares would develop another type of weapon? That would give Pollux even more advantage, since a war is won with better weapons or smarter tactics. They would only have manufactured a weapon similar to the one Estiben helped develop when he was kidnapped, frankly they lacked militia, they more than anyone else, since their beloved leader, Pollux, was left for those small but deadly war artifacts.
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