Max sat up late the evening after Griffa had left for Abscon. She delayed her journey for two days. She had left after dinner, insisting that she felt well. He could see that her cheek still looked raw and painful. Ansel told her to wait another day to let it heal, but Griffa said she would go that night as planned. She said she would heal as easy in Abscon as she would in the Valley. She needed to meet with the Ring and have the forest checked.

Ansel had gone to his room soon after Griffa left, saying he felt tired. Max wondered if he was having issues with his protector’s magic again. If he was, Max hoped he would take a little of the potion Griffa had made him. Issa had sat with Max for a while as he read, but as the hour grew late, she went up to bed. Max would not rest until he found what he was looking for.

He wasn’t really sure what he was looking for. He couldn’t explain it. He just had a feeling that he needed to finish Malin Keene’s journal. Something about her life, her brother’s life, and Griffa connection to them didn’t sit well with Max. It needled at his mind. It was like a puzzle he had to solve.

Max was nearing the end of Malin’s journal. The entries he had read tonight had been full of her marriage, her training of leading the Ring, and the fact she believed she might be with child. The entry Max was currently reading was all about Malin’s growing responsibilities, and her hope she could live up to her mother’s example.

My mother says my training for the Ring is almost complete. She is ready to hand over the leadership to me, but she said she will wait until I have safely delivered my child. As I get ready to follow in my mother’s footsteps, I wonder if I am worthy. She has long been a strong leader of the Ring. She was once more than that.

Alicio tells me she was glorious in Aurumist. He says she was wise and strong from a young age. I am afraid I have always been soft and rather foolish. My mother insists that is not so. She says I may not be as bold as her, but I am wise and strong in my own way. I hope she is right.

I wonder why I was chosen to follow her and not Von. He is the eldest. Mother says it’s because Von is too wild and unsettled. He isn’t even the head of the council of the Valley. Some other Wendell is the leader. Von spends his days with his wife traveling. He is talking of living outside of the Valley or Abscon. Mother doesn’t like it, but what can she do to stop it.

Tonight, mother gave me her journals. They document her time in Aurumist to her time on the run with my real father to her time in Abscon. I sometimes wonder what my real father was like. Papa says he was a very good man who loved my mother very much. He says I remind him of my father, Alistair. I wonder if mother misses her first husband. I know she loves Papa, but as I read her journals she seemed to be very in love with Alistair.

As I close tonight, I ask the gods to grant me a safe delivery of my child. I hope that he or she is strong and wise as a Keene should be. I ask that I might live up to my mother’s legacy. I hope that no one on the Ring looks at me and wishes I was Agatha Keene instead of Malin Keene.

Max looked up from reading. Agatha seemed a familiar name to him. He didn’t know why. He had never met an Agatha. Not that he could remember, and Max was very good with names. Max went to turn the page, but found that his head hurt, and his eyes were heavy.

He sat his book down and laid his head back against his chair. He closed his eyes. The information from the journal entries filled his head. He didn’t know why he was so interested in the writings of a woman who had no connection with him. A woman who lived five hundred years ago. Yet, as he read her writings, he felt like he was connecting with an old friend.

Max felt himself start to dose off. He didn’t fight it. He slumped down in the chair and felt the warmth of the fire. He was soon asleep. Max found himself dreaming. At least he thought he was dreaming. It felt very real, but it had to be a dream. He wasn’t in the Valley; he was in a large room. Somehow, he knew it was the throne room in the palace of Aurumist.

Max had never been to the palace. He had only seen a model of it on Griffa’s map, but he had never been inside. Despite this he had no doubt he was in the throne room in the palace. It was huge. It was empty, but he couldn’t see the front of the room. A young woman appeared by his side. She was very pretty with a round face and curly blonde hair that was loose and ran down her shoulders.

“Who are you?” asked Max.

“I am Malin Keene, the daughter of Agatha Keene,” said Malin with a smile. “You know me, don’t you?”

“I do,” said Max. “I have never met you, but I know you.”

“Of course, you do, we are of the same blood, aren’t we?” asked Malin with a sideways smile. “You know my brother, too, but he is not here. He has gone off into the kingdom to do whatever it is he does.”

“I am of his blood too, aren’t I?”

“Yes, you are. Now come on. We have to go.”

“Go where?”

“To see the queen of course.”

It felt like a spark had hit Max’s brain. He knew where he had heard the name Agatha. “Do you mean your mother?”

“No, Queen Agatha hasn’t ruled in ages,” said Malin with a giggle. “She was tired of ruling I think.”

“Aren’t you the queen then?” asked Max. He was confused.

“I guess I was as good as a queen once. I ruled the Ring as my mother did, but my time is over.”

“Who are we going to see?”

“The queen. I told you that. We know her. She is of our blood.”

Max nodded as Malin took his hand. She started running with her hair blowing behind her, and he kept up as best he could. They got to the front of the room, and Max could see the Ring of Nine crowded around a dais with their back to Max and Malin. He saw Hector, Helmer, and even Madam Sidora staring at the dais. Max was breathing very hard. He didn’t know if it was from running or because of what he was about to see.

