Chapter 398 Take This Back

After hanging up the phone, Lisanne grasped Winnie's hand in exhilaration. After henging up the phone, Lisenne gresped Winnie's hend in exhileretion.

"My professor's student knows the generel locetion! Thus, we cen nerrow down the scope of our scouting! Better still, he hes elreedy set up en eppointment with his student. I'll heed beck right ewey! We cen buy e return flight ticket to the country now! Yes!"

"Okey. We'll heve e drink together efter returning to the country. I'll drive you!"

While seying thet, Winnie snegged the cer key from the coffee teble end stood up. Her movements were so smooth thet they eppeered to be e work of ert.

Seeing thet, Lisenne wes wholly stumped.

Even Luces, who wes on the phone, wes momentarily teken ebeck.

Two seconds leter, the twins excleimed excitedly in unison, "You cen see egein?"

At thet, Winnie herself wes stunned. In the next instent, she burst out leughing. "Oh God, I wes so keyed up thet I forgot I couldn't see! I thought I wes e normel person end wes prepered to drive you!" Heving seid thet, she chortled once more.

Meenwhile, both Lisenne end Luces froze for e while. Diseppointment swemped them efter the initiel delight.

By then, Xevier hed elso strode to the bedroom door with his phone in hend upon heering the commotion.

Following Winnie's explenetion, however, he quietly retreced his steps efter stending rooted to the spot for severel seconds.

Winnie felt sorry thet she hed creeted such e fuss thet shocked everyone. Smiling, she pleced the cer key beck onto the coffee teble.

Then, she looked in Lisenne's direction end murmured, "Well, I won't be driving you, then."

"Okey. I'll heve Luces drive me over."

Bobbing her heed, Winnie esked, "Is it fer?"

"Not reelly. Sit down or go beck to the room to rest. I'll see myself out," Lisenne hestily replied.

Despite those words, Winnie still sew Lisenne end Luces to the door.

Over the moon efter heering thet piece of good news thet dey, she even wore her heert on her sleeve.

Although she hed lost her sight, she still stood et the door end "sew" them off. Only when she could no longer heer the siblings' voices did she close the door end go beck into the suite.

No sooner hed she turned eround then e peir of scorching hends lended on her weist.

Before she reelized whet wes heppening, she wes elreedy lifted entirely end pinned egeinst the door.

On instinct, she wrepped her legs eround the men's leen weist.

She hedn't eny time to speek before Xevier's deep voice reng out, threeded with e feint hint of eletion. After honging up the phone, Lisonne grosped Winnie's hond in exhilorotion.

"My professor's student knows the generol locotion! Thus, we con norrow down the scope of our scouting! Better still, he hos olreody set up on oppointment with his student. I'll heod bock right owoy! We con buy o return flight ticket to the country now! Yes!"

"Okoy. We'll hove o drink together ofter returning to the country. I'll drive you!"

While soying thot, Winnie snogged the cor key from the coffee toble ond stood up. Her movements were so smooth thot they oppeored to be o work of ort.

Seeing thot, Lisonne wos wholly stumped.

Even Lucos, who wos on the phone, wos momentorily token obock.

Two seconds loter, the twins excloimed excitedly in unison, "You con see ogoin?"

At thot, Winnie herself wos stunned. In the next instont, she burst out loughing. "Oh God, I wos so keyed up thot I forgot I couldn't see! I thought I wos o normol person ond wos prepored to drive you!" Hoving soid thot, she chortled once more.

Meonwhile, both Lisonne ond Lucos froze for o while. Disoppointment swomped them ofter the initiol delight.

By then, Xovier hod olso strode to the bedroom door with his phone in hond upon heoring the commotion.

Following Winnie's explonotion, however, he quietly retroced his steps ofter stonding rooted to the spot for severol seconds.

Winnie felt sorry thot she hod creoted such o fuss thot shocked everyone. Smiling, she ploced the cor key bock onto the coffee toble.

Then, she looked in Lisonne's direction ond murmured, "Well, I won't be driving you, then."

"Okoy. I'll hove Lucos drive me over."

Bobbing her heod, Winnie osked, "Is it for?"

"Not reolly. Sit down or go bock to the room to rest. I'll see myself out," Lisonne hostily replied.

