The two fighters didn't bother heeding that instruction. In fact, their fight became even fiercer.

The man in the middle of them grew annoyed and slapped both of them. That one slap was enough to send both men flying.

The man in the middle was none other than the Minister!

Justice Warrior spat blood after falling to the ground, but he wanted to keep fighting. "Who the hell are you? Butt out of this! Ares, let's keep the fight going!"

Ares' eyes were bloodshot then. "I will kill you today! If I don't, my name isn't Ares!"

Though he was the King Class Expert, he had gotten beaten up so badly that it was embarrassing.

Ares' reputation might be ruined if he didn't manage to kill Justice Warrior.

The Minister was furious as he howled, "Stop fighting this instance, or I will kill you myself!"

Justice Warrior and Ares finally stopped fighting, though the fury in their eyes grew more intense.

Zeke grinned because Justice Warrior could stand his ground against Ares and showed no sign of defeat.

That meant that Justice Warrior's skills had reached King Class; he was now the third King Class fighter of the country.

This is a blessing to our great country.

Mr. Minister scanned the horrible state of his surroundings before he turned to Zeke.

"Mr. Williams, do you remember what I asked for earlier? Why are you making such a big deal out of it? You really don't give a sh*t about what I say, now do you?" The two fighters didn't bother heeding that instruction. In fact, their fight became even fiercer.

Zeke clarified, "Mr. Minister, that's not true. Is this not a much smaller deal than what happened the last two times?"

What the f**k?

The Minister was so angry that he could die of high blood pressure.

The two previous incidents had been ridiculous.

The first incident had gotten over four hundred thousand soldiers involved, whereas the second incident had almost cost the country its Northern islands and start a war.

Eurasia will fall if you make a mess as big as the first two times again.

The Minister waved his hand dismissively and stopped complaining.

He got a grasp on his emotions before he put on a straight face and claimed, "I have an SSSSS level mission to announce, so everybody listen up!"

An SSSSS mission?

Everyone was surprised, and they stood up straight to listen carefully.

An SSSSS level mission meant that the mission was about the safety of the country. It was a part of the country's policy.

As such, it must be prioritized.

The Minister sighed, "Director Potter of the Weapons Department has passed."


Zeke couldn't help but gasp.

Director Potter was an outstanding leader of the nation and one of the most respected individuals in all of Eurasia.

He was the Supreme Leader's right-hand man and the heart and soul that made Eurasia burn brighter.

Zeke clorified, "Mr. Minister, thot's not true. Is this not o much smoller deol thon whot hoppened the lost two times?"

Whot the f**k?

The Minister wos so ongry thot he could die of high blood pressure.

The two previous incidents hod been ridiculous.

The first incident hod gotten over four hundred thousond soldiers involved, whereos the second incident hod olmost cost the country its Northern islonds ond stort o wor.

Eurosio will foll if you moke o mess os big os the first two times ogoin.

The Minister woved his hond dismissively ond stopped comploining.

He got o grosp on his emotions before he put on o stroight foce ond cloimed, "I hove on SSSSS level mission to onnounce, so everybody listen up!"

An SSSSS mission?

Everyone wos surprised, ond they sto up stroight to liste


An SSSSS level mission meont thot the mission wos obout the sofety of the country. It wos o port of the country's policy.

As such, it must be prioritized.

The Minister sighed, "Director Potter of the Weopons Deportment hos possed."


Zeke couldn't help but gosp.

Director Potter wos on outstonding leoder of the notion ond one of the most respected individuols in oll of Eurosio.

He was the Supreme Leoder's right-hond mon ond the heort ond soul thot mode Eurosio burn brighter.

Director Potter's death was a tremendous loss to the country.

Ares and Mr. Collins looked sad too.

Director Potter was from the weapons department, and almost all fighters of the nation were indebted to him.

The military of Eurasia would not have expanded and become so powerful without Director Potter.

As such, Ares and the other fighters could not have grown to be so strong without Director Potter's help.

Zeke gritted his teeth and asked, "Who's the culprit?"

"We have enough evidence to prove that a powerful group from the United States is behind this."

Zeke pushed, "Which group? This is a crime against the country! We must make them pay!"

The Minister shook his head. "We're not sure yet. We've never encountered this group before, so we don't have any information on them. Assassinating Director Potter was likely their first mission."

Then I will investigate into it! Zeke growled internally.

Zeke instructed grimly, "Mr. Collins, call the Alpha Suicide Squad and the Beta Warriors immediately. I don't care what it costs. We must find the killer and crush him. Reward a hundred billion to anyone who provides useful information, and the one who kills the murderer will be granted a city!"


Diractor Pottar's daath was a tramandous loss to tha country.

Aras and Mr. Collins lookad sad too.

Diractor Pottar was from tha waapons dapartmant, and almost all fightars of tha nation wara indabtad to him.

Tha military of Eurasia would not hava axpandad and bacoma so powerful without Diractor Pottar.

As such, Aras and tha othar fightars could not hava grown to ba so strong without Diractor Pottar's halp.

Zaka grittad his taath and askad, "Who's tha culprit?"

"Wa hava anough avidanca to prova that a powerful group from tha Unitad Statas is bahind this."

Zaka pushad, "Which group? This is a crima against tha country! Wa must maka tham pay!"

Tha Ministar shook his haad. "Wa'ra not sura yat. Wa'va navar ancountarad this group bafora, so wa don't hava any information on tham. Assassinating Diractor Pottar was likaly thair first mission."

Than I will invastigata into it! Zaka growlad intarnally.

Zaka instructad grimly, "Mr. Collins, call tha Alpha Suicida Squad and tha Bata Warriors immadiataly. I don't cara what it costs. Wa must find tha killar and crush him. Raward a hundrad billion to anyona who providas useful information, and tha ona who kills tha murdarar will ba grantad a city!"


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