The Emerging Part I: Dream -
Teqqc follows Uxxok closely. She reaches out with her aura to connect with Uxxok’s aura, but is rejected. Uxxok turns his head. He glances at her. He shakes his head nearly imperceptibly. Teqqc nods and continues to follow Uxxok down the deep, dark hallway.
Uxxok leads with determined steps. The hallway allows hardly any light to enter at all. He knows the hallway well. They pass a lantern, the sole source of light they have passed since entering the ominous tunnel of darkness.
“That lantern there marks the halfway point,” Uxxok says to Teqqc behind him.
Uxxok does not wait for Teqqc to answer before making a sudden turn to their right, grabbing Teqqc before she slams into the wall.
Teqqc gasps in surprise. Uxxok seizes Teqqc’s arms. His eyes come within an inch of Teqqc’s, a feral rage on the brim of his pupils. Teqqc gapes in shock.
“You must not betray any emotion, Teqqc. The underground is very unforgiving. If you show a hint of doubt or worry, you will be executed. There are no buts.”
Teqqc nods, composing herself.
“That wall is merely a painting designed to confuse those from entering. As soon as someone hits the wall, they are dropped through a trap door to the water below.”
“You have such great knowledge of the underground,” Teqqc says in awe following closely to Uxxok again.
“As I should, especially Coas’s Underground, I spent most of my time here when on my mission for the Daijoks. This is the center of the Underground. If any information of the slave trade exists, it will be here,” Uxxok states.
Teqqc nods to herself. She suddenly runs into Uxxok who has stopped unexpectedly. Teqqc scratches her head and peers around Uxxok’s shoulders. She gapes as she sees nothing but rubble welcoming them.
Uxxok slumps. He turns to face Teqqc, “Something terrible has happened. The underground has been safe from everything. I have never seen such destruction.” Uxxok shake his head in awe.
Teqqc looks at Uxxok with confusion, “I do not understand. Was the central chamber here?”
Uxxok shakes his head. “No, the port for the underground was here. We would have continued to walk for another hundred yards or so and then the tunnel would have opened up to a giant secluded harbor. The fact that nothing remains but rubble is disheartening.”
Teqqc grabs Uxxok’s right forearm, concern in her eyes. “I am sorry, Uxxok.”
Suddenly, they hear a noise emanating from behind the stack of rubble. They turn with nervous gazes. They ready themselves in defensive positions, blades wielded. A slot of light not more than a foot long and six inches tall appears to the right of the rubble.
“Who is it out there? What do you want?” a voice secretes from the slot.
Perplexed, Uxxok walks to the slot of light and smiles. The slot closes with a loud bang. Uxxok sheathes his blade. The walls of the hallway begin to shake finely. A door to their right opens with a rush of air.
Uxxok turns to Teqqc and smiles, “Put that away, we will not be needing it after all. Teqqc, welcome to the Center of the Underground.” Uxxok gestures towards the dim door.
Teqqc walks through the threshold and discovers a giant harbor greeting her. The crescent moon in the sky winks at her. Uxxok takes her arm and leads her. They pass the guard station where the slot of light originated from.
Uxxok points, “You see that collapsed tunnel, that is where we would have gone. It ends there,” he points towards a spot a hundred yards away from them. “And we would have gone there,” he points to a now barren and dilapidated shack. “That is where we would have been recognized, well, I would have.”
Teqqc just nods her head. Uxxok continues to lead the way. They pass numerous shacks lit from inside, groups of people huddled just outside the shacks. A man approaches them, speaking to them in a language Teqqc does not recognize.
Uxxok speaks back to the man in the same language. Teqqc hides her emotions well as she allows Uxxok to lead her yet again.
They continue to pass an increasing number of shacks and people until the shacks become sturdy buildings and the people dwindle to nothing. Teqqc observes all of this and feels entirely out of place, her white tunic and pants glowing brighter than she feels comfortable.
She glances at Uxxok and observes his dark clothes make him nearly imperceptible in the dim night. They continue to walk through the underground city until the building become deserted. She clutches to Uxxok tighter.
Uxxok remains expressionless but his aura spikes in ecstasy. He leads them around a corner and sees their destination just a hundred yards away. He hears Teqqc’s breath catch. He smiles.
“And that, is where I spent most of my time, the Anxok Cathedral.”
Teqqc gulps as Uxxok speeds their walk.
