“Letti, Letti!” said Cloud softly. I sat on his back with my head buried between his shoulders, fists clinched tightly to his fur and eyes still closed tight. “You can open your eyes now we’re here!” I opened my eyes I could not believe what I was seeing. My jaw dropped in awe as I stared mesmerized from the forest clearing of this alien world. The sun shined brightly threw the trees. The air was fresh and crisp and I could hear a stream nearby. The trees were unlike anything I had ever seen before. The circumferences of the trees were between six to ten feet thick. The height of the trees where fifty to sixty feet in the air and some of the branches formed right angles with large branches that stood like trees within the tree. The leaves weren’t your ordinary green but some had dark blue, purple, and pink leaves. The sky was a bright lavender blue. I dismounted the rabbit. I could only stare in amazement at this beautiful new world.

“I can’t believe this.” I said. Cloud starred at me grinning I told you so.

“The kingdom of Enos is not too far from here,” said Cloud anxious to get to the princess. “Follow me.” Cloud began to walk through the woods. I followed slowly behind him still in disbelief. A giant purple bird flew overhead with a fanlike tail and layered wings.

We walked through the woods and I could see in the distance a beautiful golden castle. As we drew near I could see a tall tower with what looked like a giant purple jewel set in the tower wall. Suddenly Cloud stopped. His ears were pointing straight back.

“Wow, that is amazing!” I cried. I then turned to Cloud who seemed distracted. “What is it? “I asked.

“I hear something!” he whispered. His right ear stood straight up. “Quick, hide.” We ran behind a thick blue bush. A few seconds later two unsavory men walked passed us. They were tall and dressed in gray and black with black hoods and metal boots. Cloud eyed them suspiciously through the brush. The men frightened me I remained very still hoping they would not hear my loud breathing or spot the giant white rabbit. When the men were out of sight I asked Cloud who they were.

“Something is terribly wrong.” he replied still looking in the direction of the men. “I have to get a closer look. Stay here!” He said before I could respond, he dashed off into the thicket.

“Oh, no you don’t. You are not leaving me here in the woods.” I said aloud. I followed carefully behind him, trying not to lose him. He stopped almost at the edge of the forest hiding behind the thick brush. I could see the magnificence of the castle. There were three towers surrounded by a tall golden wall. I caught up to Cloud and leaned on his back out of breath. Cloud turned around suddenly surprised to see me.

“Letti, you were supposed to stay back there.” He whispered loudly. He then gave a long sigh. “Never mind, but try not to let them see you.”

“Try not to let them see you, Cloud.” I reminded him that he was a lot bigger than me. He gave me an annoyed look before turning his attention back to the castle. We could see there were many more of the men we had seen in the forest all around the castle, on the castle wall, even stationed on the towers. “We should go now!” Cloud motioned me to get on his back.

I climbed on. “Cloud, what is going on?”I asked him.

“I will tell you once it is safe. We have to get out of here.” Cloud dashed through the woods. He ran for a long time as fast as he could. When he had ran for some time and it seemed as if we were on the other side of the forest I pulled his fur back like a horse rider a horse’s mane.

“Cloud, wait! Stop!” I yelled. He stopped suddenly jolting me forward slightly. I jumped off his back.

“Cloud, will you tell me what is going on?” He looked around nervously and when he was satisfied that we weren’t being followed he began explain.

“I fear something very bad has happened.”

“What do you mean?” His behavior made me nervous.

“Something terrible has happened. The castle has been invaded by an enemy force. I am not sure how but it doesn’t look good.”

“What about the princess?” I asked.

“I don’t know. We must go to my home. Someone there will know what has happened.”

“Okay, let’s go!” I climbed on his back and we took off again through the thicket.

We travelled again for some time. I held on to Clouds fur tightly but he didn’t seem to mind. There was something exhilarating about riding Cloud. He could turn a curb sharply with such precision. Even though I was going at a speed that would frighten a racecar driver and his fur was so soft and silky I thought it would slip through my fingers. I somehow trusted Cloud would not let me fall.

