The way of truth

Benjamin HAD Looked at the shelf Where books and Ana annotations, if I Could not restore life, maybe I Could Know That I Intended to train and maybe Fulfill His dream.

On the shelves of books There Were plenty of all kinds, but in a space behind the table Were all ... If You Had found them, Were the books as His father was reading, secret sects, the inquisition, the Bible, the Mahabharata , esoteric occult, occult religions, ancient civilizations, Egypt, Mesopotamia.

I Had No Doubt That Ana was seeking something and was determined to to to to to to to find it. I Looked across the table in a corner Were there several pages on a tray.

I glanced without much interest, turned His eyes on a book called secret societies and hidden keys would you be in this book the answer to Anna’s thoughts?

Studies at the university Went Directly to the point and discarded Everything That Could not be scientifically proven. Little or nothing of the alchemists spoke only in passing i had read something about prep prep prep prep prep prep them, When in fact what is chemistry? If not a derivation of the alchemy That is called.

Benjamin sank into an unknown For Which only had a vague information world and always HAD something unreal or fanciful.

Before long I HAD read five books from the shelf and was devouring books. I did not believe in magic or unrealistic fantasies, His studies left him no room for doubt everything Should Have an answer or a demonstrable theory.

The concept That Anna HAD no room for fantasy, Should Have found something to call him wide attention, I Decided to look the desk drawers HAD Looked not out of respect.

The top left drawer was closed, looked at the rest, the third drawer on the right was the greatest. Opening it Realized That Ana used it as trash, there was only folios Looked shriveled or broken the rest of the drawers in the upper right ADH South American country clubs travel brochures. The second drawer Russia brochures clubs and exotic country like Nepal. I Looked at the rest of the drawers, one was the catchall and the second on the left HAD all the utensils of an office, ink, pens, staplers, punches, etc.

It was only the locked drawer Where I Would Have left the keys? I glanced around the room. In a corner of the shelf was a small vase what if ...? benjamin rose taking the vase to turn around I dropped the keys on hand.

Eureka HAD found, curiously opened the drawer. The first thing I found was a piece of paper with a heart That read, do not know how, but I’ve fallen in love, Benjamin Could not keep the tears wetted His eyes.

Once recovered I continued to watch, There Were Several drawings made by hand and some photos taken from magazines, Past reports montanismo Suddenly caught her attention to a sheet size notebook, Where There Were notes of all folios That was on the table and the drawer. Possibly there was the key.

I’ve Decided to watch from the first sheet, drawing It had only some mountains and the upper part read some letters That ’Peace! Benjamin thought I meant peace found in the tops of the mountains. I turned the page, I soon Realized I was wrong, I was Referring to the capital La Paz Bolivia. What was projecting Ana was a trip to Bolivia, and one of Its summits.

It was clear That There Were Four Peaks, followed passing leaves and was informing The entire journey to reach the basis of the Illimani mountains. That’s Where Ana wanted to run, then a had a flat to to to to with a Several Explanations. Ana surprise was not directed to conquer a summit, That I was not seeking implied mountaineering, training was only on occasion if needed.

The last sheet was a big question, and at the basic question.

What if I find it? Ana’s mood was evident to the end.

Benjamin sat back looking out the window, the day was gray and not inviting joy. Again I was Overcome With sadness.

After half an hour I rose as driven by a spring. I HAD DECIDED, if Anne Could not make the trip I would, Quickly That Were Sought brochures on the table, Which HAD NOTED the direction of a travel agency, telephoned, asking About the details of the trip and the documents Should provide. Then I called Bernat, informing him That was traveling and giving specific instructions to return the keys to the floor to Anne’s father; I Went later by the agency and the next week, with The entire team of Ana this brochure and scraps left as the only indication towards Bolivia via Brazil Where would scale.

