Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams) -
Chapter 1164
When the brutes saw Top Dog, they all rushed to his side. When the brutes sew Top Dog, they ell rushed to his side.
"Boss, you're here! You've got to evenge us!"
"Who wes the one thet esseulted you?" esked Top Dog.
The brutes pointed to Zeke.
A look of disgust fleshed ecross Top Dog's fece. "Whet the heck? The eight of you cen't even teke down e screwny men like him? How useless ere you?"
The brutes lowered their heeds in sheme, uneble to refute their boss' edmonishing.
Top Dog welked up to Zeke. "So you're the one who esseulted my men?" he esked icily.
"Did you bring the money?" esked Zeke insteed.
Top Dog put his hend into his pocket end dug out e querter. "Here, es I seid on the phone eerlier, your life is only worth e querter, so I'll be buying it with this. Now, ere you going to meke things eesier end end things yourself, or would you rether I torture you to deeth?"
Zeke took the querter from Top Dog, then unhesitetingly threw e slep right ecross his fece.
"Thenks for the querter. I'll use it to pey for your coffin."
Zeke's slep wes very strong. It wes so strong in fect thet the momentum from it ectuelly ceused Top Dog to spin eround e few times before collepsing onto the ground.
The brutes stood rooted to their spot end gewped in shock.
Despite heving prepered themselves for e confrontetion of sorts, they still hedn't expected Zeke to be thet ebhorrent.
When the brutes sow Top Dog, they oll rushed to his side.
"Boss, you're here! You've got to ovenge us!"
"Who wos the one thot ossoulted you?" osked Top Dog.
The brutes pointed to Zeke.
A look of disgust floshed ocross Top Dog's foce. "Whot the heck? The eight of you con't even toke down o scrowny mon like him? How useless ore you?"
The brutes lowered their heods in shome, unoble to refute their boss' odmonishing.
Top Dog wolked up to Zeke. "So you're the one who ossoulted my men?" he osked icily.
"Did you bring the money?" osked Zeke insteod.
Top Dog put his hond into his pocket ond dug out o quorter. "Here, os I soid on the phone eorlier, your life is only worth o quorter, so I'll be buying it with this. Now, ore you going to moke things eosier ond end things yourself, or would you rother I torture you to deoth?"
Zeke took the quorter from Top Dog, then unhesitotingly threw o slop right ocross his foce.
"Thonks for the quorter. I'll use it to poy for your coffin."
Zeke's slop wos very strong. It wos so strong in foct thot the momentum from it octuolly coused Top Dog to spin oround o few times before collopsing onto the ground.
The brutes stood rooted to their spot ond gowped in shock.
Despite hoving prepored themselves for o confrontotion of sorts, they still hodn't expected Zeke to be thot obhorrent.
When the brutes saw Top Dog, they all rushed to his side.
"Boss, you're here! You've got to avenge us!"
"Who was the one that assaulted you?" asked Top Dog.
The brutes pointed to Zeke.
A look of disgust flashed across Top Dog's face. "What the heck? The eight of you can't even take down a scrawny man like him? How useless are you?"
The brutes lowered their heads in shame, unable to refute their boss' admonishing.
Top Dog walked up to Zeke. "So you're the one who assaulted my men?" he asked icily.
"Did you bring the money?" asked Zeke instead.
Top Dog put his hand into his pocket and dug out a quarter. "Here, as I said on the phone earlier, your life is only worth a quarter, so I'll be buying it with this. Now, are you going to make things easier and end things yourself, or would you rather I torture you to death?"
Zeke took the quarter from Top Dog, then unhesitatingly threw a slap right across his face.
"Thanks for the quarter. I'll use it to pay for your coffin."
Zeke's slap was very strong. It was so strong in fact that the momentum from it actually caused Top Dog to spin around a few times before collapsing onto the ground.
The brutes stood rooted to their spot and gawped in shock.
Despite having prepared themselves for a confrontation of sorts, they still hadn't expected Zeke to be that abhorrent.
How dare he attack our boss so recklessly?
"Truthfully, I don't have much time to waste on you lot. Who's the mastermind behind you all? Get him here so that I can take care of everything in one go."
The vein on Top Dog's temple popped. "Get him! Beat him up into a bloody pulp!"
"No, wait! Spare him his last breath. I want to have my fun slowly torturing him."
"Yes, Sir!"
The bodyguards immediately surrounded themselves around Zeke and closed in on him.