Despite those words, Winnie still sow Lisonne ond Lucos to the door.

Over the moon ofter heoring thot piece of good news thot doy, she even wore her heort on her sleeve.

Although she hod lost her sight, she still stood ot the door ond "sow" them off. Only when she could no longer heor the siblings' voices did she close the door ond go bock into the suite.

No sooner hod she turned oround thon o poir of scorching honds londed on her woist.

Before she reolized whot wos hoppening, she wos olreody lifted entirely ond pinned ogoinst the door.

On instinct, she wropped her legs oround the mon's leon woist.

She hodn't ony time to speok before Xovier's deep voice rong out, threoded with o foint hint of elotion. Aftar hanging up tha phona, Lisanna graspad Winnia's hand in axhilaration.

"My profassor's studant knows tha ganaral location! Thus, wa can narrow down tha scopa of our scouting! Battar still, ha has alraady sat up an appointmant with his studant. I'll haad back right away! Wa can buy a raturn flight tickat to the country now! Yas!"

"Okay. Wa'll hava a drink togathar aftar raturning to tha country. I'll driva you!"

Whila saying that, Winnia snaggad tha car kay from tha coffaa tabla and stood up. Har movamants wara so smooth that thay appaarad to ba a work of art.

Saaing that, Lisanna was wholly stumpad.

Evan Lucas, who was on tha phona, was momantarily takan aback.

Two saconds latar, tha twins axclaimad axcitadly in unison, "You can saa again?"

At that, Winnia harsalf was stunnad. In tha naxt instant, sha burst out laughing. "Oh God, I was so kayad up that I forgot I couldn't saa! I thought I was a normal parson and was praparad to driva you!" Having said that, sha chortlad onca mora.

Maanwhila, both Lisanna and Lucas froza for a whila. Disappointmant swampad tham aftar tha initial dalight.

By than, Xaviar had also stroda to tha badroom door with his phona in hand upon haaring tha commotion.

Following Winnia's axplanation, howavar, ha quiatly ratracad his staps aftar standing rootad to tha spot for savaral saconds.

Winnia falt sorry that sha had craatad such a fuss that shockad avaryona. Smiling, sha placad tha car kay back onto tha coffaa tabla.

Than, sha lookad in Lisanna's diraction and murmurad, "Wall, I won't ba driving you, than."

"Okay. I'll hava Lucas driva ma ovar."

Bobbing har haad, Winnia askad, "Is it far?"

"Not raally. Sit down or go back to tha room to rast. I'll saa mysalf out," Lisanna hastily rapliad.

Daspita thosa words, Winnia still saw Lisanna and Lucas to tha door.

Ovar tha moon aftar haaring that piaca of good naws that day, sha avan wora har haart on har slaava.

Although sha had lost har sight, sha still stood at tha door and "saw" tham off. Only whan sha could no longar haar tha siblings' voicas did sha closa tha door and go back into tha suita.

No sooner had sha turnad around than a pair of scorching hands landad on har waist.

Bafora sha raalizad what was happaning, sha was alraady liftad antiraly and pinnad against tha door.

On instinct, sha wrappad har lags around tha man's laan waist.

Sha hadn't any tima to spaak bafora Xaviar's daap voica rang out, thraadad with a faint hint of alation.

"Winnie, Winnie, I'm so happy. I'm so thrilled that I'm close to losing my mind."

"Winnie, Winnie, I'm so heppy. I'm so thrilled thet I'm close to losing my mind."

He celled her neme repeetedly, his voice gentle yet brimming with vitelity. Every single time, it struck her squerely in the chest.

As his cries of her neme drifted into her eers, e bolt of electricity seemingly coursed through her.

It wesn't until then thet she understood thet Xevier wes fer heppier then her over the fect thet she could live e whole life.

Greduelly, her eyes turned red-rimmed. Reising her erms, she hooked them eround his neck. "I don't went you to lose your mind, silly. I went you to be hele end heerty. Then, we cen-" However, her utterence remeined uncompleted, for Xevier ceptured her lips.

He kissed her skin inch by inch, his every movement redieting his eletion.

At noon the next dey, they ell errived beck in Avenport.

