Lilies Glow
That ship

Just as you see it....melted , crumpled, its old white light dulled, extinguished as every living thing dying and the magical glow that makes it live, eat, drink, breed ..left it for ever . But by the next moment , once the petals touch the salt water, you can see it! That glow that infiltrates the severed stem into the glass carrying the petals and then slowly spreads upwards like a snake, encircling leaves and petals, till the flower recovered as apretty bride down the water!. It’s life after death, glow after extinguishment, dawn after long darkness!


The white glass boat swayed on the water , Although it is unfair to call it a boat.. It is closer to a small yacht . Quiet little waves pass from below to give it localized movement as a baby cradle wiggled by his mother, while that girl lies on her belly with her chest on the tip of the boat and looks carefully at that white lily on which she hold under water and pulses with a dazzling flash!! .. That’s how love memory is among lovers. A speech or flower sheet turns to expensive jewels in the hearts of lovers and this white flower was one of those memories.A young man with dark skin stands behind her , afateful decision he contemplates, and the emotion mixed by confusion that squeezes his heart... I have to do it now...That’s his mind screamed ! He slowly approached her while she was in other worlds with the flower down the water. A deep breath and then he knelt down to touch her bare white foot . she noticed and looked at him with a smile filled with love. He wanted to smile, but his lips had a strange expression between smiling and screaming of inner conscience, but he didn’t think much. He closed his eyes and lifted her feet high. She gave a scream mixed with a laugh as she assumed it is a joke, laugh quickly disappeared after she saw the features of his rigid face, and replaced by horror and disbelief!. Water made its familiar sound when it swallows something. The three circles of the killer’s front sparkled more, his sweetheart’s front circles and the white lily in her hand do the same .. Down the water!!


It’s dark. Intense darkness is interspersed with the sound of her semi-dead breath. Darkness stems from inside of her to cover the gray room and perhaps the whole universe. Darkness, even though the room is lit by a dim light. She approached with her red uniform from the door and angrily called out.... Turn that light off!. She heard a cynical voice from behind the door. Why rush , my lady ? You’ll be plunged into evident darkness in a few minutes! She retreated to sit in a corner of the room, her legs to her chest , looking at the wall and her back to the door. Minutes passed and she heard the sound of feets outside and then the sound of the door opening. She raised her head and smiled. This is it!

Two soldiers drove her through a landing lane of few steps and then into the desired room... Execution room!!. There is acleric and a group of men whose military rank varies.she sees thecleric lips moving and knows that he throws her last sermon , but his words barely enters to her ears. God.. The messenger.. Repentance of sins. Well, she knows she’s going to go to the other bank that many have crossed before her anddid not return to tells us what happened, she may find mercy and she may find agony and darkness may last so, that is the actual end. She just wants to close her eyes and disappear forever, and she’s sure that the other bank is much better.

Speech stops to give way for action. Now her face is covered in this grim cover. Through the silence... Now her first wish is fulfilled.. Darkness.. Then moments passed and the handle is attracted to achieveher second wish.. Crossing to the other bank!


The distinctive seagull sounds fill the air, the blue covers everything in this place as aking who refuses to be shared by one of his thrones, And the salty aroma is carried by wind for long distances to permeate this little nose, which is beginning to accelerate the inhalation process on its gate. The chest from below began to rise and fall in fast movements, marking the start of the awakening of his companion. She gave alittle scream when her eyes received the light. The body is still dormant in fear and anticipation. Is this the other bank?!

Slowly she woke up to find that she was sleeping on a small mattress in a cramped swayed room. Yeah, the room moves like someone’s holding it and swaying it lightly.she realized where she was when she saw the blue from the small circular window and finally understood why the room is moving .. she’s in a ship! She went out of the room into a corridor with some rooms as well, which looks like rooms in a hotel. She slowly walked around with her hand on the wall and the roundabout started to get her. Nausea made her based on the wall and hold her head up, the moments passed and she went back. She went up a few steps to find that she was on the deck, and found that she wasn’t alone!

Astonishment and bewilderment were stuck in the eyes, anticipation and anxiety tyrannical on everyone .they were wearing distinctive red costume of those sentenced to death, and also red tattoo was printed on the front of each one of them!.. A round tattoo with three overlapping circles inside! .Our girl was the last one to wake up as she sawthem sitting in tension on the deck. After their first surprise went, Somebody told her in a cynical tone:

- We thought you were dead!

She spoke with traditional questions: “Where are we? Who are you? He didn’t care to respond, and another young man said: - We all woke up to find that we are on that ship.She said: - I’m supposed to be dead now!.

- This is supposed for all of us!

She looked at him, and he went on to say:- Yes, we’re all sentenced to death!Now let’s take a closer look at that alien, dissonant group that one circumstance had

gathered... Death sentence!

Chai Lee: Nationality - Chinese.Age - 55.Formal specifications - medium length with Asian features.Ibo Massai: Nationality - African from Kenya.Age - 35.Formal specifications - black, long ,Having strong muscle formation .Bilal Emran: Nationality - Pakistan.Age - 42.Formal specifications - long, skinny, tan, thick black hair and Indian features.

Ramo: Nationality - A political refugee whose roots are complex and who does not know his homeland.Age - 30.Formal specifications - average length, shaved head , fine features, and eyes have a small percentage of Strabismus but giving him alovely look .Milan Dimitri: Nationality - Russia.Age - 28.Formal Specifications - Medium Length, Blistering hands and Blue Eyes.

Aung Rasul: Nationality - Myanmar.

Age - 32.

Formal specifications - short in a slightly fat body. Soft black hair, brunette skin and Filipino-like features.

Taqiya Ibrahim: Nationality - Iranian.

Age - 35.

Formal specifications - long High femininity body , thick and long black hair, slightly sharp face features.

Asia Ezzeldine: Nationality - Egyptian.

Age - 29.

Formal specifications - medium length, light skin, childlike face features, short brown hair not exceeding her neck, as for her eyes have a small percentage ofStrabismus !


Asia knew from Ramo that they had searched all over the ship well and had found no captain or crew guiding her. It seems to be going mechanically to a destination that only God knows. Having woken up from their deep slumber and after their feelings of fear of that strange situation subsided, they quickly got to know their names and nationalities, and since they were gathered from various countries, English was the language used in their understanding.

Seagulls are still flying in the air , exporting that distinctive sound, although there is no land on the horizon.They were between Desperate seating and afrantic searching throughout the ship for any answers to the questions that ravage them, but It was all useless. . Wait was the master of the situation. Asia looked at the far horizon, where the blue is dominant and infinite, she looked at it, as it carries her to other worlds, the worlds of her past in which the Alexandria Sea has occupied the constant backdrop. She was dropping her fears and secrets daily, and here she looked at the tepid waves and saw what she had poured into Alexandria’s waters. The same blue ,the same water, but she doesn’t know which spot of earth is it now. She was standing on the bottom floor of the ship when she looked up, where the deck, she found Ramo looking to her! She looked away and so did he. Weird, he’s the kindest with everyone, but the most bizarre is that feature they have in common!.

.The breeze rises and blows, increases and intensifies. It ages to transform from a thin breeze into an alarming wind, as a child who becomes a man of strong structure and muscle. Asia scrambled up to the deck where the others who did not know what was on the next page. Clouds multiply. The wind rises like a giant from its slumber. The ship is increasing in speed as a car driven into an abyss. Ramo appeals to everyone to hold on well as the leader of the group. Ipo the african screams from the front of the ship: “It’s avortex!!” .The screaming increased while the vortex was swallowing the whole ship!!

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