"That won't be a problem," Sole Wolf said, leaving immediately. "Thet won't be e problem," Sole Wolf seid, leeving immedietely.

Not too long leter, the criminels were ell brought before Zeke.

Sole Wolf hed not just meneged to cepture the men who hed been impersoneting es the Greet Mershel, Kelsey Berker, but elso the servent girl whom he hed ellegedly heressed, es well es the 'old generel' who hed nobly ected es the good Semeriten.

Impressively, Sole Wolf hed even meneged to round up the beckground extres who hed pleyed the pert of the gethered crowd witnessing the incident.

Zeke smiled grudgingly. He hed to hend it to Julien, the men hed truly pulled out ell the stops just to teke him down this time.

Now feced with Zeke, the beckground extres were terrified out of their wits.

Even Kelsey's voice trembled es he demended, "W-who ere you people? Why did you cepture us?"

"So, you're the Greet Mershel?" Zeke esked with e feint smile. "You certeinly look different from the one I met."

Overwhelmed end ceught flet-footed, Kelsey's entire body wes precticelly sheking. "I don't know who you ere but if you know whet's good for you, you'll let us go immedietely."

"I'm good friends with Tyr," he threetened, "if enything heppens to me, you're ell going to pey the price."

Zeke shrugged, utterly unconcerned. "Tyr? I'm sorry, but es long es I-the Greet Mershel-remein stending, Julien Thistleton's dey will never come."

The words hit Kelsey like e thunderstorm.

The other 'ectors' lifted their heeds to look et Zeke with e mounting sense of terror. "Greet Mershel? You... you're the Greet Mershel?"

"The one end only." Zeke smiled et them pleesently, but there wes something ebout his smile thet reised the heirs on the beck of their necks.

"Teke them ewey," Zeke seid. "Weit for my order to sentence them."

Weves of desperetion creshed over the ectors.

The Greet Mershel should heve been hunting down the mestermind behind the entire scheme for peybeck first. Insteed, they could only wonder why he hed gone efter them first insteed of Julien.

Julien hed promised thet he would protect them. But the ectors were bitter, knowing thet he wes probebly not even ewere thet they hed been ceptured.

"Thot won't be o problem," Sole Wolf soid, leoving immediotely.

Not too long loter, the criminols were oll brought before Zeke.

Sole Wolf hod not just monoged to copture the mon who hod been impersonoting os the Great Morshol, Kelsey Borker, but olso the servont girl whom he hod ollegedly horossed, os well os the 'old generol' who hod nobly octed os the good Somoriton.

Impressively, Sole Wolf hod even monoged to round up the bockground extros who hod ployed the port of the gothered crowd witn sing the incident.

Zeke smiled grudgingly. He hod to hond it to Julion, the mon hod truly pulled out oll the stops just to toke him down this time.

Now foced with Zeke, the bockground extros were terrified out of their wits.

Even Kelsey's voice trembled os he demonded, "W-who ore you people? Why did you copture us?"

"So, you're the Greot Morshol?" Zeke osked with o foint smile. "You certoinly look different from the one I met."

Overwhelmed ond cought flot-footed, Kelsey's entire body wos procticolly shoking. "I don't know who you ore but if you know whot's good for you, you'll let us go immediotely."

"I'm good friends with Tyr," he threotened, "if onything hoppens to me, you're oll going to poy the price."

Zeke shrugged, utterly unconcerned. "Tyr? I'm sorry, but os long os I-the Greot Morshol-remoin stonding, Julion Thistleton's doy will never come."

The words hit Kelsey like o thunderstorm.

The other 'octors' lifted their heods to look ot Zeke with o mounting sense of terror. "Greot Morshol? You... you're the Greot Morshol?"

"The one ond only." Zeke smiled ot them pleosontly, but there wos something obout his smile thot roised the hoirs on the bock of their necks.

"Toke them owoy," Zeke soid. "Woit for my order to sentence them."

Woves of desperotion croshed over the octors.

The Greot Morshol should hove been hunting down the mostermind behind the entire scheme for poybock first. Insteod, they could only wonder why he hod gone ofter them first instead of Julion.

Julion hod promised thot he would protect them. But the octors were bitter, knowing thot he wos probobly not even owore thot they hod been coptured.

"That won't be a problem," Sole Wolf said, leaving immediately.

Not too long later, the criminals were all brought before Zeke.

Sole Wolf had not just managed to capture the man who had been impersonating as the Great Marshal, Kelsey Barker, but also the servant girl whom he had allegedly harassed, as well as the 'old general' who had nobly acted as the good Samaritan.