We finally came to a darker part of the woods. Cloud raced through the trees until we came to a giant tree that seemed to reach into the clouds. He continued to run as if he was going to run directly into the tree. I covered my face with one hand and held on to Cloud with other, but as we drew closer a hole appeared in the tree.

“Hold on!” He shouted and with a leap. He jumped into the hole. I gasped. We sped down a long tunnel. I could not believe the sight I saw next. It was an underground city lighted by glowing blue stones implanted in the walls. The city looked as if it had been abandoned.

Cloud seemed disturbed that the city was empty, but he continued to run through the streets until he came to a large structure in the center of town. The structure had a wide winding ramp. It was a part of the tree and it had a giant ruby at the top that gave light to the entire square. The tree inside the tree had windows all around it. I could see more rabbits staring out of some of them. There were two giant rabbits like Cloud to guard the entrance. One grey and the other white and brown spotted. When they saw Cloud they ran towards him.

“Cloud!” said the grey rabbit. Then he spotted me. “Princess! We thought you had been,” he began.

“She is not the Princess!” Cloud corrected him. “Storm, what has happened? I saw Yar soldiers had taken over the castle of Enos.”

“Oh,” he looked at me oddly then focused his attention back on Cloud. “Cloud you must hurry,” he said. “The king has been waiting for you. He will explain everything.” I hopped off Clouds back while the spotted rabbit returned to his post and followed Cloud and Storm up the ramp into a large palace hall.

Inside the palace hall there was a large stone table. Around the table was another rabbit light brown that wore a red robe over his back. There was a middle aged man wearing a crown and three young men talking around the table. When they spotted us the room grew quiet and all eyes seemed focused on me.

“Princess,” said one of the three men.

“How can this be?” said the other, then again silence.

The man with the beard stood up. “That is not my daughter!” He said giving me a piecing look.

“Cloud, what is the meaning of this?” The rabbit in the robe asked. Cloud approached the rabbit and bowed his head.

“Your highness, I will explain everything but first please tell me what has happened in Enos. Where is Celestia?”

The other men were now focused on Cloud all except one who continued to eye me suspiciously and the princess’s father. This made me feel even more uncomfortable. I glanced at the man at the table hoping he would stop eyeing me but he continued to stare at me as if I was an uninvited guest or even his enemy. I tried to ignore him by focusing my attention on Cloud. The man with the beard began to speak.

“While I was away on a trip to Nevele, the Yar prince attacked Enos. He was somehow able to overpower the princess.” He paused and glanced at me and so did everyone else.

“He was able to defeat Celestia?” repeated Cloud in disbelief.

“Yes,” he continued. “He has somehow obtained a great power. I was on my way back to the kingdom escorted by Captain Census, when we discovered the kingdom had been over thrown.”

The man that had been staring at me interjected.

“One of the soldiers escaped and found us. He explained that the Yar Prince was responsible for the invasion and he saw Julian wearing a magic ring that he used to overpower Celestia and conquer Enos. We know that the princess was taken from the palace. We don’t know where she is being held.”

“Oh, no, I was too late!”Cloud began to weep. I placed my hand on his shoulder. I felt sorry for him. It was obvious that this princess meant a lot to him.

“We have to find out where the princess is being held. We also need to determine the source of the Yar prince’s great power before he decides to take over another kingdom.”

“Cloud,” said the Rabbit king. “I evacuated the kingdom, the Yar prince may decide to strike here next. I did not want the Yar to find us unprepared. We that remained awaited your return. We will leave for Nevele tomorrow. Come forward Girl.” said the rabbit to me. I hesitated before approaching the stone table. “Who are you?”

“I think I should explain your highness,” Cloud interjected. “A week ago I had a meeting with the princess. She told me that it is very important that I travel to a far off world called Earth and locate someone there.” Cloud looked at me before he continued. “I was to bring her back to Enos. I must admit. I wasn’t quite sure who I was looking for but with the help of a power crystal. I was able to locate her. You can see why I brought her back.”