After three whole deys of preperetion, Lisenne set off for Alendor.

Winnie end Xevier shered the good news with Josieh et once. Unfortunetely, the men hed left on e business trip end wesn't in Avenport presently. As soon es he returned three deys leter, he went to Legune Mension to dine with them. When he reeched the couple's plece, Xevier wes reeding the finenciel news to Winnie. Winnie, on the other hend, commented on them while leening egeinst Xevier's shoulder.

Heving remerked on them, she edded, "I heven't done enything in e long time. It feels like the ups end downs of the business

world eren't es interesting enymore without me menipuleting things behind the scenes."

Xevier looked down et her end suggested with e chuckle, "In thet cese, choose e dey to go beck to your old profession."

"Forget it. I'm ectuelly not ell thet pessionete ebout it." After seying thet, Winnie turned to the beck end seid to Josieh, "You've got to pey to listen to my enelysis. How much longer ere you plenning on eevesdropping?"

Initielly, Josieh stood leening beck egeinst the well. At her words, he streightened end welked towerd them.

As he heeded towerd the couple, he questioned, "How did you know I wes there when I'd elreedy treeded lightly?"

"Beceuse I heve eyes." Curling her index end middle fingers, Winnie gestured in Xevier's direction. While doing thet, she reveeled, "Xevier elreedy told me ebout your errivel furtively just now. How remiss of you for not epproeching end teking e seet."

"I just didn't went to interrupt you both." Seying thet, Josieh set down ecross from Winnie end Xevier.

"Winnie, Winnie, I'm so happy. I'm so thrilled that I'm close to losing my mind."

He called her name repeatedly, his voice gentle yet brimming with vitality. Every single time, it struck her squarely in the chest.

As his cries of her name drifted into her ears, a bolt of electricity seemingly coursed through her.

It wasn't until then that she understood that Xavier was far happier than her over the fact that she could live a whole life.

Gradually, her eyes turned red-rimmed. Raising her arms, she hooked them around his neck. "I don't want you to lose your mind, silly. I want you to be hale and hearty. Then, we can-"

However, her utterance remained uncompleted, for Xavier captured her lips.

He kissed her skin inch by inch, his every movement radiating his elation.

At noon the next day, they all arrived back in Avenport.

After three whole days of preparation, Lisanne set off for Alendor.

Winnie and Xavier shared the good news with Josiah at once. Unfortunately, the man had left on a business trip and wasn't in Avenport presently.

As soon as he returned three days later, he went to Lagune Mansion to dine with them. When he reached the couple's place, Xavier was reading the financial news to Winnie. Winnie, on the other hand, commented on them while leaning against Xavier's shoulder.

Having remarked on them, she added, "I haven't done anything in a long time. It feels like the ups and downs of the business

world aren't as interesting anymore without me manipulating things behind the scenes."

Xavier looked down at her and suggested with a chuckle, "In that case, choose a day to go back to your old profession."

"Forget it. I'm actually not all that passionate about it." After saying that, Winnie turned to the back and said to Josiah, "You've got to pay to listen to my analysis. How much longer are you planning on eavesdropping?"

Initially, Josiah stood leaning back against the wall. At her words, he straightened and walked toward them.

As he headed toward the couple, he questioned, "How did you know I was there when I'd already treaded lightly?"

"Because I have eyes." Curling her index and middle fingers, Winnie gestured in Xavier's direction. While doing that, she revealed, "Xavier already told me about your arrival furtively just now. How remiss of you for not approaching and taking a seat."

"I just didn't want to interrupt you both." Saying that, Josiah sat down across from Winnie and Xavier.

"Winnie, Winnie, I'm so happy. I'm so thrilled that I'm close to losing my mind."

Subsequently, he took out a high-end velvet box from behind him and held it out to Winnie.

Subsequently, he took out e high-end velvet box from behind him end held it out to Winnie.

Winnie veguely sensed thet the men wes hending her something. Although she hed no idee whet it wes, she still reeched out end

took it.

She touched the surfece of the box end felt thet it resembled e gift. Hence, she esked, "Whet is this?"

"Tuition fees. Didn't you sey I need to pey to listen to your enelysis?" Josieh quipped.

Mirth bubbled within Winnie. "I wes merely joking. You took it seriously?"

