Kingdoms End
Chapter 11

Planet: Manroh

Person(s): Baron Bristow Barbosa

The Barony of Remuth was a nation renowned for its fighting ways. It consisted of just two major big cities, three major large towns and several little villages and settlements scattered throughout the land, thus the Baron’s knights had to be fierce warriors in order to maintain possession of the few lands which made up their little country. The knights consisted of male and females, as the Baron preached equality amongst races and sexes. Though a small nation, Remuth boasted a total population of forty million. Every city, town and village or settlement in Remuth was heavily fortified, with high walls, with mounted guns atop them and a hundred feet moat around it which reached the very base of the city’s walls.

Remuth was a very beautiful nation, as it shared boundaries with an elf kingdom, or ELFHELM, as they are called and a fairy kingdom, or FAIRUNA, as they were called. The world of Manroh was the closest to that of Huberg and it was also the world with the largest popular of non-human beings, exempting the Vinish race who while numbering only twenty-three million on Manroh, had their greatest population on Guurjey, where they numbered sixty million. The humans on Manroh were few, averaging two hundred to one against the other races combined. Humans weren’t so comfortable around the other races besides the Vinish who were basically just red skinned humans with beautiful and intricate black patterns all over their bodies, from the neck down and little magic within them. It was believed that the other races all originated from Manroh and spread out from there, but there were many facts to counter that belief as some monuments belonging to the non-human races on other worlds were judged to be as old as the worlds themselves.

Remuth was a nation admired and loved by all. Other nations respect the Barony greatly and it was only fear that drive them to put up the excess fortifications they they did. The Baron, Bristow Barbosa, was a good man, who’s wisdom was sought for during all disputes within and outside his Barony. He was married to a woman of the Vinish race, a union which strengthened human and non-human relations on Manroh. Though Manroh was a massive planet and Remuth just a small Barony, the tiny nation and its Baron were known the world over.

From his marriage to Lady Meina, his Vinish bride from a simple family, Baron Barbosa had only one child, a boy who was of bright red skin like his mother but without the black bands a full Vinish had all over their body. His son’s name was Kylex, a youngman of 20, well brought up, loving, intelligent, a great fighter like all Remuth males and most of its females and a very promising replacement for his beloved father.

Not only was Baron Bristow a man of peace, he was also a great fighter and a legendary strategist. He had never lost a war, battles, yes, but never the war. He was as renowned for his way with the sword, as he was for his peaceful ways. Remuth was member to all alliances on the world of Manroh and Baron Bristow was the elected consul of most of all those alliances, but one, “The Queens conclave,” where not surprisingly, his Vinish wife, Baroness Meina Barbosa was elected head.

When it came to architecture and landscapes, Remuth was among the top ten best in all Manroh. Its buildings were glorious and its fields and toads outside the walls were littered with statues, obelisks, fountains, beautiful trees and many other decorations. A canal had been dug from the a river on the Barony’s Easter boundary, passing through all two cities and three towns of the little nation and ending at a narrow river within the forest of the Fairuna to the north. The canal was named the “Baron’s canal” and it was well catered for and the parts of it which ran through the walled cities and towns, were properly used and beautified. Remuth was great, her Baron was good, but there was still a great problem upon the land, one which divided the nation In a way Baron Bristow had thought impossible after all he’d done and preached.

Baron Bristow’s heir and only child, Kylex, was in love with a fairy woman, Eluna Tulip, daughter of a nobleman and member of Godfather Eruk Riksen of the fairuna, Popplop’s royal council. High-master Lumah Tulip, Eluna’s father, was of the notion that humans and their descendants were not to mix with any other race besides the Vinish, since that was how they, the humans had always wanted it. The High-master hated humans and wished they would just leave Manroh for the magical and non-humans, but his anger stemmed from the way humans discriminated against those races unlike themselves. High-master Tulip’s belief was, “If the humans didn’t want their genes mixing with the non-humans, then the non-humans should reciprocate the feeling.”

Now, the problem in Remuth was that of the Barony’s 93% human population, 75% of them didn’t want their prince marrying a fairy. He was already only part human, if he married a fairy, then their children wouldn’t be human at all and much of Remuth’s human population weren’t ready to have non-humans rule as Barons. These people didn’t even want their prince to wed a Vinish, for fear of their children being full Vinish. “Let humans rule humans,” was the belief of the people. Only 18% of the human population and the other 7% which was the Barony’s non-human population agreed with their prince’s decision to love a fairy.