“The resemblance is astonishing.” said the rabbit king. “What is your name?”

“My name is Violet.” My voice was shaking.

“Violet, do you know why the princess wanted to bring you here?”

“No, I don’t.” I replied. The Rabbit King and the King of Enos exchanged glances.

“Cloud, you and Violet must be tired from your trip. Why don’t we allow them to catch their breath and adjourn this meeting until later on tonight?” I could tell that the king was anxious to get rid of us, at least for the moment so he could confer with the others in private.

“Your highness, I am anxious to help in the search for Celestia.” Cloud said.

“I know you are my friend. We all are. We will meet again tonight at the twentieth hour.”

Cloud and I were escorted by Storm to a beautiful room with comfortable pallets where the rabbits slept and a table full of fruits and vegetables. When we were left alone, I confronted Cloud.

“Cloud, I can’t stay here.” Cloud looked at me sadly. He was still thinking about Celestia. “It looks like whatever happened is very serious. I came to meet the princess. She is obviously in some kind of trouble. I don’t know if this is something I want to get involved with.” I tried to sound as sympathetic as possible.

“I agree.” The young man that had been staring at me in the palace hall said from the door way. “It’s far too dangerous.”

“No! She can’t leave,” said Cloud. “You can’t leave.” He turned to me. “Somehow I believe that you hold the key to solving this mystery.”

“Cloud, there’s nothing I can do here.”

“She’s right,” agreed the man. I was getting annoyed with his constant interruptions. I sensed that he was anxious to get rid of me. “If the Yar prince discovers her, he could capture her too and right now we don’t know anything about his power or how we can stop it, it will be safer for your friend to return to Earth.” With that said he turned around and walked out the door. I sat down on one of the pallets, legs crossed. Cloud sat down in the other one. He faced the wall and said nothing else.

“Who was that?” I asked somewhat annoyed that the man had so adamantly insisted that I leave. Cloud still did not respond. “I’m sorry Cloud, I didn’t come here to stick my neck out.”

Another one of the men whom I’d seen at the table came in.

“Cloud!” he called. Cloud still facing the wall mumbled to himself. “What’s wrong with him?” He turned to me smiling. “I am sorry I have not formally introduced myself. I am Nayr.”

“It’s nice to meet you!” I said not really in the mood for chit chat.

“Wow you could be Celest’s twin!” At that moment I thought about Cloud and how he had conveniently forgot to mention that I looked like the princess.

“Yeah, Cloud,” I said sarcastically, “how come you didn’t tell me that I resembled Celestia?”

Cloud continued to ignore me.

“Well I think you’re a little shorter and Celestia’s hair is much thicker.” said Nayr leaning against the table. He grabbed a piece of fruit and took a bite.

“Oh!” I said. “And you didn’t tell me she was better looking too?” I directed my comment toward Cloud.

“If you want to go Letti, why don’t you just go?” Cloud answered finally, “I have more important things to do. I’ve got to find Celest!”

“You’re leaving?” said Nayr concerned.

“Yes,” replied Cloud and I at the same time.

“That’s unfortunate,” he said.

“Well that other guy didn’t seem to think so,” I said.

“Who? Census?” said Nayr. “I did see him walking down the corridor on my way down here. He said you should go?” Nayr sounded surprised.

“He agreed that there is nothing I can do here. I am sorry, but there is nothing I can do.”

“You’re not even the slightest bit curios that you and Celest look so much alike. That isn’t enough to want to find some answers?”

“That’s what I was trying to tell her,” said Cloud.

“Look! My mom is probably worried enough as it is and all I do here is remind that king and the others of their missing princess. I understand what you’re saying Nayr but I didn’t come here to be a hero. I am just a high school student. I can’t even stand up to bullies at school, never the less some psycho with a magic ring.”

“Violet, please try and understand.” Nayr began. “It must have been shocking for the king of Enos to see someone who so closely resembled his missing daughter. We are all so worried about her but no one wants you to leave and as for Census, he and Celest are very close. There are some who say that they will marry.”

