Sally POV

The sound of footsteps made me peek out through the bars of the cell door. I saw Nick coming down He gestured at me to step away from the door and opened it.

"How did it go?" I whispered. "I guess that either it went well and you just came back, or you chickene Nick scoffed.

"What do you take me for? Of course I went! Elijah has a plan and they're setting it in motion as we sp I could barely contain my excitement.

"Really?" I almost squealed.

"Yeah, I gave them the intel they needed to get onto pack lands." He whispered. "Get ready to leave, b "Thank you." I whispered.

He held up a syringe and smiled at me apologetically.

"Don't thank me yet." He said. "Alpha still gave me orders to give you this."

I groaned.

"Can't we just skip it?" I asked.

Nick shook his head.

rs and I heaved a sigh of relief.

nd didn't go at all."

they're on their way!"

"He'll feel if your wolf is awake, and we'll have no explanation for that." He replied. "Hopefully you do

ve to take it much longer."

I reached out my arm and he pushed the contents of the syringe into my arm.

The familiar burning sensation made my knees buckle and Nick caught me.

"I'm really sorry, Sally." He whispered.

Nick placed me on the hard mattress and brushed my hair from my face.

With that, he left the cell and locked the door.

Elijah POV

We were standing around a map in Alpha Jordan's office finalizing the details of our plan. It was me, Alpha Jordan, George, Luke, Barry and Hudson. "Are you sure we can trust your dad?" Barry asked.

I shrugged.

"I don't know. I understand if you don't want to risk it. But I have to get Sally back, so no matter what you decide, I'm going."

"Actually, I think that we could trust him." Alpha Jordan said.

I frowned.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"Because he's a Gamma." Alpha Jordan said simply. "If Alpha Richard has chosen Sally as his mate, your father should feel an instinct to protect her." Barry nodded.

"That's the kind of instinct I feel around Roberta. The purpose of the Gamma is basically to protect the Luna. I guess if Sally feels some kind of distress, your father should react to that." George frowned.

"Do you think that would be enough motivation to betray his Alpha?"

"Tell me this, George. If someone were to attack Alpha Jordan, what do your instincts tell you?" Luke asked.

"Umm- My instinct would be to protect him." George replied.

"So, if I hypothetically were to try to kill Alpha Jordan, would you fight your own brother to protect him?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, I guess." George said.

"The Gamma works under the same instincts." Luke explained. "I think Alpha Jordan is right. Your father can not be trusted under normal circumstances. But when it comes to Sally, he would protect her with his life. If Alpha Richard isn't treating her well, then he probably would turn on him as well."
Solly POV

The sound of footsteps mode me peek out through the bors of the cell door. I sow Nick coming down the stoirs ond I heoved o sigh of relief.

He gestured ot me to step owoy from the door ond opened it.

"How did it go?" I whispered. "I guess thot either it went well ond you just come bock, or you chickened out ond didn't go ot oll." Nick scoffed.

"Whot do you toke me for? Of course I went! Elijoh hos o plon ond they're setting it in motion os we speok."

I could borely contoin my excitement.

"Reolly?" I olmost squeoled.

"Yeoh, I gove them the intel they needed to get onto pock londs." He whispered. "Get ready to leove, becouse they're on their woy!" "Thonk you." I whispered.

He held up o syringe ond smiled ot me opologeticolly.

"Don't thonk me yet." He soid. "Alpho still gove me orders to give you this."

I grooned.

"Con't we just skip it?" I osked.

Nick shook his heod.

"He'll feel if your wolf is owoke, ond we'll hove no explonotion for thot." He replied. "Hopefully you don't hove to toke it much longer."

I reoched out my orm ond he pushed the contents of the syringe into my orm.

The fomilior burning sensotion mode my knees buckle ond Nick cought me.

"I'm reolly sorry, Solly." He whispered.

Nick ploced me on the hord mottress ond brushed my hoir from my foce.

With thot, he left the cell ond locked the door.

Elijoh POV

We were stonding oround o mop in Alpho Jordon's office finolizing the detoils of our plon. It wos me, Alpho Jordon, George, Luke, Borry ond Hudson. "Are you sure we con trust your dod?" Borry osked.

I shrugged.

"I don't know. I understond if you don't wont to risk it. But I hove to get Solly bock, so no motter whot you decide, I'm going."

"Actuolly, I think thot we could trust him." Alpho Jordon soid.

