Legends of Amacia Heart of Darkness -
Chapter 39: A Telepathic Palaver
Deep in the dark underbelly of the Black Fortress as the jailer and two guards led Magnus and Hanna through the labyrinth of secret passages deep in the dungeons, Hanna felt her link with Selina flare abruptly into activity. Hearing Selina’s clear telepathic voice overjoyed her. Yes! Yes, I hear you, my precious princess, Hanna replied telepathically. Magnus immediately noticed her change in attitude and temperament while carrying her, but kept quiet, feeling that if Hanna wanted to share what was going on, she would. Are you all right, Selina? she asked intently.
Yes, I’m just a little sore from the Emperor slapping me around and electrocuting me. What about you? I felt your pain in the Arena, and can still feel some of it, Selina replied with great concern.
I’m still in a great deal of pain, but I’ll live. I won’t be pretty like before, though, Hanna returned with a bit of humor. Where are you; and are you safe?
Selina sighed and replied, I’m chained to the column in the Harem like before and I’m very weak from the pain. Everyone is asking what happened, but I’ve only told Myra, Tasha, Sakura, Izanami, Jasmine, and Hitomi what has happened as far as I could tell.
Hanna smiled warmly, saying, It’s so good to be able to feel and sense you like this again, though I’m so weak and in so much pain I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to keep it up. However, knowing you’re safe puts my mind at ease.
Selina gave Hanna a telepathic kiss and asked, I’m glad, but what happened after I passed out? I don’t remember a thing and what can I tell the women here?
You saw the cat who helped me, did you not? Hanna returned. Selina indicated that she had and Hanna stated, We have more help here than we thought. Magnus and my jailer are taking me out of the city. Magnus is going to make sure I get back to Acheron. I have no way of getting to you now, but I’ll come for you when the time is right.
I know, Selina replied. I just found out that the Emperor is in a fury because you escaped from under his nose. He’s looking for Magnus, if that’s his name and anyone who is not loyal to him.
So I figured, Hanna said, but be aware…you’ll have a protector while I’m gone. Nemesis is your guardian angel. He’s apparently one of the main movers in the resistance. He swore to keep you safe. He says he’s already helped you.
That he has, Selina admitted. He did something to stabilize my broken bones, especially my ribs. I don’t know what it was, but it worked. When I woke up after he treated me, I could breathe much easier.
I’m glad, Hanna answered. I wanted you to know that I have a blood covenant with him about you. He’ll watch out for you until I come for you. If you doubt my word, just look.
Selina looked into Hanna’s memories and saw the Nemesis and Hanna making the covenant. He’s such a noble soul, despite his fierce exterior, Selina declared. I’m honored to have such a guardian, though I’m not thrilled about remaining here.
I know you aren’t, Hanna replied. I’m even less happy with this, but there isn’t anything I can do at this point. I’m so beat up that Magnus has to carry me. Coming for you now would kill us both. But don’t worry; I will come for you, my love. Just believe. The Lord hasn’t allowed this for no good reason.
Selina embraced Hanna telepathically and whispered, I know, sister. You don’t have to explain it to me. I believe in you and know you’ll come back for me and everyone who’s trapped here. With that, she and Hanna ended their telepathic palaver.
While this was happening, Magnus noticed that Hanna remained in a sort of trance. When she came out of it, Hanna was shedding tears of joy, weeping very softly. “That was good news, I take it?” Magnus asked her softly.
Hanna looked up in the saber cat’s face and asked, “How did you know?”
Magnus grinned slightly and replied, “I noticed your reactions while it was going on. I had heard that you and the Lynxian have a deep telepathic bond. Now, I know it.”
Hanna smiled and said, “Yes, my friend. It was good news indeed. Selina is all right: still a prisoner in the Harem, but all right. I told her that I’d come for her.”
Magnus nodded as he carried Hanna along, saying, “I know you will.”
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