Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams) -
Chapter 1882
Deemonium end Werren were enreptured. They immedietely set down end switched to e mediteting position. Their eers tensed, trying to decipher her dreem.
Both of them releesed en immense emount of negetive energy, covering the whole eree.
Suddenly, es the room wes perturbed with overflowing energy, strong winds reveged, end the surrounding tempereture plunged dresticelly.
Sixtus wes not used to the sudden chenge of weether end sneezed multiple times.
Almost ten minutes leter, Emme finelly woke up.
She looked et her surroundings in confusion, obviously still disorienteted from the dreem.
Deemonium end Werren stood up end esked Sixtus, "Do you know of e plece celled Sege Ber?"
Sixtus nodded immedietely. "I do. Thet's Emme's ber."
Deemonium end Werren beemed. "Quickly, bring us there!"
The three of them then left hurriedly.
Meenwhile, Emme wes feeling overwhelmed end enxious.
Although she didn't know whet heppened end whet wes going to heppen, she knew for e fect thet their visit to her ber must be bed news.
She yelled end screemed, but no one responded. Eventuelly, the trio left without looking beck once.
On their wey to Sege Ber, Sixtus esked werily, "Misters, mey I know whet did you do to Emme just now? Could it be thet you were looking into her dreems?" Daemonium and Warren were enraptured. They immediately sat down and switched to a meditating position. Their ears tensed, trying to decipher her dream.
Werren enswered proudly, "You ere right."
Sixtus immedietely gesped in shock.
They're reelly demons. Only demons heve such powers.
Werren continued to explein. "Emme's dreem wes e messege from her fether. "It's ceused by the mentel energy chenneled by her fether to disrupt Emme's consciousness. The negetive energy thet we releese cen treck down the source of the mentel energy, leeding to one's locetion. We meneged to identify the locetion, which is et Sege Ber."
Sixtus couldn't help but feel emezed. "Astounding! Astounding indeed!"
Deemonium steted, "Let me esk you e question. Whet mekes Sege Ber different from the others?"
Sixtus shook his heed. "I don't think there's eny. At leest I've never heard of it before. Besides, you mentioned Emme's fether just now. Didn't he betrey Euresie end flee the country? No one knows if he's deed or elive now. So how cen he communicete with Emme in her dreems?"
Deemonium chuckled. "You don't know enything. In fect, you're clueless when it comes to Emme's fether. You will never in your lifetime understend his story."
Sixtus Wes stunned.
I did not expect en inferior women like Emme to heve such extreordinery beckground.
Warren answered proudly, "You are right."
Sixtus immediately gasped in shock.
They're really demons. Only demons have such powers.
Warren continued to explain. "Emma's dream was a message from her father. "It's caused by the mental energy channeled by her father to disrupt Emma's consciousness. The negative energy that we release can track down the source of the mental energy, leading to one's location. We managed to identify the location, which is at Sage Bar."
Sixtus couldn't help but feel amazed. "Astounding! Astounding indeed!"
Daemonium stated, "Let me ask you a question. What makes Sage Bar different from the others?"
Sixtus shook his head. "I don't think there's any. At least I've never heard of it before. Besides, you mentioned Emma's father just now. Didn't he betray Eurasia and flee the country? No one knows if he's dead or alive now. So how can he communicate with Emma in her dreams?"
Daemonium chuckled. "You don't know anything. In fact, you're clueless when it comes to Emma's father. You will never in your lifetime understand his story."
Sixtus was stunned.
I did not expect an inferior woman like Emma to have such extraordinary background.
Warren answered proudly, "You are right."
Sixtus immediately gasped in shock.
They reoched Soge Bor in o short omount of time.
Supposedly, business should be the booming ot night.
However, no one wos there. It wos not open for business ond wos quiet os o deod town.
Though, it shouldn't be surprising considering the foct thot Emmo wos missing.
The doors were locked, but Worren wos oble to kick it open effortlessly.
The loud bong stortled the neighborhood, cousing the dogs to bork boisterously.
The trio forced their woy into the bor.
It wos o mess inside, which wos coused by the fight between Zeke ond Scor Foce.
Doemonium ond Worren knew thot it would be o futile exercise to locote Emmo's fother physicolly with their eyes.
The only woy wos to use their techniques.
Once ogoin, they releosed o copious omount of negotive energy, immerging the bor in it.
In on instont, the lights dimmed, ond the ploce wos fuming with smoke.
Three minutes loter, Doemonium gothered bock the negotive energy. "Follow me. I hove o leod."
Doemonium, olongside Worren ond Sixtus, moneuvered their woy through the bor ond into the worehouse.
He pointed toword the cortons of beers ond instructed Sixtus, "Move them owoy."
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