“I’m really sorry about that.” I then laughed at myself. “I keep saying I’m sorry and none of this is even my fault.”

“No one blames you.” Nayr reassured me. “Please stay,” he pleaded. Thoughts started racing through my mind. I sympathized with this terrible situation, and was also curios about princess Celestia who supposedly had my face and tracked me down on Earth but I couldn’t understand what she could possibly want from me? I could not let my mom find me missing in the morning. She would be worried sick and besides that I was also scared. What if because of my resemblance to the princes those scary soldiers that we saw in Enos come after me. Then I would never see my mom or my home ever again.

“I can’t.” I said finally.

“Nayr.” said Cloud. “It’s no use, we can’t force her to stay here, this not her fight. Come on Violet. I’ll help you get back home.” With mixed emotions, I slowly climbed on Clouds back. My stomach tightened, I felt terrible inside and part of me wanted to stay, but what could I do? Cloud galloped through the corridor and out the gate and down the entry where we first arrived. He did not say a word as he raced through the tunnels and out of the hole in the tree. I turned around to see the hole that seemed to have disappeared again. Cloud raced through the forest until he came to a clearing. He then stopped abruptly.

“Wow, I’ve had smoother rides?” I commented. He did not respond to my snide remark.

“You can use the crystal here to go home,” he said without eye contact. I looked at Cloud and wandered would I ever see him again. I didn’t know what to say. I held the crystal in the light and it made a shadow on the ground.

“Cloud, I,” I started to explain. I wanted him to understand why I had to leave.

“It’s okay.” said Cloud. He gave me a nudge with his large forehead. I hugged him around his neck. “I am sorry for bringing you here and placing you in danger. Have a safe trip home and don’t worry about us,” he said.

“Take care Cloud. I hope everything works out and I hope you find the princess. Take me Home”. I instructed the crystal. The light from the crystal continued to form a shape of a door on the ground but there was no electricity. Nothing was happening. “Take me Home” I repeated, still nothing. I began to panic. “Cloud! Cloud! Nothing is happening. Are you sure I am saying the right words?” He pondered surprised as I was that the door had not opened.

“Yes,” he replied finally. The crystal should follow your command.

“Cloud you try it!” I took off the necklace and remained the same height. I grew more anxious with each passing moment.

“I can’t.” said Cloud.

“What do you mean you can’t?” Panic turned to annoyance.

“Only you can use the crystal.” Cloud said.

“But you said that you used the crystal to find me. Cloud you said I could use the crystal to return home!”

“I don’t know why it’s not working Letti! The crystal was naturally drawn to you. I don’t know if it has something to do with your close resemblance to the princess. Try it, try it again.” He stuttered. I repeated the words again then I replaced the word home with the United States, Earth and even my address nothing worked.

“Maybe the crystal is not working. Try to transport us back to our room at the palace.”

I again held up the crystal and instructed it to send us back to our room in the Rabbit Kingdom but nothing happened. I fell to my knees on the ground.

“Cloud, you tricked me.” Tears welled up in my eyes. “You brought me here knowing that I couldn’t get back.”

“Letti, I don’t know much about the crystal. I’m sorry. I know that the princess used it to send me to Earth and we used it to return here. I don’t see why it is not working now.”

“Who else would know how to work the crystal? What about that king?” I suggested.

“Maybe,” replied Cloud unsure.

“Then let’s go!” I jumped on Clouds back and we raced back to the Rabbit Kingdom.

“I’ll take you to the king,” Cloud said as we arrived at the palace. I followed Cloud through the corridors to the king’s quarters. A guard was standing watch. Cloud instructed the guard to tell the king we were here to see him. We were immediately admitted in. We walked into the room that looked like a large suite and definitely deserving of royalty. Unlike our room it had been fitted for a human with a bed and a large window with a view. The king was standing near the window looking out.

