Space Brigade
Chapter 6

Coalition President Lurth arrived early at the central assembly chambers. He preferred it that way, and always enjoyed guessing which of the alien delegates would arrive first.

At the moment only a few chamber ushers busied themselves checking the delegates data-pads. Lurth sat himself in his raised seat at the head of the chamber; here he had a clear view of the entrance.

He mused himself by soaking in the splendour of the chambers ornate architecture, the many pennants of the aligned Coalition species which hung from its high walls.

Above, and just behind him swung the Coalition Standard, an emerald green star-field with the triangular set of the first three allied planets, Agar, Lithia, and Waii. This was the accepted banner of the Coalition, and was hung in all official chambers.

To either side of the presidential seat, many curved benches staged upwards created the auditorium. Between the presidents dais and the main entrance stood a lone podium, here any member could take the floor and address the assembly.

Lurth wore as usual, his state robes of emerald green. Around his neck hung the Ventekian insignia of political honour. Lurth’ mane of beige hair blended well with the state robes, his deep blue slit eyes stood out from his pale features. As with all Ventekians, Lurth was committed to truth and honesty in all diplomacy. He had, as many before him, been conditioned from birth to enter Galactic politics.

He had worked hard in the past to obtain his present position, and had been unanimously elected to the presidency some seven years ago. During this time, he had managed to survive at least two orchestrated assassination attempts, one by the Sentec, and the other by the Quat-tar, the latter attempt being two years ago.

The assembly had started to arrive. The many delegates lined the benches, acknowledging Lurth as they passed. Lurth made a mental note that it was the Lithian

delegate Ooli who had arrived first, followed shortly by the Waii delegate. The public gallery high above was sparsely occupied, nothing out of the ordinary, not many everyday people spared the time to listen to diplomatic debates.

Within minutes the assembly was nearly ready. Everyone of any importance was present, with the exception of the Network military representatives. Lurth would for once like to be able to start on time, even without the Network, but that would be considered a breach of diplomatic protocol, so he decided to wait once again.

His wait did not last long. First Admiral Jerrico Spate flanked by General Lavar, Chief of Agar security, and General Haltic, Chief of Network intelligence walked in. As the two generals took their seats to the immediate left of Lurth, First Admiral Spate took the centre podium. Lurth was well aware Spate wanted to address the assembly before they got too involved in other areas, things Spate considered more mundane matters of government.

Lurth was also aware of the nature of Spate’ address, and what dire consequences it could hold for at least one of the delegates present. So without further delay, he called the assembly to order, saying.

“ Honourable members; First Admiral Spate has requested an audience concerning a most urgent military matter.”

Spate gazed slowly round the chamber as if checking to make sure everyone was paying attention, then began.

“ Two days ago a most heinous crime was perpetrated against the Coalition. The Coalition space liner Pacificator was brutally attacked and destroyed while in Waii free space.”

Spate waited while the assembly mumbled amongst themselves, then continued.

“ The Pacificator was unfortunately transporting a non-aligned envoy to Agar with a view to their species joining the Coalition. This envoy is a representative of Tanteee!”

Spate halted to let the news sink in, the chamber fell into silence, and he continued.

“ It has since came to light, that the envoy was taken captive by the assailants. The Tanteee Emperor himself has been in constant contact with me, and has reminded me that the Network guaranteed his envoy protection.

He has therefore requested the Network to honour the guarantee and retrieve the envoy. He has also requested urgent military aid in the defence of his planet.” He paused, coughed, and then continued.

“These requests have been made on the basis of a personal log dispatch found by a Waii vessel in the vicinity of the attack. The dispatch was transmitted to Network Headquarters from Tanteee yesterday.”

Spate reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a small diskette. He placed it into the podiums terminal, saying.

“ These are the words of the Tanteee envoy”

The auditorium speakers sounded out sounds of alert and laser fire. After a few seconds, a voice spoke.

“ This is Ambassador Morka of Tanteee. The ship has come under attack. The captain has capitulated, and ordered the passengers to the life-pods. At this moment we are being boarded. I have sent my aide to see if he can ascertain who has attacked us, and he should return shortly. I dispatch this log in the hope it will be found by the Coalition, or one of their allies.”

