Pandora's Noah's Ark Box -
Uncloaking Human Senses
Uncloaking The Human Senses.
In the Judaic-Christian religious narratives, the use of sacred incense is expressly to do with material well-being.
This is rarely something explained by even advanced textual scholars.
Somehow it has seemed to have escaped their attention that the one ‘big’ time that some apparent deliberate misuse of sacred incense occurred – by certain wives of townspeople in the Book of Jeremiah – the complaint that was being made pre to the ‘different’ use of the sacred incense, was that in earlier times when the exact same ‘sacred incense’ was burned to the ‘Queen of Heaven’ she gave them all abundant wealth and food and generally-speaking, ‘good times.’
The common misunderstanding of what happens next is that the prophet Jeremiah lectures them all that they were straying away from ‘the true God;’ but in fact that is not the wording of the text at all.
The exhortation of Jeremiah was that they were failing to fulfil the stipulations... He does not say that the ‘Queen of Heaven’ was an inappropriate figure to make vows or give sacrifices to. What he instead does say, is that they were confusing the material well-being of the past for an association with such rituals, whereas in fact, this wealth had already been lost even at that time due to the ‘evil deeds’ of previous kings and to some type of ‘cutting off of the children,’ which appears to be something to do with inheritances and social provisioning as well.
The carriage of the text really indicates that it is due to the misappropriation of the sacred incense as being the cause of material wealth, whereas it was meant to be some critical part of other stipulated behaviour on which turned the outcome of the sacred incense rituals – and then Jeremiah goes on to say something like: ‘Well, go on then, behave how you are behaving and do the incense rituals and then see what happens.’
This stands quite in distinction to what is commonly supposed about the meaning of these things at all, of these passages and of any matters to do with the ritualised burning of a ‘sacred incense’ inside the place where there was another thing there – namely, the Ark of the Covenant.
The Hebrew word used to describe preternatural ‘evil’ as it passes through human societies, is the word for ‘mask’ or ‘being masked.’
‘Evil’ in these old texts is the act of masking or deliberately obscuring facts and knowledge, in order to manipulate and to have and to exert power over people.
It is logically inconceivable that a feminine Divine aspect, if it is truly associated with ‘Ultimate’ Divinity at all, can have been disharmonious with some otherwise envisaged ‘Male God’ identity.
And so Jeremiah is correct – by performing a ritualistic sacrifice of ‘sacred incense’ to the ‘Queen of Heaven’ it is going to end up having the same result as performing it to a male God figurehead, if the underlying stipulation necessary was not fulfilled. In other words, disaster will ensue. ‘Divinity’ may not be bribed. It was always, all along, the stipulations, which were key. Not the empty rituals themselves.
Moreover, there was also a clear-cut meaning in the text, that a physical material abode had intended to have been established entailing specific local modes of life – but that it was because people literally went (travelled) into other regions with different cultures and practices obtaining there, and purposed to remain there, adopting those foreign cultural practices, that various ‘Divine edicts’ threatening harm and almost total destruction were delivered.
But again, what has eluded readers’ minds so often, is that the whole entire point from the start had been, that there was an acknowledged ‘Supernatural Power’ residing in, and available in the very first place from, Egypt and Pharaoh, which had been removed from Egypt and Pharaoh, and moved across to Joseph and then Moses and so on – and then, people to whom this ‘Power’ was in fact ‘Divine Benefactor,’ were now choosing to go their separate ways from that source of ‘Power.’
The notion that this has ever been but only all about simplistic religious ideology and ‘sinning’ (whatever that word is intended to mean in modern times, since there is no such nominal word actually written in these old texts...), is incorrect.
It is about real power. It is about something on the one hand ‘hidden’ and seemingly Supernatural yet available upon specialised and direct human inquiry. It is about something to be regarded as so important, that threats of violence, destruction and death attended to it over its misuse or abuse – and ultimately, it is about immediate material wealth and permanent well-being.
On condition.
And what are those conditions, or ‘the’ condition?
To follow some ‘stipulations.’
And what are those stipulations?
Here are the stipulations:
The attitudes, behaviour, mindset, and personality of the mortal man (IE man/woman/human being) – is harmonically attuned to that of the literally Divine Pattern.
But we cannot see or know what the ‘Divine Pattern’ is though... Can we?
Now, we are able to provide some truly astonishing ‘reveals,’ as it were, about ancient Egypt in this regard, to those who really have the interest, and also have the maturity of knowledge in certain ancient Greek texts in particular concerning Egypt, who can tie what we will say, to what they have already encountered within those texts.
But for now, let us simply address the matter of human ‘perception,’ - that is deep perception, or using an internal form of vision, but yet also relying on accentuated ‘ordinary’ human senses. And this goes to the real point and meaning of the narrative in the Book of Jeremiah.
