Project 43 -
Nathan knew the logistics of driving better than I did- so much so he drove like people on the movies did. Hands at ten and two and he could reach the pedals even though he was scooted forwards a ways. He was fairly tall for his age, his shaggy brown hair matching his brown eyes. His face didn't match his body that was thin and almost gangly looking- not filled out at all.
We didn't say anything for a long time. Both of us probably tense- waiting for one of the infected to suddenly pop up like in one of the movies. This isn't the movies though. We haven't run into another one since we left three days ago and only started seeing other cars about a day ago.
We're in a town on the coast and there was plenty of money in the jeep as well as military food- though it isn't exactly what Nathan likes. Being an army brat I made Nathan change into some of the cloths that where in the Jeep while we where still in the woods, I knew exactly where they'd be even though I had never been in an actual military jeep. It was standard procedure. I told him in town to put the hat on and keep his head down and hopefully no one will question our vehicle. Or if we where infectious so we didn't end up in a quarantine.
Of course no one did but I did get a salute this morning in the gas station deli and the cashier refused my money. We figured out why thanks to Nathan. I was trying to read the map and figure out where we had been, I had talked his ear off about my theory about them nuking the area. Honestly this boy almost never talks, but for all I know I could be having a nervous breakdown
Now I was worried about how far we needed to travel, or if I could get back to the suitcase. I had been bitten, was I only immune once? Did that make me a cure? Did I need to turn myself in to like save humanity or something? I didn't even know what they where saying on the news. I thought maybe my photo was up or the suitcase had been retrieved. I still don't know enough about my own body.
I needed to get the suitcase back somehow, I hadn't had time to look over all the information- but I didn't even remember what town the initial exposure had been in. For all I knew we where in the exact opposite and very likely- far away direction.
"Lets stop at an store with electronics. It's not hard to get something that connects to free internet."
-or hack into to use the internet on. Something I had learned how to do but I didn't exactly have all the tools to do it. Plus honestly I was more likely to fry the thing. "Alright kid deal."
He scowled when I called him kid, but it was one of the few reactions I could get out of him the first day. OK I'll be honest maybe I can be a little annoying but he's the first real company I've had semi close to my age.
I took a nap and he returned to the car a few hours later with a brand new phone and a frown on his face as he shut the door to the driver's seat.
"What's wrong?"
"You're nuke theory. It sounded like a good theory. My mom was in the military and even though me and my sister aren't really into any of that stuff you sounded like her when you said it."
"Oh." I said frowning thinking about what he said. "So how does that make me wrong?"
He handed me the phone. "I swapped over my number and just bought a new phone with service. It's got satellite internet which I figure is going to be important. I just told them it was birthday money and they let me do a prepaid for three months and then I put in my dad's credit card information he uses for emergencies he made me memorize. So it'll last a bit. " He mumbled.
I looked at the screen flipping through the news feed. All over the world- there where outbreaks of the infection. All nonessential military and healthcare workers where being called to the front lines. One of them was a scientific journal one with a video. I turned it up to listen to what he had to say and Nathan leaned in. "We don't know what this virus is. It's fast acting. It kills most of your brain function within a time window that's still unclear. The longest case to date has been four days while others take less than a half an hour. It depends on the location and source that the infection enters the body, as well as how much of this virus enters your body at a time. So far we have not identified any specific blood type less susceptible to this virus. We originally believed the source to be an unidentified international baking company where this virus originated from that delivered all over the world. We now suspect that this was an act of bio terrorism by a group of extremists. As we have more data we will do our best to keep you updated. For now it's recommended that anyone with prior military training report for duty and health care workers work with your community to help prevent further outbreaks. Listen to your local governments for further instructions. Anyone experiencing stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding from the eyes, discoloration of the skin, increased agitation or fever should be kept isolated in case they have been infected until a hotline can be set up to collect any of the infected. For your safety it is best that everyone stay indoors. Thank you for your coop-"
"Shit." Nathan cursed running his fingers through his hair, he looked even more afraid than he had when we left camp.
"It's been released all over the world?" I said horrified. Now it made sense. The kids disappearing really where being experimented on.
To try and fight this.
I was still hungry I still slept I was still thirsty. I had noticed I hadn't had a lot of output but considering all the stress I was probably about to feel the pain any day now. Was I really a cure? Maybe they knew I would be and where keeping me from being treated
Inhumane treatment.
Like my sisters.
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