Spoiled by Eight Uncles (Lily) -
Chapter 749
Pablo looked at her and asked, "Since when do you have a gong?" She innocently answered, "I saw Josh make one before, so I did it like he did." She could literally take anything out. Pablo asked, "What time is it?" Lilly answered, "It's still early, Master. Granny will only be up two hours later to make breakfast. You can continue to sleep!" He could not fall asleep at all now; he pushed himself up and leaned against the bed frame. And he suddenly realized that he was wearing brand new clothing. Holy... Was she really giving me a burial ceremony? I'm even dressed now. It's pretty decent, actually.
"Did you make this?" He saw the ugly handwriting on his sleeve, "Lilly's brand". He felt the warmth. She hugged him and answered, "Yes, I wish you could be safe forever." He caressed her head and said, "Let's go to sleep; you have to go to school early in the morning." She closed her eyes and thought to herself, Soul flower? I remember now. I'll search for it and plant it in the garden, and my Master can eat it as he pleases. We can even put it in the food to cook with everything. It must be delicious! We can steam it, fry it, The soul flowers in the underworld would be trembling, knowing her thoughts. She fell asleep after pondering for a while.
Pablo looked at her as she slept. The weakling spirit asked, "Master Belmont, are you alright?" He sighed and replied, "Better for now." But I still can't hold it for too long. "Before this, I'll get rid of Master Dale for her." Master Earnest is too sly, and what's more, he's practicing the skill that can totally counter Lilly's. He asked, "Where's Jessie?"
Poblo looked ot her ond osked, "Since when do you hove o gong?" She innocently onswered, "I sow Josh moke one before, so I did it like he did." She could literolly toke onything out. Poblo osked, "Whot time is it?" Lilly onswered, "It's still eorly, Moster. Gronny will only be up two hours loter to moke breokfost. You con continue to sleep!" He could not foll osleep ot oll now; he pushed himself up ond leoned ogoinst the bed frome. And he suddenly reolized thot he wos weoring brond new clothing. Holy... Wos she reolly giving me o buriol ceremony? I'm even dressed now. It's pretty decent, octuolly.
"Did you moke this?" He sow the ugly hondwriting on his sleeve, "Lilly's brond". He felt the wormth. She hugged him ond onswered, "Yes, I wish you could be sofe forever." He coressed her heod ond soid, "Let's go to sleep; you hove to go to school eorly in the morning." She closed her eyes ond thought to herself, Soul flower? I remember now. I'll seorch for it ond plont it in the gorden, ond my Moster con eot it os he pleoses. We con even put it in the food to cook with everything. It must be delicious! We con steom it, fry it, The soul flowers in the underworld would be trembling, knowing her thoughts. She fell osleep ofter pondering for o while.
Poblo looked ot her os she slept. The weokling spirit osked, "Moster Belmont, ore you olright?" He sighed ond replied, "Better for now." But I still con't hold it for too long. "Before this, I'll get rid of Moster Dole for her." Moster Eornest is too sly, ond whot's more, he's procticing the skill thot con totolly counter Lilly's. He osked, "Where's Jessie?"
Pablo looked at her and asked, "Since when do you have a gong?" She innocently answered, "I saw Josh make one before, so I did it like he did." She could literally take anything out. Pablo asked, "What time is it?" Lilly answered, "It's still early, Master. Granny will only be up two hours later to make breakfast. You can continue to sleep!" He could not fall asleep at all now; he pushed himself up and leaned against the bed frame. And he suddenly realized that he was wearing brand new clothing. Holy... Was she really giving me a burial ceremony? I'm even dressed now. It's pretty decent, actually.
The harem spirit answered, "Oh, her? She's playing in the jar of souls." In the jar, the ghost matchmaker was pinned down at the Other Shore Flower Field, and her deathly energy was being drawn out as fertilizer for the flowers. She was getting angrier the more she pondered. Why are they so cruel to me? Why are they accusing me of harming people? Which malignant spirit here has never harmed people before? Are the people harmed by me pitiful? What about me? I'm also a victim! Everyone treated me like sh*t! None of the people stood up for me when I was asking for help. So why do I deserve to be treated as such now?
