Ruler of the Skies
Ava settles into her classes at the High School

The High School

Combat classes had become routine and boring for Ava. They had been working on perfecting their defensive and attacking moves. Very little sparring. Ava was surprised when after their normal warm-up, Elemental Ta-Gilli announced. “Today we will be starting sparring contests, to see how well you have perfected the basic strokes.” There was an excited murmur amongst the students.

“You will draw straws for round one of the contests to determine opponents. The victors will progress to round two. The losers will get a second chance, but only one of you will proceed to spar with the student that sits out the first round.” Ta-Gilli reached into his pocket and brought out a bunch of straws. One end of each straw had been coloured. He proceeded to hold the coloured ends in the palm of his hand, disguising the colours. Then he walked up to the first student. “Pick a straw. Matching colours will spar against each other.”

As the teacher walked along the front row each student drew a straw. The first five all drew different colours. Dima was the first to draw a colour already chosen.

Ta-Gilli looked at it. “You are matched with Yans.” They both looked along the row at Yans and he smiled back. The teacher continued until all students except one had drawn a straw. The person without a straw was Tanja. She just happened to be last in the back row. Ava had drawn Gwyn. Lorilee and Macee were disappointed as they had drawn each other.

“The contests will be the best of three rounds. For each round, the winner will be the person to get three strikes against their opponent. Strikes can only be on the torso. A head strike and you are disqualified. Two strikes below the waist and you will also be disqualified. The first pair will be Dima and Yans. The rest of you will clear the floor.”

The two boys were both earth Elementals and Ta-Gilli thought that this would make for a good pairing to start with. Once the centre of the practice area was clear, Ta-Gilli called the two boys into the centre. The other students formed a wide circle around them.

“You understand the rules.” They both nodded to the teacher. “Prepare yourselves to spar.”

The boys positioned themselves opposite each other and took up a defensive stance. Ta-Gilli stepped in between the boys, gave them both a look to ensure they were ready. Then he stepped back. “Engage.”

The boys focused on their opponent and started to circle each other. Yans was the first to attack. He pressed forward with a couple of attacking blows, but Dima was up to the challenge and successfully blocked them. He then returned the attack, forcing Yans back. They separated to re-assess. There was an eerie hush amongst the students watching on. Dima attacked and struck Yans on the elbow. Everybody cringed at the sound of the crack. Yans flinched and dropped his guard. Dima took the advantage and landed a blow to Yans’ torso.

“One to Dima” Called out the teacher. Yans regrouped and attacked with a fierce barrage of blows and in the end, got through Dimas defences.

“One to Yans.”

Yans didn’t wait and attacked again landing another surprise blow.

“Two to Yans.”

The watching crowd saw the physical pain on Dima’s face. That last blow hurt.

Dimas started to counter-attack. Yans was forced back so far that he nearly bumped into some of the watching students. “Halt.” Called out Ta-Gilli. “Come back to the centre. The boys repositioned themselves. “Engage.” Ta-Gilli commanded.

Yans was quicker to react and he landed an easy blow.

“Three to Yans. Stop. The bout is over. Yans is the winner 3 to 1. Well done boys.” The boys came together and shook hands. They moved back and joined the other students. Both were offered encouragement by their friends.

“Next. Lorilee and Macee.’ A murmur buzzed around the circle of students. The two girls walked into the centre.

Their bout was very good and after numerous attacks and counter-attacks the two girls were 2 points each. After Lorilee had force Macree right back to the circle around them, the teacher called them back to the centre. “Engage.” The girls started again.

Macee tried to catch Lorilee off guard, but she was quick to block the blow. Lorilee quickly counter-attacked, but in her haste to press home the attack, she overbalanced and Macee did a side step and landed an easy blow. It knocked Lorilee off her feet.

“Three to Macee. Stop. The bout is over. Macee is the winner 3 to 2.” Ta-Gilli quickly walked over and helped Lorilee to her feet. “Are you okay?”

“Yes. Sir.” Macee was quick to join them, concerned for her friend.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you that hard.”

“It’s okay. I was off balance and fell. Well done.” The two girls shook hands and walked together arm in arm to the circle.

“I hope you were all paying close attention to that bout. It was excellent considering you are first years. Next. Chereen and Jamilah.” Ta-Gilli called for the next couple. Chereen surprised everyone and won the bout 3 nil.

After six bouts, Ta-Gilli called an end to the session. “Tomorrow we will complete the first round of bouts. Those that sparred today were all very good. Pack up.”

The circle broke up and the students packed their cudgels away and headed for their rooms for a quick freshen up.

Ava walked back with Chereen. “You were good. So fast.” Ava commented on Chereen’s win.

“Ava, who are you up against?”

“I’m sparring with Gwyn.”

“You had better be careful. I’ve seen her training and she looks quick.”

“Thanks for the tip.”

The two girls arrived at their room before Macee & Lorilee. Chereen grabbed a towel and headed for the bathroom. Ava just sat on her bed and picked up a book she had borrowed. Ava heard the other two girls, before they entered the room.