Baron Bristow stood in the main living room of the royal home, Castle Veer, named after the Baron who built it. He stood before a large screen which stretched from the high ceiling 16ft above, to the floor and was twenty feet across. On the screen showed people lined up at polling booths, ready to cast their votes. The Baron was a short but stout man, 5ft 4inches, but with the power of ten men and the wisdom of a very active brain. He was forty, with grey eyes and a full beard of gold; the type that the person’s entire mouth. His golden hair ended at his lower back and was bound in four places from his neck down. He had muscles and was very active, but the big clothes he wore and his calm demeanor concealed his warrior side. He wore several rings on his fingers and the bands holding his hair were jewel encrusted. His crown was but a coronet and was fashioned from what looked like white, shiny marble, but was actually Ilika, a type of metal found only here on Manroh and never in large quantities.

To get enough Ilika to make just Baron Bristow’s coronet alone, it had taken three generations and numerous mining expeditions across half the planet. It had taken another two generations to get enough to make a coronet for the Baroness. Ilika was the toughest material known to all beings in the Versall worlds and could only be bent by special magic which very few mage-smiths could harness. The mage-smiths could only pass on this talent in death and this way, only a handful of mage-smiths alive ever knew how to work Ilika.

The magic of Manroh was like that, dictating exactly how it wanted some things done on it. The world was believed to be alive and very active in the doings of those who lived on it. No one had any solid proof, but many claimed to have been visited, helped, or attacked by strange figures believed to be agents of the magical planet.

The main door to the living room opened and in came a large man in thick metal armour with a green line down the left front of his top armour. His armour was large and fantastically beautiful, though he was missing his helmet. There was also a green sash around his waist, with one end of it concealed and the other dropping down the front of his left leg and ending at his knee. Green was the colour of House Barbosa, the ruling house and knights with the green line and sash were those specially favoured by the Baron, given the superior positions in the military and granted the coveted title of “Elder-knight.” The man entering the living room now was Elder-knight Jurd Kent, Baron Bristow’s most trusted knight and good friend.

“What are the results, elder-knight?” Baron Bristow asked, turning towards the larger man. His voice was deep, but gentle. Jurd was 6ft 9inches, taller than his Baron by much, but not the same when it came to width, or appearance. Jurd was fit, slim, clean shaven and very handsome. Baron Bristow was handsome in a more mature way, though nothing like Elder-knight Jurd, but his beard hid much of that beauty. “Seventy-two percent of the population are still against our prince’s marriage to the fairy lady and only thirty back him on the idea, my sovereign,” Jurd replied, bowing low. The elder-knight was forty-seven years of age, seven years older than his baron, but his voice was smooth and soothing.

“From seventy-eight in the last election, to seventy-two,” said the baron. “It is an improvement.” Jurd came close to the baron, bowed low, then stood still. Baron Bristow snapped his fingers and the large screen before him went off, revealing a glass window in its place of the same dimensions and through which one could see the bailey in the middle of the castle. The baron walked to a long, curved sofa and stopped before it.

“What do you think of Kylex’s love for Eluna, Jurd?” the baron suddenly asked the elder-knight. “I am an elder-knight,” replied Jurd, “servant to the throne. What pleases my Baron, my Sovereign, pleases me.” “I ask you as a friend and not your Baron, Jurd,” the baron spoke with a smile which was only visible in the swelling of his cheeks and crinkles at the corners of his eyes. “As a friend, I say every man should marry whom he and damn those who would have it otherwise,” the elder-knight replied this time. “But Kylex is a prince of a barony which he must rule someday and whose people he must please,” the baron stated. “What is my sovereign’s final decision then?” Jurd asked.

