The Curse of Thir -
Chapter 15
“Well then fine then, tell me how often opportunities like this come about? Because not once, to my knowledge, have I ever heard of the great Wizard Lemoine being invited to King Tyres’ court, to discuss a serious matter.” Theophilia walked slowly besides the wizened wizard, her red hair bouncy along with her eagerness to move faster.
“Could you move faster Lemoine... the King expects us today.”
“I am an old man Theophilia, I shall walk at my own pace.” He stopped, whether just to annoy her or just to rest was unclear. Either way Theophilia was lacking patients.
“Oh for Thirs’ sake! We cannot allow the King to wait for us.” She moved quickly from side to side.
“If I remember correctly, and I generally do, the King is not awaiting us, he only expects me.” He continued with his pace. “I merely invited you to come along as an assistant. So please, calm your impatient soul, for it does you no good.”
They continued at the wizards pace down the walk way of the castle. Theophilia sighed visibly several times.
“As impatient as ever, yet still equally as lovely, Theophilia.” Gelnane strode up next to them. His broad handsome grin unnerved Theophilia.
“I’m truly sorry I was not there to greet you personally at the gates but I had an urgent matter that required my attention.” He clicked his neck and rubbed his shoulder on the right side. Theophilia blushed and puffed at him, yet saying nothing.
“It’s been five years since you were last in Dun-Hare is it not?”
“Ah yes, almost six years now though since I’ve seen my second home. I do dream of its wine and magic at times Lemoine.”
“Hmmm yes, its wine is something to miss.”
Gelnane laughed and walked besides them, he nodded to the guards that had taken his place and they walked off.
“Do you know what matter the King wishes to discuss so urgently that he required my presence immediately.”
“Yes I do in fact.”
“Care to divulge.”
“Not particularly. But just remember sometimes a King does not know best.”
Lemoine nodded in agreement. They had reached the doors of the castle and stopped.
“Shall you be joining us Gelnane?”
“I can only escort you in; unfortunately the King believes my reasoning to be flawed, to open minded, reasonable and scientific.”
“Pah. Opened minded and reasonable...” Theophilia folded her arms and.
“Is she still upset?”
“Unfortunately yes and I have had to bear witness to the outcome more often than necessary.”
“Oh... I do apologies.” He looked at Theophilia and bowed.
“Too little, too late, you El-ta.” With that she stormed ahead, and then stopped realising she needed to be escorted by him.
They had entered the library where the king waited. Gelnane bowed and left leaving Lemoine and Theophilia alone.
“So glad of you to come Lemoine, and who may I ask is this?” He nodded towards Theophilia.
“It is my pleasure to be here at your service your Majesty, and this young woman is my assistant, Theophilia.” She bowed politely yet her excitement clearly brimmed over as she snapped quickly back up to view the king.
“Please sit Master Lemoine, you must be weary from your journey?” Lemoine accepted and sat down with a bit of a grunt. His ancient face lightly whiskered with unshaven grey hair, twitched beneath his nostrils as he exhaled.
“It was most unexpected and a bit rushed, if I may say so Majesty. So yes I am a bit weary, but I am here now and at your service.” The King paced, and then stopped at the large bay windows looking out onto a small lining of trees and one of the royal stables.
“I apologies for insisting you be here so quickly, but I must admit that I have been put in a predicament that needs, how shall I put it, someone with your particular talents.”
“Talents your Majesty, to which do you refer?”
“Are you thirsty perhaps?”
“Your Majesty?”
The King sighed and sat at one of the chairs surrounding the dark wood table. Sunlight caught the dust and wafted about in its warmth, the day was beautiful and calm.
“Master Lemoine, I have recently run into trouble concerning my daughter and a certain matter of a pet.”
Lemoines’ eyes widened in surprise.
“You seek my advice on how to tame the wild beast known as women?” The king laughed, and Theophilia sneered inwardly.
“No, Master Lemoine.” The kings’ merry chortle softened. “I do not seek the impossible from you. No, I seek answers on how it is possible for something to exist that should not.”
“I do not follow Majesty?”
The king reached for a small bell and rung it three times, a servant with a drink tray appeared.