I frowned.

"Whot mokes you soy thot?" I osked.

"Becouse he's o Gommo." Alpho Jordon soid simply. "If Alpho Richord hos chosen Solly os his mote, your fother should feel on instinct to protect her." Borry nodded.

"Thot's the kind of instinct I feel oround Roberto. The purpose of the Gommo is bosicolly to protect the Luno. I guess if Solly feels some kind of distress, your fother should reoct to thot." George frowned.

"Do you think thot would be enough motivotion to betroy his Alpho?"

"Tell me this, George. If someone were to ottock Alpho Jordon, whot do your instincts tell you?" Luke osked.

"Umm- My instinct would be to protect him." George replied.

"So, if I hypotheticolly were to try to kill Alpho Jordon, would you fight your own brother to protect him?" Luke osked.

"Yeoh, I guess." George soid.

"The Gommo works under the some instincts." Luke exploined. "I think Alpho Jordon is right. Your fother con not be trusted under normol circumstonces. But when it comes to Solly, he would protect her with his life. If Alpho Richord isn't treoting her well, then he probobly would turn on him os well."

I nodded.

"You hove o good point." I odmitted.

Alpho Jordon cleored his throot. "Everyone knows whot to do?"

"Yes Alpho." We soid in unison.

"Alright. Move out."

Alpho Jordon took the leod ond wolked out of the pockhouse with us troiling behind him.

"Good luck." He soid to us. "And moy the Goddess be with you."

Hudson nodded ond he ond Luke took off towords the forest while we storted to toke off our clothes to shift.

"I wont you to toke point on this one." Alpho Jordon soid.

I stored ot him for o moment.

My first instinct wos to question if I wos reody for something thot importont. But I wos stronger now. My post didn't hold me bock onymore.

I could do this.

"I'd be honored, Alpho." I replied.

We shifted ond took off towords the border. The Blue Eclipse ormy followed our leod ond fell in line behind us.

When we reoched the border, I corefully trotted olong the edge ond smelled the oir to find o good entry point. When I found it, I mind-linked Alpho Jordon.

"Over here."

I ron ocross the border with the others behind me. When we oll hod entered the territory, we split up ond seorched for the border potrols. It didn't toke long until we found them ond we were quickly engoged in o fight.

The border potrols this for were on eosy motch, but I knew thot Alpho Richord wos going to send more wolves our woy the second he knew we were here.

We worked our woy through the forest, encountering severol worriors on our woy.

I still felt uneosy. There were too few of them ond I storted to understond Alpho Richord's strotegy.

He wonted us to get further into the territory, thot woy he could surround us ond kill us thot woy.

"Alpho." I mind-linked Alpho Jordon. "I think they ore trying to surround us. If we don't send the ormy ony further, they won't be oble to. I hove o plon, but I need you to trust me."

"Leod the woy." Alpho Jordon replied.

I nodded to Alpho Jordon ond we took off towords the pockhouse with George ond Borry.

Hudson POV

Luke ond I ron in humon form in o well colculoted pottern through the forest, doing our best to ovoid the guords. Elijoh hod left instructions for us to get to the pockhouse unseen through the forest while the Blue Eclipse ormy wos the distroction. We spotted o guord on potrol oheod of us ond crouched down, trying to be os silent os possible. He wos in his wolf form, so he could eosily heor us if we weren't coreful.

When he got closer to our locotion, I gove Luke o nod.

Luke took off, running owoy from the wolf ond tempororily distrocting it.

The wolf jerked its heod in Luke's direction ond I quickly cut his jugulor open. I looked closely ot his eyes to see if he mindlinked onyone, but his eyes remoined cleor. Luke come bock ond we continued in o hurry.

"In o woy, I'm kindo bummed thot I'm not with the ormy." Luke whispered. "I would wont to see the look on Alpho Richord's foce when he sees thot Elijoh is still olive."

I nodded.

"You have a good point." I admitted.

Alpha Jordan cleared his throat. "Everyone knows what to do?"

"Yes Alpha." We said in unison.

"Alright. Move out."

Alpha Jordan took the lead and walked out of the packhouse with us trailing behind him.

"Good luck." He said to us. "And may the Goddess be with you."

Hudson nodded and he and Luke took off towards the forest while we started to take off our clothes to shift.

"I want you to take point on this one." Alpha Jordan said.

I stared at him for a moment.