“I wanted to come down and see you Violet, but I could not bring myself to. The loss of my daughter is still so new.” He turned around to face me. “I hope you will forgive me.”

“Your highness, I completely understand.” I sympathized. “I wish there was something that I could do to help.”

“Census said that you were leaving. I am glad that you are still here.”

“We’ll I was actually on my way back home when I ran into a problem. The crystal that brought me here does not seem to be working I thought that maybe you could help me.” I held the crystal out in my hand. The King approached me and took it from my hand.

“Yes this is one of the four crystals of Enos. Were you able to use the crystal before?”He asked.

“Yes,” I replied, “but when I asked the crystal to return me to Earth. It doesn’t do anything.”

“If the crystal obeyed you before, it should obey you again, but you are welcome to stay here until we are able figure out why it is not working.”

“Your highness, I can’t stay here.” I protested.

“My dear it doesn’t seem you have a choice.”

“Your highness,” the guard interrupted. “King Groundclaw would like to see you. It’s very urgent.”

The King placed the necklace in my hand, before heading out the door.

“I’m sorry my dear.” He followed the guard out.

“Oh, this is just great!” I exclaimed after he left. “What am I going to do now?”

“Don’t worry Letti, I promise you I will get you back home.” said Cloud.

“Don’t call me Letti. I told you before only my mom calls me Letti and by now she is probably at her wits end worried about me. How do I trust you Cloud? You got exactly what you and your little princess wanted.” I marched out of the room and I walked down the long corridor I didn’t know where I was going. I was lost in this overgrown rabbit hole.

I finally made my way back to the room I tried to slammed the door but it was swinging door that flew open high on the other side. I fell onto one of the pallets. I laid there for a while and tossed and turned worried about my mom and if I would ever see her or Earth again. Panic and frustration drove me to tears and I cried in the room all alone. Cloud didn’t even bother to show his face. I finally cried myself to sleep.

“Violet! Violet!” was a woman’s voice. When I woke up I was in the forest by a stream. There was someone sitting on the edge of the stream with their feet in the water. “Violet! Violet!”

“Yes! Yes!” I walked over to the stream it was a girl with long thick hair like black cotton wearing a purple gown. Her feet dangled in the water. I stood next to her on the edge of the stream. She looked at me and I saw my face. A chill came over me. She smiled at me.

“Don’t be afraid.” she said.

“Celestia?” I stuttered in disbelief.

She took her feet out of the water and stood up. She held out her hand to take mine. I hesitated. “It’s okay.” she smiled.

I hesitantly placed my hand in hers. She led me to a bridge that went to the other side of the stream. “Violet you must go to Jailian, tell them to go see Jailian.”

“Celestia everyone is worried about you. Your father and Census are all trying to find you. Why don’t you go to them?”

Over the bridge was a field full of colorful flowers. There was a stone bench and a fountain. We sat down on the bench, the moonlight filled the sky and everywhere flew fire flies.

She was about to tell me something and then her countenance changed she looked distracted. She stood up. “Violet I have to go now. Remember what I said and she ran off into the forest.”

“Celestia, Celestia! Come back.” I cried after her. “You didn’t tell me how to get home!”

“Violet, Violet!” I heard Clouds voice but I couldn’t see him then everything was dark.

“Cloud, Cloud I can’t see you! I can’t see you.” I cried.

“Open your eyes! Letti!” I opened my eyes and found I was back in our room.

“Letti! Letti are you all right?” Cloud was standing over me. He nudged me with his nose.

“Cloud, I, how long was I gone?” I sat up still somewhat disoriented.

“Gone?” Cloud laughed. “You have been sleeping ever since I came back for at least two hours now.”

“No, Cloud, you don’t understand. I saw her, I spoke with her!”

“Calm down Letti,” he sounded concerned.” Saw who?”


“What!” Cloud exclaimed. “No, Violet it was a dream.”

“Cloud it was not a dream! She told me about Jailan.”

“You mean Julian.”

“No Jailan!”

