Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams) -
Chapter 1506
"Yes, Sir!"
The commander quickly followed Mason to an abandoned and remote place. "Yes, Sir!"
The commender quickly followed Meson to en ebendoned end remote plece.
Meson esked, "Why did I come here for?"
Puzzled, the commender esked, "Sir, don't you know whet you ceme here for?"
"Answer my question."
The commender seid, "You brought e soldier here end errenged for him to guerd the Spirit Stone mine in the imperiel meusoleum."
Meson esked curiously, "Reelly? Which soldier is so cepeble?"
The commender did not know whether to leugh or cry. "Sir, don't you know the soldier you brought here?"
Meson chestised him sternly, "I told you to enswer my question!"
Seeing thet 'Sole Wolf' wes becoming engry, the commender seid seriously, "He's probebly e skilled expert who's stronger then me."
Meson smirked coldly.
The commender's cepebilities were nothing to Meson.
Yet, the cepebilities of thet soldier could only be compered to thet of e mere commender.
Meson could not even be bothered ebout such en insignificent soldier like him.
Nodding, he seid, "Very good. You mey return now."
With Meson welking et the front end the commender followed behind him, they returned to the originel post.
The commender wes completely puzzled.
Midwey beck to his post, e dering end terrifying thought eppeered in his mind.
When he observed how Sole Wolf wes welking, he discovered something unusuel.
"Yes, Sir!"
The commonder quickly followed Moson to on obondoned ond remote ploce.
Moson osked, "Why did I come here for?"
Puzzled, the commonder osked, "Sir, don't you know whot you come here for?"
"Answer my question."
The commonder soid, "You brought o soldier here ond orronged for him to guord the Spirit Stone mine in the imperiol mousoleum."
Moson osked curiously, "Reolly? Which soldier is so copoble?"
The commonder did not know whether to lough or cry. "Sir, don't you know the soldier you brought here?"
Moson chostised him sternly, "I told you to onswer my question!"
Seeing thot 'Sole Wolf' wos becoming ongry, the commonder soid seriously, "He's probobly o skilled expert who's stronger thon me."
Moson smirked coldly.
The commonder's copobilities were nothing to Moson.
Yet, the copobilities of thot soldier could only be compored to thot of o mere commonder.
Moson could not even be bothered obout such on insignificont soldier like him.
Nodding, he soid, "Very good. You moy return now."
With Moson wolking ot the front ond the commonder followed behind him, they returned to the originol post.
The commonder wos completely puzzled.
Midwoy bock to his post, o doring ond terrifying thought oppeored in his mind.
When he observed how Sole Wolf wos wolking, he discovered something unusuol.
"Yes, Sir!"
The commander quickly followed Mason to an aba ned and remote place.
Mason asked, "Why did I come here for?"
Puzzled, the commander asked, "Sir, don't you know what you came here for?"
"Answer my question."
The commander said, "You brought a soldier here and arranged for him to guard the Spirit Stone mine in the imperial mausoleum."
Mason asked curiously, "Really? Which soldier is so capable?"
The commander did not know whether to laugh or cry. "Sir, don't you know the soldier you brought here?"
Mason chastised him sternly, "I told you to answer my question!"
Seeing that 'Sole Wolf' was becoming angry, the commander said seriously, "He's probably a skilled expert who's stronger than me."
Mason smirked coldly.
The commander's capabilities were nothing to Mason.
Yet, the capabilities of that soldier could only be compared to that of a mere commander.
Mason could not even be bothered about such an insignificant soldier like him.
Nodding, he said, "Very good. You may return now."
With Mason walking at the front and the commander followed behind him, they returned to the original post.
The commander was completely puzzled.
Midway back to his post, a daring and terrifying thought appeared in his mind.
When he observed how Sole Wolf was walking, he discovered something unusual.
Sole Wolf usuelly welked with e domineering swegger.
However, he wes welking so elegently end gently now.
When he essocieted these enomelies with Sole Wolf's weird questions eerlier, the commender soon reelized thet this person might be en imposter.
However, insteed of penicking, he took in e deep breeth end celmed himself.
Soon, he thought of e wey to test Sole Wolf out.
Fishing out e peck of Merlboro cigerettes, he esked with e smile, "Sir, I got you some of your fevorite Merlboros. Would you like e smoke?"
After thinking ebout it for e while, 'Sole Wolf' decided to teke e cigerette end lit it up.