The diskette fell silent, there was along strained period of silence. The assembly had started to converse amongst themselves. Spate held up his hand to silence them. The message started again with the sound of an explosion.

“ Idoo has returned. We are being boarded by the Quat-tar.”

Spate stopped the playback again as the members erupted into uproar. After a while, Lurth managed to quell there obvious anger at the announcement, and Spate re-activated the disc.

“ I fear we will not survive. But if we do, then the safety of my home world could be compromised. Whoever finds this log must make all efforts to get it to Tanteee. The Emperor must consider our planetary defence shield codes to be in Quat-tar hands, and must take all necessary action to ensure the safety of our home world. I regret!”

A screeching sound emanated from the speakers, followed by a hissing. Then Morka’ voice spoke again.

“ They will be here soon. Idoo will endeavour to eject this log. I apologize for my failure, and for the danger I may have placed my people in.”

The diskette fell silent. Spate retrieved it from the terminal, and announced.

“ This diskette has been verified and authenticated by the DCO. As a result, Emperor Zix has declared a state of war with the Quat-tar and all their allies.”

All eyes turned to the reptilian Ambassador of Ormacronis. The Ormacronis shipyards supply the Quat-tar with their warships, and are long time allies.

Although not aligned with the Coalition, the Ormacrons held a seat on the assembly. The Quat-tar were offered the same opportunity, but had declined.

Ormacron Ambassador Saroon quickly held a muted conversation with his colleagues then hissed his response.

“ Why is it you all look at me? Ormacronis is not to blame for the actions of the Quat-tar. Yes we supply starships to them, just as we do with others. I can see no reason why the assembly should place the responsibility with Ormacronis!”

“ No one is holding you directly responsible Saroon.” Lurth commented.

“ I should think not Mister President.” Saroon hissed venomously.

“ You are however the only member here who could contact the Quat-tar and warn them of any action the Network might take. Therefore, I must detain you until any action has been fully concluded!” Spate stated.

Saroon bared his sharp jagged teeth and growled an answer.

“ You have no legal right to do this. I am protected by Coalition diplomatic immunity, your authority is not recognized in this camber!”

Saroon’ tongue flicked wildly, betraying his anger. He stepped from his position and headed for the exit.

The chamber door opened and in marched four armed Network troops, barring Saroon’ way. Several delegates were immediately on their feet protesting the intrusion of Network troops and Saroon’ impending arrest.

As the different dialects grew louder, President Lurth lost all semblance of order. The shouts of disapproval were turning into an inaudible mash of gibberish.

Suddenly the noise was cut short by the crack of laser fire. The auditorium was stunned into silence. The only noise to be heard was the sound of a laser on leather as it was returned to its owner’s holster.

All delegates turned their attention to General Lavar as he snapped his holster shut. One shrill voice broke the silence.

“ The Coalition charter forbids the carrying of weapons in this chamber. General Lavar is in breach of that, so I demand his immediate impeachment!”

Ambassador Xxan of Kodo had her upper set of wings spread wide in anger her lower set remained folded tight against her back. Her musical voice held great emotion in her demand for Lavar’ arrest. Spate intervened on Lavar’ behalf, before Lurth could answer Xxan.

“ As Chief of Agar security, General Lavar does have the right to bare arms anywhere on Agar, as it is stated in the Coalition Network mandate, and will only leave this chamber when I say so.”

He then gestured to the troops, and they escorted Ambassador Saroon from the building.

“ You wish to speak Ambassador Ooli?” Lurth asked as the Lithian delegate caught his eye.

” I do.” Ooli replied.

Ooli’ shimmering, partly transparent body rose into the air and glided over the heads of the others, and came to rest gently between Lurth and Spate. Everyone remained quiet, waiting for the words from one of the most esteemed members of the Assembly.

