“Alright everyone, we have been practicing for some time and I feel that now is as good a time as any to inform every one of the games that we shall be competing in for the upcoming tournament. Rowan, I am aware of your training regimen and I do not intend to interfere with it. The first item on my list is dueling. Giles, I think that it would be wise for you to practice with Rowan. I wish for you to adapt to his methods, as you still seem unsure when it comes to melee combat. Please make your way over to the quintain to begin practicing.” Giles nodded his head and collecting his things marched over to the hanging dummy usually designated for children.
“I won’t go easy on him.” Rowan looked at Eliza.
“I’m counting on that.” Rowan smiled and shook his head as he followed Giles to begin a life-changing lesson.
“Colette, you have no need to practice your horseback riding for the jousting match, but would you please take some time to practice both your lance arm and, if you have the time, your archery skills?” Colette nodded her head and as Giles had done, she marched away towards the appropriate training quadrant.
“Relina,” Eliza paused for a moment in an attempt to find the words that she needed. Talia knew full well that Eliza was aware of the terrors Talia endured as a result of her ordeals at the spire. Talia took a deep breath as she waited for what she knew was to come.
“I do not want for you to press yourself too hard. I know that you are still having trouble dealing with what happened to you and Alec. To make matters worse, I have been informed that the council plans on hosting live rounds, meaning that there is a chance that we shall face mortal danger. Along with Rowan, you two are my finest cadets and have little need for further practice alone. I am worried however, that you are unfit for a live exercise.” Talia stared at Eliza for a moment waiting for further explanation. When it failed to present itself, she called Eliza on the matter.
“Eliza, what is it exactly that you are trying to tell me?” Eliza paused again for a few more moments before answering.
“I think that you should reconsider entering the tournament. If something happens and you have an episode, I don’t know as though I can protect you.” Talia struggled to maintain her usual composure as she listened to Eliza.
“I am under control and do not require your protection. I have not been undergoing all of the training just to sit on the sidelines. I need to do this Eliza. I need this.”
“Talia, you have nothing to prove.” Eliza spoke though Talia was not in the mood to listen.
“Eliza, that is quite enough! If you wish it of me, I shall join another team. I shalt not retire myself from this competition!” Eliza grew quiet for a moment as Talia continued to fume. Eliza looked up at her and smiled.
“You emulate him; you know?” Talia steadied her breathing and looked up at Eliza. “Stay with us Talia, I know that look too well. Alec gave it to me daily.”
“Thank you Eliza, I will not let you down. I shall take my leave for now.” As Talia began to walk away, Eliza spoke softly to her.
“Unless things grow dire, you will need to keep your light in check.”
“I understand.” Eliza nodded her head as she turned to watch her other cadets. Talia focused her attention on the others as well.
“None of us are ready for what is to come.” Talia said at a near whisper to Eliza who confirmed what she said with a simple nod.
“We will be. That is all we can hope for. Each of us is working arduously to become more than we once were. I cannot ask for any more than that.”
“Shall it be enough, though?” Eliza placed her hand on Talia’s shoulder.
“Faith shall guide us, right? Are you not Aneira’s shield?” Talia thought back to the prophecy that had been ingrained into her mind ever since their first encounter with the late Belias.
“I suppose I am. You are right. Faith shall guide us and I shall not falter.” Talia knew that in Alec’s absence everyone would turn to her for leadership in the battle against Daemon. Following the tournament, Talia’s next objective would be to find the remaining three Divine.
She knew that Tear was still studying at the Grand Shrine in search of clues to Abaddon’s plans or the potential whereabouts of the other three. Tear would need to remain at the Grand Shrine for her own protection until Talia could return with the others.
“But what would I do once I have found the other divine?” Talia thought to herself. She still had no idea where to find Daemon’s heart, but could only fear that it lie within the Scar, which would be impossible for them to enter.
Talia continued to ponder upon the hopelessness of her task and could not help but be pulled back to her thoughts of Alec and how much she wished that he were still with her.
“Are you going to go see him?”
Eliza smiled as Talia blushed.
“I will see you later then, don’t be out too late.” Talia took her leave as Eliza left to work with her other cadets. Talia turned and walked in the direction of the Kaldur home in order to cleanse herself before she left to visit Alec. As she walked, she came upon a young woman and a small girl who looked like her younger sister, pushing a cart laden with flowers. Talia thought to herself in a moment and decided that she had one extra stop after she visited Alec. Talia continued on through the nobles’ district until she came upon the Kaldur house where she could already hear the sounds of Baldur and Aurick fighting one another to be the first to greet her at the door.