“I was off-balance. I’m fine.” Lorilee was reassuring Macee.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Macee was still feeling bad about their bout.

“Drop it. I’ll get you next time.” The two giggled as they entered the room.

“Hi.” Said Ava. “You two were really good.”

“Thanks.” They both responded.

“How about Chereen? She won so easily.” Commented Macee.

“Yeah, we had all better keep clear of her, if we can?” Ava warned.

Chereen came back into the room. “Ready for the next class?”

“Yes, let’s go.” Ava jumped up and the two girls headed off. Macee and Lorilee followed shortly after.

Elemental Esmae entered the classroom on her own today. All the students knew the routine and got straight into their mind control exercises. No one needed any assistance now and Esmae was content to sit at the front of the class and meditate. About halfway through the session, she interrupted the students. “Okay, everyone. Let’s finish your exercises now. You can move the desks back into position.” A cacophony of noise erupted as they all jumped up and moved and dragged the desks back into rows.

Once the students had all arranged themselves in their seats Esmae continued. “Today we will start to look at the power of the mind when wielding your element. Jamilah and Yans come and help me bring these over.” She walked over to one of the corners where four objects sat on a bench. The boys quickly followed and grabbed a bowl each. They were like the objects used in the Elemental tests. A bowl of soil. A bowl of water. A flask of smokey air and a candle. Esmae carried the flask and the candle. She walked past Mason and asked him to light the candle as he was a Fire Elemental. It took him two attempts and then she walked to the front of the room and placed them on her desk along with the two other bowls.

“Thank you, boys. Resume your seats.” She then arranged the four objects in the correct order, Earth, Water Air and Fire.

“By now you all know that the mind control exercises are to bring your element to life, control and contain it. In order to wield your element, you have to release it but maintain effective control. You must never let it out of control or let it consume you. That can be fatal.” She added very seriously. “Have any of you experienced nausea or fainting?” She asked.

Everyone raised their hand except Jacqueth.

Esmae continued. “As I expected. Jacqueth is a unique case and for some reason has an innate ability to control her elements even before she was aware of them. The reason you all feel sick or light-headed is because, without proper control your element is sapping your energy and even your life essence.” She paused a moment to let that sink in. “Each element is fluid, you may not think they are at your age, but it is essential that you understand this. With water it is easy. Everyone knows and can see that water flows, but so do the others. I shall demonstrate with this bowl of soil.” She soon had a continuous flow of soil rising up into one hand, then crossing into her other and back into the bowl.

“It looks like water.” Called out Castor, a Water Elemental.

“Exactly. The soil particles are fine enough for me to make them flow together and look like water.” She stopped the demo. “It’s not enough for an Earth Elemental to think they can move a piece of earth. Think of the particles that constitute the earth and manipulate them.

“How do you do that with air?” Asked Effie, an Air Elemental.

“Air has particles, just the same. The reason why I put smoke into the flask is to make it easier for you to visualise the particles, but even without the smoke, they are there. You just have to look closer.” Esmae then waved her hand over the flame and of course, it flickered and wavered.

“The wind from my hand caused the flame to flicker, but once again it demonstrates how fluid fire is. Now, what I want each of you to do in turn, is come to the front and make your element flow. For Ava and Jacqueth, you only need to choose one of your elements. Please let’s not be critical of each other, if someone is not successful today. You’re all young and this is new. We are all here to learn. A word of caution, don’t let your inner glow consume you. So, who will go first?”

Castor literally jumped out of his seat to get Esmae’s attention. “Okay, Castor. Come to the front.” He was there in a flash and positioned himself behind the water bowl.

“Whenever you are ready you can start.” Esmae encouraged him.

Castor positioned one hand over the bowl and started his command. “Water. Rise up and flow for me.” Some water splashed out of the bowl and Castor jumped back. A few giggled around the classroom. Esmae gave them a stern look. “Try again, Castor.”

“Water flow to me.” This time the water bubbled up to his hand and splashed back into the bowl. He kept repeating the command and got some water to splash from one hand to the other, but it was mostly water splashing everywhere.

“Thanks, Castor. That will do. Not bad for a first attempt. Next.”

The next two students didn’t get anything to happen, and one of them fainted. Esmae was quickly at her side. She applied one of her hands to the girl’s forehead and she came around.

“Are you alright?”

“I think so, Miss. It happened so fast.”

“Yes. More practice on your control. Next.” Esmae called for another student.

Several students, including Chereen and Macee, managed to get their element to flow very well. Jacqueth chose her Earth element as water would have been too easy for her. She succeeded in making the soil flow into her hands. Finally, Ava was the only one left.

“Which one of your elements, do you choose?” Asked Esmae.

“I choose Air, Miss.” Ava proceeded to the table and commanded the smokey air to flow up and over her hand. As Ava was working with the smoke, Esmae noticed, to her surprise, soil particles shifting in the bowl. As Ava was returning to her seat. Esmae stopped her. “Ava, could you try something for me.”

