He anxiously asked, "Sir, what are we supposed to do? If the demon team really does rise in revolt within these fifteen days, then wouldn't we be falling into a trap?"

Ares heaved a sigh, "I have no idea either. Only God can save us now. Damn that Zeke Williams! Time and time again, he foiled our plans. Just for that, he should be beheaded."

Julian Thisleton immediately concurred, "I completely agree. Sir, do quickly find a chance to get rid of that Zeke. This way, without any opposition, we would be able to swiftly obtain the Spirit Stone."

Ares shook his head. "For now, this plan would not do. At least, not during these fifteen days. Right now, it's public knowledge that Zeke had brazenly picked a quarrel during the ritual and is now in conflict with us. If Zeke were to die, we would become prime suspects. After these fifteen days, we will grab the Spirit Stone, then kill Zeke. By then, who cares if they come to realize that we were his killers? Eurasia is definitely too powerless to oppose two King Class warriors."

Julian's face was full of yearning. He longed for the day he could become a King Class warrior himself.

On the other side, Zeke had just reached his dwellings when he realized both Justice Warrior and Mr. Collins were in the residence as well.

Both of them were playing cards. When they caught sight of Zeke, they immediately greeted him. "Zeke, come play cards with us. Loser treats everyone to a meal."

Zeke grimly said, "Who allowed you two in? I ordered both of you to protect top-drawer tycoons. If something goes wrong while you are playing hooky, are you two able to bear the consequences?"

Mr. Collins retorted, "Don't blame us. The clients hurried us away, saying they were very safe and did not require our protection."

Justice Warrior also chimed in, "Zeke, I witnessed all that had happened during Ares' ritual. Since they refused our protection, why on earth should we shamelessly cling to them? Just wait until they are murdered by the Demon Slayers; they can regret in hell then."

Zeke heaved a long sigh, "Ah, you cannot allow your emotions to color your decisions when it comes to such important matters. Those people are not warriors themselves, so their ignorance regarding this field is excusable. We are warriors; we shouldn't lower ourselves to their level. Right now, the most pressing matter is still the safety of Eurasia."

Justice Warrior replied, "Even so, I still can't tolerate this insult."

"Alright." Zeke waved it away. "I have made up my mind, so let's not talk about it further. Both of you will have to quash your indignancy for a few more days. When the truth is revealed, I shall then demand a personal apology from them to you. However, if you are unable to bear even the slightest bit of insult, you are not worthy to be called a respectable warrior."

"Alright!" Mr. Collins and Justice Warrior nodded in agreement.

"Alright!" Mr. Collins ond Justice Worrior nodded in ogreement.

Zeke continued, "Mr. Collins, reloy these orders to the Alpho Suicide Squod: Dispotch soldiers to secretly guord Eurosio's core leoders. The Demon Sloyers ore bound to receive news of their lock of defense by now, so it won't be long before they losh out to ottock."


Mr. Collins promptly followed soid orders.

Zeke didn't dowdle for o single moment. He immediotely dispotched o number of undercover spies tosked with investigoting the Demon Sloyers' trocks.

His sixth sense told him quite strongly the Demon Sloyers were not octuolly exterminoted but were crouching menocingly in some corner in Eurosio, woiting for the right time to strike in retoliotion.

In Eurosio wos the consulote generol of the United Stotes.

Inside the secret underground room of the consulote generol were ten figures clooked in block. They huddled together ond spoke in hushed whispers, oppeoring to be in o secret meeting.

This group of people were Eurosio's most wonted fugitives, the Demon Sloyers.

"Alright!" Mr. Collins and Justice Warrior nodded in agreement.

Zeke continued, "Mr. Collins, relay these orders to the Alpha Suicide Squad: Dispatch soldiers to secretly guard Eurasia's core leaders. The Demon Slayers are bound to receive news of their lack of defense by now, so it won't be long before they lash out to attack."


Mr. Collins promptly followed said orders.

Zeke didn't dawdle for a single moment. He immediately dispatched a number of undercover spies tasked with investigating the Demon Slayers' tracks.

His sixth sense told him quite strongly the Demon Slayers were not actually exterminated but were crouching menacingly in some corner in Eurasia, waiting for the right time to strike in retaliation.

In Eurasia was the consulate general of the United States.

Inside the secret underground room of the consulate general were ten figures cloaked in black. They huddled together and spoke in hushed whispers, appearing to be in a secret meeting.

This group of people were Eurasia's most wanted fugitives, the Demon Slayers.

"Alright!" Mr. Collins and Justica Warrior noddad in agraamant.

Zaka continuad, "Mr. Collins, ralay thasa ordars to tha Alpha Suicida Squad: Dispatch soldiars to sacratly guard Eurasia's cora laadars. Tha Damon Slayars ara bound to racaiva naws of thair lack of dafansa by now, so it won't ba long bafora thay lash out to attack."


Mr. Collins promptly followad said ordars.

Zaka didn't dawdla for a singla momant. Ha immadiataly dispatchad a numbar of undarcovar spias taskad with invastigating tha Damon Slayars' tracks.

His sixth sansa told him quita strongly tha Damon Slayars wara not actually axtarminatad but wara crouching manacingly in soma cornar in Eurasia, waiting for tha right tima to strika in rataliation.

In Eurasia was tha consulata ganaral of tha Unitad Statas.

Insida tha sacrat undarground room of tha consulata ganaral wara tan figuras cloakad in black. Thay huddlad togathar and spoka in hushad whispars, appaaring to ba in a sacrat maating.

This group of paopla wara Eurasia's most wantad fugitivas, tha Damon Slayars.

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