All a sundry sat still, waiting for the creator to speak. His voice sounded less frightening from before, It was calm and stern.

" Welcome, I have called you here to establish to each of you a new animal kingdom. Zarda, the lion prince, I have mentioned in your vision's, is your new leader and ruler. I have appointed him above everyone else. He alone, holds the first staff given at Rock Hill. Today, each leader will receive a gift, one that will allow me to connect to you and the item at once. I will be able to work wonders on your behalf. Just as I do for Zarda. It will work for you. It is not magic, it is omnipotence, only I control. I am an Elohim, a powerful being. you will learn to know me" Said the master.

Zarda sat so enamored listening to him speak, that he took no notice of the missing lion's tribe. Once he realized it, it was all his mind could focus on. His calm peaceful thoughts turned to hate again. He was curious why Master started without them.

He knew the Blackmane tribe was coming late. So why didnt he wait. Oh well, it wasn't his problem. At least he was there early. The Master would continue when they arrived.

Zarda was pleased deep down in his heart. He wished for the King's death instead. The only bad thing was master knew his thoughts and called him out on it. Elohim was disappointed having to correct Zarda so much on this day. He knew Zarda's heart was ready, but he wasnt proving himself worthy. Zarda redirected his thoughts to more serene places. He waited impatiently, watching for the lions to appear any second. Master Elohim, had a suprise for the prince. He knew what he wanted Zarda to see. His plans of humility would work for his honor.

Slowly, walking in was an old, weak Lion. It was king jarvius, and his two warriors. They helped him hobble in. He had sustained the injury King Ezekiel gave him those years ago. He found it hard to walk, even in his human form. They looked around for a seat, to find the only space available was between the Gorillas and crocodiles. Two cheerful choices to pick from. 'Not!' Thought Zarda. So, They walked over slow and steady. As the King managed a suitable spot, he happened to glance up in Zarda's direction. His black face almost turned as white as Zarda's. He stopped midway and stared closely at him. Zarda's heart pounded, but he stayed put. He couldn't believe how much Zarda looked just like his father, King Ezekiel. It was a scary sight.

Zarda, king jarvius, and the gorilla king, kept their lingering gazes between the three of them, as Elohim continued.

"Welcome, Jarvius and Blackmane pride. I'm glad you have made it safely. You're just in time. Please have a seat and listen carefully. Now as I was saying. You're all here to make a treaty with myself. That the animal kingdoms present never agree to murder without cause. You are to keep each kingdom safe. Your kingdoms may trade and aid in battle if battle is declared. You agree that the beasts of the fields that I have left as is, as you once were, will be fair game for food, but each beast caught, is to be cooked thoroughly. Understood?" Stated Elohim.

Each individual nodded their heads in agreement.

Forming before their eyes was a flat stone, morphing in the center of the animal circle. A golden glow encompassed it as it grew. Upon the top of the surface, a piece of parchment paper appeared along with ink jar and a feather pen.

" King's only, if you would please approach the parchment one at a time, and sign the treaty if your kingdom complies with my words. It also states on the parchment, you understand everything that was shown in your vision's I had given the night's prior, that you agree to do and teach the next generations to come. Now, if all the animal kingdoms one by one will come up in an orderly fashion, leaving king zarda and his pride to be last." said Elohim.

The gathering didn't move right off. They were slow to make the first move. The cheetahs, tired of wasting their time around the lesser kingdoms, stood first, the King sauntered to the center, proudly. He stood before the stone, looking puzzled. He had forgotten how he was shown to write. It was the one thing he seemed not to recall in his vision. Merciful, the master is, so he spoke secretly to him within his ear, on how to use the materials. The cheetah King bent over at the waist and grasped the feather pen in his right hand, dipping the tip in the ink, he then scribbled his name on the parchment. King Mapoza of Zimbabee coalition. He set the feather tip into the ink jar and walked back to his Elite, cheetah Jafari. His second-fastest runner, besides himself, that joined him on the journey. A line had began to form by now. Each King waited to sign for their kind. King, Mosiya was next. His large hands had a hard time grasping the tiny feather. The provided items began to shake and sparkle. Mosiya was frightened, he drew back his hand quickly at the strange sight . Elohim caused them to grow in size, to help Mosiya out. Once The King realized what was happening, he smiled big and gave thanks to the creator. He grabbed for the pen again, this time it fit perfectly in his hand.

