Seeking Within: Now -
Epilogue: The "i" Within Wicky
I experienced half a lifetime and felt all of it; the good, the bad and often it was ugly. I wrote about some major emotional events in my life and it helped me deal with the pain and get past the emotional baggage
From the mind of my imagination
I created my alter-ego; Jon Wicky
I did so, so I could be free from judgement
Free to express myself
To tell my story
Free and unabated
Without embarrassment,
fear or shame
I want nothing in return
But yet the insecure, starving artist inside me
still yearns for something from you,
The Reader.
By reading Seeking Within: Now
for me...
it’s like You've given me a voice
You, in a sense, gave me a sense of purpose
Allowing me to express myself and be creative
I appreciate you,
for me...
for us,
for “i”
You are the ’Chicken Soup for My Soul’,
so I thank you for reading my stories and accompanying me on my author’s journey. I hope I was able to uplift your spirit with some nonsensical silly rhymes at first, but then connect with you on a deeper level towards the end. Pay it forward in the best way that expresses you. That’s when the magic really happens!
Online platforms allow us to become
crummy writer’s, artist’s, or podcasters with just a ‘click’ of a mouse!
But it’s all good because
we all have at least one amazing story inside all of us to tell,
and besides expressing and creating is therapeutic
and heals us. So who cares if ‘What’ you create sucks wet, smelly stinky socks stored in your gym locker over summer break
You’ll improve and get better, over time
and if you don’t, then keep trying
Few will care
as much as you
but who cares
besides you
and if not you,
then who?
‘Just Do It’, for You!
Feed your ego
Evolve it in whatever fuels your creativity
Become the beacon of light
Emit good vibes...
for everyone who comes out into the light to live
Spread your story of love, healing and happiness
out into the mind-meld of others
Love is what you'll find.
I write about casting my ego aside
but the reality is,
the shear fact that I even wrote this
serves my ego
a nice healthy slice
of its favorite side-dish of you know what?
Hot and ready to go!
Thank you, may I have another?
I created an extended ego
to write about myself
to learn more about myself
just to find
myself starring back at the man in the mirror
jerking off with a dead-pan stare. What am i doing this for?
I’m just a 50-year old something pot-head with multiple ego’s shattered across several platforms. Piece them all back together and you’d be putting back the pieces to a portrait of a broken man, with a broken heart...who just wants to be loved…“so make sure you smash that like and subscribe button if you haven’t done so already”. Geez, have I learned nothing?
Still-failing (🙉🙈🙊)
I received the gift of knowing who I am through the honest pursuit of finding the answers to who I once was. In the end, “i” now know that I'm still a piece of shit, but that's just me! I sincerly hope that when you look within youself, you find what you've been searching for. Maybe then we can begin to heal ourselves and in doing so, begin to tend to our future and the future state of humanity.
i thank 'You' upfront for saving our future and all, but most of all I appreciate 'You' for your time and attention. I look forward to seeing your future reflective thoughts put into real action.
~May love and peace pave the path that follows.
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