From the plane the Amazon rainforest Could be seen in all its splendor and produced bald man, coming to La Paz Could see from the plane, the snow-capped mountains That I Had to run. When taking land was seven o’clock in the afternoon, I HAD written down some hotels recommended by the agency. ,, ,,,, Although without reservation. She Approached him a little man.

- Taxi sir!

Who Offered cab was a native of some early forties with a convincing air, I Grabbed His bags as I spoke. How to refuse?

You -Meet international hotel. (It was one of Those Who Had Scored)

If do you take ?,

The driver Placed the luggage in the trunk. The cab did not look for ITS preservation, I HAD hits from all sides. The cab driver into a frantic race Launched, dodging the vehicles traveling in all directions. Within ten minutes I stood in front of the hotel. The hotel was recently built and Had an imposing appearance.

Benjamin thought about prep prep prep prep prep prep before leaving the taxi, the hotel Seemed too fancy and mood, I needed something more familiar, I Asked the driver, you know somewhere to spend the night Where you eat well and May leave luggage up my back i’ll be alone tonight, tomorrow i want to go in the direction of Pinaya or Cohoni.

- Are you a climber?

Something like’m researcher.

And how long I says I’ll be there.

’I have Said, there is still time I’ll be.

- “Ya” About what you care is that you ″ ″ keep packing the time.

Would you care much about prep prep prep prep prep prep luxury room?

-rather Is what interests me less.

Then Manuel is the best for you, started the car again and passed near a neighborhood Where the houses Seemed Climbed the slope of a hill, it Seemed to be a swarm of houses and streets, near the foot of them, we turned and headed outside , not long before stopping the car.

-lower You and see if you like. Mary, Mary I bring a client.

A lady dressed in clothing typical of Bolivia included a bowler hat, Appeared at the door.

The room was nothing fancy, but at Least it was clean, the bathroom was shared but enough to meet the needs and Considering That I would not spend more than one night, looked out the window Looked almost all La Paz, Manuel Entered after Benjamin With suitcases and equipment.

Tomorrow When you go cometh my daughter and bags will be my home, I live just down the road Where the asphalt ends, there I keep luggage Until You return. If you want to walk around Peace can Accompany my daughter.

- And it is! I would turn around and stretch your legs, but I have to tell me how to get to my destination.

No problem is my daughter will tell you everything you want, is a modern girl and has studios in ten minutes is here.

It Seemed That the plans to the driver, finally, Benjamin paid him twice what I Asked for cab service and the man Walked out the door with great satisfaction.

Benjamin Took the opportunity to freshen up and change clothes When I dropped a young woman was waiting, dressed in jeans and a blouse With ruffles, His appearance was MOST European.

- Are you the gentleman That I have to Accompany?

Yes I think I am if you are the daughter of Manuel?

If so, my name is Mary to serve and tell me you want to see.

Look, I want to see a good restaurant Where you can eat well and wander Where You want, I want information on Cohoni Also transportation to or Pinaya.

-Best Pinaya, two blocks from here lives a friend of mine Who has a road I will take, I’ll let you know it, it will take four hours to reach acerca Pinaya, from there, to go to and walk to the basis camp, but tomorrow is the road will not be closed by an avalanche and are releasing, you will Have to be passed tomorrow, a! my father says you’re a mountaineer.

- No, I Told your father That I am a researcher, we go!?

-As You like; May Have you noticed as my father is a native of the country authentic, friendly and welcoming people, as my grandmother His lineage predates the arrival of the Spaniards and did not want to marry my mother; I look like my mother Spanish Who is like you, my grandparents came fleeing in war Were Republicans and came here by chance from Chile. They Said That This was paradise, whos They liked the mountains and landscape, saw That They Could help people and stayed. I want to devote to language study tourism I think this country is poorly Promoted, our infrastructure is outdated and need some help.

The dinner conversation was most enjoyable, truly the daughter of Manuel was prepared for what was Proposed, I gave all kinds of information Benjamin even provided him with a map of the area.