Evil wears a mask.
God too is masked to humans in most situations.
Uncovering the mask of God reveals who we ourselves are.
Uncovering our deep inner being uncovers that which we must harmonise to, or be destroyed by.
The clouds of sacred incense can cover evil, but they can also reveal what is good.
When someone is in the mode of being able to accommodate a really advanced intelligence, tarrying in some otherwise completely empty ‘vault space’ (the so-called ‘King’s Chamber’ of the Great Pyramid is quite empty – it is an empty space -, when the ancient Geographer Strabo was claimed to have lain flat upon a concrete plinth inside a priest’s chamber at some pyramid in Egypt, and been ‘taken up into the skies’ from where he could look down and see the outlines of great land masses, the chamber was said to have been totally devoid of any adornments or amenities whatsoever, and the same being true of the attested account of Napoleon having carried out much the same kind of thing, spending an entire overnight stay inside the Great Pyramid, during which time the legend is that he ‘acquired’ a certain supernatural being to from then on accompany him, and via whom he got ‘supernatural power’ to conquer those places that he did conquer, up until the time the being, known subsequently as the ‘Tuileries Little Red Man,’ had forewarned him would be the moment of his own ending)...
...when someone is in that completely empty place, it should be that the harmonic sentient force equation (if we call it that here) is wholly only the human being there -, and then, in any engagement with another much more powerful, superior sentient intelligence there must not be dissonance.
Presuming we do have, as human beings, relevant ‘high points’ of our own lives, cultural natures, cultural characters, and which are objectively good and beautiful, then if we absorb them into our conscious being and have these at the forefront at a given time or moment, it should be that a far superior intelligence would resonate with these things.
Entering a sacred cloud of incense, an aware person will get the sense either of unreadiness, or of seeing clearly (hence the phrase in the Ebers Papyrus: ‘see their dreams brightened’).
When that person feels ‘not ready’ they must not ‘open the box.’
When they have all of their senses ‘brightened’ it is the time to open the box and have revealed to them that which they can accommodate within their own being without detriment, and indeed, with very great advantage. And this advantage is unquestionably material and not vague or obscure mysterious ‘spiritual’ revelation only on the level of the ‘metaphysical.’
In Paris today, there is an artistic installation, funded and commissioned by the Design House of Cartier, and which consists of a glass room with several floors and a spiral staircase. When going up the spiral staircase, one moves through an artificial ‘scent cloud.’
This display is also intended to be installed in Dubai, once again, where there is so much wealth that people can indulge in such expensive and decadent trifling.
Little do any of those who are responsible, or who enter such peculiarly contrived spaces, realise that the ‘white room technique’ is taught at highly secretive military intelligence ‘mind training’ facilities – such as at the originally CIA-funded Monroe Institute’s ‘closed compound’ facilities in Virginia – and at which places, occasionally, word leaks out that contact has been made there with beings that have been construed as ‘ET aliens.’
We teach the ‘white room technique’ to those appropriately qualified who approach us, but once again, there is a caveat attached to this: it is potentially dangerous to the unsophisticated, to the unwise, and to the naive.
Why the equivocating or unwillingness to say ‘ET alien’ outright without the suggestion that this is all really just some clever fictional speculations?
Because those who will be very quick to discount all of it already, have saved themselves the disquiet of meeting any such real beings since they won’t attempt to, and those whose guesstimate will fall down on the side of that all of this is expressly and explicitly true and real, will also realise not to mess with things in the sense of just dabbling. And they will realise that to follow the processes and procedures suggested here, and/or to inquire further into various applicable technologies to do with ‘deep field communication’ – will mean a serious life-changing development in their own lives, about which this document provides no evidence of support to anyone else in their lives that what they are doing is based on anything but the most thin of reasons and causes.
Whether we are able to say privately or otherwise, that contributors here have been involved with official government projects at any time in the past, say perhaps since the end of World War II, and that over time since then and based on their actual experiences, there is legitimacy and authority to make any claims at all, is moot at this present moment. However, if we simply said that in all of our total overall combined experience since World War II, it has never been the case that groups knowingly have been ‘entertained’ by ET aliens but only individuals, and that no government anywhere on the planet has an ‘open door’ entré with any ET alien pods as such, regardless that there ‘may be’ small groups of humans co-operatively doing something or other somewhere or other, yet these are not actual government-acknowledged projects at all, despite that some civilians now, and some retired individuals too from military roles have said governments and military units have benefited from such projects.
What this means for you is that either you will be personally invited, or you will not be. But given our own current instructions, it seems, that without fail, you will receive some kind of acknowledgement if you personally follow the instructions here since it appears that this is now the time for the level of disclosure as has been made herein.