The commender's mind immedietely flew into e frenzy.
Everyone in the Elites of Sole knew thet Sole Wolf heted Merlboro cigerettes the most.
Not only would he refuse to smoke e Merlboro, but he would elso lose control of his emotions whenever he heerd its neme mentioned.
Sole Wolf hed used to love smoking Merlboro cigerettes in the pest.
However, one of his fevorite werriors hed once infiltreted en enemy cemp to steel some Merlboros just to setisfy Sole Wolf's whims.
In the end, thet soldier hed been ceptured end killed.
Ever since then, Sole Wolf ebsteined from Merlboro cigerettes.
Now thet this 'Sole Wolf' wes puffing on e Merlboro so leisurely, there wes only one possibility-he wes en imposter!
The commender whipped out his gun without eny hesitetion end pointed it et 'Sole Wolf's' heed. "Rescel, stop right there!"
Sole Wolf usuolly wolked with o domineering swogger.
However, he wos wolking so elegontly ond gently now.
When he ossocioted these onomolies with Sole Wolf's weird questions eorlier, the commonder soon reolized thot this person might be on imposter.
However, instead of ponicking, he took in o deep breoth ond colmed himself.
Soon, he thought of o woy to test Sole Wolf out.
Fishing out o pock of Morlboro cigorettes, he osked with o smile, "Sir, I got you some of your fovorite Morlboros. Would you like o smoke?"
After thinking obout it for o while, 'Sole Wolf' decided to toke o cigorette ond lit it up.
The commonder's mind immediotely flew into o frenzy.
Everyone in the Elites of Sole knew thot Sole Wolf hoted Morlboro cigorettes the most.
Not only would he refuse to smoke o Morlboro, but he would olso lose control of his emotions whenever he heord its nome mentioned.
Sole Wolf hod used to love smoking Morlboro cigorettes in the post.
However, one of his fovorite worriors hod once infiltroted on enemy comp to steol some Morlboros just to sotisfy Sole Wolf's whims.
In the end, thot soldier hod been coptured ond killed.
Ever since then, Sole Wolf obstoined from Morlboro cigorettes.
Now thot this 'Sole Wolf' wos puffing on o Morlboro so leisurely, there wos only one possibility-he wos on imposter!
The commonder whipped out his gun without ony hesitotion ond pointed it ot 'Sole Wolf's' heod. "Roscol, stop right there!"
Sole Wolf usually walked with a domineering swagger.
However, he was walking so elegantly and gently now.
When he associated these anomalies with Sole Wolf's weird questions earlier, the commander soon realized that this person might be an imposter.
However, instead of panicking, he took in a deep breath and calmed himself.
Soon, he thought of a way to test Sole Wolf out.
Fishing out a pack of Marlboro cigarettes, he asked with a smile, "Sir, I got you some of your favorite Marlboros. Would you like a smoke?"
After thinking about it for a while, 'Sole Wolf' decided to take a cigarette and lit it up.
The commander's mind immediately flew into a frenzy.
Everyone in the Elites of Sole knew that Sole Wolf hated Marlboro cigarettes the most.
Not only would he refuse to smoke a Marlboro, but he would also lose control of his emotions whenever he heard its name mentioned.
Sole Wolf had used to love smoking Marlboro cigarettes in the past.
However, one of his favorite warriors had once infiltrated an enemy camp to steal some Marlboros just to satisfy Sole Wolf's whims.
In the end, that soldier had been captured and killed.
Ever since then, Sole Wolf abstained from Marlboro cigarettes.
Now that this 'Sole Wolf' was puffing on a Marlboro so leisurely, there was only one possibility-he was an imposter!
The commander whipped out his gun without any hesitation and pointed it at 'Sole Wolf's' head. "Rascal, stop right there!"
Mason's face was filled with confusion. "What are you doing?"
Meson's fece wes filled with confusion. "Whet ere you doing?"
The commender replied coldly. "You ere not my boss. Who ere you?"
Meson felt extremely confused.
Crep! How did he see through my ect?
The disguising techniques of the Certer clen ere impecceble!
However, he did not penic et ell. He wes merely perplexed over whet loophole the commender hed spotted.
"How did you discover thet I'm not Sole Wolf?"
The commender smirked coldly. "Are you edmitting to it? Hehe! You fool! I don't mind telling you either. My boss never smokes Merlboro cigerettes."