“ Mister President, First Admiral, Honoured members. Although there is no fondness between Lithia and Ormacronis, I feel honour bound to speak on behalf of Ambassador Saroon. It would indeed appear there has been a most dire infringement of Coalition diplomatic code in the admiral’ arrest of Saroon. I must fervently request the immediate release of the Ormacron delegate.”

As Ooli’ high-pitched tones faded, Spate stepped from the podium saying.

“ Ambassador Ooli, may I bring to your attention the Coalition Network mandate of three six one three, section five, sub-section two.

It states, if for any reason the Network considers any person, military, civilian, or diplomatic, a reasonable liability to the security of an ongoing operation then said person, or persons will be deemed accessible to Network detention.

In the case of diplomats, any diplomatic immunity shall be considered suspended until the stated operation is free from any intervention from the accused.”

There followed a short silence as the assembly ushers tried to verify the mandate in question. Ambassador Ooli, not waiting for confirmation, said.

“ I was unaware of such a clause in the mandate, are you sure your facts are correct?”

The ushers found the stated mandate and confirmed Spate’ announcement. Ambassador Ooli immediately responded.

“ I bow to your insight in mandate regulation Admiral. I withdraw my motion!”

Ooli then glided back to his seat.

“ First Admiral, it appears the detention of Ambassador Saroon is at present legal, however I suggest you seek a quick end to your operation, so we can expedite Saroon’ release.” Lurth advised.

Spate held out his hand and gave a curt nod, saying.

“ It is my intention to have this operation last no longer than is necessary Mister President.

As of six hours ago, Coalition standard time, a contingent of Network starships was dispatched to aid Tanteee in the defence of their planet. The Network carrier Phoenix Pride has been put on alert pending mobilization, with a view to enter Quat-tar space and attempt to retrieve the envoy. At the same time they will also try to repatriate any prisoners being held captive on Secunda.

I request, that in view of the nature of this operation, the associates of Saroon be detained by this assembly until further notice, and that any off world communication be denied them!”

President Lurth pondered Spate’ request as all delegates watched him, waiting for his answer. He was well aware of the importance of maintaining security in such a mission, but to detain the colleagues of Saroon just for being associated with him could provoke dissension amongst the delegates. Already he could see several of them showing signs of backing the Ormacrons.

“ I am loathed to grant your request First Admiral, I’m sure it is an un-necessary action. Ambassador Saroon’ associates have done nothing to warrant an assembly detention, unless you have some evidence to the contrary?”

Spate pursed his lips as he paced the floor. Picking his next words carefully, he said.

“ Mister President. For months this assembly has been repeatedly badgering Network Command to formulate some action to repatriate its lost comrades from the Quat-tar. This unfortunate situation with the Tanteee envoy has now forced our hand.

It is imperative to the security of this operation that all secrecy of the Phoenix’ imminent departure for Quat-tar space be kept concealed. We can’t risk one of Saroon’ associates contacting Ormacronis. The word of the Phoenix’ mission would undoubtedly be passed to the Quat-tar.

Furthermore, it is our intention to stem the supply of warships to the Quat-tar by way of assaulting the Ormacronis shipyards. Two starships are already on their way to carry out this task!”

Spate’ last statement infuriated most of the delegates. Once again they raised their voices in total disagreement of the first admiral’s actions, some even stood to leave. Lurth frantically fought to bring some kind of reasonable order to the meeting, and finally after succeeding said.

“ First Admiral, the startling perimeters of your operation shock us all. This assembly’ requests for the Network to mount an action to retrieve any Quat-tar captives was not a license to mount an assault on the Ormacronis shipyards, or any other target you wish.

Furthermore, although this assembly has no jurisdiction in military matters, I insist you think again on your actions, at least abandon your pending attack on the Ormacronis shipyards!”

Spate knew he was backing Lurth into a corner. Lurth had two options, either grant the detention request, in which case he would have to quell some serious objections from certain quarters of the assembly, or deny the request and chance Spate would invoke the previous mandate to place Saroon’ associates under military arrest.

After some considerable thought, Lurth beckoned Spate over. When he reached him, Lurth bent forward and whispered.