Baron Bristow let out a sigh, then sat on the sofa before which he’d been standing. “I shall campaign the the matter once more and have a fourth and final election,” he spoke in a defeated voice. “If we still do not have up to fifty percent of the votes in Kylex’s favour, then I shall have no choice but to have him wed a human lady as his people demand of him.” “Do not let let it worry you, my sovereign,” said Jurd. “After all, the father of the fairy lady in question dislikes humans and not agree with his child loving our half human prince. “One cannot blame Master Lumah Tulip for his actions,” the baron stated. “Humans began this discriminatory culture and this fairy man only acts in retaliation. I have have heard stories of his life before you and I were born. He was amongst those who fought to bridge the racial gap, but humankind was too vehemently against it. He grew tired and ashamed, he was begging us and we kept saying no, so he decided to follow the same path as us. That his kind who live for millions of years, longer than the long-living elves by far, should beg short-living humans for anything, he began believing it to be a great, thus a great preacher was transformed into a great unbeliever.”

“And still Prince Kylex will do anything to have Master Tulips daughter and only child,” Jurd said with a grin. “He truly does have the blood of House Barbosa in his veins and the iron will of any true Remuthine.” “I appreciate your honouring my son so, Jurd,” the king acknowledged the elder-knight. “It is my honor,” replied the taller man.

There was a loud yell of “My Baron!” from just outside the living room main door, followed by the sounds of struggling. Baron Bristow shot to his feet, but Jud came to stand before him. “My sovereign will remain within the safety of this room,” said the elder-knight. “Then go and help me check what goes on outside the for!” the baron thundered. Jurd bowed and began going around the sofa to head for the door, when the doors flew open and a man in a beautiful white robe burst in, followed by one Remuthine knight. The baron immediately came around the sofa, but Jurd put himself between the his baron and the new entrant, his hand on the hilt of his broadsword which was died into a series of mechanic locks in the back of his armor.

“What is this?!” the baron asked sharply, his question aimed at the knight who had brought in the robed man. “He says he comes from the mantis tower,” replied the knight, referring to the robed man. Upon hearing the words MANTIS TOWER, great fear leaped into Baron Bristow Barbosa’s eyes. He looked at the white robed man in horror. “They come?” he asked. “They come, my Baron,” the man replied and the baron was suddenly panicked.

“Have the campaigns and elections cancelled,” he ordered. “Ready the transportation pods and vessels. Announce that all nationals of the Barony retreat to one of the major cities or towns and have those places prepared for immediate evacuation on my word. Ready my personal convoy. Gather all the elder knights. Bring my wife and son to me. Do as I say with greatest haste!!” The robed man and lower knight ran off to do as their baron ordered, but Jurd stayed close to his leader.

About a minute later, there was a knock at the doors of the living room. “Open those doors and leave them so!!” the baron thundered and the doors were swung wide open by two knights from the hallway, while a male servant rushed into the room and threw himself before the Baron. “My sovereign, my baron,” said the servant. “What is it?” the baron asked in a low, but not gentle voice. “Your son is gone from the castle,” said the servant. “Gone to see his love, Eluna.”

“You must go and bring him back here, Jurd,” the king ordered the elder knight. “Take twelve elder knights with you and see to it. I must head for the United council of nations and see what plans our fellow nations have for this situation, all other leaders will be on their way there once their representatives at the Mantis tower bring the message to them.” “My Sovereign,” Jurd replied with a bow. Just then, an elegant, tall, slim woman of a light red skin colour, with black lines about her exposed jaw, neck and arms entered through the open doors, five maidservants and two elder-knights, one a female, trailing behind her.

“You called for me, my love,” said the woman as she approached the Baron. This was Baroness Meina Barbosa, the beautiful woman of the Vinish race who had captured the heart of the great Remuthine leader. She was 6ft 3inches, slim, beautiful, curvy, moderately endowed in terms of bust and arse, golden haired like her husband and she wore it the same way he wore his. Little, black designs covered her jawline and neck, while two black bands crossed the exposed part of her red chest, travelling up the visible inner mounds of her breasts. She had on a slightly altered version of the Ilika coronet atop her husband’s head, a long, green gown with a low neckline, a slit down the left side and a train which one of the maids begin her carried in her arms and jewellery to go with the dress. Her carriage told of her royal position and importance to a powerful nation. She looked like a goddess and her Barony viewed her as such.

“I leave for the United council of nations, while Elder-knight Jurd Kent here shall go to fetch our son from the Fairuna of Popplop where I am told he is. You must remain here and rule in my my absence,” the baron said, stepping toward the woman and giving her a quick kiss which she had to bend her knees to receive.