One by one, each King signed the treaty. They agreed it was fair. The last to step up to sign was Zarda, as Master had requested. He looked at all the names and learned of each kingdom. There was Zawad, the Water buffaloKing of Beric herd, the leopard King, Ayo, of jazmine a-leap clan. The Whale shark, King Shani. of the Atlantis aggregation, off the coastal waters. Then he saw the African wild dog King Tambo, of the Hendris pack. The Owl King Usian of Giza, parliament. The Gazelle King Shafira, of the nubia herd, the Giraffe King Guembesha, of the Havre tower herd. The Hippo King Jomo, of the ponyamo thunder herd. The Meerkat King Zafar, of the ziti mob. The Hyena King Kwanza, of the rumbada cackle pack. The crocodile King Sefu, of the Nile bask, float tribe. The Gorilla King Ghakarhi, of the Congolese band. The tawny eagle King Jata, of the Azung colony. The zebra King Kiama, of the Jambo dazzle herd. The rhino King Tian, of the Adisa crash herd. The baboon King Safiri, of the Makena flang troop. The plains tiger butterfly King Umoja, of the Dakaria flutter tribe. The African bullfrog King Frederick, of the Swazi anuran choruses tribe, and of course King Morbius of the Imani Wildebeests herd. King Mosiya, of the elephant Mawombie parade, King Jarvius of the Blackmane pride, and his friend Purk, the warthog King of Hog hill clan.

When the treaty was signed by all. Master called it to himself. The parchment floated up disappearing into the clouds, the ink and feather vanished before them simultaneously. The covenant agreement was made and Elohim was ready to give each kingdom their gifts.

He called up first, the brutish beasts of all the gathering to the center stone. King Shani the whale shark, King Mosiya the Elephant, King Jomo the hippopotamus, King Tian the rhinoceros, and last, King Ghakarhi the Gorilla.

The five beasts stepped up to the stone, encircling around it. A sparkling silver dust was flowing down towards them. As quickly as it descended, it ascended back up into the clouds, but not before it left something behind in its sparkly remains. Upon the rock were left five mighty spears, thick as tree limbs, strong as rocks, and sharp as glass. The tips were designed with a colorful hand chiseled stone made by the master himself. Each one burned like a flame. They lit up like torches.

One was an ocean blue color, as blue as the coastal seas that King shani swam in. It's rod as black as onyx stone. This spear was designed specifically for the Atlantis aggregation. Shani smiled gill to gill in delight at the beautiful sight. Next to his spear was a light brown rod like a tree trunk, this particular gift was for the Mawombie parade. It had tiny leaf buds branching off from all over it and glazed gnarled nobs in a few places. It was a unique design on its own for their tribe and what it represented. Trees meant life and liberty to them. The tip of the spear blazed like the embers of an orange flame. It was breath taking. The third was no less beautiful to look upon. The creators details were phenomenal. It was a lime-yellow hue with an army green rod for the ponyamo thunder herd. It gave a swampy river vibe. The middle of the rod was unbreakable glass and contained part of the Nile river itself inside. It was a reminder to them of where they came from and who they would always be at heart. King Jomo loved his gift. The fourth was a dark brown rod spear with a bright teal tip for the Adisa crash herd. The end sparked with lightning. The master designed it this way to show the rhino tribe just how he sees them a thunderous bolt of goodness. The fifth and final spear was a red one with a white rod for the Congolese band. Red represented power, heart, and white purity. The creator adored King Ghakarhi. He was a gentle giant with a good heart and a pure soul.

" Take up your gifts before you. These mighty spears I give to you, my gentle giants of the earth. You will be able to cast fire and draw out illness with them. Your spears will give you power of unique kinds when in battle that only you will be gifted. May your kingdoms be forever blessed. I entrust these to you to use wisely. You may you do just that. You may go back to your seats now " Said the creator.

The giants gladly took their spears and went back to their seats as instructed. Elohim called up next, the fairest beasts of the earth. King Shafira the Gazelle, King Gwembeshe the Giraffe, King Ayo the leopard, and King Mapoza the cheetah. These next four beasts passed the first five on their way to receive their gifts. They couldn't help but gaze at the first groups beautiful gifting.Their minds raced with what possible gifts they would receive. The fair four made it to the center stone and stood still. All eyes turned to watch the sky above them.

Silver dust pelt floated down and rose once again as it had before. Behind its glittery trail was left four stunning crowns. Each made from a different metal, and glorified with colorful gems per crown. For the Nubia herd, a golden crown was designed by the master. He formed it into a tall spiked crown, similar to their horns, bright emeralds woven meticulously into the soft gold. The two colors complimented each other well. The second crown was fashioned for the Havre tower herd, a silver crown with tiny ruby stones placed carefully in specific locations. The master wanted the look to be perfect. The third crown he formed for the Jazmine a leap tribe, it was a titanium crown, crafted with topaz gems. Titanium represented strength and resistance like themselves. For the Zimbabee coalition, a bronze metal crown finely beaten, and layered with beautiful pure opal gems. The master greatly enjoyed making this last crown for its colorful pairing.