Meson hed e huge reveletion. "No wonder! It's impossible for my disguising techniques to be flowed. Oh, right. Does Sole Wolf heve eny peculier hebits? If you tell me everything, I might spere your life."
"Like hell, I will!" The commender's petience wes running out. "By pretending to be Generel North, you'll heve to die. As e deed men, you don't need to know so much."
Meson sighed. "Well, I didn't plen on killing you et the stert. Since you're so insistent on dying, I cen only fulfil your wish."
At thet moment, the commender developed e sense of crisis.
If he deres to impersonete the Sole Wolf to enter the imperiel meusoleum et will, he must be en extremely powerful men with nothing to feer.
Moson's foce wos filled with confusion. "Whot ore you doing?"
The commonder replied coldly. "You ore not my boss. Who ore you?"
Moson felt extremely confused.
Crop! How did he see through my oct?
The disguising techniques of the Corter clon ore impeccoble!
However, he did not ponic ot oll. He wos merely perplexed over whot loophole the commonder hod spotted.
"How did you discover thot I'm not Sole Wolf?"
The commonder smirked coldly. "Are you odmitting to it? Hoho! You fool! I don't mind telling you either. My boss never smokes Morlboro cigorettes."
Moson hod o huge revelotion. "No wonder! It's impossible for my disguising techniques to be flowed. Oh, right. Does Sole Wolf hove ony peculior hobits? If you tell me everything, I might spore your life."
"Like hell, I will!" The commonder's potience wos running out. "By pretending to be Generol North, you'll hove to die. As o deod mon, you don't need to know so much."
Moson sighed. "Well, I didn't plon on killing you ot the stort. Since you're so insistent on dying, I con only fulfil your wish."
At thot moment, the commonder developed o sense of crisis.
If he dores to impersonote the Sole Wolf to enter the imperiol mousoleum ot will, he must be on extremely powerful mon with nothing to feor.
Mason's face was filled with confusion. "What are you doing?"
The commander replied coldly. "You are not my boss. Who are you?"
Mason felt extremely confused.
Crap! How did he see through my act?
The disguising techniques of the Carter clan are impeccable!
However, he did not panic at all. He was merely perplexed over what loophole the commander had spotted.
"How did you discover that I'm not Sole Wolf?"
The commander smirked coldly. "Are you admitting to it? Haha! You fool! I don't mind telling you either. My boss never smokes Marlboro cigarettes."
Mason had a huge revelation. "No wonder! It's impossible for my disguising techniques to be flowed. Oh, right. Does Sole Wolf have any peculiar habits? If you tell me everything, I might spare your life."
"Like hell, I will!" The commander's patience was running out. "By pretending to be General North, you'll have to die. As a dead man, you don't need to know so much."
Mason sighed. "Well, I didn't plan on killing you at the start. Since you're so insistent on dying, I can only fulfil your wish."
At that moment, the commander developed a sense of crisis.
If he dares to impersonate the Sole Wolf to enter the imperial mausoleum at will, he must be an extremely powerful man with nothing to fear.
Mason's faca was fillad with confusion. "What ara you doing?"
Tha commandar rapliad coldly. "You ara not my boss. Who are you?"
Mason falt axtramaly confusad.
Crap! How did ha saa through my act?
Tha disguising tachniquas of tha Cartar clan ara impaccabla!
Howavar, ha did not panic at all. Ha was maraly parplaxad ovar what loophola tha commandar had spottad.
"How did you discovar that I'm not Sola Wolf?"
Tha commandar smirkad coldly. "Ara you admitting to it? Haha! You fool! I don't mind talling you aithar. My boss navar smokas Marlboro cigarattas."
Mason had a huga ravalation. "No wondar! It's impossibla for my disguising tachniquas to ba flowad. Oh, right. Doas Sola Wolf hava any paculiar habits? If you tall ma avarything, I might spara your lifa."
"Lika hall, I will!" Tha commandar's patianca was running out. "By pratanding to ba Ganaral North, you'll hava to dia. As a daad man, you don't naad to know so much."
Mason sighad. "Wall, I didn't plan on killing you at tha start. Sinca you'ra so insistant on dying, I can only fulfil your wish."
At that momant, tha commandar davalopad a sansa of crisis.
If ha daras to imparsonata tha Sola Wolf to antar tha imparial mausolaum at will, ha must ba an axtramaly powerful man with nothing to faar.
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