“What is it Miss?”

“I would like to see you try moving the soil.”

There was a gasp of surprise from most of the students. They all could see Ava was wearing ribbons for Air and Fire. Ava positioned herself behind the soil bowl.

“When you are ready.” Esmae encouraged her.

Ava started by slowing her breathing, closing her eyes and using her mind control techniques. She opened her eyes and commanded the soil to move. Slowly at first, some particles started to bunch together. Then things started to speed up and the soil rose up on to one of her hands. Next, she directed the soil to flow to her other hand. Finally, the soil flowed back into the bowl.

“Well done, Ava. It looks like you are a class three Elemental. The Head Master will be pleased.”

“Please, Miss. Do we have to tell the Head Master just yet?” Esmae considered Ava’s request.

“Sure. No need to rush.” Ava nodded agreement and walked back to her desk.

“So. That’s it for today. Keep practising.” Esmae ended the session.

Chereen and Jacqueth gathered around Ava, excited for their friend.

“Wow. That was awesome.” Remarked Chereen. “Did you know you had Earth as an element?”

“Not exactly. At the test, a couple of grains did move, but I was really nervous. What with the Head Master staring at me.”

The three girls headed out of the classroom. Mannes and Conrad were waiting outside.

“That surprised everyone. Class threes don’t happen very often.” Commented Mannes.

“That’s why I’m not that keen for the Head Master to know just yet. Can you guys keep it just amongst us.”

“Sure, but everyone in the class knows.” Conrad stated the obvious.

“Let’s not make a big deal of it.” Jacqueth suggested. “Maybe the others won’t either.” She was trying to reassure her friend.

After lunch, it was Basic Elemental skills with Hannah. They were still going through the history of Daarook and the establishment of the Centurion Order. Of course, the history was written from the Head Masters point of view and it cast a bad light on the Council of the Elements. Ava was a bit sceptical about the early years of the Centurion Order, but she kept it to herself.

Last class of the day was Communications with Elemental Tobias.

“Today we are going on an excursion.” Tobias announced.

“Sir. Where are we going?” Yans couldn’t contain his excitement.

“If you don’t interrupt, I will tell you.” He gave Yans a stern look.

“We are going to the Sweetsprings River and the garden near the waterfall. The garden is well protected and a number of animals have decided to make it their home. So, if you will follow me.” Tobias walked out the door. The students rushed to follow him.

They walked across the central square, past some buildings and out the west gate. Opening out in front of them was the sports field used for Elemental games. The field was bordered on the south and east sides by a bank used by spectators. The west side was bordered by the Sweetsprings River. Once they got to the river they could hear and see the waterfall on their left. The water tumbled down from the mountains behind the High School and the Citadel. Tobias led them to the base of the falls. There was a short track that led to a large rock pool at its base. On the opposite side of the pool was a clearing and a lush garden. The water from the rock pool spilled out over a series of large boulders before tumbling into the river.

“You will need to be careful, but we can cross over via the boulders.” Tobias led the way. He surprised most of the students as he nimbly hopped from boulder to boulder and was soon on the other side of the pool. One by one the students followed. Remarkably no one slipped or fell.

“Gather round, so I don’t have to shout.” Tobias yelled out over the noise of the falls.

“I want you to find a place to sit. On the rocks or on the grass.” He indicated the clearing by the pool. The students milled about finding themselves a spot as Tobias waited.

Once settled, Tobias began. “There are some animals in here that would normally be considered dangerous. However, they are here because this is a safe place and all the animals here respect each other. They also tolerate me and other Elementals that come here to visit and communicate with them. If we are graced with a visit, I don’t want any of you doing anything silly or sudden. Do you all understand?” He paused to let what he had said sink in.

Many of the students replied. “Yes, Sir.”

“Now, I will attempt to call some but they may decide not to come out. I will try a deer first. Her name is Dina.” Tobias proceeded to call her but the students didn’t hear a thing.

Everyone waited in anticipation. They didn’t have to wait long. The deer quietly approached from a thick bushy part of the garden. She was very well camouflaged and stopped just on the edge of the clearing. She was barely visible to many in the group. Tobias saw her and signalled for her to come closer.

Tentatively, she stepped into the clearing. There was an eerie hush as the students all seemed to be holding their breath. Some of them got a fright when Tobias broke the silence.

“Would someone like to ask her a question? Remember to try connecting with your mind to make it easier.” He looked around the stunned students.

Yans put up his hand to gain the teacher’s attention. “Sir. Can I ask something?”

“Yes. Keep it simple and slow.”

“Dina. Do you like it here?” Yans directed all his concentration towards the deer. She picked up her ears and looked directly at Yans. A big smile beamed across his face as she answered him.

"I am safe here.”

“Did anyone else hear her answer?” Asked Tobias. Many of the students raised their hands or nodded in the affirmative.

"Why do you come here?" Dina was now asking the questions.

“To learn how to talk to creatures like you.” Yans kept the conversation going. “We are so excited to meet and talk to you.”