“Jailan!” Cloud repeated recognizing the name. “How did you know about him?”

“I keep telling you Cloud. Celestia told me.” I stood up from the pallet.

“You must tell the King.” He said.

“Right, let’s go.” I followed Cloud through the corridors and when we came close to the door I was afraid. Cloud and I were about to tell them that I had just spoken to the missing princess. They would think we were crazy. That Census person would chew me up and spit me right out. We reached the door. “Um, Cloud. Do you think this is a good idea?” I hesitated.

“What! Letti you must tell them everything that the princess told you. She might have left you a clue to rescue her.”

“But I don’t want to upset them.”

Cloud gave me a look of disbelief. “Did you talk to Celestia or didn’t you?”

“I did, but maybe it was a dream” Cloud seeing that I was about to make a run for it jumped behind me and nudged me with his bull head towards the door. The guard hearing the commotion opened the door and I fell inside. Cloud peered at me with is bottom lip poked out.

Everyone was there for the meeting the rabbit king had arranged earlier that day. Nayr who was near the entry way ran towards me and helped me up. Embarrassment over came me. Cloud did not even apologize as he sashayed by me and approached the long table. “Your highness” he greeted the rabbit king. “Your highness” he greeted the king of Enos and nodded to the others. Nayr walked me over to a chair. I thanked him for showing concern for my welfare. I noticed Census’s disapproving look. I guess he thought I’d be gone by now.

“Cloud, Violet we were just about to start. Did you rest well my dear?” asked Groundclaw as the others took their seats.

“Yes,” I began. I looked over at Cloud. I could read his mind. (You had better tell them before I do.) I didn’t know where to begin.

“Your highness,” Cloud interrupted.

“Your Highness,” I again interrupted Cloud, giving him a stern look that I should not be rushed. I hurried to beat him to the punch. “I received a message from Celestia!” I declared.

The whole room glared at me in its usual dead silence. Census’s disapproval turned into contempt. “Tell them” said Cloud assuredly.

“This afternoon Celestia spoke to me in a dream.”

The Captain sighed he stood up from his chair like a questioning prosecutor. “Violet we know that you are under a lot of stress because you were not able to return home. A dream however is not a reliable source that we can use to rescue the princess. You are obviously under a great deal of stress and only thought you spoke to the princess.” His voice was cold.

“It was more than a dream!” I explained. “She said that you should see someone name Jailian!”

“Jailan, that jackal, why would she want us to see him?” asked Groundclaw.

“I don’t know,” I replied. “That’s all she had time to say.

“This is ridiculous,” said Census. I returned his cold stare. How dare he not believe me?

“Captain,” Cloud interjected. “It is possible that the princess spoke to Violet. Violet is not from this world how would she know who Jailan is?”

“That’s true” agreed Nayr.

“Unless this is some sort of trick” said the Captain. “We don’t know why the princess wanted to bring her here. We don’t know anything about her.” Census said accusingly.

“Census” said Enos. “Are you suggesting that the girl is a spy?”

“Look!” I interjected. “I am just telling you what happened.”

“Violet is not our enemy.” Cloud defended me.

“I’m just saying we don’t know anything about her,” replied Census. I looked at the Captain he was not looking at me this time.

“Census” said the third young man. He was huskier than the others. “It couldn’t hurt if we paid Jailan a visit. He may know what his brother is up to.”

“His brother?” I repeated surprised.

“Yes,” said Census. “Jailian is Julian’s brother.”

Oh Fantastic! I thought to myself at the revelation that the madman that had kidnapped Celestia also had a brother

“Then it is settled.” said Enos. “Census, Cordom, Nayr, Cloud and Violet will locate Jailan.”

“Violet?” both I and Census repeated at the same time.

“Yes, Violet!” continued Enos. “Captain I know how you feel about the princess, but there is some reason Violet his here. My heart tells me she has a vital part in helping us find the princess, and without Celestia I fear for us all.” He then turned to me “and Violet I’m afraid at this point the only chance you have to return home is by helping us.”

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