Our Right To Exist - Dragon King 3 -
Chapter 14 ~ Everyone Comes Home
The email had come in four days ago.. today is the day the meeting is to take place. Pogue negotiated for twenty security personnel.. but Draco was having none of that.
Aurora was wearing a lightweight titanium kevlar body armor under her heavy winter coat. The witches have an invisible body shield around her. If the humans were capable, they’d recognize the shimmer.. and the glamour surrounding them.. but, luckily, the elves and fairies can’t be seen by anyone but other supers.
It appears to the naked eye that Aurora only has her ten guards. Which isn’t excessive for a Queen. Adrianna is wearing the same body armor.. but she is unseen, high above Aurora’s head.
Dave is in position, and thoroughly camouflaged by the witches. Draco and Evander are on the rooftops agreed upon.. each armed with hunting rifles and scopes.
Two hundred elves and fairies are fanned out around the entire park. No one is sneaking in.. or even capable of getting into position for an attack.
Pogue entered the park, surrounded by security.. like he owned the world. He sat directly across from Aurora.. she smiled and addressed him.. he sneered “Queen Aurora.”
She stayed smiling.. even though her instinct was to slap the sneer off his face. She said “You asked for this meeting. The supernatural realm would like to see an end to this conflict as quickly and safely as possible.”
Pogue nastily said “Of course, you would. I have here.. a document you can read.. then sign.. and all this goes away. No more supernaturals have to die. You don’t have to murder any more humans.”
She held her smile in place, as she took the file. Reading it over, she started to laugh. “You can’t possibly be serious? WE didn’t start this fool’s errand. You attacked us! Without provocation.. and without us retaliating. We refused to retaliate.. for twenty seven attacks. Then, you killed some of us. We destroyed Eielsin Air Force Base. Yet.. we still killed no one. Then the army ambushed us.. killing twenty of our people. We destroyed that base.. killing everyone in it. You forced us to retaliate.”
Pogue spat out “Killing a thousand servicemen! And humans are supposed to accept this?”
She laughed “We killed under four hundred, first of all. I fear your calculations are off.. perhaps your calculator is broken. Second of all, unconditional surrender? Never going to happen? Agree to government sanctioned reservations for segregated species? Absolutely no chance that will happen. Tell me, Mr. President. Where do the humans benefit in this?”
He chuckled “The human population are the least of my concerns. I wouldn’t care if you killed them all. This new treaty I have proposed.. allows my administration the control it needs to stop you filth from running amok”
Again, Aurora laughed “Amok? I am not entirely certain I know where Amok is.. nor why we would run it. The only filth at this table… is you! My revisions to this treaty are as follows.. the American government.. specifically your administration, resign from office. We will renegotiate a similar treaty to our previous one, with the new administration. There will be no talk of confiscating our territories and placing us in what are essentially concentration camps. We may be the original native Americans bit you will not treat us like the ones you forced onto small tracts of land..with no way to provide for their people.”
He growled “Unacceptable.” She responded “I agree. This proposal is preposterous. You know it. And you know I know you know it is. My heart goes out to the humans you have sacrificed so far.. and all the ones you are still willing to sacrifice. If I were human.. I would be organizing a lynch mob to string you up.”
He laughed “Then you place much more confidence and intelligence in them, than I do. They are sheeple.. and they need the big dog to herd them in.”
Aurora said “You think too highly of yourself! We will not sign this ridiculous proposal.. nor will we ever surrender.” He slammed his fists on the table.. and Adrianna nocked her first arrow.
He said “Then you choose war. I will unleash hell on you. Let this be on your head!” Aurora shook her head “No. This is on you. Only you. Always you. Hell is perceptive, Pogue. And your perception is skewed!”
He stood and said “So be it! He turned to leave.. and two of his guards led him away. He reached his vehicle.. and as he pulled away, eight vehicles rolled in.. secret service pouring out.. opening fire on Aurora.
Adrianna, Dave, Draco and Evander all opened fire.. as the fairies and elves summoned the earth.. tree roots, branches and vines tied the enemy to the ground. The supers killed them all.. it was self defense, but it was also televised.
Public opinion will either be for the war, or against it, now. Aurora prayed it was the latter. The ambush they expected played out on every channel.. in every home, in the country.
Returning home, Evander doubled security and patrol. Even putting dragons in the sky, at two hour intervals. He would take no chances at ambush in his pack, again. Pogue’s troops will find it very difficult to break the line, again.
The morning proved fruitful. Humans were heading south.. away from where the fighting would take place. At least, some have seen the light.. and are seeking refuge.
Human media has gone radio silenced as of yesterday. So we know Pogue is gearing up for his end play. That is fine. The supers are doing the same. It’s a shame, really. So many will die.
Adrianna and Evander addressed all of the supernaturals.. telling them their military will only consist of volunteers. No one is being asked to fight. Putting their lives on the line is something only they can decide to do. Adrianna told them “We will not think less of you, if you seek safety. We will protect and defend you, no matter your choice.”
Not one person moved. They stood tall and strong.. more importantly, they stood resolute and determined. A man stepped forward and said “We fight together.. we die together.”
Evander smiled “We fight together.. but no one will be dying… not on our side, anyway. We will prevail!”
The time when there would be no turning back is approaching. Draco stepped forward “We will fight.. because we are being left with no choice. We will fight for our way of life. We will fight for our right to exist! No one left behind! Everyone comes home!”
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