"What are creatures?" Dina asked in return. Yans looked at Tobias for direction. He just indicated that Yans should answer the question.

“Animals and birds.” He replied hesitantly. Dina looked around the group of students.

"You are people. I am Dina."

Tobias interrupted. “Most creatures don’t have a comprehension of what they are. They just know who they are.” Dina grazed on some grass before losing interest in the group and walked back into the surrounding trees.

Suddenly, a couple of squirrels appeared. They came scampering down a tree chattering as they went. Ava recalled the time she and Centurion Rustilan spoke to squirrels on their way to Daarook. Effie got the teachers attention and was given the opportunity to try her communication skills. Nothing happened, the squirrels were too interested in chattering to themselves and took no notice of Effie’s attempts.

“As you can see, it’s not that easy.” Tobias proceeded to chatter to the squirrels before they scampered back up the tree.

A badger came hurrying out of the bushes. Took one look at the gathered students and said. “Humph. What are you lot doing here?” Everyone heard him in their minds.

“Nigel, there is no need to be rude.” Tobias gave the badger a glare. “These are my students and they are here to improve their communication skills.”

Don’t bother me. I’m not staying.” The badger hurried on his way back into the bushes. A few of the students giggled as he left.

A large, multi-coloured bird flew in and landed on a branch near Tobias.

“This is Tosca and he is a good friend.”

“These your newest?” Tosca asked. The bird spoke clearly.

“Yes. Some of them would like to ask you some questions.” Tobias indicated to the group to ask another question. Sacha stood up and asked. “Tosca. Can I call you that?”

“That’s my name.” The bird turned his head towards Sacha.

“My name is Sacha. How did you learn to talk?”

“Sacha. I could always talk. You have just learned to listen.” He rubbed his beak on the branch.

Sacha looked at Tobias. “Can all the birds here talk?”

“Tosca talks well and many of the other birds do also. Being here helps them and they talk to each other.”

Tosca interrupted. “Do you have any food?”

“No Tosca. You know we don’t bring food here. The forest can supply all you need.” Tobias was firm.

“Well, I’ll be off.” Tosca sprang into the air and flew away.

“We have a policy of not feeding the creatures in these gardens. We don’t want them to be dependent on us. Plus, we don’t want creatures coming here just because they think they can get a free feed.”

Many of the students ignored Tobias and just gasped. A large grey looking cat had just walked into the clearing. It slowly walked up to Tobias and rubbed up against his leg. He was unperturbed and just patted her on her shoulder.

“This is Leena. There is no need for alarm. She has been in this garden for a long time and is very friendly.”

She was starting to purr. “Tobias. It has been a while since your last visit. Why do you stay away for so long?”

“You know I have business at the school.” Tobias replied. Leena proceeded to walk toward the students, much to some of their displeasure. She walked straight up to Jacqueth and sat down in front of her. Her yellow eyes staring unwaveringly at Jacqueth.

“You seem special in some way. What is your name?” Leena asked.

“My name is Jacqueth.” She seemed mesmerised by Leena.

“Come back and see me soon. We have so much to talk about.” Leena stood up swished her tail and walked back into the bushes. “Goodbye.”

“Well. That was interesting.” Commented Tobias. “I’ve not seen a reaction from Leena like that before. Time, we were heading back.” He led the way back across the rock pool towards the school.

Jacqueth, Ava and Chereen walked back in silence. Once they got to their dorm, Ava couldn’t hold back any longer.

“Jacqueth. Aren’t you going to say something? How do you feel?”

“That was weird. I don’t know why Leena picked me out. Her eyes were mesmerising. I couldn’t look away.”

“You will have to go back. You must be busting to find out what she wants to talk about.” Chereen was excited.

“No. I’m actually scared. What could she want from me?” Jacqueth looked worried.

“If you need support? We’re here for you. You don’t have to go alone.” Ava tried to comfort her.

“Thanks. It’s time we headed to the hall for dinner.” Jacqueth was happier to change the topic and signalled for the other two to follow her.

Between Pinemarsh and Kaemoora

Uparta and his Lizard soldiers had been constantly on the move. Raiding small villages and farms by night. They had not killed anyone. Most villages fled in terror as they approached. They mostly burned and destroyed houses. They had only seen one small group of militiamen, but they had also fled. Not wanting to test themselves against the battle-hardened Lizards.

“Halt.” Uparta called his men to a stop. His second, Rollicca came up by his side.

“My Lord. What is it?”

“The scouts return.” Uparta pointed ahead. Two Lizard soldiers came riding towards them and pulled up their Lizard beasts in front of Uparta.

“My Lord. A larger village lies ahead. It has a surrounding wall. They have reinforced their defences and barricaded the gates.” One of the scouts informed Uparta

“So, we have a group willing to stand and defend themselves. Good. Rollicca take half the men and attack from the other side. I will give you until dawn to get into position, then I will attack.” Uparta had issued his orders.

