Legends of Kepler: The Dragon & The Woman -
The dragons could not pass from a certain point in the stratosphere, after that, they would meet certain death. It was not known what happened to a dragon if it exceeded the boundaries of the atmosphere, and had direct contact with black matter, so the Golden King forbade them to do this. It was too dangerous, and it was unnecessary, since the lines of fires crossed the atmosphere and traveled small distances in space, exploding the comets into pieces.
It was a true battle of the gods. A battle where, the lights of the universe tested the mystical defenders of the planet. Dragons kept flying above the surface, emanating fire to the remaining pieces and trying to disintegrate he stars; in front of the terrestrial eyes, being the witnesses of a living divinity.
Although, inescapably, some pieces of meteorites hit the ground. Even some pieces damaged temples in the Hanging Garden. They generated strong, but resistible tremors.
The dragons after a while, began to run out of energy. The raining stars did not stop. In fact, many more of them were approaching.
“We must group and unify our roars!” Bongo exclaimed to the Colonel. “Thus, we will eliminate the great mass with a single and synchronized wave of fire.”
“Quetra Group, wait on the surface!” -Kramian replied. “I want everyone else in line!”
The dragons were all lined up in the sky. An incalculable mass of meteorites was approaching. Together, hundreds of roars emanated, causing a giant fire propulsion. Hundreds of fire flames were emitted with impressive bright colors, disintegrating most of the comets.
After a few moments, the space sky cleared, and they perceived the approach of a giant final meteorite that was heading to the eastern part of the planet.
“I will go!” Bongo replied.
“Bongo, wait!” said Kramian.
Before thinking about it, Bongo was already speeding towards the meteorite. He was one of the fastest dragons.
“Giomen and Salva, go after him!” the Colonel ordered.
The huge meteorite was descending at full speed. If this was not stopped, it would generate a deadly impact. The Fire Heir was flying at full speed. He was determined, but he didn’t know exactly how he was going to stop it, but when he saw two of his best friends following behind him, he regained confidence. They headed at full speed towards the northeast of the planet. It was traveling an unusual trajectory.
They followed the flight of the giant star as fast as they could. It had already entered Kepler, and was on its way to the surface, at full speed.
“We must attack at the same time and destroy it!” said Salva on the flight.
“Not yet!” Bongo responded, “We must get closer!”
The team reached flight speeds equivalent to the sound of a lightning, when the giant comet was about to collide. They were reaching the area of possible impact. With incredible precision, at the speed they were going, Bongo emanated an incredible fire that exploded the comet, but it was divided into small, rocky fragments and another big piece that went further east.
“Take care of the small pieces!” he indicated to his friends. “I will take care of the big one!”
Giomen and Salva stayed behind to disintegrate the rain of small pieces that fell over the area. They were on top of a strange and uninhabitable forest, or so it seemed to be. Bongo continued following the largest sender. It was already approaching the nearest bushes, but it was no longer convenient to make it explode, as its pieces would fall into the forest in a proliferated way.
He was forced to make a decision, and he had to do it quickly. He speeds up towards the asteroid and instead of destroying it, he embraced the giant stone, grabbed it as he could and attached it to himself. He descended, and turned on, so that the dragon’s back was facing the surface. It was only a matter of time before it crashed into the ground. This could mean the death of the brave Raēn.
In the distance, terrestrial beings and dragons felt a severe impact on the ground. Kramian could not tell what had happened. His heart then throbbed incessantly. Just by thinking something had happened to Bongo, left him empty. He sped his flying towards the impact zone.
“Why are you both here?!” Kramian said to Salva and Giomen. “I ordered you to stay with him!”
“Sir, he was the one who asked us to stay! We were going to move forward in dir–”
“I do not want to know! Follow orders!” Kramian repeated. “I know that Dragon! He is too stupid!”
The Colonel descended with them to the area where the impact took place. The forest was inhospitable, but very beautiful. It was full of springs and trees with fruits, they had never seen before. It was the first time they visited this place. A vivid essence emanated, but this beauty was overlooked in the eyes of Kramian and the two dragons. They were desperate to find the dragon prince.
No one knew what had happened to Bongo. He fell among the bushes and nothing more was seen of him. The din of impact generated great concern for all. They found Bongo embedded in a huge crater, and in his body lay a greenish liquid, which emitted a yellowish vapor. Kramian feared the worst.
“Bongo please! Do not do this to me!” exclaimed the precipitous Colonel. “Wake up! You are the only thing I live for!”