“ Jerrico, you are causing dissension here, I’m sure you know Saroon has some sympathizers amongst the higher delegates. If I grant your request it could mean the dissolvement of certain standing treaties!”

“ Age old treaties are not at issue here, the security of this operation is. Besides, it’s too late; the Ormacronis task force is underway and running silent. We couldn’t contact them even if I wanted to abort.

I have already invoked the military mandate, must I do the same in this case. If so, Saroon’ associates will be incarcerated in the military cells of Vorll!” Spate warned.

Lurth frowned at Spate’ suggestion, then stood and addressed the assembly.

“ After speaking with First Admiral Spate and pondering the situation with great intensity. I have reached a decision on this matter.

Ambassador Saroon’ associates will be kept here as our guests. The duration of their stay will be determined on a daily basis. All associated will be denied off-world communication for the duration of their stay.

I see this as a far better solution than having them spend the time in the military detention cells of Vorll. Every attempt will be made to make their stay as pleasant as possible. I also feel this decision, although abhorrent to some, is far better than putting many Network troops lives at un-necessary risk. However First Admiral, I urge you to take harsh steps to ensure the expedient end to this unsavoury operation.”

Lurth’ voice held a slight warning in his last statement. Spate nodded in acceptance.

Most of the delegates voiced partial agreement at Lurth’ tactful decision. Others continued to voice their objections loudly, jeering and scoffing at the presidents presumed weak decree. Once the babbling subsided Spate spoke.

“ The Network welcomes the foresight of the illustrious assembly in complying with our requests. There is only one other matter I wish to bring up before we take our leave.

The Phoenix needs to reach Quat-tar space as soon as possible, and therefore I humbly ask the President to put pressure on the Director the DCO to acquire safe passage through the Executive. This will allow the operation to progress faster, thus ensuring the release of Ambassador Saroon and his associates quicker.”

“ Diplomatic lines with the Executive are extremely thin at present First Admiral, it may not be possible to achieve what you wish!” Lurth responded.

Spate permitted himself a snide smile before answering.

“ I’m sure Director Quinn will do all he can to gain safe passage if requested by you. I have the utmost confidence in his ability.”

Lurth was fast approaching losing all patients with Spate’ attitude, and after a short pause said.

“ I will do all I can. Now is there anything else?”

“ No Mister President, I think I’ve covered everything.”

“ Then due to the unforeseen upheaval of this meeting, I will adjourn until tomorrow.”

Lurth stepped down from his dais and headed quickly for his adjoining office without glancing at Spate.

Once outside the assembly chambers, Spate chatted with Lavar. An assembly usher approached and politely requested Spate’ presents at the President’ private chamber.

“ I’ll see you back at HQ.” Spate remarked as he followed the usher.

Raga, Cap, and Pala entered the Phoenix’ briefing room three, and glanced around to see who was already there. Phoenix Command Captain Mittvn had somehow managed to disconnect himself from Admiral Torre’ side; he was normally stuck to Torre like a second shadow, and was engaged in a conversation with the Chief Medical Officer.

General Bel-tel, commander of the Phoenix’ Rapid Assault Team, stood near them listening, but for once did not interrupt.

Cap pointed to Major’ Vadier and Lench of the Rats. He and Pala walked over and casually interrupted. All four had been friends back when Cap and Pala were part of the Rats.

“ Hello Jim, glad to see you’re still alive!”

Raga recognized the voice of his friend General Mi Hancy of Phoenix intelligence.

“ Hi Mi, thanks for the timely tip on Sentec.”

“ Just doing my job, my boy.” Mi answered smiling.

“ Yeah well your warning came just in time. Our losses could’ve been a lot worse if we’d walked into that battalion of Sentec shock-troops.”

Mi acknowledged with a small nod.

“By the way, how come your intelligence bods can come up with the info, but central intelligence can’t?” Raga asked.

Mi shrugged and replied.

“ You have to remember Jim, the Phoenix is there right where the action is. Central have to rely on second, maybe third hand information. Don’t blame them too much if things didn’t go quite as expected.”