“Malin, who is the queen?” Max turned to Malin

Malin smiled and pointed forward. The Ring of Nine moved out of the way. Max walked forward through them to the front of the dais and looked up. He saw Griffa. She was looking straight ahead; her dark blue eyes were shining. She was clothed in a blue gown with a falcon flying over a sun stitched in silver on her skirt. Her hair was loose and wild. On top of her head was a golden crown with pointed tips all round. As Max watched Griffa, Ansel walked up to her side. He looked at Griffa, took her hand and kissed it. He gave her a small half smile and then turned to look off in the same direction she did. A moment later, Max was surprised to see Talon walk up to Griffa’s other side. He gave her a quick wink before taking her hand and squeezing it.

“Griffa,” whispered Max.

“Yes, Queen Gryphon Keene of the blood of Adalwen. I told you we know her,” said Malin. She took Max’s hand again. Max looked at Malin. “She has taken her place just as Agatha did. Just as I did. She has restored the line to the Ring, to the throne.”

Max nodded.

“You will serve her won’t you, Max? You will help her? She will need you. She won’t always listen to you of course, but don’t leave her,” said Malin adamantly.

“I won’t,” said Max.

“Even if it’s bad, don’t leave her Max,” begged Malin. “She’s our family, Max. She’s of your blood.”

Max nodded. “I will never leave her. I will serve.” He stared at Griffa as everything else faded away. He felt Malin’s hand slip out of his own.

Max woke up breathing heavily. The room was filled with sunlight. It was morning. Max jumped up. He didn’t know what to do. He paced in front of the fireplace. It was just a dream he told himself, but he knew it was a lie. It didn’t feel like a dream. It felt real. Max felt the magic inside of him rise to the surface. His hands felt warm, and he felt unsettled.

Max stopped pacing. He closed his eyes and could see Griffa wearing her gown and crown. He heard Malin’s voice in his ear, “Don’t leave her, Max. She’s of your blood.”

Max opened his eyes. He tried to work out the puzzle in his brain. Malin was a Keene, wasn’t she? No, thought Max, she wasn’t, not by blood. She had said in her journal that her real father had been Agatha Keene’s first husband. Was Agatha Keene really Queen Agatha, the last Queen of the line of Adalwen? If so, Griffa was of Adalwen blood at least on her father’s side.

In Max’s dream of vision, Malin had said Griffa was of their blood of his blood. She said Griffa had restored the line to the Ring, to the throne. Who was Griffa’s mother? She was a Hyde. Hyde was Von’s last name, and Von was Malin’s older brother. He must have been Agatha’s son with her first husband, Alistair. Could Griffa’s mother have been of the line of Adalwen?

Max needed information. He needed to confirm what he thought he knew. First, he needed to find out if Agatha was really the last queen. Malin had said Agatha kept journals of her life. Where were they? Probably somewhere in Keene manor if they still existed. Max didn’t know how he would confirm Griffa’s mother’s blood line. There really wasn’t a way, but he had to start somewhere.

He had to go to Keene manor, and he had to find Agatha’s journals. He would start there. Maybe it was just a stupid dream, but it didn’t feel like one. It felt so real. It felt like it meant something. Max started pacing again; he looked up as he heard someone come into the room. It was Ansel.

“Max, are you alright?” Ansel gave him a concerned look.

Max stopped and looked at Ansel. “I don’t know. I had a dream or a vision or something. It was so real.”

“What was it?”

Max shook his head. “I can’t talk about it yet. I don’t know why, but first I need to figure out some things. I don’t think anyone is in trouble or hurt, but I just feel like this is important.”

“What can I do to help?” asked Ansel.

“We need to go to Abscon today. I have to go to Keene Manor as soon as possible. I know I promised to stay here in the Valley, but we won’t be gone long. I think I can be done by tonight.”

“Max, can you give me some idea of what is going on? Maybe, I can help you. Maybe, we can find whatever information you need here.”

“No, Ansel, I have to go to Keene Manor. I’m sorry. I can’t say more yet, but you have to trust me. This is important. It’s important to me and maybe important to the whole kingdom.”

Ansel looked at Max with a puzzled look.

“Please, Ansel,” pleaded Max. “I will beg if I have to. I have to go.”

“Alright, Max,” said Ansel. “I will take you to Abscon. Go get ready. We will leave in an hour.”

Max ran upstairs to his room. He took off his shirt and splashed cold water on his face. He put on a clean tunic and grabbed his staff. He walked out of his room and met Issa coming out of her room.

“Max, are you alright?”

“Yes, but I have to go to Abscon today. There is something important I need to check in Keene Manor. I can’t say more, yet, but I have to go.”

Issa looked at him closely. “I’ll come with you. Maybe, I can help in some way.”

