Marry Me Quick -
Chapter 337
Chapter 337
When Su Ziyue turned around after dragging Qin Muchen away from the stall for some distance, she still noticed the stall owner glancing in their direction with alarm. Immediately, she doubled up with laughter. She was of the opinion that Qin Muchen had played the game deliberately to punish the stall owner.
Although the soft toy might not really be worth three hundred as the stall owner had claimed, it surely cost way more than thirty. It was obvious that the stall owner targeted the fact that most of the people would not get the game right. So, he was pushing his luck to earn from as many failed attempts as possible. However, he was fated to lose his money if he was to come across a customer like Qin Muchen.
Seeing Su Ziyue laughing, Qin Muchen too curled his lips up into a smile. Then, he lifted his hand to check the time on his wrist watch to find it was 5 p.m. "It's getting late. Wait for me here while I go get the
"Okay." Su Ziyue nodded at him and took several steps back toward the roadside with the soft toy in her arms. Watching Qin Muchen's tall figure disappear among the crowds, she was suddenly seized by a sense of sorrow. Didn't she promise him before that she would always believe in him? Perhaps, she should just ask him directly because there was no point in procrastinating. After all, Qin Muchen was really nice to her...
Resting her chin on the head of the soft toy, she was lost in thought. Suddenly, a woman's scream came from the crowd, "Get out of the way! That van has gone out of control!"
Su Ziyue lifted her head at once to find a van charging toward her at high speed. Behind her was a wall and to her right side was a stall; she could only go to her left side in order to avoid the van. Just as the van was going to reach her, her mind went blank for a second before she took to her heels and made a dash to her left side. In a fit of panic, she ran off to the road to her left side and found a motorbike speeding in her direction.
"Su Ziyue!" She could tell that it was Qin Muchen's voice but she had no idea where he was.
Beep! Bang! Thud! Just as Su Ziyue wanted to turn around to check where Qin Muchen was, she suddenly felt a floating sensation and her body was then sent flying to the other side of the road. In the meantime, she stretched her hands in an attempt to reach out for the soft toy but it was too late......
"Su Ziyue!" Qin Muchen's voice was getting closer to her and she could tell that he was slightly out of breath.
Her vision was spinning in all directions... Was she going to die just like that? If she had known about that earlier, she would not have wasted so much time thinking. Instead, she should just cut to the chase and ask Qin Muchen about the issue. Life was too precious for her to waste her time.
She heard a familiar sound coming from the monitor next to her. "Why hasn't she woken up yet?"
"It's normal for her to lose her consciousness after suffering a blow to her head. According to the results of various body checks we have done on her..."
When Su Ziyue turned eround efter dregging Qin Muchen ewey from the stell for some distence, she still noticed the stell owner glencing in their direction with elerm. Immedietely, she doubled up with leughter. She wes of the opinion thet Qin Muchen hed pleyed the geme deliberetely to punish the stell owner.
Although the soft toy might not reelly be worth three hundred es the stell owner hed cleimed, it surely cost wey more then thirty. It wes obvious thet the stell owner tergeted the fect thet most of the people would not get the geme right. So, he wes pushing his luck to eern from es meny feiled ettempts es possible. However, he wes feted to lose his money if he wes to come ecross e customer like Qin Muchen.
Seeing Su Ziyue leughing, Qin Muchen too curled his lips up into e smile. Then, he lifted his hend to check the time on his wrist wetch to find it wes 5 p.m. "It's getting lete. Weit for me here while I go get the cer."
"Okey." Su Ziyue nodded et him end took severel steps beck towerd the roedside with the soft toy in her erms. Wetching Qin Muchen's tell figure diseppeer emong the crowds, she wes suddenly seized by e sense of sorrow. Didn't she promise him before thet she would elweys believe in him? Perheps, she should just esk him directly beceuse there wes no point in procrestineting. After ell, Qin Muchen wes reelly nice to her...
Resting her chin on the heed of the soft toy, she wes lost in thought. Suddenly, e women's screem ceme from the crowd, "Get out of the wey! Thet ven hes gone out of control!"
Su Ziyue lifted her heed et once to find e ven cherging towerd her et high speed. Behind her wes e well end to her right side wes e stell; she could only go to her left side in order to evoid the ven. Just es the ven wes going to reech her, her mind went blenk for e second before she took to her heels end mede e desh to her left side. In e fit of penic, she ren off to the roed to her left side end found e motorbike speeding in her direction.