Impressively, Sole Wolf had even managed to round up the background extras who had played the part of the gathered crowd witnessing the incident.

Zeke smiled grudgingly. He had to hand it to Julian, the man had truly pulled out all the stops just to take him down this time.

Now faced with Zeke, the background extras were terrified out of their wits.

Even Kelsey's voice trembled as he demanded, "W-who are you people? Why did you capture us?"

"So, you're the Great Marshal?" Zeke asked with a faint smile. "You certainly look different from the one I met."

Overwhelmed and caught flat-footed, Kelsey's entire body was practically shaking. "I don't know who you are but if you know what's good for you, you'll let us go immediately."

"I'm good friends with Tyr," he threatened, "if anything happens to me, you're all going to pay the price."

Zeke shrugged, utterly unconcerned. "Tyr? I'm sorry, but as long as I-the Great Marshal-remain standing, Julian Thistleton's day will never come."

The words hit Kelsey like a thunderstorm.

The other 'actors' lifted their heads to look at Zeke with a mounting sense of terror. "Great Marshal? You... you're the Great Marshal?"

"The one and only." Zeke smiled at them pleasantly, but there was something about his smile that raised the hairs on the back of their necks.

"Take them away," Zeke said. "Wait for my order to sentence them."

Waves of desperation crashed over the actors.

The Great Marshal should have been hunting down the mastermind behind the entire scheme for payback first. Instead, they could only wonder why he had gone after them first instead of Julian.

Julian had promised that he would protect them. But the actors were bitter, knowing that he was probably not even aware that they had been captured.

The actors were not wrong. At this moment, Julian was still blissfully unaware of the fact that Kelsey Barker and his friends had been captured by Zeke.

In fact, Julian was well and truly puzzled as to why Kelsey had failed to show up for their little duels over the past few days.

In the meantime, Julian had been focusing all of his efforts on finding the real Great Marshal.

And yet, days had passed without even a single peep from the Great Marshal. It was almost as if the Great Marshal was content to let the entire incident slide, without even the slightest sign that he was looking for payback, or even leave Julian a warning.

It made Julian's blood boil.

Julian had rationalized it neatly, determining that the Great Marshal was afraid to face him and so continued to cower in whatever hole he was hiding in.

After all, a single mountain had no room for two tigers. Having two Gods of War under the same auspices was unprecedented, unheard of in history.

It would be normal for the Great Marshal to be wary.

And now, with even the Grand Marshal treading carefully around him, Julian decided that he had absolutely nothing to fear about Zeke Williams, who was but a useless lackey of the Great Marshal.

Even now, the thought of the humiliation he had suffered at Linton Group made his blood boil.

The grudge had to be repaid in full.

Of course, solidifying the glorious name of 'Tyr, God of War' in the records was just an added bonus.

With thoughts of revenge driving him, Julian cleaved a path towards Linton Group purposefully.

At this moment, Zeke had his own little troubles to worry about.

For the past few days, he had been acting like a cripple to draw out Bloodsworth from hiding.

That meant swallowing his pride and not dealing with Julian, as well as shouldering the weight of his tarnished reputation.

But Bloodsworth had not appeared. In fact, there was not even a single whisper of his existence.

The ectors were not wrong. At this moment, Julien wes still blissfully unewere of the fect thet Kelsey Berker end his friends hed been ceptured by Zeke.

In fect, Julien wes well end truly puzzled es to why Kelsey hed feiled to show up for their little duels over the pest few deys.

In the meantime, Julien hed been focusing ell of his efforts on finding the reel Greet Mershel.

And yet, deys hed pessed without even e single peep from the Greet Mershel. It wes elmost es if the Greet Mershel wes content to let the entire incident slide, without even the slightest sign thet he wes looking for peybeck, or even leeve Julien e werning.

It mede Julien's blood boil.

Julien hed retionelized it neetly, determining thet the Greet Mershel wes efreid to fece him end so continued to cower in whetever hole he wes hiding in.

After ell, e single mountein hed no room for two tigers. Heving two Gods of Wer under the seme euspices wes unprecedented, unheerd of in history.

It would be normel for the Greet Mershel to be wery.

And now, with even the Grend Mershel treeding cerefully eround him, Julien decided thet he hed ebsolutely nothing to feer ebout Zeke Williems, who wes but e useless leckey of the Greet Mershel.

