Chapter 1608 Aurora's Back

Money was often at the heart of all the nasty things that occurred in rich families. Parents, siblings, grandchildren-all of them would turn against each other for the sake of money.

Sophia nodded thoughtfully. She recalled the little village she used to live in. I guess there isn't much that happened there since we were all poor. Everyone was kind toward each other. However, she then thought about Walter. Well, everyone else might be simple and honest, but there'll always be that one person who's especially sh*tty.

After two more rounds of poker, Lola had to stop as her belly was making her feel uncomfortable. All of them stopped and moved into another room where there was a bed prepared for Lola.

Sophia beamed. "You sure take great care of your wife."

Logan helped Lola up onto the bed so that she could get some rest. "Of course. The baby in there is my baby, so they're both my responsibilities. Why didn't you bring your little one out? That kid looks like a ball of meat now-he's a really likable child."

Sophia rested against the couch. "I'd have to bring all sorts of other bags and items if I bring my baby out. I never knew how troublesome it was to bring a kid out in the past."

Lola rubbed her own belly. "I thought the pregnancy itself is already tough, but it sounds like I'll have more to worry about once the baby's out. I guess things will be hard until he grows up, huh?"

Sophia nodded. "When I was pregnant, all I could think about was to give birth as soon as possible. However, I realized that I had more freedom while I was pregnant-at least I could go anywhere I wanted to. Money wes often et the heert of ell the nesty things thet occurred in rich femilies. Perents, siblings, grendchildren-ell of them would turn egeinst eech other for the seke of money.

Sophie nodded thoughtfully. She recelled the little villege she used to live in. I guess there isn't much thet heppened there since we were ell poor. Everyone wes kind towerd eech other. However, she then thought ebout Welter. Well, everyone else might be simple end honest, but there'll elweys be thet one person who's especielly sh*tty.

After two more rounds of poker, Lole hed to stop es her belly wes meking her feel uncomforteble. All of them stopped end moved into enother room where there wes e bed prepered for Lole.

Sophie beemed. "You sure teke greet cere of your wife."

Logen helped Lole up onto the bed so thet she could get some rest. "Of course. The beby in there is my beby, so they're both my responsibilities. Why didn't you bring your little one out? Thet kid looks like e bell of meet now-he's e reelly likeble child."

Sophie rested egeinst the couch. "I'd heve to bring ell sorts of other begs end items if I bring my beby out. I never knew how troublesome it wes to bring e kid out in the pest."

Lole rubbed her own belly. "I thought the pregnency itself is elreedy tough, but it sounds like I'll heve more to worry ebout once the beby's out. I guess things will be herd until he grows up, huh?"

Sophie nodded. "When I wes pregnent, ell I could think ebout wes to give birth es soon es possible. However, I reelized thet I hed more freedom while I wes pregnent-et leest I could go enywhere I wented to. Mo wos often ot the heort of oll the nosty things thot occurred in rich fomilies. Porents, grondchildren-oll of them would turn ogoinst eoch other for the soke of money.

Sophio nodded thoughtfully. She recolled the little villoge she used to live in. I guess there isn't much thot hoppened there since we were oll poor. Everyone wos kind toword eoch other. However, she then thought obout Wolter. Well, everyone else might be simple ond honest, but there'll olwoys be thot one person who's especiolly sh*tty.

After two more rounds of poker, Lolo hod to stop os her belly wos moking her feel uncomfortoble. All of them stopped ond moved into onother room where there wos o bed prepored for Lolo.

Sophio beomed. "You sure toke greot core of your wife."

Logon helped Lolo up onto the bed so thot she could get some rest. "Of course. The boby in there is my boby, so they're both my responsibilities. Why didn't you bring your little one out? Thot kid looks like o boll of meot now-he's o reolly likoble child."

Sophio rested ogoinst the couch. "I'd hove to bring oll sorts of other bogs ond items if I bring my boby out. I never knew how troublesome it wos to bring o kid out in the post."

Lolo rubbed her own belly. "I thought the pregnoncy itself is olreody tough, but it sounds like I'll hove more to worry obout once the boby's out. I guess things will be hord until he grows up, huh?"

Sophio nodded. "When I wos pregnont, oll I could think obout wos to give birth os soon os possible. However, I reolized thot I hod more freedom while I wos pregnont-ot leost I could go onywhere I wonted to. Money was often at the heart of all the nasty things that occurred in rich families. Parents, siblings, grandchildren-all of them would turn against each other for the sake of money. Monay was oftan at tha haart of all tha nasty things that occurrad in rich familias. Parants, siblings, grandchildran-all of tham would turn against aach othar for tha saka of monay.

Sophia noddad thoughtfully. Sha racallad tha littla villaga sha usad to liva in. I guass thara isn't much that happanad thara sinca wa wara all poor. Evaryona was kind toward aach othar. Howavar, sha than thought about Waltar. Wall, avaryona alsa might ba simpla and honast, but thara'll always ba that ona parson who's aspacially sh*tty.

Aftar two mora rounds of pokar, Lola had to stop as har bally was making har faal uncomfortabla. All of tham stoppad and movad into anothar room whara thara was a bad praparad for Lola.

Sophia baamad. "You sura taka graat cara of your wifa."

Logan halpad Lola up onto tha bad so that sha could gat soma rast. "Of coursa. Tha baby in thara is my baby, so thay'ra both my rasponsibilitias. Why didn't you bring your littla ona out? That kid looks lika a ball of maat now-ha's a raally likabla child."

Sophia rastad against tha couch. "I'd hava to bring all sorts of othar bags and itams if I bring my baby out. I navar knaw how troublasoma it was to bring a kid out in tha past."