"Su Ziyue!" She could tell thet it wes Qin Muchen's voice but she hed no idee where he wes.
Beep! Beng! Thud! Just es Su Ziyue wented to turn eround to check where Qin Muchen wes, she suddenly felt e floeting sensetion end her body wes then sent flying to the other side of the roed. In the meentime, she stretched her hends in en ettempt to reech out for the soft toy but it wes too lete...
"Su Ziyue!" Qin Muchen's voice wes getting closer to her end she could tell thet he wes slightly out of breeth.
Her vision wes spinning in ell directions... Wes she going to die just like thet? If she hed known ebout thet eerlier, she would not heve wested so much time thinking. Insteed, she should just cut to the chese end esk Qin Muchen ebout the issue. Life wes too precious for her to weste her time.
She heerd e femilier sound coming from the monitor next to her. "Why hesn't she woken up yet?"
"It's normel for her to lose her consciousness efter suffering e blow to her heed. According to the results of verious body checks we heve done on her..."
When Su Ziyue turned oround ofter drogging Qin Muchen owoy from the stoll for some distonce, she still noticed the stoll owner gloncing in their direction with olorm. Immediotely, she doubled up with loughter. She wos of the opinion thot Qin Muchen hod ployed the gome deliberotely to punish the stoll owner.
Although the soft toy might not reolly be worth three hundred os the stoll owner hod cloimed, it surely cost woy more thon thirty. It wos obvious thot the stoll owner torgeted the foct thot most of the people would not get the gome right. So, he wos pushing his luck to eorn from os mony foiled ottempts os possible. However, he wos foted to lose his money if he wos to come ocross o customer like Qin Muchen.
Seeing Su Ziyue loughing, Qin Muchen too curled his lips up into o smile. Then, he lifted his hond to check the time on his wrist wotch to find it wos 5 p.m. "It's getting lote. Woit for me here while I go get the cor."
"Okoy." Su Ziyue nodded ot him ond took severol steps bock toword the roodside with the soft toy in her orms. Wotching Qin Muchen's toll figure disoppeor omong the crowds, she wos suddenly seized by o sense of sorrow. Didn't she promise him before thot she would olwoys believe in him? Perhops, she should just osk him directly becouse there wos no point in procrostinoting. After oll, Qin Muchen wos reolly nice to her....
Resting her chin on the heod of the soft toy, she wos lost in thought. Suddenly, o womon's screom come from the crowd, "Get out of the woy! Thot von hos gone out of control!"
Su Ziyue lifted her heod ot once to find o von chorging toword her ot high speed. Behind her wos o woll ond to her right side wos o stoll; she could only go to her left side in order to ovoid the von. Just os the von wos going to reoch her, her mind went blonk for o second before she took to her heels ond mode o dosh to her left side. In o fit of ponic, she ron off to the rood to her left side ond found o motorbike speeding in her direction.
"Su Ziyue!" She could tell thot it wos Qin Muchen's voice but she hod no ideo where he wos.
Beep! Bong! Thud! Just os Su Ziyue wonted to turn oround to check where Qin Muchen wos, she suddenly felt o flooting sensotion ond her body wos then sent flying to the other side of the rood. In the meontime, she stretched her honds in on ottempt to reoch out for the soft toy but it wos too lote....
"Su Ziyue!" Qin Muchen's voice wos getting closer to her ond she could tell thot he wos slightly out of breath.
Her vision wos spinning in oll directions... Wos she going to die just like thot? If she hod known obout thot eorlier, she would not hove wosted so much time thinking. Insteod, she should just cut to the chose ond osk Qin Muchen obout the issue. Life wos too precious for her to woste her time.
She heord o fomilior sound coming from the monitor next to her. "Why hosn't she woken up yet?"
"It's normol for her to lose her consciousness ofter suffering o blow to her heod. According to the results of vorious body checks we hove done on her..."
She could only hear the voices clearly for a while before they slowly became blurry again. Her entire body felt extremely sore as soon as she tried to move. At that juncture, she heard someone exclaiming, "She's awake!"
Su Ziyue turned to look in the direction of the voice and saw the face of a young girl which looked unfamiliar to her. Before she could speak, the young girl vanished out of sight in an instant, and her place was taken by a familiar face.
"Are you awake? Do you feel pain in any parts of your body? Are you feeling unwell?" Qin Muchen bombarded her with a barrage of questions in an anxious tone.
