The Carlson Chronicle An Infinity Chronicles Story Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the The Carlson Chronicle An Infinity Chronicles Story novel. A total of 23 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is May 13, 2024
Latest Release: Act 23: All shall burn...
- Act 1: Rebooting the System. What if?
- Act 2: Lives, altered...
- Act 3: Truths & Consequences of Time Manipulation
- Act 4: Wow! Nice ship hun...
- Act 5: How do you spell doomed in growls and hisses?
- Act 6: Antilles Black: Round one.
- Act 7: Sometimes, you get too carried away Amythyst
- Act 8: Old friends and new enemies
- Act 9: Taucete sends it's regards, bathed in blood...
- Act 10: You're what E?!
- Act 11: They're here!
- Act 12: So it begins...
- Act 13: The Battle for Florinth, revised
- Act 14: Deus Ex Machina...Formerly know as the 'Stu'
- Act 15: How DO you spell DOOMED in growls and hisses?
- Act 16: Fun times on Summer
- Act 17: They did what?!
- Act 18: This changes everything...
- Act 19: Antilles Black...Round two.
- Act 20: Trust is earned, but Command is taken.
- Act 21: The ride of the Valkyries
- Act 22: To Garshain we go...
- Act 23: All shall burn...