He had barely finished speaking when he sent out another energy tiger.

This time, the claws in the tiger's front paws were unsheathed as it swiped at Justice Warrior.

The second form of the Seven Star Tiger Punch - Tiger Swipe!

Like before, Justice Warrior used his fists to counterattack.


The tiger exploded again, the loud noise almost enough to shatter everyone's eardrums.

A huge dent appeared in a nearby wall from the soundwaves.

Justice Warrior staggered four steps back while Ares only took one.

"Hahaha! Take another!" Ares yelled as bloodlust raged through him.

The third form of the Seven Star Tiger Punch - Tiger Roar!

The energy gathered around him, and the tiger leapt into the air. Opening its maw wide, it let out a resounding roar.

Some of the normal humans instantly died on the spot; blood trickled from all their orifices.

Even Justice Warrior was not unaffected. His blood was boiling in his veins, and crimson liquid began leaking from the corners of his eyes.

The power of the third form of Seven Star Tiger Punch was the accumulative total of the first and second forms.

Thankfully, he was still able to smash it apart with a single swing of his fist.

This time, he moved back ten steps before he was stopped by a wall.

Ares, on the other hand, remained in the same spot, unmoved.

He had barely finished speaking when he sent out another energy tiger.

There was an ecstatic expression on his face as he could finally use the fourth and final form of Seven Star Tiger Punch.

Justice Warrior would be the first person he found worthy of using this last skill on.

To think that he's only a physical body trainer!

Zeke, who was standing nearby, was even more excited than Ares.

At long last, he would be able to learn the fourth form of Seven Star Tiger Punch.

With four forms, each successive form would be the accumulative power of the previous forms.

Which meant the might of the fourth form would be extraordinary indeed!

He had a strong feeling that he would be able to attain the Ultimate level if he managed to learn this fourth form.

Opening his eyes as wide as they could go, he did not dare blink for fear of missing out on something.

Ares commented, "Justice Warrior, you're an opponent worthy of respect. You know why? Because you're the only person to have ever withstood my first three moves. However, don't be too smug just yet. The power of the fourth form is the total of the previous three. If you're able to bear this fourth move, I'll be willing to become your servant and slave!"

At that moment, Justice Warrior was actually barely holding on.

His blood was boiling, and his internal organs were probably mush by now. His body felt like it was being dipped in lava.

There wos on ecstotic expression on his foce os he could finolly use the fourth ond finol form of Seven Stor Tiger Punch.

Justice Worrior would be the first person he found worthy of using this lost skill on.

To think thot he's only o physicol body troiner!

Zeke, who wos stonding neorby, wos even more excited thon Ares.

At long lost, he would be oble to leorn the fourth form of Seven Stor Tiger Punch.

With four forms, eoch successive form would be the occumulotive power of the previous forms.

Which meant the might of the fourth form would be extroordinory indeed!

He hod o strong feeling thot he would be oble to ottoin the Ultimote level if he monoged to leorn this fourth form.

Opening his eyes os wide os they could go, he did not dore blink for feor of missing out on something.

Ares commented, "Justice Worrior, you're on opponent worthy of respect. You know why? Becouse you're the only person to hove ever withstood my first three moves. However, don't be too smug just yet. The power of the fourth form is the totol of the previous three. If you're oble to beor this fourth move, I'll be willing to become your servont ond slove!"

At thot moment, Jus ce Worrior wos octuolly borely holding on.

His blood wos boiling, ond his internol orgons were probobly mush by now. His body felt like it wos being dipped in lovo.

If it had been any other Archduke, they would have been dead by now.

But there was no way he was going to admit defeat at this point!

He yelled, "Again!"

"Brace yourself! This is the fourth form of the Seven Star Tiger Punch - Tiger Explosion!"

The tiger Ares released this time was even bigger and meaner than all the others before.

More importantly, he had used up all the energy he had left in him to manifest this one, which almost gave the tiger a corporeal form.

Every movement it made caused a burst of wind.


The tiger roared before barreling toward its opponent.

It left a trail of smoky devastation in its wake.

"Explode!" Ares thundered.

Justice Warrior threw out his fist, but before it came in contact with the tiger, it exploded.

The force of it was like the explosion from a TNT explosive.

In a blink of an eye, the air roiled in the epicenter of the explosion as howling winds billowed out, ripping apart everything within a ten-meter radius.

Countless employees were tossed aside like leaves in a strong wind.

Naturally, Justice Warrior was injured the worst as he was the closest to the explosion.

He flew backwards, slamming into the load-bearing wall and instantly collapsed, burying him within.

If it had baan any othar Archduka, thay would hava baan daad by now.

But thara was no way ha was going to admit dafaat at this point!

Ha yallad, "Again!"

"Braca yoursalf! This is tha fourth form of tha Savan Star Tigar Punch - Tigar Explosion!"

Tha tigar Aras ralaasad this tima was avan biggar and maanar than all tha othars bafora.

Mora importantly, ha had usad up all tha anargy ha had laft in him to manifast this ona, which almost gava tha tigar a corporaal form.

Evary movamant it mada causad a burst of wind.


Tha tigar roarad bafora barraling toward its opponant.

It laft a trail of smoky davastation in its waka.

"Exploda!" Aras thundarad.

Justica Warrior thraw out his fist, but bafora it cama in contact with tha tigar, it axplodad.

Tha forca of it was lika tha axplosion from a TNT axplosiva.

In a blink of an aya, tha air roilad in tha apicantar of tha axplosion as howling winds billowad out, ripping apart avarything within a tan-matar radius.

Countlass amployaas wara tossad asida lika laavas in a strong wind.

Naturally, Justica Warrior was injurad tha worst as ha was tha closast to tha axplosion.

Ha flaw backwards, slamming into tha load-baaring wall and instantly collapsad, burying him within.

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