They arrive at the massive cathedral. A three story building towering over the shambles of buildings surrounding it. A courtyard three times that of the cathedral itself greets Uxxok and Teqqc. Three spires towering to the sky in the front of the cathedral whisper ominously from its turrets.
Teqqc looks in wonder at the massive building and wonders how she never heard tell of it on her many travels. She notices the gigantic stained-glass windows functioning as entrances to the cathedral, a constant flood of dark clothed people entering and leaving the cathedral.
Uxxok follows a group of three into one of the entrances and smiles as the cathedral is just as he remembered. A bustling place resembling that of a marketplace in any other city.
Uxxok walks through the crowd without so much as a glance at the various stalls and vendors shouting to him. Teqqc cannot help but swivel her head to marvel at all of the merchandise.
Gold, silver, rings, weapons, rubies, clothing, even animals, all of it greets Teqqc’s eyes and she cannot believe such a place exists. Such sums of penoc exchanging hands, she wonders if perhaps she could regulate the trade here and drastically boost Munda Luna’s economy.
Uxxok leads them through the crowd and turns right. They arrive at a winding staircase. Without hesitation, Uxxok begins ascending. Teqqc follows with reluctance in her heart. She feels dark auras all around her, but most disconcerting is that she feels Uxxok’s aura is the darkest.
They pass very few people while ascending the staircase, each person having a darker aura than the last. Still, none surpass Uxxok’s ever-darker aura. Teqqc hides her confusion.
They ascend the last stair case to the third floor. They see a lobby filled with chairs and couches scattered throughout. They only see three people sitting. Uxxok makes no attempt to speak to either one even though they shout at them in the same language as the man on the shore.
Uxxok leads them to a door and opens it without hesitation. Voices boom from within the room in the same unknown language. Uxxok retaliates without missing a beat. The people inside the room number only five. Teqqc holds herself close to Uxxok as he shouts in the guttural language.
Suddenly, the tense air of the room relaxes as the door closes behind Uxxok and Teqqc with a slam.
“Uxxok! So good to see you again, my friend!” a man says in the middle of the room. The man dressed in a dark green cloak, boots, and bow and quiver approaches and embraces Uxxok. The other four similarly dressed people return to their respective seats as if the intrusion never occurred.
Uxxok breaks the embrace and says, “Ah, good to see you as well, Micten.”
Teqqc observes the younger man with brown hair, goldenrod eyes, and a dark tan as if he spends most of his time on the harbor during the daytime.
Micten smiles, “And, what do we owe the pleasure this time, Uxxok the Cloaked?”
Uxxok smiles, “I see my reputation has not faded with my short absence.”
Micten nods, “You have put forth good reason for it to stand the test of time.”
Teqqc clears her throat. Micten glances at Teqqc with a perplexed expression. Uxxok groans lightly before, “This is Teqqc, Micten.”
Micten merely nods, paying Teqqc no more attention than a fly buzzing about the room. Teqqc blinks at Micten incredulously.
Micten and Uxxok speak in the unknown, guttural language once more. They burst into laughter. Teqqc’s head swims with anger, confusion, and slight fear.
“Uxxok,” Teqqc says firmly, placing a hand on his left forearm.
Uxxok nods as he takes on a serious expression once again.
Micten nod, “Well then, shall we get right to business?” gesturing towards a couch and two chairs in the middle of the room.
Uxxok leads Teqqc to the couch where she sits and he sits in the chair next to her, on the left side of the couch. Micten sits in the chair opposite Uxxok on the couch’s right side.
“So, what brings you to the Anxok?” Micten asks.
Uxxok chooses his words carefully, “Well, I might as well come right out with it. I am seeking a slave trade, or any information there of.”
Micten nods, “Ah, I thought you might. You Rniti-type are always searching for corruption to set straight.”
Teqqc blurts, “You know we are Rniti?” a little louder than either Uxxok or Micten would have liked.
Uxxok glares at Teqqc harshly. Micten chuckles, “It is no matter, all of us of the Ukytok Order know Uxxok is Rniti. And obviously, you are as well, Oqoponh.”
Teqqc gapes, astounded of the well-informed Micten.
Uxxok chuckles with Micten at Teqqc’s expression. “Teqqc, relax, Micten and I have been together since I first went underground. I met his brother whom led me here. The Ukytoks have the best and most reliable information. I discovered Iroko this way.”
“You could have asked me about Iroko,” Teqqc says.
“If my mission had not been of the utmost secrecy, I would have,” Uxxok states.