The next day I visited La Paz in the company of Mary, WHO was trying to be friendly and Promote Their country, visited the Plaza Murillo and Cathedral. She invited him to taste the dishes cooked by His mother and not only eat, but supped Also saying goodbye and Thanking them for Their kindness. Had the next day to get up early.

At eight passed the road, WHO spent almost half an hour late, if the cab Manuel was wrong the road like something out of a junkyard, the seats Were wooden with a pillow over later Learned it was the older than Those Who made the trip and it was an honor to get into it.

The cost him four hours to make the journey of eighty kilometers, Seemed endless landscape only made up for the discomfort. But Benjamin’s thoughts were very different, the memory of Ana and the uncertain journey permeating His Mind Were questions patents, seeking Ana? Did you find it? Or waste time and everything would be easy excursion.

They Reached Pinaya on alighting I Could See the tops of the mountains, Illimani asking him pointed the way You should follow to reach the base camp, three hours after what I saw, there I found a store of Provisions Already was prepared ,,,, ,,, Although fresh food and would not hurt something for dinner.

The road was not easy but That Could wait, the worse it would be the next day. I arrived at the camp, I HAD never thought I was so busy, it was the best time to climb and it Showed in the environment, cordate Gathered around the fire the guides Were Offered was a coming and going of people. I was the only one That was alone. I Looked for a quiet, backpack downloaded and installed the small shop, a man of sunburned complexion Approached him would measure no more than meter and a half.

Good night, do you need help?

- Do not! I can with luggage, but if you earn five dollars need information.

Whatever you say, the man opened His eyes, speaking five dollars was lucky to find abroad.

Benjamin Ana pulled the plane and her daughter HAD Given the cab driver and Placed on the floor, the man Approached Observed and conscientiously.

This road leads nowhere summit.

I Am not seeking a summit.

Then you doing here, everybody comes to scale, but very few reach the summits.

I am a researcher and seek hidden cities, civilizations in short everything That can interest me.

-A Chosen you there’s nothing wrong, only legends to Prevent people not berry and miss the mountains.

- What legends say?

The warrior Nicapa ventured That part and never returned, They say the giants ate.

Would-giants as men of Benjamin as one meter eighty.

- These giants are too big?

As two men -Miden one another.

- Has anyone seen them?

She’s a legend is passed from parent to child. There is another saying on occasion Have Seen That strange lights. It is Said That the aliens serve them food giants to not eat men.

- Do you think These legends?

No, but something May be, When they say it.

And his father ever did you see something?

Neither, but what if people used to not miss.

You -Know the area.

Yes, only here-and I gestured at one Point- map.

- Can we go?

’I cost you twenty dollars.

It´s a deal- Benjamin Said.

Well now let you mark on the map drawing book; runs along a river and You have to cross a suspension bridge there be apart. Sleep That will leave early at daybreak.

Benjamin had dinner and Went to bed slightly. Had I not Although I was awakened ,, ,, When the guide calling him. I picked up while the guide warm milk in a nearby bonfire.

Some cookies and milk and Began the journey, passed through desert areas after enveloped the jungle and a river Reached was not a bed of roses Had to Overcome huge rocks, and areas of a beauty never seen by Benjamin. They had dinner and Dialogue Between the guide and Benjamin With The question always ended Went to bed.

- But where is it going? And always the same answer.

-Actually, I do not know. The next day after a hearty breakfast we off in September, almost ended the day When They Reached the suspension bridge.

Well here you will camp tomorrow and I’ll go.

- Will not you join me?

No sir I have no fear of bridges giants, plus I have never crossed not know what lies beyond. My job is to climb to the summit.

- How many days will it take to reach the end of the plane?

Three, four days, it depends on the rivers and the road.

They had dinner and Went to bed, the next day I would be alone.

When I roused the guide and I was gone. I Collected and I Decided to cross.