Without waiting for a reply from his wife, Baron Bristow hurried past her and towards the exit. The Baroness turned to her retreating husband. “Why go to the united council without being summoned and why al this commotion in the castle?” the Vinish beauty asked, confusion in her voice. Baron Bristow turned around and just said five words, “The Mantis men are coming.” He delivered the message, then turned and continued out of the room, Elder-knight Jurd Kent following behind him. Once out of the living room and in the hallway, the Baron went left and the elder-knight went right.

Inside the living room, Baroness Meina was from with shock by the information her husband had just passed on to her. The Mantis men, those ancient beings of lore were coming, their second visit to the Versall worlds, the beginning of the end.

The Fairuna of Popplop, Remuth’s neighbouring nation to the west, consisted of three smaller tree-cities and one massive one which not surprisingly, was the capital. 90% of this Fairuna’s lands were undeveloped, beautiful forests of fantasy. The tree-cities towered above the forest around it, making it visible from outside the the forest. The forest boasted plants, animals and even insects which weren’t repeated outside enchanted forests such as itself. The Fairuna actually got its name from the forest, The Popplop woods.

The forest itself always seemed very beautiful with its luminous plants and leaves of numerous colours, until one ran into any of the four tree-cities within it. They were giant trees which towered above the forest, with many levels within it, all holding buildings and all the other things that made a city. Around the base of the trees were buildings of different sizes and design, but all built from stems of plants growing straight out of the ground. The city around the base of the tree-city was walled in by a 5ft high, 10ft wide hedge which could grow to amazing heights in order to protect the tree-city.

Within the tree-cities, the roads and paths were cut out of the tree, which though hollow on the inside, had branches within upon which the city was built. Some of the roads were up to 50ft wide and some paths, just 3ft. The buildings in the city were built into the tree, using stones, and branches and vines growing out of the tree itself. The tree-cities had branches along its trunk and leaves at its top, but unlike elven tree-cities, the leaves of fairy tree-cities completely closed up at the top, blocking out sunlight. The city was lit by luminous insects which flew in packs all over the place, torches of all sizes placed in strategic positions and floating balls of light. Fairy tree-cities were like places out of a most wonderful dream and its magical people with their peaceful ways added to the wonderful experience, walking, or flying about on their two sets of retractable, transparent dragonfly-type wings.

In the back garden of a grand two storey manor within the capital city of Popplop, Tursid. Prince Kylex Barbosa of Remuth and Lady Eluna Tulip, daughter of a high noble and royal adviser to the Godparents were seated on a stone bench. “Godparents,” were what fairies called the ruling lord and lad. Amongst them, the Godmother was equally as powerful as the Godfather, thus when asked who their ruler was, every fairy would tell you, “The Godparents, not one without the other.

Prince Kylex was a fine specimen of a Vinish blood mixed with human own. He was an inch taller than his mother, with bright red skin like her, but without the black bands and designs all over the skin from the neck down, like she and every other full Vinish. He had long, golden hair like his father and mother, but his was cut at the shoulders. He was a very handsome boy of just twenty years, one could even call him beautiful; most did. He had on a white, high-necked shirt with a long extension at the back which ended behind the knees, black sleeves and a green sash across his upper torso. Below, he had on black pants with knee length boots and a green band around his left thigh. All the green on him was to signify his family, House Barbosa.

Elena Tulip was a beautiful lady, she was three hundred years old, which meant she wasn’t even close to maturity among her people. She looked like she was just eighteen, but often acted her true age, though she could be a real child whenever she felt like it. Now, fairies had different skin colours from among any shades of the seven colours of the rainbow. They all had long, white hair and white pupils which stood out on their almost milk coloured corneas. Eluna was little different from any other female fairy, white haired, white eyed, 5ft 7inches tall; the tallest any pure blood fairy could reach, slim, fit and cute. Her skin was dark green in colour, coincidentally the colour of Kylex’s family.