Overall, we believe that a certain level of mathematics, as well as logic comprehension, should be studied, no matter what your own personal ability or level is, as a continuous, on-going thing that you do all the time, that is to say, regularly. Additionally, there is some importance given to physical activity designed to mediate lifestyles. And this grants that people are all at vastly different age-groupings, and with varying levels of general or specific health situations.
‘Arcane’ Or ‘Occult Christianity’ – Sometimes Also Termed The Disciplina Arcani.
We have approached all of this ‘exogenous species Cosmology’ through the fundamental moral ideology material, let’s say, or the ‘idea system label,’ of Christianity, because this is a common-enough accessible ‘moral-code/Cosmological’ pathway that people in the Western World will be usefully familiar with, at least to some extent. However all enduring world religious systems have an ‘arcane’ side, and all of them indeed are completely dependent on their arcane, or hidden aspects, for the ‘ultimate’ substance of their being ‘true.’ We don’t need to be tendentious and phrase it like so: of their (only) claiming to be true. The Zohar Jewish system is fundamentally occult, and so for that matter, is the Torah itself – that is the very reason there are so many attempts to ‘explain’ things; to have other texts broadly referred to as ‘exegetic’ teachings.
The Hindu traditional Sanskrit Vedas are completely occult.
And there are categorically deep – perfectly occult, in fact – major elements to the Norse Eddas and all the related Scandinavian systems.
Although some of the labels and terminologies used today, are relatively new when it comes to how occult matters occur in Christianity and in its source writings, the fact is, the original source texts themselves are completely arcane in their most intimate ideas – about which they make references, but do not explain at all.
One could vainly try to make distinctions here between the word ‘occult’ and ‘arcane’ as they apply to Christianity, but the reality is, when it comes to what is inside the actual Christian system, all the key matters are both hidden and deliberately covered in darkness, as well as contained inside as it were, an ’ark (IE ‘arcane’).
As we have said repeatedly, part of the end-point pertains to power. What would a secular, materialistic, pragmatic, utilitarian political totalitarian system such Nazism, want to do with ‘searching for the lost Ark of the Covenant?’ Well for one thing, from that seemingly compulsive endeavour they undertook diligently, one could adduce, well, that in fact, Nazism was in any case not secular or materialistic as such, at all.
When we look at all of these subjects, we must make the distinction between using words like ‘occult’ to imply an automatically uniformly bad thing, or dark as in bad, as opposed to that something well-hidden may indeed be bad for some, but in all other respects is just something that is being kept in an umbra – away from too many injudicious people’s view.
The modern world thinks that it is styled after the fundamental concept of ‘open democracy’ and that such a thing is good for people – but whether it actually is so or really is not (this way in today’s real world), in all events, there would be a social imputation of guilt pressed upon any who were known to be in possession of some form of ‘power’ that all others did not have nor had any means of access to on their own account.
And this is one reason why the underlying methodologies and candid explanations that we have been dancing around here, even once you have seen them all clearly and understood them fully, and your own mind agrees with them all fulsomely on every conceptual point and intellectual structural element – still you will likely find that your own ‘social programming’ will indeed raise the matter of ‘guilt by unfairness of action and access.’
But, every event must be judged in its own obtaining best lights at the given particular time, as far as your own personal feelings are concerned – the absolute reality though, is that once you have subsumed your own ego to a virtual superior ‘hive mind’ (to make the concept accessible to a modern-day mindset), that is vastly more advanced than any current day ordinary human being’s mentality, then the moral equation about your power over and material superiority to the majority’s, resolves into what is determined by a superior intelligence and knowledge-base if still guided by the same Universal moral ‘pole star,’ so to say.
Distraction From The Paranormal ‘Ghost Hunter’ Vogue.
Because there is certainly a range of effects that can be sought using infra-red cameras, and time-lapse videos, various low-level audio capture devices, as well as other modern electronic recording instruments, there has been an attraction over recent decades to what is popularly called ‘ghost hunting.’ And there are numerous television programs focusing on these pursuits, as well as Hollywood films featuring the subject.
Although not all of these just have an odd few disparate, disconnected or unconnected ‘voices’ or ‘sounds’ or other phenomena showing up as the putative ‘television wow factor,’ and they may indeed have what seems like something more cogent and with the appearance of an actual communication stream, such pursuits lack the critical aspect of an actual, real material ‘out-of-this-world’ object (such as the US Navy’s Tic Tac UAV) being the ‘wow factor,’ and/or real human or humanoid full complete verbal articulation and any obvious high level intellectual ‘counter-party,’ let’s say, being involved.
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