Kamryn waited till most of the patrons went inside. A few members still hovered under the verandah towards the parked motorbikes, they were obviously ordered to stay and keep an eye on the club member's pride and joy while the hangers on went inside slowly. Kamryn was the last of the straggler’s, preferring to stay in the leathers and boots, in-case of a quick getaway.
The Razor’s as a majority were big men but inside, they appeared like giants, gruff looking guys who gave off the vibe they could hold their own, not that Kamryn couldn’t. One opponent would be hard, two even harder but more than that the odds were definitely in the Amazonians favor.
Upon entering Kam was not surprised to hear another racial slur. The mangy arseholes couldn’t shut their trap outside, so it was no surprise to hear it inside. Looked like it was going to be lights out for one dick in particular.
The only other Asian was a guy who was standing next to an Australian looking woman at the bar, he looked even less impressed when that woman began showing signs of discomfort.
Kamryn knew ignoring the bigots would be difficult and should have walked away. Got on the bike and gone home, but the need to see the handmade lights and cast iron work on full display had been too hard to ignore. Dad had said he was proud of the work he’d done while there as an electrician, promising Kam it would be his last big job away from home and Mai, Kamryn's mum.
"Told everyone you’d made the light fixtures I was putting on the wall. The two guys running the show Craig and Gabe were impressed with the brackets that held up ‘Razors’ signage out the front of the clubhouse and all the smaller handcrafted mounts where all the liquor will be shelved. Said if they could find a way, they'd get you to make some more unique pieces for a new club they're opening up".
Good old dad! My mum a mail order bride fifteen years after losing his first wife Amelia. He first saw Mai on a website and from there started corresponding. Mai knew dad was twenty years older but married him anyway.
Wasn’t love at first sight but a slow burn, now nineteen years later they couldn’t be happier, or more in love.
Dad might be a bit slower these days while mum’s not quite in her prime but she’s still a stunning looking woman with her Asian skin and beautiful features.
Kamryn had the same soft milky skin with the distinct Vietnamese features, just had a bit of the old man as well. His ginger hair tinging Kam’s so it was red highlighted in the sun, black in the shade.
Short, insanely short and spiky with a long fringe brushed across the forehead. Working so close to furnaces was dangerous enough, forging then striking the iron on an anvil was really, truly hard work.
Kam’s eyes were dark brown with refined brows and thick lashes. Being just a bit taller than mum yet standing as tall as could be next to the old man at five foot seven, still meant being slightly shorter.
Height never mattered mum had said when teaching her ancient martial arts to Kamryn every evening weekday for as long as memory served.
‘One on one, no one can outmaneuver a ninja unless they have a gun!’
Famous last words ’cos every biker wearing a fully fledge leather cut, Kam noticed, had a gun or a weapon hidden underneath or down their boot legs. Shame really ’cos so did Kam!
Surely the other Asian Kam noticed just now would have the balls to do something, thought Kam. After all he heard the disgusting words, and he was wearing a patch!
He’d have brothers that would jump in, or they should. Kam had to do this out of respect to the Vietnamese culture, all cultures to be honest and to educate the idiot. One kick; lights out!
Biting the bullet Kam decided it was now or never, it didn’t matter who he was, bad words were just bad words.
“Fucken another chink”, said the moron.
Kam had just taken a few steps, trying to take in all of the electrical features and shelving brackets dad had installed as quickly as possible, for this would be the last opportunity. Kamryn had no intention of ever coming back to this biker's bar nor listen to such rude remarks in the future. Confronting the fool with the poor manners needed to be done.
The cedar door had just clicked shut, Kamryn's boot's hadn’t even stepped three feet before the words pierced Kam’s ears.
"Need a passport to get in here unless you're wearing a cut, chink-a".
“You got a problem with Australians?” Kam asked unzipping the leather jacket halfway because the room had gone incredibly warm.
“Not Australians. But ones that aren’t. Not that I mind if their lying on their backs and tied down!” the pig said insulting Kam, and all other Asian looking people with his sexually explicit comment.
"You think Asian women should be tied down?"
All three men laughed when Kam asked raising her slender eyebrows, letting them believe she was simple.
"Yep! Sums it up. Keeps you from wiggling so much when we fuck your tiny cunts".
He didn't just say that, Oooooh No!
"Goodnight bigot", Kamryn said between her teeth before stepping quickly towards him. With in a few seconds, she was up in the air and kicked the moron under his chin with the heel of her boot.
Kapow! Lights out!
Fight! she heard someone yell.
"You lousy slanty eyed bitch", said one of moron's friends who slammed down his beer, its contents slopping all over the table which was fixed to the wall.
Ha! Fancy that. A table below one of her own designs, another light fixture.
"C'mon grandpa, want to slur a few more words about fucking Asians with tiny hoo-haa's", she said taunting him to come forward.
"I'll give you hoo-haa you cunt".
But Kam merely swung around, in her momentum lifting her leg high enough to roundhouse the fat slob in the side of his head.
"When they wake up, tell them to mind their manners", Kamryn said, quickly escaping through the front door and running like a bat-out-of-hell.
China had watched everything happen so fast; he couldn't believe his eyes. He knew those three men were responsible for upsetting his wife Sonya, he was just too damn passive and didn't want to rock the boat. But it seemed someone else did that for him.
Beetle, had just jumped the bar for the second time that night and was heading towards the scene when the small Asian girl wearing full leather gear took off through the front doors, leaving two unconscious men and one too stunned to move.
China squeezed his wife's hand and went in pursuit of Beetle, hoping he got to the fiery little fighter before his Vice-President did.
Beetle hadn't seen or heard what they had been saying, the motorbike chick had every right to retaliate if she was subjected to the same vile slanders China and his wife had been hearing.
China you dumb idiot, you should have acted sooner!
Beetle was only doing what he thought was right as he went after the girl who he believed started the whole mess when in fact she should be vindicated ...
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