Eluna was clothed in a sleeveless, half blouse which covered just her chest and shoulders. Her skirt ended at her knees and was slit down the left side, revealing her smooth skin on that side. Her clothes were embroidered with gold threads and her sandals had leather straps which wound around her legs, ending halfway to her knees. She had on several thin gold and silver anklets around her left ankle. The single bracelet she had on her right wrist and band on the upper part of the same arm, had precious stones of different types etched into them. Her hair was held up in a long bangle with the end of it dropping down behind her. Her pointed ears were exposed by the held-up hair, slightly longer than that of a human. Her beautiful ears were pierced and clamped by six little rings each and she had one ring at the outer end of her left brow.

The lovers sat with their backs to the house. Kylex had his left hand on the space in-between them and Eluna had her right hand over it. Kylex had always been a shy fellow around ladies and it was no different with Eluna. She was much older and wiser than him, thus making him fear her even more, though these same reasons were what caused him to admire her so much.

“Do you think your people will ever vote in favour of our marriage, my love?” Eluna asked. “If they do not, then perhaps I shall abandon their throne and come to live here with your people,” the prince replied. Eluna shifted closer to her man, resting her head against his upper arm. “I could never let you abandon your throne, Kylex,” she spoke. “It would be me betraying your father’s love and support for me. I cannot take away his heir, I’d rather loose you than betray your parents who have fought for our love even harder than we ourselves ever can.” “Hush now, Eluna,” said the prince. “Let us not speak of such hurtful things anymore. Your father might be back anytime and we know he will drive me away from you, thus let us just enjoying being in the presence of one another for as long as we can.” “As my prince wishes,” she replied. “Only because it pleases my princess,” Kylex said and Eluna laughed. She sat up and looked at the prince.

“Come now, my prince,” she said, leaning forward. “Kiss me.” Kylex brought his lips towards her own and they met gently, soft flesh against soft flesh. He was lost in this lady, she was his everything and he’d do anything for her. Just the contact of her lips against his, caused ger to laugh a little and he joined her. “What amuses you?” he whispered, his lips still close to hers so they brushed against each other as he spoke. “I just thought of how my father might react if he could see us now,” she replied and laughed again. “We have people watching for him at the junctions, my princess,” he reminded her. “I’m no princess,” she stated. “That is correct,” he agreed. “You are my queen.” It was Eluna’s turn to laugh, their lips still touching. “I love you so much, Eluna,” the prince said. The fairy immediately grabbed the back of his head and pressed her lips against his now in a proper kiss.

Their kiss wasn’t to last long, as just five seconds into it, a female voice interrupted them. “Princess Heta is here to see you, my lady,” said the voice. The two lovers parted lips and Eluna turned to the yellow skinned fairy at the doorway of the house’s back door, who’d brought the news. “Ask her here,” she ordered. “She already comes,” replied the servant.

A female, blue skinned fairy emerged through the open back door if the house. She was clad in a jewel covered gold brassiere and little, white, leather shorts. She also had on a large, long cotton shirt which was covered her arms and ended at her ankles, but was open in the from to reveal her little clothing. She had on brown, knee-length boots with fur covered top. Her crown was a gold circlet with a large circular disc of Ilika fixed to the front. She had three piercings over her left brow and one on her navel. Her white hair was down and flowing and her cheeks were a dull red. She was a young fairy, only thirty years old, though she looked nineteen. This was Princess Eluna Riksen of Popplop. She was a very adventurous lady and had been given Lady Eluna Tulip as her teacher, even though the latter was still learning about the worlds herself. Heta was a spoiled princess, though very nice to everyone, but when she wanted something, she got it and she said she wanted Eluna to be her teacher and thus it was.

“You naughty lovebirds,” said the princess, coming toward the bench where the lovers sat. Eluna and Kylex got to their feet, both bowing to the fairy princess. “Good to see you too, Prince Kylex,” said the fairy princes, bowing to the prince once he’d risen from bowing to her. “Thank you, princess Heta,” the prince replied.

The princess stood upright now. “I wonder how Master Tulip would react if he came and found you in his house and with his daughter,” she said to Kylex. “A half human and his full-blood fairy daughter.” “We joked about the very same thing, princess,” Eluna said with a smile, taking Kylex’s hand in hers. “Fortunately, your father and all the other members of the royal council have left with my parents for the United council of nations and probably won’t be back for a two days or more,” the princess stated. “Why did they leave for the united council so suddenly and without any announcement?” Eluna asked the princess, a little worry evident in her voice. “I care little for their reason,” the princess replied, ” as long as they stay safe. What I do care about is that I am in charge of the entire Fairuna in their absence.”

