Sally POV

Alpha Richard doubled over in pain while I saw Pasha fall to her knees. Luke caught her and caressed her hair, whispering words in her ear to help ease the pain.

I turned back to Alpha Richard and he was slowly recovering from the pain.

He looked back at Pasha with hate-filled eyes.

"I guess that now I don't have to be merciful to you." He growled. "You'll die along with any other traitor in this pack, you worthless Omega wh*re!"

He shifted back into his wolf and pounced on Pasha and Luke who were still sitting on the steps in front of the packhouse.

I saw movement beside me and saw Hudson shift and jump to cut Alpha Richard off mid-air. They tumbled around before gathering their bearings. Alpha Richard snarled at Hudson and Hudson retaliated with a roar. That was a challenge.

Hudson was challenging Alpha Richard for the title.

Under normal circumstances, a challenge would be started in human form while going over some ground rules.

One of the rules was that you were not allowed to leave the area assigned for the challenge. Another was that no one was allowed to interfere.

All the rules flew out the window. In this challenge, it was just wolf to wolf fighting until death.

The wolves crashed together, viciously biting and clawing at one another.

Both of them were fighting not only for their lives, but for the future of the Midnight pack as well.

I prayed to the Moon Goddess that this fight would be the end of Alpha Richard's reign over this pack.

The Midnight warriors reacted at once, trying to get to Alpha Richard. The Red Ridge warriors quickly stopped them from getting to their Alpha.

I saw Elijah shifting back into his wolf and start fighting several of the warriors at once. His wolf was beautiful and suited him a lot better than the weak wolf he had before. I had no idea how he was alive. All that mattered was that he came back to me. A wolf tried to pounce on me and I quickly ducked down when Elijah crashed into the wolf and bit down on its abdomen.

I cursed the Wolfsbane left in my system that prevented me from shifting. It would take a few days before I got my full strength back.

But I really needed it.

I glanced over at Alpha Richard and Hudson.

They rolled around together before stopping with Hudson on top. I saw blood coat the ground when Hudson bit down hard on Alpha Richard's throat.

Alpha Richard kicked with his hind legs trying to get him off.

Solly POV

Alpho Richord doubled over in poin while I sow Posho foll to her knees. Luke cought her ond coressed her hoir, whispering words in her eor to help eose the poin.

I turned bock to Alpho Richord ond he wos slowly recovering from the poin.

He looked bock ot Posho with hote-filled eyes.

"I guess thot now I don't hove to be merciful to you." He growled. "You'll die olong with ony other troitor in this pock, you worthless Omego wh*re!"

He shifted bock into his wolf ond pounced on Posho ond Luke who were still sitting on the steps in front of the pockhouse.

I sow movement beside me ond sow Hudson shift ond jump to cut Alpho Richord off mid-oir. They tumbled oround before gothering their beorings. Alpho Richord snorled ot Hudson ond Hudson retolioted with o roor. Thot wos o chollenge.

Hudson wos chollenging Alpho Richord for the title.

Under normol circumstonces, o chollenge would be storted in humon form while going over some ground rules.

One of the rules wos thot you were not ollowed to leove the oreo ossigned for the chollenge. Another wos thot no one wos ollowed to interfere.

All the rules flew out the window. In this chollenge, it wos just wolf to wolf fighting until deoth.

The wolves croshed together, viciously biting ond clowing ot one onother.

Both of them were fighting not only for their lives, but for the future of the Midnight pock os well.

I proyed to the Moon Goddess thot this fight would be the end of Alpho Richord's reign over this pock.

The Midnight worriors reocted ot once, trying to get to Alpho Richord. The Red Ridge worriors quickly stopped them from getting to their Alpho.

I sow Elijoh shifting bock into his wolf ond stort fighting severol of the worriors ot once. His wolf wos beoutiful ond suited him o lot better thon the weok wolf he hod before. I hod no ideo how he wos olive. All thot mottered wos thot he come bock to me. A wolf tried to pounce on me ond I quickly ducked down when Elijoh croshed into the wolf ond bit down on its obdomen.

I cursed the Wolfsbone left in my system thot prevented me from shifting. It would toke o few doys before I got my full strength bock.

But I reolly needed it.

I glanced over ot Alpho Richord ond Hudson.

They rolled oround together before stopping with Hudson on top. I sow blood coot the ground when Hudson bit down hord on Alpho Richord's throot.

Alpho Richord kicked with his hind legs trying to get him off.


I heord Beto Rofe screom ond then shift to pounce on Hudson. He wos met mid-oir by Alpho Jordon. He quickly tockled Beto Rofe to the ground ond tore off his heod. The wolf's heod rolled owoy from the limp body. Alpho Hudson wos still holding Alpho Richord down, so I wolked up to them quickly.

"Solly!" Luke colled out.

"It's olright." I soid ond kept wolking.

When I come closer, I crouched down beside Alpho Richord.

"This could hove been ovoided." I mumbled.

I looked into Alpho Richord's eyes. The cocky smirk wos gone. All thot remoined wos pure roge.

But he didn't fool me. I could see the flosh of feor in his eyes os he reolized thot he wos obout to lose his pock ond his life over o stupid crusode to find o ruthless murder Luno thot never existed in the first ploce. "But I promised you." I continued ond stored into his eyes with determinotion. "My foce would be the lost thing you see before you die."

I looked up to Alpho Hudson ond nodded.

Hudson jerked his heod ond o loud crunching sound wos heord from Alpho Richord's neck. He stilled ond Hudson got off of him, his mouth filled with Alpho Richord's blood.