Elohim spoke. "Please, take your crowns and place them upon your heads. fairest beasts of all the earth, I give to you the crowns of humility. Though you are beautiful and well sought after. Beauty can be vain and vanity can draw along with it pride, which causes one to fall. Be careful. May these crowns be beautiful, but heavy reminders to remain humble in your every day adventures. As long as you wear these, the same goes for you, as I shared with the first group. Furthermore, That goes for all the groups I will call up. Your gifts will be what connects you to my powers, that I'm giving to you freely. Abuse them in any way, and they will be taken back forever, understood!"

No one disagreed among the kingdoms. It was perfectly clear. The fair beasts didn't hesitate, they took up their crowns at once. They all looked upon their elegant gifts and added self beauty. They also noticed what the master meant by heavy burden. The crowns were extremely weighty. It made an impression upon their brows and pushed their heads down into their necks.

Sending them away, Elohim called for another group of kings to move up. King Morbius the Wildebeest, King Zawad the Water buffalo, and King, Kiama the Zebra. They, too, did like those before them and approached the rock to await the arrival of their gifts. Down came three bow and arrows. The first set was an electric purple with silver arrows for the Imani herd. These were no normal bow weapons. These have more than just aerodynamics. They have a powerful devastatingly, deadly, disastrous hit behind each one. The first bow possessed the electrical side of things. When shot the arrow would lodge inside its victom releasing a steady current of electrical charges, equivalent to that of an electric eel. Pretty impressive. The second bow was built white with glowing green arrows for the Beric Herd. It had the ability to eat away the flesh of any living creature with its toxic chemical poisons. The master didn't forget the last tribe. He created the last set to be a red bow with black arrows for the Jambo dazzle herd. The arrows were like atomic bomb missiles. They had a fierce force behind them. The impact of the explosion could take out a heavily armed tanker. The master gave these to his most skilled and patient beasts.

"I have given to you, my strong-willed beasts, bows of endurance. I know that your hearts are patient and discerning. I wouldn't give these most powerful and deadly gifts to anyone, but you. I trust with all my being, that you will use them properly. Take them now into your hands. Feel the bow quiver as my strength enters you. See how bright the arrows beam as your hands draw close to them. Be carefull though, the silver arrows give off an electric charge, the green eat the flesh of the bone, and the diamond black arrows can blow you up into tiny pieces. They must be used only in self defense. May they bless you and your kingdom. That is all for now, you may return to your seats." Elohim said.

They gathered their items carefully and returned to their seats with haste. The creator called, yet again, another group. King Frederick the African bullfrog, King Zafar the Meerkat, and King Safiri the baboon.

" I call upon the smallest, but not the least, beasts of all the earth, to come and represent the little kind. I give to you, two daggers and a sheath each, to keep safe for eternity. It was the only thing small enough worthy of your stature." Spoke the creator.

Three sets of daggers made from white gold and the handles designed with pre chosen colors. The green handle daggers were for King Frederick of the Swazi anuran choruses. They were slip free for good gripping. The blade was shaped into a crescent moon. The point was sharp enough to cut through bone. The second set of daggers had copper handles for the Ziti Mob. Its blade was encased with gun sheet metal. it was as black as a moonless night. It fit perfectly with their appearance, and speaking of moons, when the king held it up into the light of it, now starting to shine forth, it shimmered like running water in a quiet brook. The meeting had gone on so long, that the company of kings had not noticed half the day had gone by as nightime came to visit among them. Everyone stayed focused on the last gift. It was a beautiful set of daggers' , the handles were sapphire blue for the Makena, flang troop. The entire dagger itself was in a monochromatic blue shade. When tilted just right, it shifted colors slightly into a baboon red color. Each tiny daggers came with its own mahogany leather sheath,to hide the sharp tips away for safety. The master was happy to see the joy on each King's faces. As he watched them delightfully, play joist, swing, and stab the air, as they tried out their new gifts. They finished their play fighting and put them away quickly leaving back to their clans. Next, The creator called upon the beasts of flight. King Umoja the plains tiger butterfly, King Jata the tawny eagle, and King Usian the eagle Owl. The silver dust streamed down like water and disappeared like smoke. Behind, it left three beautiful rings. The first ring was made from uranium with a tiger's eye stone embedded inside the metal band, for the Dakarai flutter tribe. This ring possessed a great gift of peace. The owner would be able to bring about this atmosphere any time they chose to, and no one would even know better. The next ring, was made from crystals with a black onyx stone infused on top for the Azung colony. This increased their power of foresight. The eagles already, creatures of incredible vision, now would see even further into the future void. lastly, the ring left alone, was a bronze one. A k2 jasper stone was entwined on top for the Giza parliament. This ring gave discerning of spirits and foreign languages. The eagle owls were known for their knowledge, this added an extra bonus to their repertoire.