“Down boys.” Talia commanded as she pushed open the door and began to squeeze herself past the overly excited hounds. Quickly, she scurried across the room, ran up the stairs, and closed the door behind her. Taking a deep breath, Talia slid down the back of the door and allowed herself to slump for a moment until she thought of the vacant washroom. She rose and walked to her wardrobe, removed her casual attire, opened her bedroom door, crossed the hallway to the washroom, and secured the door behind her.
Later, as Talia knelt beside Alec giving him the last of the sap for the day, she turned her head and looked to Oz.
“Would you enjoy going with me to the ariaflies’ valley?” Oz perked up his head and turned in the direction of the flowers that Talia had been bringing Alec. She looked the lion hawk in the eye and smiling, nodded her head.
“Scree!” Oz jumped down from his perch and stretched his flank before trotting over to Talia.
“Alright then, I will show you the way.” Talia reached out to pet Oz and he ducked his head down, allowing her to climb up on his back. “Alright Oz, where we are going is just west of Valascaa.” Oz got himself a running start and took off in the direction Talia pointed. As he lifted off from the ground, he shoved hard against the earth with the massive strength of his legs and wings and kicked at the tall hedges as he soared overhead.
Talia held on tightly to the griffin’s mane as they soared higher until he passed over the high walls of the Capitol. Talia took a moment to take in the view around her; after a moment looked back towards Oz’s bearing.
“Down there Oz.” she spoke as she pointed to a small island that lay just west of Valascaa. It bore a large rock face in its center, which was surrounded by forest. “We are headed to the second plateau,” she informed her friend as he began to descend. Talia focused on their destination. She could already see the glistening water crashing against the sides of the island and the enormous trees spreading their massive branches.
She steered Oz towards a clearing on the backside of the rock face where a second shelf among rocks was wedged between two natural pillars, which nearly hid it from sight. Oz touched down on the ground and Talia dismounted and guided Oz deeper into the shelf. As she walked, she could already smell, on the gentle breath of the wind, the rare blossoms that grew here. As the wind blew, she caught the first chorus of the song sang by the ariaflies.
“Now Oz, remember do not scare the ariaflies. They are kind. They are singing fairies. They mean us no harm, so no eating any of them.” Oz snorted as if offended by the insinuation that he would do such a thing, though he continued to follow Talia with a slight dip to his head as if a child robbed of its fun.
“Good boy, now the ariaflies are quite shy and will not come out unless they trust us. They enjoy music as well and, if we are patient, they may sing for us. Would you enjoy that?”
“Bree!” Oz hummed quietly giving Talia the sense that, even though being a natural hunter of things smaller than himself, he was ready to be calm, still, and wait for the ariaflies to come to him. Talia nodded her head to Oz and slowly they walked between the two rock faces and came in sight of the valley.
Talia’s eyes were filled with colors of the familiar sight of the wildflowers, abundant in variety ranging from lavender, to rosy red, bright pink and yellow. She knew that, normally, multiple varieties of flowers would not bloom in the same place, but in the garden of the ariaflies, ancient magic sowed the land together. Talia closed her eyes and breathed in the sweet aroma of the blossoms as she walked towards a small patch of wild grass and lay on her back, staring at the sky. Oz approached and sat next to her and waited patiently.
After a few moments, a blissful breeze struck through the wind, causing the petals of the flowers to sway as if ballroom dancers. The breeze struck through the grass and the humming of instruments could be heard. Talia looked to Oz who lifted his head at the sight of glowing lights that began to appear from the cover of the flower fields.
Talia watched in awe as the tiny fairies began to appear all over and commence singing f their song. A soothing wave washed over Talia as she listened to the slow melody; yet, at the same time she could feel a terrible ache in her heart. She turned her head and looked up at Oz.
“Hearing this song reminds me of home. From atop Highmoore Tower, you could hear the song of the ariaflies every night. It was how we knew that everything would be alright. This song however is a lament, a song that expresses a mourning or longing. The ariaflies are crying.” Talia continued to talk to herself as she and Oz lay in the meadow. Talia closed her eyes as she listened and eventually drifted off to sleep.
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