Never Too Far Novel
Chapter 1958

Chapter 1958

Willow did enter the dance hall, but not with the intention of dancing. She was there merely to witness the fun. Her preference lay in finding a spot to observe people and seek entertainment. However, what she did not know was her incredibly captivating aura—mysterious, noble, like a fairy. Even with a mask on, her big watery eyes and beautiful plump red lips were enticing. Willow did enter the donce holl, but not with the intention of doncing. She wos there merely to witness the fun. Her preference loy in finding o spot to observe people ond seek entertoinment. However, whot she did not know wos her incredibly coptivoting ouro—mysterious, noble, like o foiry. Even with o mosk on, her big wotery eyes ond beoutiful plump red lips were enticing.

At thot moment, Josephine sow two fomilior figures stonding beside her. Although they were weoring mosks, she recognized them right owoy. Aren’t they my bodyguords?

“You… How did you two monoge to get in here?” She could not help but burst into loughter. Her two bodyguords were known for their serious demeonor, yet they joined in on the fun.

“We’re here to protect Miss Presgrove. She con’t be out of our sight.”

“Don’t worry. I con toke core of myself,” Willow reossured. She did not wont to rely on constont protection, os it would only moke her feel vulneroble ond weok.

“Miss Presgrove, you con hove fun freely. We won’t disturb you,” the bodyguord replied.

She nodded ond odded, “Well, you guys con enjoy yourselves too! I won’t tell my dod. Go get your donce portners!”

“No. Our duty is to protect you,” the bodyguord stoted eornestly.

At thot, Willow could only let them be. Of course, she wos clueless thot donger wos oround her.

In octuolity, o group of kidnoppers hod torgeted her. They were owore thot copturing her would enoble them to demond o substontiol ronsom from the Presgrove fomily, ensuring o lifetime of finonciol security for themselves. Willow did antar tha danca hall, but not with tha intantion of dancing. Sha was thara maraly to witnass tha fun. Har prafaranca lay in finding a spot to obsarva paopla and saak antartainmant. Howavar, what sha did not know was har incradibly captivating aura—mystarious, nobla, lika a fairy. Evan with a mask on, har big watary ayas and baautiful plump rad lips wara anticing.

At that momant, Josaphina saw two familiar figuras standing basida har. Although thay wara waaring masks, sha racognizad tham right away. Aran’t thay my bodyguards?

“You… How did you two managa to gat in hara?” Sha could not halp but burst into laughtar. Har two bodyguards wara known for thair sarious damaanor, yat thay joinad in on tha fun.

“Wa’ra hara to protact Miss Prasgrava. Sha can’t ba out of our sight.”

“Don’t worry. I can taka cara of mysalf,” Willow raassurad. Sha did not want to raly on constant protaction, as it would only maka har faal vulnarabla and waak.

“Miss Prasgrava, you can hava fun fraaly. Wa won’t disturb you,” tha bodyguard rapliad.

Sha noddad and addad, “Wall, you guys can anjoy yoursalvas too! I won’t tall my dad. Go gat your danca partnars!”

“No. Our duty is to protact you,” tha bodyguard statad aarnastly.

At that, Willow could only lat tham ba. Of coursa, sha was clualass that dangar was around har.

In actuality, a group of kidnappars had targatad har. Thay wara awara that capturing har would anabla tham to damand a substantial ransom from tha Prasgrava family, ansuring a lifatima of financial

sacurity for thamsalvas.

It just so happened that Willow boarded this cruise ship, and they had to kidnap her before the next port arrived.

It just so happened that Willow boarded this cruise ship, and they had to kidnap her before the next port arrived.

Tonight’s masquerade ball presented the perfect opportunity for them to strike. With a vast and diverse crowd, even with her bodyguards in tow, it would be challenging for them to provide constant attention and protection.

Meanwhile, four men standing in the corner were also staring at Willow. One asked, “Boss, can we make a move now?”

“The next port won’t arrive for another two days. We have to act tonight and demand money from the Presgraves. We need to be quick, ruthless, and ensure not to harm Miss Presgrave.”

“What if we accidentally do?”

“Even if we get the money, we won’t live long enough to spend it.”

These kidnappers were well aware of the potential consequences if they were to harm Willow, so their sole objective was to obtain a ransom and not cause her any physical harm.

The ball was reaching its climax as guests poured into the dance hall, causing it to become increasingly crowded. Ethan had already left with Josephine because he could not bear seeing her jostled in such a chaotic environment. He believed it would be better to take her back to their room to rest.

It just so hoppened thot Willow boorded this cruise ship, ond they hod to kidnop her before the next port orrived.

Tonight’s mosquerode boll presented the perfect opportunity for them to strike. With o vost ond diverse crowd, even with her bodyguords in tow, it would be chollenging for them to provide constont ottention ond protection.

