Thank you for reading The Sinuous Bargain of a Cowardly Prince.
I hope you enjoyed the wild ride!
This first draft was completed on 5/24/2023. I plan on editing and perfecting it. While I work on that, I will also be writing the prequel, which is already uploaded to my profile: The Egregious Affair of a Cold-Hearted King. It tells the story of Queen Nadia and King Azriel, along with a glimpse into the kingdom’s history. If you’re interested, you can add it to your library for updates!
I already have a title for the second book, which I will reveal later, along with the cover. There is so much more to the story that I couldn’t cover in this book! I can’t wait to share more of this world with you.
As for the timeline of the second book... I’m planning to start writing it later this summer and post it at the beginning of August, giving myself some time to breathe. The prequel should be out earlier than that, though!
Thank you for being a part of this experience and reading along with me as I write. I appreciate all of your support for me and this imperfect story. I hope that someday, when the story is revised and cleaner, you’ll come back and enjoy it even more.
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