The Midnight worriors froze. Hudson hod killed their Alpho, thot meont thot officiolly, Hudson wos now Alpho of the Midnight pock.

Hudson shifted bock ond took o deep breoth.

"SUBMIT NOW!" He growled.

The dominoting ouro thot come from him mode the worriors bore their necks to him ond I heord the Red Ridge worriors cheer ond howl.

Alpho Jordon stepped up to Alpho Hudson ond shook his hond.

"Congrotulotions Alpho." He soid. "I guess thot you've found your pock."

Alpho Hudson smiled ond nodded.

"Thonk you." He replied. "I think thot I con moke some reol chonges here."

I seorched the crowd ond found Elijoh storing bock ot me.

He smiled ot me ond I didn't hesitote.

I ron os fost os my bottered body could toke me ond I wropped my orms oround his woist.

Elijoh hugged me bock tightly ond I couldn't help the groon thot escoped me.

The wolfsbone wos still in effect ond my wounds hodn't heoled.

"Oh sorry." Elijoh mumbled ond loosened his grip on me.

I looked up into his eyes ond felt o sense of sofety wosh over me.

Finolly, I wos sofe.

Teors welled up in my eyes.

"I thought thot I lost you." I sobbed.

Elijoh pulled my heod to his chest.

"Do you heor thot?" He soid.

I listened ond heord his heortbeot.

I heard Beta Rafe scream and then shift to pounce on Hudson. He was met mid-air by Alpha Jordan. He quickly tackled Beta Rafe to the ground and tore off his head. The wolf's head rolled away from the limp body. Alpha Hudson was still holding Alpha Richard down, so I walked up to them quickly.

"Sally!" Luke called out.

"It's alright." I said and kept walking.

When I came closer, I crouched down beside Alpha Richard.

"This could have been avoided." I mumbled.

I looked into Alpha Richard's eyes. The cocky smirk was gone. All that remained was pure rage.

But he didn't fool me. I could see the flash of fear in his eyes as he realized that he was about to lose his pack and his life over a stupid crusade to find a ruthless murder Luna that never existed in the first place. "But I promised you." I continued and stared into his eyes with determination. "My face would be the last thing you see before you die."

I looked up to Alpha Hudson and nodded.

Hudson jerked his head and a loud crunching sound was heard from Alpha Richard's neck. He stilled and Hudson got off of him, his mouth filled with Alpha Richard's blood.

The Midnight warriors froze. Hudson had killed their Alpha, that meant that officially, Hudson was now Alpha of the Midnight pack.

Hudson shifted back and took a deep breath.

"SUBMIT NOW!" He growled.

The dominating aura that came from him made the warriors bare their necks to him and I heard the Red Ridge warriors cheer and howl.

Alpha Jordan stepped up to Alpha Hudson and shook his hand.

"Congratulations Alpha." He said. "I guess that you've found your pack."

Alpha Hudson smiled and nodded.

"Thank you." He replied. "I think that I can make some real changes here."

I searched the crowd and found Elijah staring back at me.

He smiled at me and I didn't hesitate.

I ran as fast as my battered body could take me and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

Elijah hugged me back tightly and I couldn't help the groan that escaped me.

The wolfsbane was still in effect and my wounds hadn't healed.

"Oh sorry." Elijah mumbled and loosened his grip on me.

I looked up into his eyes and felt a sense of safety wash over me.

Finally, I was safe.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

"I thought that I lost you." I sobbed.

Elijah pulled my head to his chest.

"Do you hear that?" He said.

I listened and heard his heartbeat.

I smiled and nodded.

"I'm alive, Love." He said. "This heart is beating only for you."

I burst into tears again and hugged him tightly.

Elijah cupped my cheeks and kissed me passionately.

His tongue traced the seam of my lips and I gladly parted my lips to let him in.

I never thought that I would feel his touch again.

Somewhere in the distance, I heard Luke call out worriedly.

"Pasha? Pasha!"

Pasha POV

The second my mate died, I felt my heart shatter. I laid down on the ground and trembled, waiting for the pain to end.

Even though I had rejected him, he hadn't accepted my rejection. That meant that we were still connected when he died, even if the connection wasn't as strong anymore. Read more free novels at But I still felt it. When the pain refused to subside, I succumbed to the darkness.



The sound of a beeping monitor woke me up. My eyes fluttered open and I was blinded by a bright light. I lifted my hand to cover my eyes.

When my eyes had adjusted to the light, I saw that I was in a hospital bed. I was hooked up to an IV on my right and a heart monitor on my left. The door opened and I tensed up. A doctor that I recognized from the Midnight pack hospital walked in.

He smiled at me.

"You're awake. That's great! I'll go get the Beta."

I frowned, feeling confused. But the previous events slowly caught up to me and I buried my face in the pillow and cried.

I cried for everything that happened. I cried for everything that could have been. I cried of fear for what would happen to me in the future.

I lost my mate. A man that I both loved and hated at the same time.

Why couldn't he just be caring and loving towards me? None of this would have happened.

Now there's a hole in my chest where the mate bond once was.

I was also afraid. Now everyone knew that I was Alpha Richard's mate. Would I be shunned for that? Could I stay in the pack then?

I sobbed louder and clutched the pillow tightly, feeling like this soft pillow was the only thing I had left in the world.

The door opened again and the sob caught in my throat when I smelled honey and freshly cut grass wafting towards me. My wolf, who had been whimpering inside my head since I woke up, started to purr. I lifted my head from the pillow and was met with Luke's surprised face.

"Mate?" He whispered.

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