Mi took a sip from his drink, then broached an old subject; it had been quite a while since they last spoke of it.

“ The offer is still open you know. Come on, give up Pierce Force and come work with me?”

“Not that again, I’ve already told you I’m not an info seeker.” Raga answered as he caught a glimpse of General Bel-tel approaching.

“ Hancy. Raga.” Bel-tel said.

Before either could acknowledge, Bel-tel continued.

“ I understand you nearly botched the Sentec mission Raga. Perhaps I should ask Torre to give me command of your force.”

As Raga went to answer, Mi gripped his arm firmly and answered.

“ I’m sure Colonel Raga has made full and complete report to the admiral regarding his unfortunate losses. But what about your assault, I hear the Rats didn’t fair much better. At least Jim managed to bring back what he went in for. Apparently the Rats abandoned their target completely!”

Bel-tel’ face reddened, he blustered his reply.

“ The Rapid Assault Team was most unfortunate, their target was highly defended, and was virtually impregnable. They had no option but to make a strategic withdrawal!”

“ Ah, but wasn’t Jim’ target just as well fortified? They still went in and achieved success.” Mi parried while keeping calm and collected.

Bel-tel’ face began to pale and return to its more normal colour. He cleared his throat and replied.

“ Quite, however I still feel Pierce Force should fall under my command and be attached to the Rats. If we had had them at Senpra then perhaps the assault would’ve proceeded as planned. After all Senpra was the more important target.”

“ Well Bel-tel, perhaps you should take that up with Admiral Torre, but I understand he’s not of the same opinion as yourself. Also he’s yet to receive my report on both operations.” Mi stated insinuating a warning.

Bel-tel mumbled something under his breath neither Mi nor Raga could comprehend then stormed off.

“ It would give Bel-tel extreme pleasure to take your command. I don’t know what you’ve done to get on his bad side, but if you come up against him when I’m not around be very careful what you say. Give him one excuse and he’ll have Pierce Force.” Mi advised.

Raga nodded then remarked.

“Something personal happened between us when we were stationed on the Mavrik. He was just a colonel then. But don’t worry about me, I know how to handle Bel-tel. you’d better watch your back though, he can be a mean bastard when the mood takes him.”

Mi shook his head while saying.

“Oh Bel-tel can’t do anything while we’re the same rank, it’s a case of two officers just having a disagreement that’s all.”

Mi took another sip from his now almost empty glass.

“ Refill?” Raga inquired, gesturing to the glass.

Mi nodded and they headed for the bar.

“ Tell me, how’s Captain Beeta? I understand he had some trouble with a shore-cop the other night.”

Raga looked at Mi in surprise, surely he had not found out about that already, he thought.

“ Don’t look so panicked Jim. Torre received a report concerning an assault on the shore-cop and that’s all. He doesn’t know who was involved, only that they are reported to belong to Pierce Force. He’s asked me to look into the matter and get back to him. I’ll delay for awhile, then report everything drew a blank, and shelve the investigation.”

Raga smiled as he handed Mi his drink.

“ Perhaps next time you and your cohorts go on a binge you should remove your insignia. Sooner or later Torre’ going to catch up with you, there’s only so much I can do to cover your butt.”

Raga started to offer an explanation, but was cut short by the arrival of Admiral Torre.

Torre walked directly to his seat at the head of the conference table. Stood behind him was a tall wiry alien, a humanoid with long cyan hair. His eyes were bright and piercing and his complexion a pale grey.

Raga had never seen this species, and went to inquire if Mi had, but was interrupted.

“ Gentlemen, be seated.” Admiral Torre said.

The officers took their usual seats and Torre began.

“Firstly I’d like to introduce Colonel Lal of Tanteee intelligence. He will be coming along on this operation. I trust you will all make him welcome.”

The alien colonel bowed his head slightly in recognition then seated himself next to the admiral.

“ Gentlemen I have received our mission parameters from Network Command. This little jaunt is probably going to be the hardest we’ve tackled so far!”

He paused to let the seriousness of what he was about to say sink in.