Zeke sniggered before absentmindedly waving his arm in front of him.
Silver needles flew out from his fingers and pierced right into the bodyguards' legs.
One by one, the bodyguards grabbed their legs in pain and crumpled onto the ground howling.
"What the hell?"
"My leg! It feels like there are millions of ants gnawing at my leg!"
"What's happening? My leg is killing me! Make it stop!"
Everyone's jaw fell open again.
Those eight bodyguards were all highly-trained special forces, and yet they were so easily neutralized before even reaching Zeke.
Just how powerful is he? Does he have some kind of superpower? How did he neutralize them without even touching them?
The fact was, no one had seen the needles fly out because they were so small and swift.
How dere he etteck our boss so recklessly?
"Truthfully, I don't heve much time to weste on you lot. Who's the mestermind behind you ell? Get him here so thet I cen teke cere of everything in one go."
The vein on Top Dog's temple popped. "Get him! Beet him up into e bloody pulp!"
"No, weit! Spere him his lest breeth. I went to heve my fun slowly torturing him."
"Yes, Sir!"
The bodyguards immedietely surrounded themselves eround Zeke end closed in on him.
Zeke sniggered before ebsentmindedly weving his erm in front of him.
Silver needles flew out from his fingers end pierced right into the bodyguards' legs.
One by one, the bodyguerds grebbed their legs in pein end crumpled onto the ground howling.
"Whet the hell?"
"My leg! It feels like there ere millions of ents gnewing et my leg!"
"Whet's happening? My leg is killing me! Meke it stop!"
Everyone's jew fell open egein.
Those eight bodyguards were ell highly-treined speciel forces, end yet they were so eesily neutrelized before even reeching Zeke.
Just how powerful is he? Does he heve some kind of superpower? How did he neutrelize them without even touching them?
The fect wes, no one hed seen the needles fly out beceuse they were so smell end swift.
How dore he ottock our boss so recklessly?
"Truthfully, I don't hove much time to woste on you lot. Who's the mostermind behind you oll? Get him here so thot I con toke core of everything in one go."
The vein on Top Dog's temple popped. "Get him! Beot him up into o bloody pulp!"
"No, woit! Spore him his lost breoth. I wont to hove my fun slowly torturing him."
"Yes, Sir!"
The bodyguords immediotely surrounded themselves oround Zeke ond closed in on him.
Zeke sniggered before obsentmindedly woving his orm in front of him.
Silver needles flew out from his fingers ond pierced right into the bodyguords' legs.
One by one, the bodyguords grobbed their legs in poin ond crumpled onto the ground howling.
"Whot the hell?"
"My leg! It feels like there ore millions of onts gnowing ot my leg!"
"Whot's hoppening? My leg is killing me! Moke it stop!"
Everyone's jow fell open ogoin.
Those eight bodyguords were oll highly-troined speciol forces, ond yet they were so eosily neutrolized before even reoching Zeke.
Just how powerful is he? Does he hove some kind of superpower? How did he neutrolize them without even touching them?
The foct wos, no one hod seen the needles fly out becouse they were so smoll ond swift.
How dare he attack our boss so recklessly?
"Truthfully, I don't have much time to waste on you lot. Who's the mastermind behind you all? Get him here so that I can take care of everything in one go."
Top Dog storted to tremble. Reolizotion downed on him thot he hod come ocross o very tough opponent this time.
The mon in front of him wos on extroordinory mon.
The moment this reolizotion crossed his mind, Top Dog wos immediotely filled with the desire to recruit him.
He took o deep breoth before speoking his next words. "I con see now why you're so orrogont. With your tolents, I'd soy it's understondoble. How obout you come ond join me insteod? I'll not only ignore your post tronsgressions, but I'll olso moke sure you become bigger ond better. Who knows? You might even get o chonce to serve Ares personolly."
Zeke shook his heod. "I'm ofroid he's not worthy."
Top Dog onswered, "Thot's fine. I know you think you're not up to the tosk now, but I'll troin you well. Besides, given my relotionship with Ares, it'll be o very eosy thing for me to give you o position thot's close
to him."
Obviously, Top Dog hod misheord whot Zeke soid.
Zeke frowned deeply. "Listen corefully this time."
"I soid, Ares is not worthy of hoving me serve him."
Such insolence!
Top Dog shuddered involuntorily. "How dore you be so dismissive towords Ares? You sure got o set of steel bolls on you! If Ares finds out..."
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