“Congratulations, princess,” Eluna spoke. “I still wonder why the godparents would just up and leave for the United council without being summoned,” Kylex stated. “What is the use of that place they call the Mantis tower again?” the princess asked, sitting down on the stone bench. “Why would you ask that?” Kylex inquired of the young fairy. “I get what I asked for and then I might give you what you want,” the princess stated.

Eluna sat down on the bench, next to her princess. “But I already told you of the Mantis tower’s significance,” she reminded the princess. “You only told it to me once, over twelve years ago and I don’t remember being forbidden from forgetting things, or am I?” the princess asked. Eluna smiled and shook her head. “Then do tell of the tower, my dear,” the princess spoke. “Four thousand years ago, beings alien to the Versall worlds came here, to Manroh,” Prince Kylex began. “She said I should tell it!” Eluna complained. “But you were taking so much time arguing with her,” Kylex stated.

“Though I greatly enjoy seeing people fight over me,” said princess Heta, “but I really need to hear about that tower now.” “Wait, did a message arrive for your parents from the Mantis tower?!” Kylex asked, suddenly agitated. “That’s why they left for the United council so suddenly,” Eluna spoke, shooting to her feet and agitated also. “No message came from the Mantis tower!” Heta stated sharply “I was just thinking about it and decided to ask my teacher to tell me of it once more,” she added, looking angry.

“Apologies, my princess,” Eluna said, sitting down once more and breathing a sigh of relief. “Tis just that any message from the Mantis tower is treated with great concern, for it could be the one our entire world has been dreading for thousands of years,” Prince Kylex explained. “Will you tell me what I ask of you or not?” the princess asked Eluna.

“Four thousand years ago, an alien race came into our solar system, the Versall worlds. They were a race so long-lived that they had forgotten their own name. They called themselves the Master race and because of their eternal lives and lack of population control like what the elves and we fairies have, they had to seek out new worlds for their ever-growing population to inhabit. They would travel to other solar systems, wipe out all life on any inhabitable planets and fill it with their own. They are the most advanced race any in all our worlds has ever known. They have battled against magical races so many times in their quest for new planets, that they have formed an immunity to magic as a whole, except when its caster is one of extreme power, but how many such people exist?”

“They appear to be just normal humans, though none being any shorter than eight feet in height. They know how to make a planet that will not support life, to do so, such is their level of advancement and intelligence. They are powerful fighters and possess a second form which makes them the worst things anyone could face. When in their second form, their skins are covered entirely by a dark, exoskeleton material which is said to have been utterly impenetrable. In their second form, two large extensions grow out of their with blades at the ends, like mantis arms, long enough to strike things before them. They use these blade arms in battle and are said to have been some of the best fighters. They are said to be capable fighters with their two normal hands and very strong. Their woman fight, as do their men and just as good too. They believe themselves to be above all other races and show no mercy in their eradicating all life from whatever world they target. They have never lost a war for any world they targeted, but then, that story came from their lips and none others.” Heta smiled at this point and Eluna paused her story.

“Why do you smile?” Eluna asked the princess. “You say that their claim of never loosing a war for a planet is their word alone, like you would be prepared to put those word to the test should they try and take our own world,” the princess explained, still smiling. Eluna smiled also. “All nations on Manroh have vessels prepared to bear away all their citizens and many others when the Mantis men return,” Kylex stated. “The plan is to flee to Guurjey and make a stand there with the numbers of Guurjey’s inhabitants added to ours, the perfect army,” he added. “And what do you think m, Lady Eluna?” Heta asked and all attention fell on Eluna now.

“If we plan on running, only to eventually stand and fight on some other world, then I say we make our stand here instead,” Eluna stated. “I an only three hundred and five years, thus I did not meet the Mantis men’s first coming, but if my father did and if they are anything like what he tells me, then they will defeat us no matter where we meet, or how many we are. I’d rather die on the grounds I have lived, toiled and loved.” When Eluna said the word “Loved,” she looked up at Prince Kylex’s face. Kylex smiled down at her, but Princess Heta looked up at the space above; she seemed to be pondering over something.