“The pet Lemoine, it’s a creature of old.”
Lemoine sat back and thumbed his green ruby studded gold ring. His facial expression twisted in thought. The servant placed a fine crystal glass in front of the king and his guests, pouring delicately scented water in each.
“Well, your Majesty, I do believe that there are a few creatures of old left in this world, aside from the Dreagnance. It shouldn’t come across a surprise really, although to find one so far east is a bit unusual.” He paused and reversed his rotation of the ring occasionally speeding up or slowing down in deep thought.
“It is rumoured, that past the Iron-Mountain a few Tree Beasts live peacefully, I have even heard that there may be a small tribe of Toaliane existing at the edge of the west woods.”
King Tyres waved his hand to dismiss what Lemoine had just said.
“I know of those creatures and the rumours that wash up occasionally, I even know of The King of Don-hares’ personal winemakers. Those nature nymph creatures, but this is not what I speak of Lemoine. I speak of a creature that there is no record of. New creatures should not be popping up unexpectedly,” he paused and huffed deeply then took a gulp from his glass, “and then be housed under my roof by my daughter.”
Theophilia had been watching Lemoine shift his ring about, when he suddenly stopped.
“An unknown creature, Majesty? Perhaps your records are not as complete as you assume and you do not have the information you require?”
“I considered that, this is why I have called upon you.”
“What of Gelnanes knowledge. Surely he might have seen a creature like it in his hundred years upon this Thir?”
“Pah, Gelnane has his uses but this is not one of those times. He carries on about how it must be kept close and observed.”
“Then why not in a cell then?”
“Oh I wish. But my daughter is truly remarkable at acquiring things, and besides that Gelnane says it would be impossible to know what its true motives are if it is not allowed a certain amount of freedom.” Theophilia sniffed her drink and sipped it. It was sweet and citrusy.
“Well Gelnane is not entirely in correct with that suggestion Majesty.”
“That is not the point Lemoine. My main concern is my daughters’ safety as she has insisted on keeping it in her room.”
“Can you not simply take it away from her?” Lemoines expression held concern; his habit of ring twisting gave the impression of nervousness.
“Simply? Ha you should retire your wizard and become a jester.”
King Tyres looked towards a gigantic framed portrait of an elegant woman with long black hair and fine darkly tanned skin hanging over the smallest bookshelf.
“I loved my wife Master Lemoine, I loved her so deeply that I believed my heart would implode from the weight of it. So when she died giving birth, I was devastated beyond belief.” There were tears creeping to the corners of his eyes as he spoke.
“I blamed my daughter for some time, I even hated her. I did not go near her for almost three years and then one day I found myself staring directly at her. She had escaped from the nurse maid and had found her way into my study. She could barely look over the table, but her hair was as dark and as lovely as my queens, and her eyes shone with the same questioning glare my wife gave me so often. It was a tiny innocent new version of what I had lost, and I realised I would do anything to keep my princess happy and delighted with the world,” King Tyres looked Lemoine dead in the eyes, a look of steely determination that could only be found in the gaze of a man who had known a true love, “but I will not lose her, not to anyone or anything, you must be able to understand?”
Lemoine looked at the portrait of the queen and smiled.
“She truly was a beauty your Majesty, and I can understand both your desires for your daughters safety and happiness. Unfortunately you have found out that these two things have a nasty habit of clashing. But what exactly is it that you wish me to do?”
“Gelnane has already enchanted a necklace that shall burn it to a crisp if I so wish, but I need to know how much of a threat it truly poses to my daughter and my kingdom, I need to know what it is and if possible could you use your foresight to see if anything will happen to my daughter if she keeps it?” The king was eagerly leaning forward over the table, he noted Lemoines puzzlement.
“But if it is a threat, I shall forsake Naveens happiness and destroy that creature!” he slapped the table with an open palm. His drink rippled in the glass.
“I can make no promises King Tyres, but I shall do what I can to ease your mind.”
The king nodded and sat back in his chair, Lemoine resumed the twisting of his ring.
“Is there anything you require Master Lemoine?”
“I merely need to be in its presence.”
“Very well then, if you would follow me I shall take you to it.”
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