“My Lord.” Rollicca acknowledged. One of the scouts immediately set-off. He would scout ahead of Rollicca’s party.

Uparta took time questioning the other scout about the defences and what numbers the village might have in terms of fighting militiamen. He gave orders for his remaining soldiers to rest while they waited for dawn.

A Cave near Volkmire

Darwah had called his search party together.

“We head towards Lockmort tonight. We will need to spread out more to cover more territory. If you see them, find me. Don’t attack them.” He gave the group one last look then ran out of the cave and sprang into the night sky. The rest followed.


The sun was rising and Pryborg was ready. He had hoped that the negotiating party would have left sooner, but Nasrald said there were some final issues that needed attention. Nasrald and the group were now ready and they had joined Pryborg at one of the palace gates.

Nasrald surveyed the group then gave the order to move out. The gate was opened and they made their way out through the streets of Lockmort. Pryborg was happier now he was back on the move.


Fineen, Udolf and Rafeeq had travelled all night and entered the city gate just after sunrise. They headed for the Inn and found Ambrose having breakfast on his own. The Innkeeper quickly prepared breakfast for them as they settled around the table with Ambrose.

“You’re back earlier than I had hoped. I presume this means you have found a cave.” Ambrose started the conversation after the initial greetings.

“Eeek. Yes.” Rafeeq just managed to get a word out before filling his mouth with food.

Fineen began their report. “It’s well south of Utway and surprising abundant with wildlife. If they are not greedy it should serve them well for many years.”

“Eeek. The bonus is there is a hot spring inside the cave.” Rafeeq managed to get some words out.

“Sounds positive. It will be up to Demarco in the end.” Ambrose paused while he thought of what to do next. “I will need one of you to take Jalen and show him the cave. I will go and see Demarco. Once Jalen knows the location he must fly and join me. He will then be able to guide Demarco back to the cave. I am sure he will want to survey it and the area before he commits to moving.”

“I will go.” Said Fineen.

“Thank you. Udolf can come with me.” Ambrose turned to Rafeeq. “You may be asked to sail with the Golden Swan. Raum has been asked to ferry some Pukavan Archers to Gymbala. He could do with another pair of nimble hands.”

“Eeek. Gymbala again?”

“Yes. They want to replace the archers left behind last time.”

They finished their breakfast in silence.

Ambrose left the group to rest and headed for the palace. He knew the Jaymar and Jalen would be out flying already. When he arrived, Rosalina was standing on the wall watching the pair enjoying the clear morning.

“They really are having a great time up there.” She commented as Ambrose approached.

“Yes. Jaymar is improving all the time. How is the new backpack coming along?” Ambrose asked.

“Nearly finished. I was hoping you would have another look at it before we get Jaymar to trial it again.”

“Sure, but I have other pressing matters right now. Let’s call them back.” Ambrose proceeded to whistle Jalen and Jaymar to return to the palace.

Ambrose and Rosalina were waiting as Jaymar landed the kite. Jalen also came gliding in and softly landed not far away.

“Why have you called us back? It’s beautiful out there.” Complained Jaymar.

“Fineen and the others are back. We will be going to see Demarco again. Plus, I have a job for Jalen, but first let’s have a look at the backpack.” Rosalina and Ambrose helped Jaymar out of his harness and they carried the kite back to its launch ramp. Rosalina led the way back to the workshop, eager to show them the latest flying device. Jaymar was excited to see the changes.

Once they had gathered around, Rosalina explained what she has done. “I have given the wings more flexibility where they join the pack. This will allow Jaymar to push the wings slightly forward or backward. Also the handles now have an added feature. Besides being able to move the grips to either straighten the wings or bend them slightly, you can now rotate the wings down to increase the drag. This should allow much greater control when trying to slow your speed and when landing.”

“Looks amazing.” Jaymar was running his hand over the repaired wing.

“Well done. “Ambrose commented. “As always, the testing will prove if your changes work. Sorry Jaymar, you will have to wait till we return to try it out. I want to get Demarco and his family into another cave as soon as possible.” Ambrose patted Jaymar on the shoulder. “Now, let’s go see your parents and convince them to allow you to join me.” He thanked Rosalina and then led Jaymar and Jalen out of the workshop.

Raum was packing his things when they arrived. Rafeeq was already there chatting to Grimhilda about their trip.

“When do you sail?” Asked Ambrose after the initial greeting.

“The Lancers are preparing to board already. We should be on our way after midday. Thanks for letting me take Rafeeq. I can always use an extra hand.” Raum smiled at Rafeeq, who responded with a toothy grin.

Grimhilda asked her son. “You’re back early. What’s happening?” She gave Ambrose a questioning stare.

“Ambrose is returning to the cave to see the Dark Ones and wants me to go with him.” Jaymar half-smiled.

“You know I don’t like it, but I have to accept you need to go.”

“Son, just make sure you do as Ambrose says.” His father added. He gave Grimhilda and Jaymar a hug before saying goodbye to Ambrose and Jalen. “By the Elements. Be careful. We’d better go.” Raum gave one last look at his wife and son before leaving with Rafeeq for his ship.