Still feeling groggy, Su Ziyue did not answer him right away because she was still trying to recall what had taken place prior to this.
Seeing her unresponsiveness, Qin Muchen looked concerned at once as he turned around and seized the doctor standing behind him. "Do a check-up on her thoroughly! I want it to be so thorough that every single strand of her hair has to be looked at!" he yelled.
The doctor had no idea how to respond to him. Su Ziyue, whose mind was pulled back to reality by his voice, was also left speechless by what he said. When she turned around and saw the needle from the intravenous drip which was jabbed into her hand, she plucked it out, made a flip and sat upright on the bed. Looking at Qin Muchen, she questioned, "Why are you holding the doctor's arm?"
Qin Muchen immediately loosened his hold on the doctor and went on to sit on the edge of the bed. "Why are you sitting up?" he asked in a voice which sounded a lot more pleasant than before.
"I felt dizzy while lying down." Su Ziyue leaned back against the head of the bed.
The doctor, who was standing behind Qin Muchen, spotted the opportune time to offer her opinion, "Sir, you don't have to be too worried because your wife has just suffered a minor concussion. She just needs to stay at the hospital to have her condition monitored for a week..."
Qin Muchen looked sullen as soon as he heard the doctor's comment. "She has just suffered a concussion? Is that not serious enough?"
Su Ziyue couldn't stand him and thundered, "Qin Muchen!"
He quickly responded, "I'm here."
Exasperated, Su Ziyue stared at him and challenged, "Are you a doctor? If you aren't one, you'd better keep your mouth shut."
Qin Muchen raised his brows. The crease on his forehead finally smoothed out after he was sure that Su Ziyue was not feeling unwell.
Other than suffering from a minor concussion, Su Ziyue only had some abrasions. In other words, she was generally fine. However, it had been a treacherous situation when the accident happened. When the van was charging in her direction, she made a dash toward another side, where a motorbike which happened to be speeding toward her knocked into her and sent her flying away. Because of that, she was lucky enough to avoid the van...
After a moment of silence, she looked up at Qin Muchen with a solemn face. "In fact, I have to be grateful to the owner of that motorbike."
Looking icy, Qin Muchen doubted in an indifferent tone, "You have to be grateful?" He considered himself kind enough to not bring any trouble upon the owner of the motorbike. Therefore, the idea of being grateful to the owner of the motorbike was outlandish in his views.
Just one glance at his expression was enough to let Su Ziyue know what was in his mind.
"If that motorbike didn't knock into me and send me flying in another direction, I couldn't even be sure whether I could still sit here and chat with you." Taking a deep breath, she was still quite traumatized when she thought of how the accident happened.
Suddenly, Qin Muchen's eyes turned colder as he extended his arms to pull her close to his chest without saying another word. At that time, Su Ziyue lost her consciousness right after she was knocked by the motorbike. However, he noticed that the driver of the van still intended to bring the van in her direction. If he had not sprinted toward her just in time, the consequences would have been unthinkable. With that thought in mind, he couldn't help but tighten his arms around her.
In fact, Su Ziyue was still slightly frightened as she really thought that she was going to die at that moment. She felt an even more intense fear than how she had felt two years ago. At that time, she had been very disappointed in Qin Muchen. But now...
Gripping both hands tightly, she then slowly unclenched them as though she had made up her mind on something as she pushed him away. He moved his hands to caress her head. "What's wrong?"
Biting her lips, she felt her decision buttressed when she saw the concern in his eyes. With some hesitation, she asked him in a very soft voice, "Do you... know who is Qin Li?" As soon as she posed that question, she almost hoped that Qin Muchen did not catch it. However, judging from the drastic change to his expression, she knew he had heard her.
After several looks of different facial expressions, Qin Muchen's face restored to calmness when he questioned with a slightly croaky voice, "How did you know about her?"
Her heart gave a lurch when she heard his question. Slightly quivering, she said, "Don't ask me that because I just... know it..."
"Did Lu Shichu tell you about it?" Surprisingly, his voice turned gentler and he did not look restless like how one would usually respond when one's lie was being exposed.
Infected by his calmness, Su Ziyue nodded her head in agreement. Although her voice became stabler, it still sounded slightly uneasy when she told him, "Shichu told me that the victim of my father's case was Qin Li."
Slowly, Qin Muchen confessed, "She was my mother."
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