I Fall In Love In Another Dimension -
Chapter 71
-Lie, look how fabulous, now we have reached the bald man's dimension, it is impressive, even his wo flying, Lie come on, -I talk to the android, who only looks at me throwing sparks, she may be in her las -Doctor Estiben, I can't believe it, it's Doctor Estiben! -Then several people gather around me, excited -Please, I need help," I try to tell them amidst their jubilation.
-Of course, maestro, what can we do for you?
-Help me to take this robot to my laboratory. -Immediately some men lift it up and we are taken to a -Sir, what a joy to have you back, and we see that you have discovered the cure for baldness, this will They help me to get to the immense laboratory that is full of instruments of all kinds, I even have assi -Master Estiben, what a joy to see you again, you look better with that haircut.
We lay Lie down on a table, I try to fix her, until a soft hand caresses me saying:
-Love, I'm so glad you're back, I missed you so much. -I turn to see, finding a very beautiful woman, w repair this android or whatever it is.
I try to tell him something, only that a beautiful boy comes hugging me: -Daddy, you missed me so much, I love you so much.
How lucky the bald guy was, that's all I can think of as my tears come out without me being able to ho -What's the matter daddy, you say that men don't cry. -The boy, about six years old, mentions tenderly -They are not tears of weakness, they are tears of happiness at being able to see them. -I explain and -Chief, this is something unbelievable, never seen before! -exclaims one of the assistants checking Lie -Wait, that technology is a delicate prototype, you must access it with extreme care. -I warn them, I hu -I'm coming with you now, I urgently need to repair the android.
We immediately concentrated on fixing Lie, who was quite affected with bullets and blows, we lasted the end with a lot of luck, she was back on line, she opened her eyes, looking at me smiling she informed:
too small, look at those fabulous multicolored skyscrapers, with their facades full of plants, the streets are clean, everything seems perfect, look at the cars ents about to explode. A person shouts excitedly:
me, asking me for autographs.
ful building where the walls are waterfalls of water, where the doormen come out excitedly to help greeting me: ther of your great feats.
who are excited to see me, the lights of the cameras blind me for moments.
es me without caring how dirty I am, although she emphasizes it to me. -You should go first to clean yourself up, it's impossible that all your helpers can't
m back.
ber that his real father was transformed into a monster, who knows if someday he will be able to bring him back in good shape.
boy and then kissing the woman I comment to them:
without stopping correcting, sewing, replacing, sometimes blindly, or without knowing what to do, we just followed her complex algorithm of operation, at
-optimal status, you knew you would do it, you are my beau, my hero, although they left me some things badly squared.
The following hours we repaired her following her instructions, the high tech equipment of that laboratory helped us a lot, at the end of the day the efforts gave us fruits, she was working again, she looked radiant, beautiful, I was filled with happiness to see her like that, full of life, avid of knowledge, she connected to the information network to catch up with the knowledge of this dimension, while I could not stand even a second more my unpleasant smell.
-Can you please take me to my room? -I asked the favor to an orderly, not wanting to arouse suspicions that I had no idea where they were located.
-Of course sir, you must be very tired, I was going to suggest that. -He answers me with a kindly face, as if he really appreciated me.
On the way to the suite we passed by some corridors where his courses, careers and newspaper clippings where he was the protagonist were framed, apparently this was the lucky Estiben and he lost his hair for studying or working late at night in his lab. -Hello, love. -The wife came out to greet me, again giving me a kiss, I thought I saw Lie's face, furious at the wall.
-Wife, I want to take a bath, I look like a tramp. -I tell her, fanning my nose.
-Of course, beloved husband, I've already prepared the jacuzzi and clean clothes, it's time to burn them. -He is absolutely right, I enter the bath submerging myself in those warm waters that relax me, everything was perfect until I feel footsteps next to me, I look for the place where they come from, although the steam diminishes the visibility, I contemplate a beautiful spectacle, the sweet wife enters with an open bathrobe, where I can contemplate that shapely body that seems not to have had children, she realizes what my eyes check and smiling whispers:
-this is yours and you have it neglected. -She takes off her robe and gets into the Jacuzzi, while again I seem to observe Lie on the wall.
-Wait woman, there's something I have to tell you, I don't know how you take it, it turns out I'm not your Estiben, I'm from another world. -I confess bluntly, it's what the situation allows me, my libido was forcing me to go ahead, she gets out of the jacuzzi, ashamed, covering herself with the bathrobe and some towels, telling me:
-I understand, it was the experiment I was doing, traveling to the other parallel world, you are the one from that world, but what happened to my husband; to my adored Estiben.
I hesitated about what I would answer him, I didn't know whether to give him hope or to break his heart with the truth, I only knew that I had to try not to hurt him even though it would be difficult.
-Her husband is stranded in another dimension, we have to rescue him, in these days we will work on a device to bring him to safety. -It was the only thing I could think of and it didn't help me to avoid seeing her crying.
-Please help me to bring my husband back, I don't know what I will do without him. -She continued crying, at the time I got up and put the towel and hugged her to comfort her, while the image of Lie was projected on the wall, and I lied to her:
-Madam, I promise you that I will not rest until I bring you your husband, so that you can continue to live happily. -I tell her this lie knowing that my only interest is still to rescue my beloved Dr. Lie.
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