Bongo, however, was not dead. He had his eyes half-open, but said nothing. He had never seen his grandfather so sentimental before, so he let him keep going.
“If you are going to take him Elgoneth, take him in peace and in your glory! He is the most precious thing you have given to me! Until the end of my days, I will talk about him and his courage in bat–”
“Grandpa! Don’t tell me you’re going to get emotional now?” Bongo said between laughs.
“What is the matter with you, youngling?! Do you want me to die of a heart attack?!”
“We have achieved it! We stopped the stars!” said Bongo.
Kramian raised his head, with all the joy in the world. Around them, sprang an energy of jocularity that made the leaves of the trees float and dance among them. The four dragons cried of happiness, as it meant the triumph for the dragons. So, everyone gathered in the Hanging Garden to receive the great heroes.
On the ground, humans chanted the name of the dragons. It had been a magical night, which none of them would ever forget. Wiz, after so long, appeared in the citadels of his kingdom. He planned and started a great celebration, in all the squares of the Garden, gathering all the communities of all the lineages to commemorate the great feat of his beings.
“I am very proud of you, Bongo” said the Golden King with a smile on his face.
“You have proven yourself to be an exceptional dragon, but more importantly, a dragon with a big heart” he continued. “You are exactly like your father, and you have brought meaning to your grandfather´s life. Look at him! Dancing at the rhythm of joy!”
“I’ve never seen him like this before!” said Bongo. “I’m very happy. Although, since we left that forest, he only tells me that he has accomplished his mission. I hope he is not hinting anything serious with this.”
“I understand what you say, my son” said Wiz touching Bongo’s shoulder. “You can be more direct with me.”
“I think he is trying to say goodbye, sir” he exclaimed. “I am very happy for him. This has to be the best celebration we’ve been in! I see him very happy. Embracing the young ones, giving his blessing. He is a true leader.”
“But?” asked Wiz.
“But I don’t want him to leave” replied Bongo. “It feels good when he tells me that he is proud, he really means it; that it has been worth all of his life, and that I´m a blessing for him. He hasn’t told me more than that. He repeats the same thing over and over again.”
“We all have our day, Bongo” says the Golden King. “Kramian has been with me since the day I forged this empire. I’ve seen him grow, I’ve seen him lead. I´ve seen him win and I’ve seem him lose. And most importantly, I’ve seen him become my best friend. I think it is time for him to rest, and to be reunited with the Light. It has never been a better time for this. It’s fair, I don’t want to demand him more than I should.”
Bongo then bowed his head. He saw in the distance his grandfather; enjoying being with the youngest dragons. Preceding the giant sadness that his grandfather would soon leave this place.
“Don’t see it as a disgrace,” said Wiz. “Feel grateful, for having the opportunity to live with an energy like that. Your grandfather, is a legend. Remember that there is no such thing as death. We just move from one place to another, from one door to another. Your grandfather’s spirit will always live with us. And when you need him the most, rest assured he’ll be there; when you least expect it. You’ll find him always by your side, for I know he will continue guiding you.”
“Besides,” Wiz continued. “There are other plans to talk about. New projects, that are coming for you.”
“What are these plans, sir?” Bongo asked.
“When Kramian dies, the restitution of the Supreme Fire Dragon will be necessary” exclaimed Wiz. “And when this time comes, you will become this New Drago. It is the succession of the lineage. After all, only you will remain as the heir to this firepower. Well, almost the only one.”
Bongo was baffled when Wiz said the latter. Before he could ask, the Golden King continued.
“Rosaleth, your true love, is pregnant.”
The dragon was immediately perplexed. He saw his beloved in the distance, and he could not believe it.
“But sir, it doesn´t seem like she is pregnant” Bongo repeated.
“Because she isn’t yet, physically” he said. “But in her womb rests the spirit of a new prince of fire, who is waiting patiently for your grandfather’s departure, to wake up and manifest its presence. The Architect of Life is determined to create another heir in this lineage. It is indeed surprising, given the limited condition that this lineage has to conceive.”
Bongo didn’t know what to say, though, he was very excited. But at the same time, he still felt sad for his grandfather. He still didn’t process everything that Wezhreem was telling him. He didn’t know what all this meant, but as if the Golden King had read his mind, he continued speaking to him.
“You see Bongo,” said the old dragon, “while we allow certain things to go, we give space for new and better ones to arrive. Life is making an incredible project with this lineage, and I want to know where is this taking us.”
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