“First Admiral Spate has ordered the Phoenix into Quat-tar space! Our objective is to land a force on Secunda.”

Several mumbles rounded the table, Torre waited for them to subside.

“Operational parameters. General Bel-tel, your Rapid Assault Team is to assault the military base of Burrena. You must take the base, immobilize all ground forces, and destroy all ground and atmospheric fighters. You must prevent any attempt to mount a counter attack from the surface.”

“Consider it done sir.” Bel-tel said confidently.

Torre glanced at him as if annoyed at his interruption then continued as if Bel-tel had not spoken.

“General Hancy, I’m afraid I must ask you to take command of our main marine force on this one. General Hendriks is unfortunately held up in hospital, something to do with his days putting down rebellions in the gas mines of Vetagra. He should be back by the time we get home. So, your target will be Tormac-sol, Secunda’ only populated city. Telson’ commandoes will go in, in advance and secure the communications centre, once that is accomplished you can move the marines in.”

“I’ll do my best sir.” Mi answered.

“That’s all we can ask for General!”

“Sir, perhaps I should have command of the marines, I have had considerably more experience in the field than General Hancy.” Bel-tel stated.

“I’m quite sure General Hancy will do just fine, he’s a very competent officer, and quite experienced at commanding a large force. He’s put in his time on the line General!” Torre responded without glancing at Bel-tel.

Hancy shot Bel-tel a look of contempt, taking note to even things up with him the next chance he gets.

“Colonel Raga, Pierce Force has a unique target, Secunda’ underground prison. Your mission is to gain entrance and get as many people out as you can. You’ve probably heard the rumours of how bad the captives have been treated, so you can expect most of them to be in a terrible state.

Try to handle them as carefully as you can, but don’t sacrifice any of your force if there’s any you can’t reach. Network intelligence estimates in excess of two thousand are being held. I want all of them if possible!”

“I’m not a magician sir, it’ll take a small fleet to transport that many off Secunda without being detected, and if I’m not mistaken, the exact location of the prison isn’t known.” Raga remarked.

“Yes, you’re quite right. It’s up to you and your team to locate it, and as for getting them off, well we’ll have to use the dropships to ferry them to the Phoenix and escort ships.”

Mi Hancy raised his hand.

“Admiral how are we going to get Telson’ commandoes and Pierce Force onto Secunda without alerting the Quat-tar?”

“Good point. Colonel Lal?” Torre remarked as he gestured to the alien.

The alien colonel closed his eyes for a few moments, then opened them and spoke.

“We have at are disposal a craft that can pass the Quat-tar early warning systems without being detected. This craft can land your pathfinder groups then rejoin the Phoenix to aid in the assault”

“Once the ground communications centre has been taken...” Torre stopped talking as Colonel Telson walked in.

“Sorry I’m late sir.”

Torre inclined his head slightly as Telson took his seat.

“Once the communications centre has been taken everything will centre around Pierce Force, theirs is the main objective. First the COMM centre, then the prison, then the main assault and Burrena. If Raga and his people fail, we all fail!”

Colonel Guy Telson, most decorated veteran of the Network, and friend of First Admiral Spate, threw something onto the table, and said.

“That was taken from a Quat-tar on Nava 4. One of my men had misappropriated it for his personal collection. I’ve since reprimanded him. It’s a data classification tube. Deciphering has broken its coding and found it holds the approximate location of the communications centre, and a detailed lay out of Tormac-sol.”

“Well done colonel, this should make your task a little easier.” Torre said.

Torre then turned his attention to the Chief Medical Officer.

“We may suffer substantial casualties Doctor, make sure all your staff are on the ball. Have maintenance run a diagnostic on the mobile hospital, and run performance checks on all your field teams. You’ll be stretched to the limit on this Ferl!”

“I’m sure we’ll manage sir.” Ferl Collona responded.

She felt a little peeved that Torre assumed her medical staff were not always at their peak, but decided not to press the matter at this moment.