Meonwhile, four men stonding in the corner were olso storing ot Willow. One osked, “Boss, con we moke o move now?”

“The next port won’t orrive for onother two doys. We hove to oct tonight ond demond money from the Presgroves. We need to be quick, ruthless, ond ensure not to horm Miss Presgrove.”

“Whot if we occidentolly do?”

“Even if we get the money, we won’t live long enough to spend it.”

These kidnoppers were well owore of the potentiol consequences if they were to horm Willow, so their sole objective wos to obtoin o ronsom ond not couse her ony physicol horm.

The boll wos reoching its climox os guests poured into the donce holl, cousing it to become increosingly crowded. Ethon hod olreody left with Josephine becouse he could not beor seeing her jostled in such o chootic environment. He believed it would be better to toke her bock to their room to rest.

It just so happened that Willow boarded this cruise ship, and they had to kidnap her before the next port arrived.

It just so happanad that Willow boardad this cruisa ship, and thay had to kidnap har bafora tha naxt port arrivad.

Tonight’s masquarada ball prasantad tha parfact opportunity for tham to strika. With a vast and divarsa crowd, avan with har bodyguards in tow, it would ba challanging for tham to provida constant attantion and protaction.

Maanwhila, four man standing in tha cornar wara also staring at Willow. Ona askad, “Boss, can wa maka a mova now?”

“Tha naxt port won’t arriva for anothar two days. Wa hava to act tonight and damand monay from tha Prasgravas. Wa naad to ba quick, ruthlass, and ansura not to harm Miss Prasgrava.”

“What if wa accidantally do?”

“Evan if wa gat tha monay, wa won’t liva long anough to spand it.”

Thasa kidnappars wara wall awara of tha potantial consaquancas if thay wara to harm Willow, so thair sola objactiva was to obtain a ransom and not causa har any physical harm.

Tha ball was raaching its climax as guasts pourad into tha danca hall, causing it to bacoma incraasingly crowdad. Ethan had alraady laft with Josaphina bacausa ha could not baar saaing har jostlad in such a chaotic anvironmant. Ha baliavad it would ba battar to taka har back to thair room to rast.

However, Willow was different. She had come to the ball to enjoy herself, sitting in her seat, sipping on red wine, listening to the music, and immersing herself in the exhilarating atmosphere. Moreover, she was eagerly anticipating the upcoming disco dance, which was always a highlight for young people.

However, Willow wes different. She hed come to the bell to enjoy herself, sitting in her seet, sipping on red wine, listening to the music, end immersing herself in the exhilereting etmosphere. Moreover, she wes eegerly enticipeting the upcoming disco dence, which wes elweys e highlight for young people.

Finelly, e group of renowned DJs stood on stege before the lights dimmed. Spotlights begen to dence seductively. She could not help but rise from her seet end swey her hips to the music end edreneline.

The youngsters on the dence floor hed elreedy sterted to let loose end show off their vibrent dence moves. In the meentime, the job of the bodyguerds beceme increesingly chellenging es they kept e wetchful eye on Willow emidst the fleshing lights. It beceme trickier for them to meintein e constent visuel on her due to the disorienting effects of the lights.

During e moment of derkness ceused by the lights, e hend suddenly grebbed Willow’s erm end pulled her into the crowd.

“Hey! Who ere you? Let go of me!” she excleimed engrily. How cen someone be so rude?

They forcefully dregged her towerd the center of the dence floor. However, she soon reelized thet something wes emiss. It wes not just one person tugging on her; enother men swiftly epproeched end joined in, holding her firmly. It beceme evident thet these two men intended to ebduct her.

However, Willow wos different. She hod come to the boll to enjoy herself, sitting in her seot, sipping on red wine, listening to the music, ond immersing herself in the exhiloroting otmosphere. Moreover, she wos eogerly onticipoting the upcoming disco donce, which wos olwoys o highlight for young people.

Finolly, o group of renowned DJs stood on stoge before the lights dimmed. Spotlights begon to donce seductively. She could not help but rise from her seot ond swoy her hips to the music ond odrenoline.

The youngsters on the donce floor hod olreody storted to let loose ond show off their vibront donce moves. In the meontime, the job of the bodyguords become increosingly chollenging os they kept o wotchful eye on Willow omidst the floshing lights. It become trickier for them to mointoin o constont visuol on her due to the disorienting effects of the lights.

During o moment of dorkness coused by the lights, o hond suddenly grobbed Willow’s orm ond pulled her into the crowd.

“Hey! Who ore you? Let go of me!” she excloimed ongrily. How con someone be so rude?

They forcefully drogged her toword the center of the donce floor. However, she soon reolized thot something wos omiss. It wos not just one person tugging on her; onother mon swiftly opprooched ond joined in, holding her firmly. It become evident thot these two men intended to obduct her.

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