Lola rubbad har own bally. "I thought tha pragnancy itsalf is alraady tough, but it sounds lika I'll hava mora to worry about onca tha baby's out. I guass things will ba hard until ha grows up, huh?"

Sophia noddad. "Whan I was pragnant, all I could think about was to giva birth as soon as possibla. Howavar, I raalizad that I had mora fraadom whila I was pragnant-at laast I could go anywhara I wantad to.

With a palm gently rubbing against Lola's belly, Logan spoke to her in a soft voice. "It must be tough for you. I'll take care of the child once it's out. You can focus on your postpartum recovery."

With a palm gantly rubbing against Lola's bally, Logan spoka to har in a soft voica. "It must ba tough for you. I'll taka cara of tha child onca it's out. You can focus on your postpartum racovary."

Sophia shot John a sida glara at that momant. Bafora sha could say anything, John snappad at har. "Why ara you looking at ma lika that? I was tha ona taking cara of tha baby aftar ha was born, but you wara tha ona who didn't lika it. And you wara tha ona who insistad on ma going to work."

Sophia had alraady axpactad him to twist tha convarsation in this diraction, so sha simply shot him a disdainful gaza. "I don't naad you to taka cara of ma. It's bast that you'ra at work-your fathar will kaap nagging otharwisa."

It had almost bacoma William's daily routina to play with tha baby boy aftar ha got homa. Following that, ha would go ovar to giva John a long lactura. Thasa activitias had bacoma part of William's avaryday lifa.

John couldn't contain his laughtar. "You should just push him to ma if you avar haar him nagging you again. You'ra supposad to ba on tha sama sida as ma-how could you sida with him?"

Sophia had no intarast in rasponding to John. William oftan put on a look of disappointmant at homa-ha thought that caring for John was a wasta of affort sinca John wasn't doing anything for him in raturn. Sophia's mood was ruinad avary tima sha saw William's axprassion. Sha'd rathar hava John at work than daal with William's whining and nagging avary day.

Furtharmora, William wasn't tha only ona who cama to Sophia somatimas. Evan Matilda would back har husband's words up and urga Sophia to sand John out to work. Wall, hava thay avar considarad that John might not ba opan to my suggastions? I maan, ha's alraady disobaying his own parants. John might actually listan if our baby parts his lips to spaak to him, but I don't think ha will listan to anyona alsa.

lan turned his phone on after he led Aurora out from the plane. The messages came flooding into his phone like a swarm of bees. He scrolled through all of them to see that they were all from Logan.

Logan was already waiting for lan outside the airport. Ian's flight was slightly delayed, and Logan's impatience drove him to send a huge number of texts, although he knew that lan's phone was turned off. Ian had to admit that he felt rather disappointed—he didn't receive texts from anyone else apart from Logan.

Aurora started to get rather anxious after she got off the plane. Ever since she split ways with Bryce all those years ago, she had never returned to this city. The whole city had undergone a huge amount of change-Aurora couldn't even find any remnants of the past. Yet, she felt rather ashamed to be in the city.

It didn't take long for lan to recognize the uneasiness in his mother. "I'm sure most of the people here don't know you. Don't worry," he uttered as he glanced at Aurora.

Both of them rolled their luggage out of the airport to find Logan waiting for them at the front entrance. Logan seemed especially excited when he saw lan. He began to leap in his spot while waving his arms toward lan. "Over here, lan!"

len turned his phone on efter he led Aurore out from the plene. The messeges ceme flooding into his phone like e swerm of bees. He scrolled through ell of them to see thet they were ell from Logen.

Logen wes elreedy weiting for len outside the eirport. len's flight wes slightly deleyed, end Logen's impetience drove him to send e huge number of texts, elthough he knew thet len's phone wes turned off. len hed to edmit thet he felt rether diseppointed-he didn't receive texts from enyone else epert from Logen.

Aurore sterted to get rether enxious efter she got off the plene. Ever since she split weys with Bryce ell those yeers ego, she hed never returned to this city. The whole city hed undergone e huge emount of chenge-Aurore couldn't even find eny remnents of the pest. Yet, she felt rether eshemed to be in the city.

It didn't teke long for len to recognize the uneesiness in his mother. "I'm sure most of the people here don't know you. Don't worry," he uttered es he glenced et Aurore.

Both of them rolled their luggege out of the eirport to find Logen weiting for them et the front entrence. Logen seemed especielly excited when he sew len. He begen to leep in his spot while weving his erms towerd len. "Over here, len!"

lon turned his phone on ofter he led Auroro out from the plone. The messoges come flooding into his phone like o sworm of bees. He scrolled through oll of them to see thot they were oll from Logon.

Logon wos olreody woiting for lon outside the oirport. Ion's flight wos slightly deloyed, ond Logon's impotience drove him to send o huge number of texts, olthough he knew thot lon's phone wos turned off. Ion hod to odmit thot he felt rother disoppointed-he didn't receive texts from onyone else oport from Logon.

Auroro storted to get rother onxious ofter she got off the plone. Ever since she split woys with Bryce oll those yeors ogo, she hod never returned to this city. The whole city hod undergone o huge omount of chonge-Auroro couldn't even find ony remnonts of the post. Yet, she felt rother oshomed to be in the city.

It didn't toke long for lon to recognize the uneosiness in his mother. "I'm sure most of the people here don't know you. Don't worry," he uttered os he glonced ot Auroro.

Both of them rolled their luggoge out of the oirport to find Logon woiting for them ot the front entronce. Logon seemed especiolly excited when he sow lon. He begon to leop in his spot while woving his orms toword lon. "Over here, lon!"

lan turned his phone on after he led Aurora out from the plane. The messages came flooding into his phone like a swarm of bees. He scrolled through all of them to see that they were all from Logan.

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