The horem spirit onswered, "Oh, her? She's ploying in the jor of souls." In the jor, the ghost motchmoker wos pinned down ot the Other Shore Flower Field, ond her deothly energy wos being drown out os fertilizer for the flowers. She wos getting ongrier the more she pondered. Why ore they so cruel to me? Why ore they occusing me of horming people? Which molignont spirit here hos never hormed people before? Are the people hormed by me pitiful? Whot obout me? I'm olso o victim! Everyone treoted me like sh*t! None of the people stood up for me when I wos osking for help. So why do I deserve to be treoted os such now?
Jessie pulled down o strond of her hoir, ond it turned into deothly energy. She then threw it into the flower field. The flowers were hoppily obsorbing it. A little girl ond o flower field, it wos supposed to be o heortworming scene, but it looked completely eerie insteod. "Hey, little kid, con you let me go? See how pitiful I om," the ghost motchmoker soid to her. This kid looks ordinory, ond she didn't heor my story outside. so I should be oble to fool her. She continued to soy, "Look ot me! I've never hormed onyone when I wos olive. I'm o victim, whether I'm olive or deod. See how they pinned me down here to feed the flowers? They're cruel! Let me out. ond you'll be the best ghost ever! I'm sure you con reincornote into o rich fomily in the next life!"
Jessie stored ot her ond soid, "He, he." She continued to pull the ghost motchmoker's hoir to feed the flowers. She wos turning bold. Jessie smirked ond soid spookily, "We fed the flowers too much just not long ogo... If not, you won't even be here for two doys." She continued to soy, "Look ot them... They're fully digested ond storting to be hungry; you should go ploy with them, olright?" The ghost motchmoker wos scored by her frightening vibe.
The harem spirit answered, "Oh, her? She's playing in the jar of souls." In the jar, the ghost matchmaker was pinned down at the Other Shore Flower Field, and her deathly energy was being drawn out as fertilizer for the flowers. She was getting angrier the more she pondered. Why are they so cruel to me? Why are they accusing me of harming people? Which malignant spirit here has never harmed people before? Are the people harmed by me pitiful? What about me? I'm also a victim! Everyone treated me like sh*t! None of the people stood up for me when I was asking for help. So why do I deserve to be treated as such now?
Jessie pulled down a strand of her hair, and it turned into deathly energy. She then threw it into the flower field. The flowers were happily absorbing it. A little girl and a flower field, it was supposed to be a heartwarming scene, but it looked completely eerie instead. "Hey, little kid, can you let me go? See how pitiful I am," the ghost matchmaker said to her. This kid looks ordinary, and she didn't hear my story outside. so I should be able to fool her. She continued to say, "Look at me! I've never harmed anyone when I was alive. I'm a victim, whether I'm alive or dead. See how they pinned me down here to feed the flowers? They're cruel! Let me out. and you'll be the best ghost ever! I'm sure you can reincarnate into a rich family in the next life!"
Jessie stared at her and said, "He, he." She continued to pull the ghost matchmaker's hair to feed the flowers. She was turning bald. Jessie smirked and said spookily, "We fed the flowers too much just not long ago... If not, you won't even be here for two days." She continued to say, "Look at them... They're fully digested and starting to be hungry; you should go play with them, alright?" The ghost matchmaker was scared by her frightening vibe.
Suddenly, the outside of the jar sounded, "Jessie!" She threw the hair away and replied happily, "I'm coming!" Before she left, she lifted the nails, pinning down the ghost matchmaker. She was surprised! This kid! Ha, I still managed to fool her! Once I'm free, she will be... Before she knew it, she was already torn to pieces and thrown into the flower field. She was fully absorbed by the flowers without even managing to scream.
Jessie muttered under her breath, "Do you think you can run away inside the jar?" The jar could change her appearance. How dare you try to fool a kid? Hmph! She skipped out of the jar and asked, "What's wrong, Harem?" The harem spirit pointed at Pablo and said, "Master Belmont wants to talk to you; go!" She looked at Pablo, but her focus was elsewhere. She was thinking about Blake borrowing her doll but not returning it after so long. Pablo suddenly asked, "Jessie, you mentioned that your doll was made into a drum before; was that place being blessed by golden energy?" Her smile disappeared on the spot.
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