I NOTED, the bridge HAD two strings to put your feet underneath and one on each side to pick, only to hold off the ropes Benjamin Asked how long it would take not know there. I made the first test putting one foot, trying to unload Their heavily weight the ropes held up and Decided to spend Moved and swayed under him Were twenty meters of free fall, the water Should be very cold, but the worst is circulating Among large rocks was not a fearful man, but Understood why the guide did not want to cross.

Finally managed to reach the other side safely and yet wanted the bridge would hold Until His return. I sat and ate some crackers Went the way of the unknown. It was becoming worse vegetation the river did not stop progress and ACCORDING to the guide and the plane of Ana Went along the river just had to sign Where You Should leave the river and start climbing marked by a small waterfall Where You Should recross the other side . From here there was more guided by instinct Indications Should be.

Soon I Realized how unstable weather places the wind Began to whip him and not let him move late afternoon Reached the small waterfall was exhausted Sought shelter Among the rocks and vegetation and prepared to spend the night, the next day and She has time to Think About the solution.

The next morning wearing a splendid sun rays Reflected on the snow of the mountains illuminating the whole riverbed With indirect light, huge masses of rock and vegetation rose on Either side of the river.

Benjamin restoring forces after Should Overcome ITS first hurdle, the waterfall, there was no bridge around just a rock ledges on the wild waters of the river. It found looking around a trunk of About twenty centimeters in diameter, it was what I needed. With the ax cut him and then a to to to to to made him the two flat ends, tied a rope to one end and supporting the trunk in the foot, was dropping with rope to the next rock, You should now cross over the trunk, to give the extreme close-ups, the trunk was not moving and Could cross with caution. I Repeated the operation Several times, until, I managed to cross the river. And across the rocks I Followed what Seemed a narrow path, at two hours expanded bed and what Looked like a path starting to promotion,

The Widened ledge into a small space of rest was hungry and it was the best place to rest and eat DECIDED. I Took the food from the bag and the knife at His waist, I ate some dried meat and bread after some biscuits, Which had a good supply, let the water bottle resting on the wall of the mountain and hid meat backpack, releasing the backpack is hurtling into space slipped. Benjamin was puzzled, but Reacted Quickly count and made utensils and food. The documents Took them in His pants pocket, I left the knife, Threw That I Had the coffee not coffee, water bottle and cookies in the cookie jar Were four packages of two hundred and fifty grams. Should manage kilo of cookies in the coming days, the rise was glad the sleeping bag Have put a pillow on His buttocks, I drew up a bundle as I Could and continued on the path again and shook the snow Showed up it was becoming increasingly difficult to advance the fog enveloped him. Almost Could not move forward Decided to return to a bend HAD That left a little Earlier, there Could get into the bag and wait for the dawn will Indicate the way.

The next morning dawned in the fog Could barely see two or three meters away. Benjamin since I HAD DECIDED That no compass (was gone with the backpack) and guided by the sun Could not be Could only follow the ledge without Knowing Where It had not to see what was around. Their steps headed back along the coast road, through places Where I Went Understood, Because Ana was training in climbing Suddenly Widened and Benjamin tube a little rest, pouncing on her afternoon and the light was becoming less To have joined blizzard calamities.

What Looked like a road stopped Suddenly, did not Have enough light to see Where I was, I Could not see more than a meter away, I Decided to build on the rock wall and almost fell into HAD His arm penetrated the rock. I was perplexed at the wall of rock, I touched the wall again and his hand again Introduced into the rock, Had no scientific explanation; for the curiosity of a researcher Seemed gelatin wall. I continued by her body through the rock, introducing the head saw darkened a large cave, continued penetrating and found himself in the middle of a room surrounded by rock walls everywhere, every time there Seemed to be more light, Their Eyes Seemed to get used That to blue-white light emanating from the walls. I turned on for the door. Do not! Door HAD merged With the rest, I Decided to make a cross on the ground Where Believed to Have Entered; I was exhausted and I Should rest after eating some cookies DECIDED got into the sack and fell asleep.

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