Teqqc stares at Uxxok with disbelieving eyes. Uxxok waves her away. He turns his attention to Micten, “Now, Micten, what is it that you know?”
Micten leans forward, his elbows rest on his knees, his chin rests on his thumbs as his fingers curl over and his knuckles touch his lips. “What does this information mean to you?”
Uxxok rolls his eyes, “Enough to kill even you for it.”
“Ah, I see. But I believe a few penoc would be suitable.”
Uxxok groans, “Very well,” as he throws a bag on the table between him and Micten. The bag rustles as the gold pieces inside tumble with the force of gravity. Micten grabs the bag in a blink of an eye.
Micten claps his hands and a maiden appears from nowhere bearing a tray of mugs filled with a deep amber liquor. Micten grabs a mug. The maiden moves to Uxxok and Teqqc where they each take one as well.
Micten drains half his mug before placing the mug on the table. “Now, Uxxok, you must understand that what I am about to tell you is the most secretive information I have ever come to know.”
Uxxok nods, “Only Teqqc and I shall bear witness to this information and neither of us will relate this information without your knowledge.”
Micten nods, “You know the underground well, Uxxok. Three years and you know the rules nearly better than I.”
Uxxok smirks, draining half his mug of amber liquor. Teqqc sips at her drink, the strong alcohol burning her throat violently.
“Uxxok, this slave trade has been going on for about a year and a half now. I am surprised you have not learned of it earlier.”
“My mission before did not require my knowledge of it.”
Micten nods, “Very well. Nonetheless, this slave trade sprung up suddenly in many cities, but the slavers were very smart about it, they were nearly unnoticeable. They would spring up in a city for one week, then disappear before reappearing in another city the very next day.”
“That sounds awfully familiar,” Teqqc says quietly.
Uxxok glances at Teqqc for a moment before looking back at Micten, “Please, continue.”
Micten glares at Teqqc for the interruption. “Needless to say, even the underground did not hear of its existence until just recently, but with the amount of people we have learned have disappeared, we knew the trade was in existence for much longer.
“Furthermore, no one knows how the slaves are even obtained. We believe kidnapping is playing a vital role. We have spied on various guards and obtained secret reports implying kidnappings are on the rise.”
“Interesting. Yes, I suppose slavers cannot openly introduce themselves anymore, even in cities like Rizq, they would be executed on the spot.”
“Exactly. Now, what I am sure you want to know most, the leaders.”
Uxxok nods, he leans towards Micten.
“I am afraid I cannot tell you any name, but I can tell you how to find at least one of them.”
“I am listening.”
“Good. Now, the leaders may be good, but they are not better than me. I have noticed a pattern developing. It is still a long shot, but I believe the next city to be hit will be Qino. They have not hit that city in almost two months, and they have only ever hit eight cities altogether. I believe Qino is prime for another reaping of slave trading,” Micten says gravely.
Uxxok nods, “Thank you, Micten. And, before we go, may I ask what became of the tunnel?”
Micten looks away before speaking carefully, “For added protection. Much as the painted wall. Same as with the guard station. Only those with certain reputations or knowledge of the underground language would be allowed into the harbor.”
Uxxok nods.
Teqqc scratches her head, “Why such security?”
Micten stares at Teqqc incredulously. Uxxok sighs.
“This is the center of a rather brutal black market and a variety of, shall I say, less than noble workings and dealings. Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if the guards of Coas were to storm this harbor? It would be a minor war. The underground has vast resources,” Micten responds.
Uxxok nods, “Yes, of course. Teqqc, if it were not of the utmost importance, I would not have even taken you here. The Oqoponh is supposed to search and destroy places such as this.”
“I do not think even the Rniti could eradicate this place.”
Micten, “They would be wise to not even try.”
Uxxok nods. Teqqc nods slowly.
Uxxok rises from his chair, “We shall make our leave.” Teqqc stands quickly latching onto Uxxok’s left arm.
Micten nods, “Always a pleasure to see you, Uxxok.”
“As it is to see you, Micten.”
Uxxok and Teqqc vanish on the spot and appear in the bustling marketplace of Qino. They vanish again and appear in a dimmed room. Uxxok lights a few candles.
Teqqc collapses in a nearby chair, relief washing over her. Uxxok looks at Teqqc with a disgruntled face. “We may be here a while. I feel much darkness.”
“As do I,” Teqqc agrees.
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