" To the beings of flight. You are my eyes of the earth and to you, I give rings of wisdom. May they guide you well in your journey." Said Elohim.

The three flew back to their seats. Elohim called for the beasts of chaos. They being the ones the animals most feared for their unpredictability. King Sefu the crocodile, King Kwanza the hyena, King Tambo the African wild dog, and King Jarvius the blackmane lion. To them were given tridents. The Nile bask, float tribe received an abalone shell quartz trident. Next, a fossil coral made trident was for the Rumbada cackle pack. The third was made of red creek jasper for the Hendris pack. And the last was made out of pyrite fools gold for the blackmane pride pack.

" I chose a gift that represents you each individually, and what I see in you. It is definitely not what you represent to others. They see danger and fear. Yet, you are fearsome beasts of all the land, but that isn't who you are. You bring balance of chaos to the earth. Sefu, I chose your gift because it is the most sought after item throughout the entire world. Your kingdom has always been connected to, Egypt and riches. So the material used though ugly on the outside is very beautiful on the inside, just like your heart. No one except you and I know this. You pretend to have a thick outer core to protect your soft inner side. If not careful it can be toxic as can the dust from the abolone shell quarts. You shine inside and out like the iridescent mother of pearl layer found inside the quarts. Know your worth Sefu. To you Kwanza I picked the fossil coral. Yes it is a dry rough material, but just like it, you too, are tough and hard to break. Since, you scavenge off of the dead bones of others it was only fitting that I used it to represent your house. Tambo, I chose red creek jasper for your tribe because it means balance and relaxation. Something that makes me think of your clan everytime. It also represents protection, grounding, and self discipline, which you and your tribe seem to demonstrate often. I am proud of you king. Jarvius old lion, it has been many years of me learning of your heart. Someone here soon, will come to know your truth and except you because of it, don't worry. For now let them be. I chose fools gold because it seems that has been the effort all your life since your marriage to lilith. You have chased behind the shadow of a great king Ezekiel, for so long that you've forgotten who you are. Fool's gold represents will power, and strength of the mind. You'll do good to remember that . May you all continue to rule fiercely." Finished the creator.

Zarda, his pride, Purk, and his tributes sat puzzled, he had not been called up yet. Purk wondered if he had misunderstood the mission. Zarda worried his friend wouldn't receive the gift he had chosen for him. Elohim, knowing their concerns, erased all doubts by calling up Purk last, and all alone. He rose from his seat and walked slowly over to the center stone. The final dusting and gift giving filtered down and back up. Purk watched as a beautiful staff floated down. It was white, with a light blue amazonite stone at the end of the gnarled tree branch. Baby blue flames licked the tip of the staff. Purk was elated, He couldn't stop smiling and thanking the creator. Zarda was happy for his friend. In his heart, he knew he deserved it.

" Hello Purk, I have given to you the staff of friendship. Do you know, it is because of your love and prayers raised up daily for your friend, that I have given you the brother staff to Zarda's. Because, you are trustworthy, you share a special place in my heart. This is a gift not only just from me, but chosen by your friend Zarda. May you, my beast of loving friendship, bless your clan, always." He joyfully explained.

Purk reached for his gift and held it tight in his hands. He turned to back to his friend with a huge smile on his face. He moved away from the stone to make his way to his friend. Purk embraced Zarda with a tight hug around the neck and thanked him for his generosity.

" May I say a final word, before you all dismiss to set up your camps here, for the night. A quick reminder, 'This', is holy ground to you. When I call you back here in my own timing, it will be treated that way. Holy, above all else, always. No blood shall be spilled. Not one drop. All that come here should not come in fear, but in friendship. No matter what your issues may be, you will leave them at home. Tonight, I hope to see alliances being formed and to others some forgiveness. In the morning, you must return to your kingdoms swiftly with no delay. Sweet dreams my kings. Enjoy the show I'll leave up in the sky for you." Said the Giving Master.

The night sky filled with the colorful lights of the aurora borealis. The stars danced behind it like children playing hide and seek in the curtains.

******to be continued in the next book,******

number 2 ***************Battle Of Kings ***************

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