After awhile, Eluna looked away from her lover and back to the princess next to her. “Do I still need to tell the rest of the story?” she asked. The princess vibrated with shock, like one who’d just been pulled out of a trance. “What?” the princess asked, looking wide-eyed and lost. “Do I continue about the Mantis tower?” Eluna asked again. “Yes, please do,” the princess replied this time.

“We call them Mantis men because of the mantis arms on their backs when in their other state. Before they attack a solar system, they send a vessel of scouts to check the races the worlds and their extent of advancement. Four thousand years ago, a Mantis men scout vessel came into the Versall solar system. We weren’t even half as advanced technologically as we are now. It was with our planet that they checked the extent and capabilities of the races because here, this is the only world among the five, where all races in the Versall worlds are represented. For five years, their most popular smaller vessels, Mantis ships, so called because of their resemblance to actual praying mantises, came down from the main scout vessel which remained in space. We didn’t even have engine powered vehicles back then, much less flying ones. Within those five years, Mantis ships flew through our skies. They abducted people from different races and ran all sorts of tests on them. They had large actual praying mantises and hounds which they used for hunting our people. Their hunting mantises are said to have been about the size of a young horse, as were their hounds. The hounds had tough skin of brown leather, with two pincers at the sides of their mouths, while the mantises were black in colour and deadly enough, just as any giant mantis would be. We could kill the mantises and hounds with a little difficulty, but no mantis man was ever killed. None who they took ever came back, but for one human male.”

“He’d escaped somehow and told of the many atrocities being heaped on any who was captured. He told us of their scout ships and how they could learn any language within just a few seconds, by getting it all from your mind. They possessed the ability of mind control, were extremely intelligent and also had the ability that we now call telekinesis. They had told those they captured about themselves, their race’s need for our planets and their mission here at the time. They asked a lot of question about our worlds and resorted to torturing the answers out of those who proved stubborn. He said they were a race with well defined emotions, love, anger, hurt, hate and even sadness. He’d witnessed these emotions between the Mantis men during his time with them. He said they showed no special joy in torturing our people and were rather indifferent toward us. They just used us like we were wood, burn us when necessary, or of no use any more and treat us indifferently when there was no use for us. They didn’t hate our races, never starved them, or anything of the sort. They just killed us because they felt it was their right to, like a human would swat a bug without a specific malice in mind, but that it was bothering him.”

“The Mantis men never made any sexual advances toward any of our people whom they took, or even accept sex as payment in exchange for anyone’s release. Even the thought of sex with one of another race was repulsive to the Mantis men. They believed all other races too far below their own for relationship of any sort. They didn’t even keep slaves, they just killed everything and claimed empty worlds. They boasted that they could tow planets out of orbit, obliterate planets and do anything they could imagine. They also said they would return in the future, but they wouldn’t be here to just fly overhead and pick up people. They would be here to eradicate all life in the Versall worlds and claim them for their own. We alerted those on the other worlds by sending messengers through now extinct magic portals, but they did not see the Mantis men, thus some did not fully believe the story. There were some others who did, bit as the years went by, they let the whole time pass from their minds, but Manroh had witnessed it, thus our people would neither forget it nor let their guard down.”

“Our magicians could sense the Mantis men’s giant vessel hanging out there in space those four thousand years ago, thus when the vessel’s presence was gone, meaning the Mantis men were gone, most of the nations of Manroh came together to form the United Council Of Nations. The union members contributed money and workers to build want us now called The Mantis Tower. Now, nearly every nation is a member of the United council and each manner nation has five representatives at the Mantis tower. At the tower, these representatives are trained to harness magic and direct it into a machine which then boost it and send out invisible, magic waves seeking only that sensation which our mages had those four thousand years ago. That wave will only ever bounce off anything made of the same material as that Mantis men scout vessel and also, off a mantis man. The waves travel a great distance outside our solar system, before fading, this way, we may know of the mantis men’s approach a few weeks, months, or maybe even a year before they get here. It all depends on their speed, but we will also be able to know how fast they are moving and as Prince Kylex has already said, most nations have prepared vessels that will transport its people to the large planet of Guurjey, on which we shall then make our last stand.”