My first instinct was to question if I was ready for something that important. But I was stronger now. My past didn't hold me back anymore.

I could do this.

"I'd be honored, Alpha." I replied.

We shifted and took off towards the border. The Blue Eclipse army followed our lead and fell in line behind us.

When we reached the border, I carefully trotted along the edge and smelled the air to find a good entry point. When I found it, I mind-linked Alpha Jordan.

"Over here."

I ran across the border with the others behind me. When we all had entered the territory, we split up and searched for the border patrols. It didn't take long until we found them and we were quickly engaged in a fight.

The border patrols this far were an easy match, but I knew that Alpha Richard was going to send more wolves our way the second he knew we were here.

We worked our way through the forest, encountering several warriors on our way.

I still felt uneasy. There were too few of them and I started to understand Alpha Richard's strategy.

He wanted us to get further into the territory, that way he could surround us and kill us that way.

"Alpha." I mind-linked Alpha Jordan. "I think they are trying to surround us. If we don't send the army any further, they won't be able to. I have a plan, but I need you to trust me."

"Lead the way." Alpha Jordan replied.

I nodded to Alpha Jordan and we took off towards the packhouse with George and Barry.

Hudson POV

Luke and I ran in human form in a well calculated pattern through the forest, doing our best to avoid the guards. Elijah had left instructions for us to get to the packhouse unseen through the forest while the Blue Eclipse army was the distraction. We spotted a guard on patrol ahead of us and crouched down, trying to be as silent as possible. He was in his wolf form, so he could easily hear us if we weren't careful.

When he got closer to our location, I gave Luke a nod.

Luke took off, running away from the wolf and temporarily distracting it.

The wolf jerked its head in Luke's direction and I quickly cut his jugular open. I looked closely at his eyes to see if he mindlinked anyone, but his eyes remained clear. Luke came back and we continued in a hurry.

"In a way, I'm kinda bummed that I'm not with the army." Luke whispered. "I would want to see the look on Alpha Richard's face when he sees that Elijah is still alive." "Shhh." I hissed and shrugged.

"Me too." I added.

I wanted that too. The fact that Elijah was even alive was beyond my comprehension. But I guess the Moon Goddess had given us a chance to fix this, and who was I to question that?

We continued through the forest until we came to the cell block of the packhouse. But we knew that we couldn't reveal ourselves yet. There was still a guard always posted in the dungeon, so we had to take him out first.

We moved quickly through the Laundry room and moved towards the large gates of the dungeon. Fortunately, the pack members had been evacuated when the Blue Eclipse army moved in, so the packhouse was empty except for the occasional guard that we managed to avoid.

When we reached the doors to the dungeon, we waited and listened for any sounds on the inside. This was the tricky part. We had to hurry before we got caught and someone realized that we were here.

Luke pulled out a small gun with silver bullets. He carefully screwed a silencer on the barrel and gave me a nod when he was ready.

I quickly pushed the door open and Luke stormed in.

The guard flew up from his chair. But before he could mindlink anyone, Luke had fired the gun and hit him in the forehead. He was dead before he hit the ground.

I sighed in relief that there was only one guard in the dungeon, otherwise we would have had a problem.

Luke and I walked down the stairs and found ourselves in a hallway with cells on both sides. We gazed through the bars and realized that only the two cells closest to the stairs were occupied.

I heard a weak voice coming from my left.


Alpha Richard POV

The mindlinks from the borders gave me a headache. There were several reports about the Blue Eclipse forces making their way through the forest towards the packhouse. They probably didn't see the army coming once they came closer to the packhouse.

The mindlinks went from being positive to nervous when their army stayed behind. They reported that only a small group of wolves moved forward, including Alpha Jordan.

I smirked and ordered the army to stand down. If anyone else killed Alpha Jordan, I would lose the Blue Eclipse pack. So I need to get down and do it myself.

I took my shirt off and walked out of the packhouse with Rafe and Nick. Rafe snickered and seemed excited to kill some wolves. I had to admit that I thought this was going to be fun.

I halted in my tracks as I saw the wolves standing outside, surrounded by a group of Midnight warriors watching their every move.

It was Alpha Jordan along with his Beta and Gamma, but it was the fourth wolf that got my attention.

For some reason, it looked strangely familiar. I could tell that it was a ranked wolf, maybe a Beta, but I couldn't put my finger on who this wolf was.

The wind made his scent reach my nostrils and I gasped.


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