“Jaymar pack some things for the trip. I’ll be back after lunch to collect you. Bye.” Ambrose signalled for Jalen to follow him as he headed for the door.

When Jalen and Ambrose arrived back at the Inn, Fineen was ready to leave. Ambrose had explained to Jalen what he wanted him to do.

“How long will it take you to return to the cave?” Ambrose asked Fineen.

“With Jalen flying most of the way, we could be there in three days.”

“Good. That will give me time to return to Demarco and even call Cargan, if required. We won’t leave until later today. By the Elements. We need this to work. Demarco and his group have to move.”

Fineen agreed. “I don’t think he will have a choice, if Cargan presses the issue. Are ready Jalen?” The birdman blinked his large eyes. “Aark. I suppose.”

The pair said their goodbyes and left. Udolf and Ambrose went and got an ale each, before finding a corner booth to discuss their plans.


Prince Melville and Princess Isabella were the first royals to arrive for the meeting of the High Council of Mikaia. They were accommodated, as all of the members of the High Council would be, in the main palace of Conaldra. Their trip from Tamplina had been uneventful and on arrival, they were met by Centurion Riley. Riley was an Air and Earth Elemental and had been appointed to Conaldra at the last Centurion Duma. His appointment had been a surprise, as he had only been a Centurion for two years and this was his first major assignment. Plus, he was not aligned to either of the two Centurion sects.

Riley was in his mid-thirties, rather handsome, average height with long brown wavy hair. He had allowed time for the royal couple to settle into their rooms, before returning later to discuss their schedule, while in Conaldra.

“Your Highness Prince Melville, from your correspondence I have drawn up a busy schedule for the coming days. I noted that you wish to meet with the Petitions Committee as soon as possible.”

“Yes. I have a couple of items that need attention.”

“Elemental Tobias has not arrived as yet. I understand he should be here tomorrow or the next day. If there is anything I can do to help prepare any petitions, I am at your service.” He bowed slightly and Melville acknowledged his offer.

“Your Highness. One of the main topics for discussion at this High Council meeting is the fishing dispute between the Federated Islands.”

“Yes. I have already been advised.”

“Your Highness. I have arranged for you and Princess Isabella to meet with both parties. I have proposed that they both be dinner meetings. Chief Ta-Jimi from the Island of Jermaine arrives tomorrow, so I have arranged a dinner with the Chief and his wife, Ma-Fliki for that night. I believe, Queen Hakina arrives the following day. I have yet to confirm a dinner with her and her entourage. I am not sure how many of her children she is bringing.”

“Fine. So long as I get to hear Queen Hakina’s side before day two of the High Council. When does Prince Pelliman arrive? It’s important I see him as soon as possible.”

“Prince Pelliman and Princess Leilani arrive tomorrow, Your Highness. You are meeting with them for breakfast the following day.

“Excellent. Now we would also like to catch up with Master Paulo and his wife Emelia. They are old friends.”

“Your Highness. I will arrange it.” Riley paused before asking. “Do you want a private audience with the High Centurion before the High Council starts?”

Melville showed his displeasure at the question. “Only, if he requests it. Now, I think we are done.” Melville turned and walked away. Riley bowed slightly to Melville’s back before he left to attend to business.

Melville walked into another one of the rooms they had been assigned. Isabella was sitting on a lounge reading, what looked like an old book.

“Happy with the schedule, darling?” She asked her husband as he came over and sat next to her.

“Yes. The Centurion is doing a good job. What are you reading?”

“I found this on the bookshelf in the other room. Oddly enough it’s about Elemental testing and schooling.” She smiled at her husband.

“What are you hoping to find?” Melville looked down at the open page.

“Anything that might help us in our petition to get Ava home.”

“Okay.” Melville paused then asked. “Do you think I should meet privately with the High Centurion?”

Isabella looked squarely at her husband. “If you think it would help, then yes. But as you know he showed little sympathy when I was in Daarook.”

“I just don’t want to be seen as kowtowing to him. I would prefer to let the petition process take its course. We can assess the outcome and then plan what to do next.”

Isabella placed her hand on her husbands. “Whatever you decide, I fully support you.”

He leaned in and gave her a light kiss. “I know darling. Now I must go. Anastas wants me to review some of his troops and discuss the Animoid attacks.” He stood up and left her reading her book.


Ambrose and Jaymar were travelling on horseback and Udolf was on foot as usual. They had left later in the afternoon than Ambrose had wanted, but now they were on their way. Jaymar was curious. “Ambrose. What will you do with the necklace once Demarco hands it over?”

Ambrose thought for a while. “I don’t want to lose it again. The Earth gem wants an owner and ultimately to transform back to the Elemental stone. All I can do is keep it safe until someone emerges to claim the gem and it transforms for them.”

“But how will you know who that is?”

