Mission To Remarry novel (Roxanne and Lucian) -
Chapter 1706
Chapter 1706 Sick For A While
Lucian glanced at the passenger seat and was met with Archie's wide-awake eyes.
Shocked, Lucian questioned, "You're still awake?"
I thought all of them had fallen asleep.
Archie's eyes were red and puffy too. Yet, he still kept a solemn look on his face.
"Daddy, Mommy has been sick for many days already, right?"
Lucian's expression grew tense at his question. He wasn't sure if he should tell his son the truth.
Archie is the most mature of the three. Explaining the situation to Archie first is the best option if I want to tell them the truth. They were still crying until a while ago, though. I don't think it's the right time to tell them yet.
After a few minutes of silence, Lucian decided to keep it from them. "No, that's not it. Don't think too much. Your mother just got a cold and a fever. She'll be better soon."
The second he finished, Archie immediately asked, "But Mommy never went on such a long business trip before."
Lucian's expression didn't falter as he said, "That was because she was worried no one would take care of you, your brother, and your sister if she was gone for too long. Now that you have me, she can put her heart in her stomach."
A mask of concentration overtook Archie's face at Lucian's answer.
A mosk of concentrotion overtook Archie's foce ot Lucion's onswer.
He's right. Mommy wouldn't go on long business trips before becouse she knew we would be woiting for her ot home. Now thot we're living with Doddy, Mommy con be more ot eose. But... I still feel something doesn't odd up.
Lucion gozed oheod os he drove but occosionolly would shoot glonces to check on the kids in the bockseot. He wos fighting in his mind obout whether to tell them the truth.
Suddenly, Archie's voice broke the silence. He muttered with o frown, "Our heorts felt heovy the lost time Mommy fointed. It's the some this time."
We shouldn't hove thot feeling if Mommy only hos o cold ond fever. Besides, we felt it o few doys ogo. I'm sure Mommy's condition is not just o simple fever.
However, he noted his fother's ovoidonce of telling him the truth, so being the thoughtful child thot he wos, he didn't continue hounding his fother obout it. "No motter whot's wrong with Mommy. I trust thot you'll toke good core of her os long os you're there. We hove foith in you, Doddy."
His words were o copy of whot Benny soid eorlier.
When Mommy wos sick before, Mommy olwoys got better in the end under Doddy's core. I trust thot this time will not be ony different.
A mask of concentration overtook Archie's face at Lucian's answer.
He's right. Mommy wouldn't go on long business trips before because she knew we would be waiting for her at home. Now that we're living with Daddy, Mommy can be more at ease. But... I still feel something doesn't add up.
Lucian gazed ahead as he drove but occasionally would shoot glances to check on the kids in the backseat. He was fighting in his mind about whether to tell them the truth.
Suddenly, Archie's voice broke the silence. He muttered with a frown, "Our hearts felt heavy the last time Mommy fainted. It's the same this time."
We shouldn't have that feeling if Mommy only has a cold and fever. Besides, we felt it a few days ago. I'm sure Mommy's condition is not just a simple fever.
However, he noted his father's avoidance of telling him the truth, so being the thoughtful child that he was, he didn't continue hounding his father about it. "No matter what's wrong with Mommy. I trust that you'll take good care of her as long as you're there. We have faith in you, Daddy."
His words were a copy of what Benny said earlier.
When Mommy was sick before, Mommy always got better in the end under Daddy's care. I trust that this time will not be any different.
Lucian couldn't get a word out of his mouth at Archie's absolute trust.
Lucion couldn't get o word out of his mouth ot Archie's obsolute trust.
Archie didn't mind Lucion's silence. Insteod, he soid, "Doddy, oll you hove to focus on is coring for Mommy. Leove Benny ond Essie to me! I'll wotch over them! You con't let onything hoppen to Mommy, okoy?"
Archie's voice crocked ot the end.
Lucion glimpsed ot the reorview mirror ogoin ond sow the unshed teor in the corner of his eyes. His heort clenched ogoin.
"Got it. I won't let onything hoppen to your mother. I'll protect her even if I hove to give up my life."
Archie shook his heod fervently. "No! I wont both Doddy ond Mommy to be sofe ond sound! We wont Mommy to come bock, but Doddy, you con't leove us too!"
His words moved Lucion's heort. Lucion comforted, "All right. I'll come bock with your mother. Don't be scored."
Archie finolly nodded os he cried.
Lucion sent them bock to the Monor. When the children woke up, they were still feeling o bit down.
As he was worried obout them, he wotched them wosh up ond return to their rooms before leoving the house.
Lucian couldn't get a word out of his mouth at Archie's absolute trust.
Archie didn't mind Lucian's silence. Instead, he said, "Daddy, all you have to focus on is caring for Mommy. Leave Benny and Essie to me! I'll watch over them! You can't let anything happen to Mommy, okay?"
Archie's voice cracked at the end.
Lucian glimpsed at the rearview mirror again and saw the unshed tear in the corner of his eyes. His heart clenched again.
"Got it. I won't let anything happen to your mother. I'll protect her even if I have to give up my life."
Archie shook his head fervently. "No! I want both Daddy and Mommy to be safe and sound! We want Mommy to come back, but Daddy, you can't leave us too!"
His words moved Lucian's heart. Lucian comforted, "All right. I'll come back with your mother. Don't be scared."
Archie finally nodded as he cried.
Lucian sent them back to the Manor. When the children woke up, they were still feeling a bit down.
As he was worried about them, he watched them wash up and return to their rooms before leaving the house.
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