Max nodded. “Let’s eat really quick. Ansel said we will leave soon.”

After a hurried breakfast in which Max barely ate, he said goodbye to Nora who seemed confused. Max walked to the edge of town with Ansel and Issa.

“How are you feeling, Ansel?” asked Max. Ansel looked tired and worried.

“I didn’t sleep well. I’m not sure why. Maybe because you were agitated all night.”

Max thought he knew exactly why Ansel was off. If what Max thought was true, it made sense why Ansel was so bothered when Griffa was gone. It made sense why he had his attack when Griffa was injured.

“Are you good to travel to Abscon? Is your magic working?” asked Max.

“I have learned how to manage things better now. I’ll be fine. You take Issa to be safe, though,” replied Ansel.

Max nodded. They walked a little further until they were out of the range of the magical travel wards. Max grabbed Issa’s hand and closed his eyes. He felt himself travel. He soon felt his feet hit the ground. He opened his eyes and saw the gates of Abscon. Ansel appeared at his side, and touched the tree to activate the gates. They walked through the gates and towards Abscon.

Max walked quickly, wanting to get to Keene manor as soon as possible. The few miles there seemed endless. The house finally came into view, and Max practically ran to the front door, Ansel and Issa hurrying to keep up.

He put his hand on the door and felt the wards fall down. He opened the door and walked in with Ansel and Issa following him.

“Oh, good your home. I was getting worried,” said Maybell as she walked into the entry hall. She stopped and started. “Oh, I thought you were Griffa. Max! Ansel! Issa! What are you doing here? I thought you would be in the Valley for a few months yet.”

“We are just here for the day, Maybell,” said Ansel smiling at her. “Max needs something from the house.”

Maybell nodded.

“Where is Griffa?” asked Max. He would need to talk to her at some point.

“She’s gone off to the forest,” replied Maybell. “She left before the sun rose this morning. I thought she would be back by now.”

“She’s gone to the forest?” said Ansel with concern. “Was she alone?”

“She took some of your guards with her,” said Maybell. “She said she needed to get some herbs and things for a potion she’s working on.”

Max looked at Ansel who was taking deep breaths with his eyes closed. “Do you know where she went in the forest?”

Maybell shrugged.

“I know where,” said Ansel.

“Then you should go check on her,” declared Max. “Go find her. I’ll stay here at the house until you get back.”

“Are you sure, Max. Do you need my help?” asked Ansel.

“No, I’ll be fine with Issa helping me. Go, find Griffa. You’ll feel better when you do.” Max gave Ansel a reassuring smile.

“If you are sure. I’ll go now. I shouldn’t be gone long.”

Max nodded. Ansel turned and walked out the door.

“Come on Issa, I need you to help me find some old books,” said Max taking Issa’s hand and leading her to Griffa’ study.

The spent an hour digging through all the books on the shelves.

“So, what do these books look like exactly?” asked Issa as she stacked books on the desk.

“I don’t know, but they will be old journals. Maybe like the one I have here.” Max held up Malin Keene’s journal.

Issa nodded and they kept looking. He was about to give up when Issa said, “I think I might have found them. They were behind all these books on potions at the very bottom.” She stood up with four small dusty books in her hands. She handed them to Max.

He sat down at the desk with the books. Issa sat down in front of him watching. He opened one to find the name Agatha Keene in faded writing. He opened another one to find Agatha Keene’s name again. He opened a third one to see the name Agatha of the line of Adalwen and Queen of Regventus.

Max looked up at Issa and smiled.

“What?” she asked.

“I’m about to tell you something that sounds crazy, but you have to believe me.”

She looked at him with a small frown. Before Max could say anything, there was a knock at the front door. He looked at Issa and then walked from the room. Issa followed him. He got to the entry hall as Maybell was letting Madam Sidora into the house. Madam Sidora turned and stared at Max. He nodded at her; she knew. He knew she knew truth.

“Please come sit down,” said Max. Sidora nodded and followed Max into the parlor. She sat in a chair by the sofa, and Max sat down next to her.

“Young king, or should I say, young diviner, you know don’t you.”

“I do,” said Max understand exactly what she was talking about. He saw Issa and Maybell standing by the door staring at Max and Sidora.

“I was wrong. I thought you were the one, but you aren’t. You are important, but you are not the king.”

“No, I’m not,” agreed Max. “I know who I am, and I know who the queen is.”

Sidora smiled at him. “Good, you have much to learn before you take your chair. I will teach you, but first we must have our queen crowned. I foresee dark times, but that does not mean there isn’t a light up ahead.”

“I will do whatever it takes for her to rule. I am not the king, but I am of her blood. I will serve her and the kingdom.”

“I believe you, young diviner, but you will be tested. You and your queen both will.”

“Max, what is she talking about? What is going on?” asked Issa.

Max looked at Sidora who gave a small nod. “Issa come sit down. You too Maybell. I have something to tell both of you. It’s going to be hard to understand and believe, but it’s true.”

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