“Well, firstly they have to be a powerful Earth Elemental. Hopefully, they will make themselves known to me once I have the necklace. Secondly, there should be signs. Something will happen and I will know the time is right.”

“It’s been so long. Why now? Cargan mentioned that you have one. You still haven’t told me about it and what about the other gems?” Jaymar had many questions.

“While the gems are separate stones, they are related to each other. The necklace has been lost for such a long time. It’s like the four stones are waiting for them all to remerge.”

Ambrose paused before deciding to confide in Jaymar. “Please keep this information to yourself. The Air gem is unaccounted for. It was lost not long after the necklace went missing. Perhaps the gems will not find their new owners and transform until the Air gem is found.”

“Which gem do you have? And who has the other gem?” Jaymar pressed for more information.

“Never you mind. They are safe. Now that the necklace has been found, I am hoping that something will happen to reveal the Air gem as well. Things are starting to happen and I don’t think it is coincidental.”

“Where do I fit in?” Jaymar tried another question.

Ambrose smiled. “I am uncertain as to the part you might play in all this. You are potentially a class three Elemental, which is very rare. All I can do is make sure you are ready, if and when the time comes.”

“Will I get one of the gems?” Jaymar was still trying.

“I don’t know.” Ambrose had said enough. The pair continued in silence, as they both considered what the future might hold.

Inspecting the Troops

Captain Diego had assembled a company of the Conaldra Royals. It was made up of one cavalry troop (100 horsemen) and three platoons of infantry (120 footmen). Prince Anastas had ordered an inspection. They had assembled in one of the smaller squares within the palace walls.

Prince Anastas, his unofficial bodyguard, Centurion Bowdene and Prince Melville came out of the building, that the company were facing. Immediately Captain Diego called the company to attention.

Captain Diego, who was mounted on a horse, dismounted and approached Prince Anastas. He came to attention in front of the Prince. “Your Highness. The company is ready for inspection.”

“At ease Captain. This is Prince Melville from Tamplina. He will review your company. Lead the way.” Anastas ordered. The Captain bowed to Melville and signalled for him to accompany him along the front row of infantry. After quickly moving along the front row, Melville indicated he would skip the second and proceeded to the third. He would occasionally stop and question a footman.

Next, they proceeded to inspect the cavalry. Melville would occasionally adjust a bridle or strapping. Finally, they returned to the front of the company.

Anastas asked. “What do you think, Melville? Are they a match for your Tamplina Rangers?”

“They present well. Only in battle do you get a true measure of your troops.”

Anastas turned to the Captain. “Captain Diego. You are to keep this company in readiness to move at short notice. I will issue orders shortly for you to reinforce the platoons at the Gap. You can now dismiss the company.”

“As you command, Your Highness.” Diego remounted his horse and then faced the company. “Conaldra Royals. At ease. Dismissed.” The noise echoed around the square as the company disbanded in an orderly fashion.

Prince Anastas, Prince Melville and Centurion Bowdene left the square. As they entered the building, Melville commented. “You are pre-empting a decision by the High Council.”

“No. I can deploy my troops as I see fit. I have been meaning to get more troops to the Gap ever since the attack on Bundamook. I just didn’t want to be seen as reacting to Xavier’s request.”

“My understanding of the petition, is that Xavier wants a joint force from multiple realms to bolster his defences.”

“Well, now the Dark Winter has passed, there is a possibility he may get it. We will see what the High Council makes of his petition.”

They came to an intersection of corridors. Melville was heading back to his room.

Anastas stopped him. “Will you an Isabella join me and Imogene for dinner tonight?”

“We would be honoured.”

“See you later then.” Prince Anastas and Centurion Bowdene went one way and Anastas went the other.

Another Arrival

Prince Irwin was the next member of the High Council to arrive in Conaldra. He was accompanied by one of his Elemental advisors and they had arrived by ship about midday. His advisor, Elemental Rowlee is a Water Elemental. Irwin had left his wife and children at home on Auroras Minor.

Centurion Riley met Prince Irwin shortly after he had settled into his allotted rooms.

“Your Highness Prince Irwin, I hope you had a pleasant voyage from Auroras Minor.”

“The weather was favourable for the whole trip and we made good time.”

“Your Highness, it is unfortunate that Princess Nisha could not make the journey with you. I hope she is well.”

“Thank you. She decided to remain at home with the children. Now, enough of the small talk. What’s first on my agenda?”

“Your Highness. You are invited to join Prince Anastas & Prince Melville for dinner tonight, at seven. Tomorrow you have a breakfast briefing on the fishing dispute between the Federated Islands. Lunch is with Elemental Watson, senior advisor to Princess Sienna in Pukavan. He wishes to discuss Princess Sienna’s petition to join the High Council. Dinner is then with Prince Pelliman and Princess Leilani of Middleton.”

“Sounds like a full day. Thank you.” Irwin then indicated that the Centurion could leave.

Riley bowed his head and left the Prince.

Elemental Rowlee had been standing silently to one side, while Riley was conversing with the Prince.

