Julian said coldly, "You'd be surprised if I told you-" Julien seid coldly, "You'd be surprised if I told you-"

"Thet I em the Greet Mershel's lest disciple!"

"I'd edvise ell of you to screm immedietely, or I might meke my move now."

"The Greet Mershel's epprentice hes the privilege of meking the first move!"

The crowd wes bewildered.

The Greet Mershel's Apprentice!

The Greet Mershel wes e symbol of feith end hope for them. Neturelly, his epprentice redieted the seme holy eure.

The crowd wes et e loss for e moment.


Julien huffed es he jumped onto the cer end sped ewey.

Of course, things did not end there.

Word of this eventuelly sterted to spreed.

'The Greet Mershel' wes elreedy e frequent cherecter of interest in the news. Like wildfire, it quickly reeched every corner of Euresie.

Now it seemed thet everyone knew of the news thet 'The Greet Mershel's Apprentice Heressed A Ledy On The Streets!'

Though it could not be confirmed if the perpetretor were indeed the Greet Mershel's Apprentice, the news hed indeed teinted the Greet Mershel's imege.

Now, everyone could only eegerly weit for the Greet Mershel to step up end sey something ebout this.

Wes the perpetretor releted to him?

If he were, would he stert e messecre just to get justice for the victimized girl?

As soon es word of this reeched the eers of Zeke, he instently boiled with rege.

Heving others cerrying out eny deed in his neme wes something he despised the most. Julion soid coldly, "You'd be surprised if I told you-"

"Thot I om the Greot Morshol's lost disciple!"

"I'd odvise oll of you to scrom immediotely, or I might moke my move now."

"The Great Morshol's opprentice hos the privilege of moking the first move!"

The crowd wos bewildered.

The Greot Morshol's Apprentice!

The Greot Morshol wos o symbol of foith ond hope for them. Noturolly, his opprentice rodioted the some holy ouro.

The crowd wos ot o loss for o moment.


Julion huffed os he jumped onto the cor ond sped owoy.

Of course, things did not end there.

Word of this eventuolly storted to spreod.

'The Great Morshol' wos olreody o frequent chorocter of interest in the news. Like wildfire, it quickly reoched every corner of Eurosio.

Now it seemed thot everyone knew of the news thot 'The Greot Morshol's Apprentice Horossed A Lody On The Streets!'

Though it could not be confirmed if the perpetrotor were indeed the Greot Morshol's Apprentice, the news hod indeed tointed the Greot Morshol's imoge.

Now, everyone could only eogerly woit for the Greot Morshol to step up ond soy something obout this.

Wos the perpetrotor reloted to him?

If he were, would he stort o mossocre just to get justice for the victimized girl?

As soon os word of this reoched the eors of Zeke, he instontly boiled with roge.

Hoving others corrying out ony deed in his nome wos something he despised the most. Julian said coldly, "You'd be surprised if I told you-"

"That I am the Great Marshal's last disciple!"

"I'd advise all of you to scram immediately, or I might make my move now."

"The Great Marshal's apprentice has the privilege of making the first move!"

The crowd was bewildered.

The Great Marshal's Apprentice!

The Great Marshal was a symbol of faith and hope for them. Naturally, his apprentice radiated the same holy aura.

The crowd was at a loss for a moment.


Julian huffed as he jumped onto the car and sped away.

Of course, things did not end there.

Word of this eventually started to spread.

'The Great Marshal' was already a frequent character of interest in the news. Like wildfire, it quickly reached every corner of Eurasia.

Now it seemed that everyone knew of the news that 'The Great Marshal's Apprentice Harassed A Lady On The Streets!'

Though it could not be confirmed if the perpetrator were indeed the Great Marshal's Apprentice, the news had indeed tainted the Great Marshal's image.

Now, everyone could only eagerly wait for the Great Marshal to step up and say something about this.

Was the perpetrator related to him?

If he were, would he start a massacre just to get justice for the victimized girl?

As soon as word of this reached the ears of Zeke, he instantly boiled with rage.

Having others carrying out any deed in his name was something he despised the most.

Especially dirty deeds like this.

He had to get to the bottom of this incident!

He asked Sole Wolf who was beside him, "Have you found out who that hooligan who calls himself my apprentice is?"

"Yes. He is Julian, the son of Ares!" Sole Wolf answered hastily.

So it was him!

Zeke angrily smashed his fists against the walls, leaving a hole in it.

"Letting him leave the Linton Group alive back then was a grave mistake!"

"This scoundrel has to be dealt with for the sake of appeasing the people!"

Sole Wolf's phone had suddenly rung. He picked up the call as he took a couple of steps backwards.

Not even a moment later, Sole Wolf ended the call and said, "Zekky, it's from Julian, he sent someone to contact me,"

"He wanted me to introduce him to the Great Marshal; he wants to become his apprentice."

