The Great Unpacking Of Love -
Part 10
Scene 5
How to show love to others?
March 10, 2019
Second Chance Home. Group of 11-12 year olds.
— Enter the children and choose a place to sit. Okay, is everyone seated?
—What are we going to do, Ms. Clara?
— I suggest you all participate in a talking circle together.
— What is a talking circle?
— Well, it’s a group that meets to discuss freely, with respect for everyone, a subject that concerns all the members of this group. I suggest that today we address the theme of emotional and s****l life.
— Ugh, it’s disgusting!
— You say that now, but when you’re older and in love, you’ll change your mind.
— Thank you Garri, handsome, very handsome.
— Clara, how do we make others understand that we are in love?
— Kevin, do you have an idea?
— Yes, I would invite the girl to the restaurant and I would talk to her, talk to her and talk to her again.
— OK, anyone else? Éléonore? Perfect, go ahead.
— I would take him to the cinema.
— Well, what about you Camille?
— I would buy him a present.
— Well, my gift would be my Love.
— Well said that Garri, I didn’t know you were a poet in your day.
12/03/2019 6:40
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
My dear gamekeeper of the heart,
I see that you like to play. I therefore invite you to discover several extracts from the texts of songs talking about Love. I deliberately did not cite the authors, it is up to you to identify them. Then, you will let me know the one you particularly like, the one who speaks to you and touches you the most. In exchange, let’s play fair, I will reveal mine to you without any shame.
03/12/2019 12:50
Excerpt No. 1
Since we will never both live together
Since we are crazy, since we are alone
Since there are so many of
them Even morality speaks for them
I would still like to tell you
Everything that I could write
I drew it from the ink of your eyes
Excerpt No. 2
What would I be without you who came to meet me
What would I be without you than a sleeping heart
Than this hour stopped on the dial of the watch
What would I be without you than this stammering
Extract No. 3
Why do people who love
each other Are they always a bit the same
They have when they come
The same look of a single desire for two
They are happy people
Extract n° 4
When we only have the love
To offer ourselves to share
On the day of the great journey
What is our great love
When we only have love
My love you and me
So that joy bursts
Every hour and every day
When we only have love love
To live our promises
Without any other wealth
Than to always believe in it
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
So there Clara, Stop, I’m not playing that little game . No, not with me! I’m going to be very clear with you, I’m looking for a casual relationship without love, without feelings, I don’t bother with that kind of thing. Is that clear ? Take it or leave it !
03/12/2019 12:52
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Say, potential Marquis de Sade, have you gone crazy? What fly bit you ? It is clear that you are absolutely not receptive to the carousel of emotions of Cabrel, Ferrat, Sheller and Brel. How can you imagine for a single second that I adhere to your butt vision without feeling, without love? I’m not a s*x machine, you’re totally on the wrong target and I invite you to go and join your Justine and Juliette instead. You disappoint me and I am hurt by your completely unromantic comments. A single email managed to shatter our writing talents, on the way to becoming a reference in erotic literature.
I don’t salute you, you don’t deserve it.
03/12/2019 12:54
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
I’m sorry. I am very apologetic. Far be it from me to offend you in any way. I just wanted to be clear about my intentions towards you. I’m not going to hold out to you with any commitment that I won’t keep. I’m just looking for some Woodstock s*x.
03/12/2019 12:59
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
I understand well, Gauthier. If the form of asking me to be your mistress could not be more original, the goal remains the same. You see Gauthier, you hardly differ from a large number of men. And that’s where you disappoint me the most. You whom I appreciated for your sensitivity, your finesse, patatras, in a single email, you destroyed the haloed image that I had of you.
03/12/2019 1:02 p.m.
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
My dearest Clara,
What can I do to make amends? You know how much I have always appreciated you and whatever happens you will remain a true friend. “I would go and get the Moon, if you asked me.” Tell me what I can do to make up for my stupidity and earn your trust again?
03/12/2019 1:20 p.m.
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
I need to take a step back from the situation because I don’t mess around with it Love. I’ll get back to you when I’m ready to talk about it.
See you soon perhaps…
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