“Your Highness, finally the fishing dispute is coming to ahead.” Rowlee commented.

“Let’s hope so. I want you to go and see Chief Ta-Jimi as soon as he arrives. That clause I want changed, make sure his people have made the changes. Also arrange with Centurion Riley that I get a private audience with the High Centurion. It slipped my mind before.”

“Yes. Your Highness.” Rowlee bowed and left the room.

Dinner with the Royals

Prince Anastas private dining room had been set up for only six places. Dinner tonight was going to be a small affair. Prince Irwin, Prince Melville and Princess Isabella arrived at the same time. They greeted each other warmly.

“How are Nisha and the children?” Asked Isabella, as they were served pre-dinner drinks.

“They are all well. Nisha has her hands full with Nagina who is six now, but Irene is developing into a beautiful young lady. Even if I say so myself.” Irwin had a big smile on his face.

“Irene. Is she nearly ten now?”

“Yes, and looking very much like her mother.”

Melville added. “You must be very proud.”

“I am.” Irwin was interrupted by the entrance of Prince Anastas, his daughter and Centurion Bowdene.

“Ah, you are here already. Sorry if we kept you waiting.” Anastas shook the hands of both Irwin and Melville, then he gave Isabella a peck on the cheek. Imogene bowed politely to the two Princes, but she gave Isabella a big smile and a quick hug. The Centurion stayed apart and just bowed to each of the royals. He was just there carrying out his duty as bodyguard to Anastas.

Pre-dinner drinks were served to the new arrivals and they engaged in idle chit-chat.

After a few sips of his wine, Anastas motioned to the group to join him at the table.

“Come on, have a seat everyone, even you Centurion.” Anastas waved to Bowdene as he sat down at the head of the table. The first course was brought out as soon as they were all seated.

“Tell me Irwin, are we going to get a settlement in the fishing dispute between the Federated Islands?” Anastas asked.

“I believe we are. There have been some minor amendments which I believe all parties can live with.”

“Good. That will be one less thing to worry about at the High Council.” Anastas then turned to Melville. “I was impressed with your son, Theodor, when he attended the Festival of Light last year. I understand you have left him in full command of your realm, whilst you are here.”

Isabella glanced at Imogene and she averted her eyes.

Melville smiled. “Thank you. Yes, he is very capable and we have full confidence in him.” He then countered. “I must say that he was rather impressed with your daughter, Imogene.”

Isabella interrupted. “Melville, your embarrassing Imogene.”

“Oh, that’s alright Your Highness. I’m not embarrassed. It was amazing how he and Ava saved father from the assassin. We were all so grateful.” Imogene was all smiles.

“I must admit, that your son and Imogene looked a fine couple on the dance floor. Now, I take it that you are both not happy with Ava being in Daarook.” Anastas changed the tone of the conversation.

Melville shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “Of course we are not happy. Our daughter is virtually a prisoner in Daarook and I hope the High Council sees it that way. The Centurion Order is already too powerful, meddling in royal affairs. They treated Isabella very poorly.” It didn’t take much for Melville to get angry about Centurions. Bowdene sat quietly looking down at his meal.

“I agree with Melville. The High Council needs to let the High Centurion know that there will be consequences if he pushes the boundaries.” Irwin added.

“Settle down both of you.” Anastas put his knife and fork down and sat up straight to make his point. “I don’t want any hysterics during the High Council meeting with the High Centurion. If this conflict with the so-called ‘Animoid Army’ escalates any further, we will most likely need the Centurion Order’s assistance. Don’t forget that.” The servants took the opportunity to clear away the main course and serve dessert. After a short pause to reflect, Anastas continued. “What is worrying me more, are the Dark Terror attacks happening outside the Dark Winter. Melville, do you have any further information?”

“No. Only that Gymbala repelled their last attack. There has been nothing major since the end of Winter. We have scouts everywhere trying to find where they may attack next. Prince Jarl should be in a better position to update the High Council, once he arrives.”

“What is Jarl up to?” Asked Irwin. “I heard that he is pushing hard against the Animoids in his region.”

Anastas shifted again in his seat. “Yes. His curfew has gone on long enough.” He looked at Melville. “Do you think his actions are fuelling this Animoid Army?”

“Hard to say. Tensions have always been high in his realm.”

“Well, he will have some explaining to do at the High Council.” Anastas concluded the topic.

The conversation turned to a lighter note and it wasn’t long before the guests were saying goodbye.

Between Pinemarsh and Kaemoora

The village was ablaze. The militiamen had put up a valiant defence but in the end it was a disaster. They were no match for the Lizard soldiers. Some managed to escape, offering some protection to the villagers as they fled.

“Let them go.” Ordered Uparta. Rollicca passed on the command to another. They stood near the ruined main gate.

“We will head up into the hills and wait to see what reaction there is to our attack.”

“How long do we wait?” Rollicca asked his leader.

“Not long. Tahmore wants us to move further east to Aerie.” Uparta mounted his lizard beast and gave orders to move out.

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