Eluna concluded her tale and fell silent. The three of them were silent for awhile, but Kylex eventually spoke. “Now will you tell us why you are asking about the Mantis tower?” he asked the fairy princess. “A message came for my parents from the Mantis tower and that seems to have been their reason fir leaving,” the princess replied. Eluna gasped, her hands covering to her mouth. “But you said that was not the case!” Prince Kylex shot at the princess. “I lied,” she stated with a haughty tone, crossing her arms over her chest. “If your parents left for the United council without summons, then it must be that the Mantis men are coming, for that was what all member nation leaders were to do should the news ever come to them,” Kylex explained. “I cannot believe this is actually happening,” Eluna spoke,“Four thousand years have passed and now, the Mantis men return to claim our worlds.” “I don’t fear them,” Princess Heta boasted. “You should,” Eluna told the princess in what was almost a whisper. The way Eluna had said the words scared Heta more than the words themselves ever could.

“Knights of Remuth are here to see his majesty, the prince of Remuth,” said the same female voice which had introduced Princess Heta. The speaker was at the doorway of the back, as she’d been when she had introduced Princess Heta. “I already have security with me,” Kylex stated. “Your father must have sent them to join your security detail,” Heta suggested. “My father doesn’t know I am here,” Kylex stated. “I doubt it would be difficult for him to guess your location once he finds out you are not in Castle Veer, or anywhere else within the Remuth capital,” the fairy princess pointed out. “Send them here,” Eluna ordered the female servant and the latter went to do as told.

Elder knight, Jurd Kent son emerged through the back door of the house, his helmet uber his left arm. He got to where Kylex and the others stood, then bowed to Kylex, followed by Princess Heta, Lady Eluna. “Your charger has sent me to bring you back to Castle Veer, my prince,” the elder knight spoke after his greetings were done.

“We just learned of the message from the mantis tower,” Kylex stated. “Has my father already left for the United council?” he asked next. “He has,” the elder knight replied. “I would have liked to go with him,” the prince spoke. “But you were not with him when he received the news,” Heta added. “I realise that,” the prince stated. Eluna got to her feet and put s hand on Kylex’s shoulder. “You should return to your people now,” she told him. “We shall meet again and many more times before the mantis men get here.” Kylex gently put his hands on her waist. “We shall flee to Guurjey together and there, where thee is no racism I segregation, we shall wed,” he stated. Eluna just smiled and slowly shook her head from side to side. “And what does that mean?” Kylex asked his lover. “Nothing,” she replied with a laugh. “You should go home now and worry about the mantis men, not me.” “Like anything can take you out of my mind,” the prince stated, then leaned forward and kissed put his lips against hers.

“Okay, it’s time to hi now!!” Heta screamed immediately the lovers started to kiss. The two pulled their lips apart to laugh at the princess’ action. Kylex let go if Eluna and turned to the elder knight present. “Let us leave,” he ordered, but the fairy princess suddenly shot to her feet and got in Jurd Kent’s way. ?Did you know that with my parents gone from the Fairuna, I am the sovereign ruler now?” she asked the elder knight. “I can order my soldiers to stop you and your prince from leaving the tree-city and they would fight you to the death, if that was what ut took to carry out my order,” she added. “But you wont, will you, precious ruler?” the elder knight asked, smiling down at the lady. “Nit when you ask as nicely as that,” Heta replied.

“Leave Sir Jurd alone, Heta,” Kylex spoke. “I don’t remember holding him in the first place,” the princess stated and Eluna laughed a little. “I take my leave,” Kylex said, bowing to Heta. “I was beginning to grow tired if your face,” the princess teased and the prince smiled. He stood upright, took Eluna’s hand and squeezed it gently. “Till we meet again,” he told her and she gave a nod in reply. The prince went around the bench and toward the open, back door of the house, Jurd Kent following behind him.

Kylex and the elder knight emerged through the front door of the house and found two carriages waiting before the building. There were five elder knights standing next to the carriages and they all bowed to their prince as he stepped out. “Most of the tree-city’s streets are too narrow or crowded for our vehicles to pass,” the elder knight explained,” thus we left them at the entrance.” “I understand,” the prince stated. One of the other five elder knights opened the back door if the rear carriage and held it as the prince and Jurd Kent climbed in.

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