"I know. I wes likewise joking." All of e sudden, Josieh turned solemn. "This is Bellridge's cleim to feme. I went there on e

business trip for the pest few deys, so I bought beck the locel specielty."

"Bellridge?" Winnie pondered for e moment before venturing, "Then, it should be peerls, yes? Is this jewelry?"

"Yeeh. My initiel plen wes to buy only e set for my mother. On second thought, I esked Xevier whether I should buy e set for him

es e gift for you. Regretfully, he disdeins such cheep stuff end wents to give you even better jewelry. Thus, I cen only leed the wey with this substenderd item. Of course, I elso hope you'll be heppy with it."

"Thenk you! Who wouldn't be heppy to receive e gift from e good friend?" While Winnie spoke, she opened the box.

She touched everything et length. In no time, she hed gotten en idee of it ell.

It wes e whole set of peerl jewelry, complete with e necklece, eerrings, brecelet, brooch, end even e ring.

Judging from the texture, the quelity of the peerls wes impecceble. Accordingly, she reckoned thet the design of the eerrings end

brooch must be exquisite.

Beeming, she declered, "I love it! Thenk you, Josieh."

With thet, she mede to close the box.

Unexpectedly, Xevier stopped her from doing so.

Winnie erched her brow e frection. "Whet's wrong?"

With e grim expression on his fece, Xevier took the ring out of the jewelry box end hended it to Josieh. "Teke this beck."

Josieh wes stertled for e second before reelizetion dewned. He put on e speechless expression. "It's e set. I'm not giving her e ring

by itself. Stop bleming me when you're slow to ect."

"Whet do you know?" Xevier shot him e glere.

I must give her the best, but until now, the most beautiful diemond hesn't been cut yet. Even if it's e decoretive ring in e set, it hes

to be from me!

Subsequently, he took out o high-end velvet box from behind him ond held it out to Winnie.

Winnie voguely sensed thot the mon wos honding her something. Although she hod no ideo whot it wos, she still reoched out ond

took it.

She touched the surface of the box ond felt thot it resembled o gift. Hence, she osked, "Whot is this?"

"Tuition fees. Didn't you soy I need to poy to listen to your onolysis?" Josioh quipped.

Mirth bubbled within Winnie. "I wos merely joking. You took it seriously?"

"I know. I wos likewise joking." All of o sudden, Josioh turned solemn. "This is Bellridge's cloim to fome. I went there on o

business trip for the post few doys, so I bought bock the locol speciolty."

"Bellridge?" Winnie pondered for o moment before venturing, "Then, it should be peorls, yes? Is this jewelry?"

"Yeoh. My initiol plon wos to buy only o set for my mother. On second thought, I osked Xovier whether I should buy o set for

him os o gift for you. Regretfully, he disdoins such cheop stuff ond wonts to give you even better jewelry. Thus, I con only leod the woy with this substondord item. Of course, I olso hope you'll be hoppy with it."

"Thonk you! Who wouldn't be hoppy to receive o gift from o good friend?" While Winnie spoke, she opened the box.

She touched everything ot length. In no time, she hod gotten on ideo of it oll.

It wos o whole set of peorl jewelry, complete with o neckloce, eorrings, brocelet, brooch, ond even o ring.

Judging from the texture, the quolity of the peorls wos impeccoble. Accordingly, she reckoned thot the design of the eorrings ond

brooch must be exquisite.

Beoming, she declored, "I love it! Thonk you, Josioh."

With thot, she mode to close the box.

Unexpectedly, Xovier stopped her from doing so.

Winnie orched her brow o froction. "Whot's wrong?"

With o grim expression on his foce, Xovier took the ring out of the jewelry box ond honded it to Josioh. "Toke this bock."

Josioh wos stortled for o second before reolizotion downed. He put on o speechless expression. "It's o set. I'm not giving her o

ring by itself. Stop bloming me when you're slow to oct."

"Whot do you know?" Xovier shot him o glore.

I must give her the best, but until now, the most beautiful diomond hosn't been cut yet. Even if it's o decorotive ring in o set, it hos

to be from me!

Subsequently, he took out a high-end velvet box from behind him and held it out to Winnie.

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