“We depart Agar in two hours for the Torokian system where we will rendezvous with the Tanteee craft. You have until then to liase with Captain Mittvn for any info you require. Mi, have your people work overtime on this, we need all the info you can come up with. I will require your interim strategies by the time we reach Torok. Any questions?”

General Hancy was first to speak.

“Will Colonel Lal be joining one of the assault teams?”

Torre motioned Lal to respond, which he did in good, though broken Coalition standard.

“I have a minor mission of my own to complete. I cannot divulge what that mission entails at this moment, but I will be accompanying Colonel Raga.”

Bel-tel was next, inquiring.

“Sir, who will have overall command while on the surface?”

“Planetary command will fall to you once Mi has taken Tormac-sol, and you have taken Burrena.”

“Thank you Sir.” Bel-tel interrupted.

Torre held up his hand to halt him.

“I haven’t finished yet General. Colonel Raga’ Pierce Force will be considered a totally independent force, reporting directly back to me. Mi, I’ve assigned Colonel Daws as your second in command, he a damn good tactician.”

Hancy nodded in silent acceptance.

“The Phoenix will remain in constant contact with the main marine attack force unless we are forced to withdraw, in which case standard procedures will apply. Anything else?” Torre stated.

All in the room remained silent, with the exception of Telson, who had suddenly began to cough violently.

“You all right Colonel?” Mi asked.

“Fine, fine, just a touch of the old trouble. I’ll be ok in a few moments.”

Telson too had spent several long months down the gas mines on Vetagra.

“Very well this briefing is at an end. Colonel Raga, remain behind for a few moments please.” Torre said.

Raga remained at his seat as the others headed for the door. Cap threw him a sly glance as he walked out, Raga replied with a wink.

Once they had gone Torre said.

“This is confidential Raga. A few days ago the Quat-tar captured one of Lal’ comrades, an ambassador who was en route to Agar. You have the task of retrieving him as a priority. Colonel Lal will accompany you. If you can’t get the ambassador out, then Colonel Lal will eliminate him, he’s not to be left on Secunda alive!”

“It is very important to my planets security that we retrieve Ambassador Morka. The fate of my entire race lies in his hands!” Lal added.

“I’m not an assassin!” Raga stated bluntly.

“Neither am I Colonel, but if it needs doing, then I will not fail!” Lal confirmed clinically.

“Yeah right, and if you don’t make it to the ambassador, what then?” Raga asked a cynical tone.

Torre hastened to interrupt.

“Then you will be required to carry out Colonel Lal’ mission and eliminate the ambassador. I know we’re asking a lot of you, but I also know you’re not squeamish. You’ve taken out live targets before, this will be just the same.”

“ Sir, any target I’ve eliminated before hasn’t been unarmed or incarcerated. They all had a chance to defend themselves.”

Torre raised an eyebrow, sighed, and then said.

“If you feel you’re not up to this, then I can always assign Lal to Bel-tel, and Pierce Force can have Burrena.”

Torre knew this statement would almost certainly guarantee Raga’ acceptance. After a short silence Raga answered.

“All right Admiral we’ll do it your way, but the ambassador’s coming out alive.”

He knew he did not have a choice; he was not going to hand the prison over to Bel-tel under any circumstances.

“Then I’ll hand Colonel Lal over to you.” Torre said smiling.

Raga stood and gave Lal a nod. As they reached the exit, Torre turned round and said.

“Oh one more thing!”

Raga halted; Lal almost stumbled into him.

“Apparently a couple of your people had an altercation with an Agar shore-cop last night. I trust you and Captain Beeta didn’t leave any clues as to your identity. The officer you left behind is in the medical centre with a broken jaw and several broken ribs. Mi Hancy’ looking into the incident, but I suspect he’ll find nothing incriminating.

In future be more careful Colonel, I can’t afford to have one of my best commanders confined to Agar pending investigation. And I assure you, if I hear any more of this, even Mi won’t be able to cover for you. Understand?”

“Perfectly sir.” Raga snapped, neither denying nor confirming Torre’ statement.

Once outside, Lal heard him mumble.

“ Mi’ not the only one with good sources, either that or Torre’ damn psychic!”

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