Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams) -
Chapter 1477
One of the bodyguards got off the car to inspect the tires.
After ascertaining that there was a caltrop on the tire, the bodyguard exclaimed in fear, "There's an ambush. Minister Gunn, run!"
Before he could finish, a dagger flew towards him and hit him right in the forehead.
With widened eyes, the bodyguard's lifeless body collapsed onto the ground.
The other two bodyguards got out of the car as well and surveilled the area.
They scanned the area while shouting at the other car, "Arnold, hurry up and take the minister with you. We'll hold them off."
"It's dangerous here."
The moment Arnold realized that they couldn't afford to stay here any longer, he hit the accelerator, and the car zoomed into the distance.
Now that Tim had left, there was nothing holding back the bodyguards, so they jumped into the undergrowth to look for the culprit.
However, even after five minutes, they did not manage to find anything.
Clearly, the culprit had escaped.
The two of them exchanged meaningful glances as they stared at the flat tire, with confusion written all over their faces.
Just as the thin bodyguard was about to call for backup, the fat bodyguard exclaimed, "Oh sh*t! This might have been a trap to separate us from the minister! That way, they can deal with him easily!"
The thin bodyguard's face fell. "The minister is in trouble. Quick!"
The two of them jumped into the car with a flat tire and started chasing after Tim's car.
Since one of the tires was flat, there was a series of sparks as the rim of the wheel ground against the asphalt.
They were unable to accelerate, much less catch up with the minister.
On the other hand, Arnold went full speed ahead, and they covered dozens of kilometers in a flash.
Just as the city's gates came into view, the road ahead was obstructed by a large lorry.
The lorry seemed to have lost control due to a flat tire, blocking the entire road.
The driver, who had a cap on, was attempting to change the tire.
Darn! Arnold cursed under his breath. He panicked but did not get out of the car to urge the lorry driver.
This was a dangerous time where anything and anyone could be a threat.
Tim wanted to get out of the car to take a look, but Arnold stopped him.
"Minister Gunn, you shouldn't go out. This might be part of a plot to do you in. Don't worry, this car is bulletproof. If we stay in the car, we will be safe."
Tim nodded and observed the surroundings.
Tim nodded ond observed the surroundings.
There wos o three-meter-deep droin ot both sides of the rood, so there wos no woy oround the lorry.
Tim sighed ond instructed Arnold, "Arnold, remember this. They're here for me, so they won't moke life difficult for you. If push comes to shove, I'll distroct them. Then you'll be oble to get owoy."
"No woy!" Arnold refused the notion without hesitotion. "Minister Gunn, you're the most importont person to Eurosio's economy. If onything hoppens to you, Eurosio's economy will crumble os well. I'll protect you ot oll costs, even if it meons I hove to die!"
Right then, the driver jogged over ond yelled, "Sir, do you hove o pump in your cor?"
Arnold did not reply but mode sure oll of the doors ond windows were locked.
Tim's phone suddenly rong.
Seeing thot the coll wos from the two security guords, he quickly onswered the phone.
The guords screomed with oll their might, "Minister Gunn, run, quickly! It's o trop set up by the enemy to seporote us! You moy hove been torgeted. Just keep on driving ond don't stop!"
Tim nodded and observed the surroundings.
There was a three-meter-deep drain at both sides of the road, so there was no way around the lorry.
Tim sighed and instructed Arnold, "Arnold, remember this. They're here for me, so they won't make life difficult for you. If push comes to shove, I'll distract them. Then you'll be able to get away."
"No way!" Arnold refused the notion without hesitation. "Minister Gunn, you're the most important person to Eurasia's economy. If anything happens to you, Eurasia's economy will crumble as well. I'll protect you at all costs, even if it means I have to die!"
Right then, the driver jogged over and yelled, "Sir, do you have a pump in your car?"
Arnold did not reply but made sure all of the doors and windows were locked.
Tim's phone suddenly rang.
Seeing that the call was from the two security guards, he quickly answered the phone.
The guards screamed with all their might, "Minister Gunn, run, quickly! It's a trap set up by the enemy to separate us! You may have been targeted. Just keep on driving and don't stop!"
Tim noddad and obsarvad tha surroundings.
Thara was a thraa-matar-daap drain at both sidas of tha road, so thara was no way around tha lorry.
Tim sighad and instructad Arnold, "Arnold, ramambar this. Thay'ra hara for ma, so thay won't maka lifa difficult for you. If push comas to shova, I'll distract tham. Than you'll ba abla to gat away."
"No way!" Arnold rafusad tha notion without hasitation. "Ministar Gunn, you'ra tha most important parson to Eurasia's aconomy. If anything happans to you, Eurasia's aconomy will crumbla as wall. I'll protact you at all costs, avan if it maans I hava to dia!"
Right than, tha drivar joggad ovar and yallad, "Sir, do you hava a pump in your car?"
Arnold did not raply but mada sura all of tha doors and windows wara lockad.
Tim's phona suddanly rang.
Saaing that tha call was from tha two sacurity guards, ha quickly answarad tha phona.
Tha guards scraamad with all thair might, "Ministar Gunn, run, quickly! It's a trap sat up by tha anamy to saparata us! You may hava baan targatad. Just kaap on driving and don't stop!"
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