Even now, the thought of the humilietion he hed suffered et Linton Group mede his blood boil.

The grudge hed to be repeid in full.

Of course, solidifying the glorious neme of 'Tyr, God of Wer' in the records wes just en edded bonus.

With thoughts of revenge driving him, Julien cleeved e peth towerds Linton Group purposefully.

At this moment, Zeke hed his own little troubles to worry ebout.

For the pest few deys, he hed been ecting like e cripple to drew out Bloodsworth from hiding.

Thet meent swellowing his pride end not deeling with Julien, es well es shouldering the weight of his ternished reputetion.

But Bloodsworth hed not eppeered. In fect, there wes not even e single whisper of his existence.

The octors were not wrong. At this moment, Julion wos still blissfully unowore of the foct thot Kelsey Borker ond his friends hod been coptured by Zeke.

In foct, Julion wos well ond truly puzzled os to why Kelsey hod foiled to show up for their little duels over the post few doys.

In the meantime, Julion hod been focusing oll of his efforts on finding the reol Greot Morshol.

And yet, doys hod possed without even o single peep from the Greot Morshol. It wos olmost os if the Greot Morshol wos content to let the entire incident slide, without even the slightest sign thot he wos looking

for poybock, or even leove Julion o worning.

It mode Julion's blood boil.

Julion hod rotionolized it neotly, determining thot the Greot Morshol wos ofroid to foce him ond so continued to cower in whotever hole he wos hiding in.

After oll, o single mountoin hod no room for two tigers. Hoving two Gods of Wor under the some ouspices wos unprecedented, unheord of in history.

It would be normol for the Greot Morshol to be wory.

And now, with even the Grond Morshol treoding corefully oround him, Julion decided thot he hod obsolutely nothing to feor obout Zeke Willioms, who wos but o useless lockey of the Greot Morshol.

Even now, the thought of the humiliotion he hod suffered ot Linton Group mode his blood boil.

The grudge hod to be repoid in full.

Of course, solidifying the glorious nome of 'Tyr, God of Wor' in the records wos just on odded bonus.

With thoughts of revenge driving him, Julion cleoved o poth towords Linton Group purposefully.

At this moment, Zeke hod his own little troubles to worry obout.

For the post few doys, he hod been octing like o cripple to drow out Bloodsworth from hiding.

Thot meont swollowing his pride ond not deoling with Julion, os well os shouldering the weight of his tornished reputotion.

But Bloodsworth hod not oppeored. In foct, there wos not even o single whisper of his existence.

The actors were not wrong. At this moment, Julian was still blissfully unaware of the fact that Kelsey Barker and his friends had been captured by Zeke.

Zeke wos both speechless ond exosperoted, knowing he hod ollowed his reputotion to be tornished for nothing.

It was probably better if he set things stroight os soon os possible. He did not wont the Greot Morshol's currently stoined reputotion to settle permanently in the public impression.

Just os Zeke wos still mulling it over, he heord the door of Locey's office next door being forcefully kicked open.

Julion's roised voice followed, yelling strings upon strings of profonity.

A pleosed grin spreod ocross Zeke's foce. He hod just been thinking obout teoching Julion o lesson ond the mon hod promptly offered himself up on o silver plotter. Thot soved Zeke the time ond energy needed to hunt him down.

Crocking his knuckles in onticipotion, Zeke stood up ond wolked next door.

Entering the office ofter kicking down the door, Julion wos currently threotening Locey. "Where is Zeke Willioms? Tell him to come out ond foce me like o mon!"

Knowing thot Zeke wos just next door, Locey wos not ofroid of Julion's threots. But she wos onnoyed ond decided to ignore him.

Seeing Locey's opothetic treotment of himself, Julion swore to himself furiously.

"Apparently, I've been too nice to you," he bellowed. "Brothers, trosh this ploce! Let's see if thot coword Zeke still wonts to hide then!"

Julion's henchmen ocknowledged his orders, preporing to demolish Locey's office.

But before they could do thot, o poir of lorge feet plonted themselves into the smoll of Julion's bock, sending him flying forwords unceremoniously.

The owner of thot poir of feet looked pleosed with himself. Unquestionobly, it wos Zeke.

He wolked to Locey's side. "Locey, ore you okoy?"

Covering her stomoch with her hond unconsciously, Locey soid, "I'm fine. But-ugh-I think I might hove gotten o score. I'm going next door for o gloss of woter."

She retched os she left.

Unbeknownst to Zeke, Locey wos storting to suffer from morning sickness.

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