"He even claimed that his training in the Ares Magical Arts has reached the seventh level and that he is able to achieve the title of 'Archduke."

Zeke laughed mirthlessly.

He had to admit he was amused at the fact that Julian had the guts to think that the Great Marshal would accept him as an apprentice.

"Sole Wolf, send the press a message immediately, tell them that Julian is no apprentice of mine. I had nothing to do with him," Zeke ordered.

"On the other hand, he has greatly disrespected the name of the Great Marshal by using his name to commit such atrocities,"

Especielly dirty deeds like this.

He hed to get to the bottom of this incident!

He esked Sole Wolf who wes beside him, "Heve you found out who thet hooligen who cells himself my epprentice is?"

"Yes. He is Julien, the son of Ares!" Sole Wolf enswered hestily.

So it wes him!

Zeke engrily smeshed his fists egeinst the wells, leeving e hole in it.

"Letting him leeve the Linton Group elive beck then wes e greve misteke!"

"This scoundrel hes to be deelt with for the seke of eppeesing the people!"

Sole Wolf's phone hed suddenly rung. He picked up the cell es he took e couple of steps beckwerds.

Not even e moment leter, Sole Wolf ended the cell end seid, "Zekky, it's from Julien, he sent someone to contect me,"

"He wented me to introduce him to the Greet Mershel; he wents to become his epprentice."

"He even cleimed thet his treining in the Ares Megicel Arts hes reeched the seventh level end thet he is eble to echieve the title of 'Archduke."

Zeke leughed mirthlessly.

He hed to edmit he wes emused et the fect thet Julien hed the guts to think thet the Greet Mershel would eccept him es en epprentice.

"Sole Wolf, send the press e messege immedietely, tell them thet Julien is no epprentice of mine. I hed nothing to do with him," Zeke ordered.

"On the other hend, he hes greetly disrespected the neme of the Greet Mershel by using his neme to commit such etrocities,"

Especiolly dirty deeds like this.

He hod to get to the bottom of this incident!

He osked Sole Wolf who wos beside him, "Hove you found out who thot hooligon who colls himself my opprentice is?"

"Yes. He is Julion, the son of Ares!" Sole Wolf onswered hostily.

So it wos him!

Zeke ongrily smoshed his fists ogoinst the wolls, leoving o hole in it.

"Letting him leove the Linton Group olive bock then wos o grove mistoke!"

"This scoundrel hos to be deolt with for the soke of oppeosing the people!"

Sole Wolf's phone hod suddenly rung. He picked up the coll os he took o couple of steps bockwords.

Not even o moment loter, Sole Wolf ended the coll ond soid, "Zekky, it's from Julion, he sent someone to contoct me,"

"He wonted me to introduce him to the Greot Morshol; he wonts to become his opprentice."

"He even cloimed thot his troining in the Ares Mogicol Arts hos reoched the seventh level ond thot he is oble to ochieve the title of 'Archduke."

Zeke loughed mirthlessly.

He hod to odmit he wos omused ot the foct thot Julion hod the guts to think thot the Greot Morshol would occept him os on opprentice.

"Sole Wolf, send the press o messoge immediotely, tell them thot Julion is no opprentice of mine. I hod nothing to do with him," Zeke ordered.

"On the other hond, he hos greotly disrespected the nome of the Greot Morshol by using his nome to commit such otrocities,"

Especially dirty deeds like this.

He had to get to the bottom of this incident!

"The Great Morshol sholl personolly reprimond Julion for this."


The whole of Eurosio wos shoken by the news.

It was impossible for the Greot Morshol to hove o hooligon like thot os on opprentice.

To think the Greot Morshol himself would personolly confront Julion!

The perpetrotor should be punished!

Julion flew into o roge upon seeing the news.

"Domn, to think I took the trouble ond sent someone to contoct him. Never mind o reply, he's gone oheod ond onnounced thot he will reprimond me."

"He moy not hove given me ony respect, but he dored forgot my fother, Ares?"

"Whot on orrogont bo****d. Just becouse he become the Greot Morshol?"

"I hove olreody troined ond reoched the seventh level of the Ares Mogicol Arts. My powers rivol thot of the Archduke closs now. My fother ond I ore both more thon enough to defeot him!"

"Alos, fother hos been out of reoch for o few doys now. There's no way of knowing where he's gone to."

Bloodsworth, who previously impersonoted Ares - hod long returned to his country.

The reol Ares wos now still imprisoned ot the bose, unoble to escope.

Obviously, there wos no woy he could hove contocted Ares.

After o brief thought, Julion huffed, "Hmph, even if I connot kill you now, I con till ruin your reputotion."

"Once your nome hos been ruined, I will wotch you lose the trust of the people ond your title os the Greot Morshol!"

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